• Published 8th Jan 2019
  • 506 Views, 17 Comments

Where Nopony Has Ever Gone Before - Bronycommander

Dinky, together with the Eternal Knights and her closest friends find themselves in a adventure in the reaches of space.

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Chapter 1 Intruder Alert

Chapter 1: Intruder Alert!

Dinky awoke with a smile on her face as the sun shined in. “What a wonderful day!” She exclaimed after she stretched herself.

“Good morning, sweetheart.” Derpy greeted her daughter as she came down for breakfast.

“Morning, Mama! Papa!” The filly smiled at her parents and ate her meal with glee.

“Morning, my dear. Looking forward to see your friends I assume?”

“You bet, Daddy!”

“Glad to hear it. Have fun!” Her father smiled.

“Of course!” Dinky replied and walked out, seeing her cousin Tootsie Flute already waiting outside. “Hello, Tootsie!”

“Hello, I take it you slept well?” Tootsie asked with a smile

“Yep! You?”

“Like a stone, Dinky.”

“Glad to hear it. Now, let’s meet up with the others.”

“Sure thing.”

A few weeks had passed since Dinky’s adventure in Africa with Fletcher, Katja and Blau and she enjoyed every moment with her new uncle and friends. She was excited for today, as she had a picnic planned with them and her closest friends.

Ponyville went after its usual business, the residents greeted the young fillies when they walked past, returning it.

The two fillies walked out of town, towards a meadow, seeing Pip, Ruby Pinch, Pipsqueak, Tungsten Noi, together with the knights and siblings.

“Hi, Dinky!” Pip greeted with a grin, she returned it.

“Morning, Pip! Tungsten.”

“Hello, Dinky.” The older Trottingham colt replied with a friendly smile of his own.

“Nice to see you again, Dinky.” Blau waved at her with a smile, his sister did the same.

“You too.” She looked at Fletcher. “How are you doing, Uncle?”

Fray smiled at her. “I’m doing well.”

“Glad to hear it.”

And so they started their picnic, Dinky, Katja and the knights ate tomato and lettuce sandwiches, tasting very delicious, Ruby and Tootsie played tag, Noi was reading a comic, while the colts played pirates and Masterclass Dungeon Duels of Doom together.

It was a nice day, a calm wind and the warm sun made it very enjoyable as the birds were singing.

“It always reminds me what a wonderful day it was when we first met…” Dinky mumbled with a smile.

“Yeah, hadn’t it been for that…” Pip shivered. “Good thing you were there, Dinky.”

She smiled weakly. “It’s nothing Pip, I did only was right, what I had to do.”

“Yes, but thanks to you I lived back then. I was also lucky that I only got scratched by…” Pip trailed off before noticing but he was about to say and cut himself off.

Everyone knew what Pip had almost said, an uncomfortable silence filled the air as none of them knew what to say, Dinky noticed how Tungsten was sighing quietly, looking at the clouds.

“Sorry…” Pip looked at his friend with guilt.

The colt didn’t reply, his head lowered, slightly trembling.

“Tungsten, please…” Dinky tried to calm him down.

“I’m....fine…” Tungsten’s voice cracked as he looked up with a sad expression.

“I wish it hadn’t happened either. It was bad luck, wrong place, wrong time.” The little pinto colt said with sympathy in his voice. “It was…”

“I just miss her so much…” Tungsten mumbled with sadness in his voice, fighting back tears.

“Tungsten, I told you before,” Pip gave him a hug with a weak smile, “Neither I nor my mother blame her for what happened.”

Since the day Blue was forced to leave them, her son lived with Pip and his mother since this day.

“I know…I just…” He sniffed. “Want to see her again.”

Blau and Katja never met her, so they could only imagine the pain he went through, yet had sympathy, smiling weakly, Ruby, Tootsie and Noi barely knew Blue Murder, but also cared for her son greatly.

“I know it’s hard, Tungsten, but I’m sure you will meet her again,” Dinky said in a try to cheer him up.

“Yes, Tungsten, she may have ended up on the wrong side but she was never a bad pony, only wanting to keep you safe. It will take time, but I’m sure she’s out there, waiting for the moment to return.” Fletcher added, feeling a bit guilty.

Tungsten slowly smiled weakly. “I've got to keep up hope and stay strong.” He said and looked at the clouds again. “I wonder sometimes where she could be, praying to the stars she’s alright…”

“I’m sure she is. She’s very adaptive after all.” Fletcher replied, yet wondered also how Blue Murder was doing.

“Yes, she is. Maybe I worry a little too much.” The colt said, although they all understood his worry.

“You know, I sometimes wonder what else could be out there.” Pip mumbled, “I mean, could Earth be in the same universe as our world?”

“It’s a good question, Pip,” Dinky replied.

Suddenly, a loud buzzing sound echoed in their ears startling them. “What was that?” Noi asked in alert, looking around with a slightly scared expression.

“I don’t know.” Midnight said as he did look around too with a wary expression, his Blade drawn.

“Hey, look!” Dinky exclaimed in surprise and pointed at something.

Turning in the direction, they all saw what looked like a green portal. “What is that?” Ruby asked in confusion.

“I don’t know,” Fletcher said, “We should-“ The stallion never finished as he felt how he was dragged towards it, his friends as well and they hall tried to hold onto something, with the foals screaming before everything went black.

“Ugh…What just…happened?” Fletcher asked as he held his aching head, seeing that the others did the same, finding themselves in a large, white storage room.

“I don’t know…Where are we?” Midnight wondered s she slowly got up, staggering a bit.

Suddenly the lights went red and an alert sounded. “Intruder alert!” An electronic, yet female voice yelled.

“Not good!” Wolf realized and the kids got behind the knights out of instinct, slightly trembling as the sounds of boots came from outside.

Midnight, Wolf and Fletcher had their weapons ready as the door opened with a quick hiss and a group of lifeforms moved in that surprised everypony.

Humans. They appeared to wear red uniforms and were armed with angular formed rifles, looking somehow futuristic, their expressions neutral. “Drop your weapons!” One of them ordered as they trained their weapons on the knights.

The three ponies knew they couldn’t endanger the life of the children, nor did they mean harm. “Alright, we mean no harm.” The batpony said and slowly dropped his blade on the ground, Wolf and Fletcher did the same, the kids stayed silent, too scared to say anything.

One of the humans tipped on what looked like an asymmetrical, arrowhead-shaped pennant attacked to his chest and it made a quiet clicking sound. “Security to bridge, intruders are pacified.”

“Acknowledged.” Another voice replied.

The group led the Knights and ponies out of the storage room, into a hallway in the same white color and to what looked like a brig. The Knights got led into one cell, the kids get divided into two for every cell. Dinky and Tootsie shared, one Ruby with Noi, Pip with Tungsten and the siblings shared one before a humming sound reached their ears, a force-field the knights assumed to keep them inside.

“Well…could have gone worse.” Fletcher commented as Dinky took a deep breath, looking at her cousin.

“Don’t worry, Tootsie, they won’t hurt us.” She tried to calm her down, Pip did the same with Tungsten. While Ruby and Noi were new to this situation, the siblings spoke calming words to comfort them and both fillies took deep breaths too.

“I hope so.” Tootsie replied with a slightly scared voice.

They all waited anxiously for a few minutes before the door opened.

Three figures emerged, two of them armed with rifles and wearing red uniforms, saluting the other figure.

The Knights suspected the two were part of the guards that had arrested them. They both looked avenge in their builds,

But for the foals, it was different.

Alone the sight of the weapons scared them, fearing they would be executed on the spot for trespassing as they all had cold, empty expressions.

By the salute, it was clear, that the third figure appeared to be of higher rank. But it also meant that their fate would be in the hands of the higher raking human as he stepped out of the shadow.

Like with the other two humans he also wore a red uniform but they noticed had what looked like four golden circles on the collar of his uniform, making it clear he was of higher rank and authority as his cold blue eyes fell on them. Overall, he had short blond hair. His face was round with a narrow chin, his build slim.

“You were trespassing on a Federation ship, explain yourselves.” He said with a stern voice.

While nopony had an idea what he meant with Federation ship, Dinky managed to spoke up, “This is all a misunderstanding, we never meant to, or do we mean harm. Please, Mister, there’s no need for this.” Her expression was honest, hoping he would understand.

“I’m sorry, child, but I have to check on that, standard procedure.” He replied and walked out of the room with the security team.

“Oh really? Well anyone who tries to hurt an Equestrian citizen under our protection ends up in pieces. That's our standard procedure!” Wolf growled.

“He’s has a point, Wolf. He has to check if it makes sense and such.” Fletcher pointed out.

“I hope he will,” Noi said with fear in her voice.

Again, they waited anxiously for some time, a few minutes at least before the man came back and the children looked at him with hope.

“Well, it seems your reasons are plausible. But it appears the Federation hasn’t any record about talking ponies, so would be so kind to tell me about yourself?” He asked and tipped on a console next to the cell of the knights and the force-fields deactivated, allowing the ponies and human to get out.

“Sounds fair enough. I am Midnight Blade, my friends White Wolf and Fletcher Fray.” Midnight pointed to his friends.

“And I am Dinky Hooves, my cousin Tootsie Flute and my friends, Ruby Pinch, Noi, Pipsqueak, Tungsten, Katja and Blau Streifen.”

“Interesting and nice names. I am Gunnar Günther, Captain of the Federation Starship Gabilan.”

“Starship?” Pip asked confused. “Equestria had never much interest in that.”

“So, Equestria is your home planet?” Günther asked curiously.

“Not exactly. It’s a Country. We ponies live together in harmony. There are unicorns like my friends Dinky, Ruby and Tootsie, who can use magic, Pegasi ponies and Earth Ponies. Pegasi can fly and manipulate the weather. The Special Talent of a pony is represented by a ‘Cutie Mark’ on the flank, which I haven’t got one yet. Equestria is ruled by Princess Celestia and Luna. They’re Alicorns and they control the sun and moon.” Pip explained.

“Fascinating, The Federation, as far as I know, never had any records of this country, or your race at all.”

“Wait…” Ruby spoke up as she realized something. “Does that mean….” The rose unicorn started to sniff, looking to the ground. “Mama…”

Tootsie, Noi and Tungsten had the same as they slowly realized their situation, looking to the ground and quietly sniffed.

“Tootsie…” Dinky walked up to her with a weak smile. “Don’t cry, I’m sure we will find a way home.” Katja and Blau hugged Ruby and Noi, Pip did the same with Tungsten.

“I promise with my honor as Starfleet officer, I will assist you in any way I can,” Gunnar said with an honest expression, appearing to have sympathy.

“We know to appreciate your help, Captain.” Midnight replied.

“It’s my duty to help. What about a tour of the ship?” He suggested and the children slowly grinned.

“I wouldn’t mind that,” Dinky said and the knights shrugged.

“I guess it couldn’t hurt to know the way around here,” Fletcher commented as the Captain led them outside, towards the end of the corridor with looked like a large elevator, big enough for them all to fit in.

“Deck 1, bridge,” Gunnar said and they noticed how the elevator moved and a few seconds later it stopped.

“Captain on the bridge.” A voice with a British accent announced and the ponies were fascinated as the found themselves in a room with many computer screens and panes, a crew of five were working focused, one of them sitting in a chair in the middle of it, looking at the captain. He was a man light skin, broad face and slim build, shoulder-length, dark-brown hair and green eyes.

“Commander Spring, everything to report?” Günther asked him.

“No, Captain, nothing to report. I see you give our new guests a tour?”

“Yes, Commander, so they get to know around:” Gunnar said and turned to the ponies and girl. “My First officer.”

The commander smiled warmly. “A pleasure to meet you.”

“Looks like you got everything well in hand,” Fletcher commented at the organization in awe.

“Aye, I have,” Spring said with pride.

“Indeed you have, Commander. Keep me posted if there’s trouble, while I show our guests around.” Günther ordered.

“Righto, sir.”

Günther then entered the lift with his guest and said, “Deck 11, Engineering.”

Again, it took only a few seconds to arrive and he led them through the corridor to a door.

“Wow…” Pip mumbled as he saw what looked like a big, blue glowing tube in the middle of the room.

“That’s our Warp core, young colt. With that we power the entire ship.” Günther explained to them.

The children were speechless, everything looked very fascinating, even for the knights, although they didn’t understand what Warp meant. “I guess you would like to know more, but I suggest we keep the questions until after the tour.” The Captain suggested and they all nodded.

He showed them the sickbay on deck 5, every crewmember they came past greeted them friendly, and Blau became curious. “How much did that ship cost to build?”

Günther chuckled. “Economics of the federation are different. You see, the federation doesn’t need money.”

“And how big is your ship?”

“Twenty-six decks. Almost 500 meters long.”

“Sounds like a big responsibility.” The green stallion said in awe.

“It is, I assure you. Now, are you hungry?” The man asked and he heard the growl if a stomach, with Tungsten lowering his ears in embarrassment. “I take that as a yes. Let me take you to the Mess hall on Deck 2. Was also the same deck we found you.”

The mess hall was just as the guests expected it to be. A large room with tables, and windows, but strangely there was something missing. “Uhh, where the kitchen?” Noi asked confused.

“We don’t need one. We got those.” Günther walked up to what looked like a dispenser and pushed a button, and the eyes of his guest became wide.

Under the dispenser flashed a blue light and formed itself into what looked like vegetarian lasagna. “I hope you like lasagna.”

“Thank you.” Dinky managed to say and took it with her magic, fascinating the man as he prepared the food for the others too and noticed how Katja looked at one of the windows.

“No glass?” She wondered and slowly touched it, slightly starting as the window summed with a blue flash.

“Force-field,” Gunnar replied.

Despite this, they all enjoyed every bite of their meal, as it tasted good. “I must admit, however this device makes food, it’s good,” Wolf said after she finished her meal.

“We call them Replicators. Simply said, they produce food.”

“Uh-huh. Reminds me, where do we rest?” The mare asked him.

“Don’t worry, I already organized quarters in the same deck for you. Follow me.” Günther replied and led them to two doors at the end of the corridor.

Both quarters looked very comfortable. They were composed of a living area, a bedroom, and a bathroom, with the living rooms having a replicator.

“You children take the one on the right, you three adults the one on the left. And before I forget.” He gave the knights and children respectively what looked like a flat and rectangular formed pad and showed them how they worked. “Those are Personal Access Display Devices, or PADD for short. Thought you might want to know more about the Federation and such.”

“Thank you, this might come in handy.” Fletcher took one with his magic as the Captain walked to the door.

“I’d like to stay, but duty calls,” Günther said goodbye and left his guests alone.

They used the time they had to inform themselves and were quite amazed at what they found out.

According to the PADDS, it was now 2377, with the Federation being actually called United Federation of Planets, founded in 2161, by a united humanity and three alien species called Vulcans, Andorians, and Tellarites. The Federation was an interstellar alliance, composed of planetary governments that agreed to exist semi-autonomously under a single central government based on the principles of universal liberty, rights, and equality, and to share their knowledge and resources in peaceful cooperation, scientific development, space exploration, and defensive purposes. The total number of formal member worlds was over one hundred and fifty.

“Wow…Never thought humanity could become that much advanced and so…peacefully…” Fray mumbled.

“Yes. We can consider ourselves lucky we did land on one of their ships and not on a hostile species.” Midnight added. “But for now, we should get some rest.”

“Of course. Sleep well, children.” Fletcher said as he, Midnight and Wolf left for the bedroom, which consisted of double beds. The Pegasus took the pillow and blanket to sleep on the ground, leaving the beds to the stallions.

“I call bottom bunk.” Midnight Insisted, to Fletcher’s surprise.

“I thought you preferred a cupboard.”

“Yeah but in the absence of that, I prefer a bed placed anywhere except underneath a unicorn.”

Fletcher titled his head. “Why?”

“Because unicorns are most at risk from post-dimension-travel nightmares. And those beds don't look horn-proof. So if you bolt upright in the night, I'll be doing the same. I remember it well.” The batpony winced, rubbing his left flank ruefully and his friend understood.

“Oh...yeah...I remember that...I guess, it's just a good thing you don't sleep on your stomach.”

“Don't start...” Midnight replied as they both climbed in.

Dinky shared one with Tootsie, Noi with Ruby, Pip with Tungsten and the siblings with each other.

The grey filly sighed. “Looks like we got ourselves into something big, haven’t we?”

“Yes. I hope there’s a way home.” Noi replied, slightly scared.

“I’m sure the captain has a plan to help us.” Pip was confident. “After all, hope dies last.”

“Exactly, Pip. Goodnight, everyone.” Katja said and they all closed their eyes, hoping for the best.

Author's Note:

A Star Trek crossover, thought give it a try