• Published 8th Jan 2019
  • 506 Views, 17 Comments

Where Nopony Has Ever Gone Before - Bronycommander

Dinky, together with the Eternal Knights and her closest friends find themselves in a adventure in the reaches of space.

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Chapter 6 Safe and Sound

Chapter 6: Safe and Sound

Everything ached as Dinky came to, groaning in pain as she blinked, her vision slowly cleared, finding herself in a hospital room.

All her friends were also there and waking up. “Are…Are we home?” Pip asked still a bit dazed. “Is….Is the crew of the Voyager alright?” He asked as he couldn’t see them anywhere.

“They are alright and well, I can assure you. “ A female voice with an East-European accent said and they saw a nurse with a cobalt blue and dark red mane walking in. Her Cutie mark was hidden by the staff clothing he was wearing, her eyes hidden under her cap, yet was smiling. “Nurse Pin-Point, at your service.” She then turned and pointed a light into everyone’s organic eye for a few seconds. "Pupils reacting normally, good. You got a lot of visitors.”

As she left for the door, Tungsten, Pip and Fletcher could swear the Nurse was somehow familiar to them but they couldn’t tell why. Maybe they just confused her with somepony else.

“Pip!” Nancy ran in, hugging her son tightly with tears of joy. “I was so worried about you!”

“Mama…I missed you…” The little colt returned it, also crying tears of joy.

“I cannot imagine the pain of what happened to you…”

Her son slowly smiled. “I’ll be okay, mom. It’s gonna be alright.”

"Yes, it will. My little baby, my precious little colt…You mean everything in the world for me."

“My little muffin!” Derpy walked in with a relieved smile.

“Mommy…Daddy…” Dinky started to cry, hugging both her parents.

“Shh, Dinky, it’s over now.” Her father replied. “I can’t say how happy I am that you’re fine, I had really feared the worst.”

“I was scared that I would never see you again…” The filly sniffed, “And that I…” She couldn’t finish and buried her head into her mother.

“Don’t worry, little muffin, you’ll be fine,” Derpy said in a comforting voice.

“Tootsie, you’re okay!” Sparkler exclaimed as she ran in, followed by Carrot Top, Berry, Konrad, Ruby and Mitta.

“Sis!” They both hugged each other. “It was so horrible!” I never…”

“Shh, Tootsie, I’m here now. Everything’s gonna be alright. You are safe now.”

“Sparks…” The filly looked up with a tear-filled voice. “I’m sorry…”

“You have nothing to apologize for, it was an accident. I’m not mad, but very relieved that you are back and alive.” Sparker replied with a weak smile.

“Noi…I thought I had lost you like we have our parents!” Carrot top exclaimed happily to see her little sister again.

“I…I’m sorry for having worried you, sis. Mama and Papa would be very disappointed of me…” Noi lowered her head in shame.

“Noi,” Her big sister gently lifted her head up with a weak smile. “They would be just as happy as me to see you are okay. You’re the best sister I could wish for.”


“Yes.” They both hugged each other.

“Children, you’re okay!” Konrad and Ruby hugged their children, with Mitta watching smiling.

“Mama!” Blau returned the hug by his mother, crying tears of joy.

“Papa…” Katja did the same with her father.

“My precious children…” The middle-aged mare looked at them with a smile. “ I missed you so much, You are everything for us…"

“Our pride…” Her husband added, Mitta nodded, wiping a tear out of her eye.

“And the best grandchildren I could ever hope for.”

“Ruby, sweetheart, I’m so sorry. This is my fault…” Berry lowered her head in shame before she got embraced into a warm hug by her daughter.

“It was an accident, mom, it wasn’t your fault. Cheerilee and Colgate wouldn’t blame you either. I’m just happy to see you again.” Her daughter had a weak smile.

“R-right…Come here.” Berry returned the hug with a weak smile of her own.

The knights smiled warmly at the scene of the children being reunited with their caretakers before Luna and Celestia walked in with their respective families. “My loyal knights, I’m very happy to see you’re back and okay. And welcome back, Saracen and Domino.” Luna said.

“The pleasure is all ours, your highness,” Domino replied with a smile of her own as Wagensroll and his relative hugged each other.

“When I heard the news and saw what happened to you, I feared the worst.” The Earth pony sounded very relieved yet shocked at what had happened to Fletcher.

“I’m okay, Wagensroll. It takes a lot more to take me down.”

“I know, but still, hearing what happened to you really scared me, I really don’t want to lose you.” Wagensroll pointed out.

“Don’t worry, Wagensroll.” Fletcher assured as they both hugged each other.

Wolf let out a sigh, she couldn’t see her family among the visitors. Maybe they couldn’t bear seeing her like this, or were still bus somewhere else.

She looked at her wing, unlike Midnight, she couldn’t heal so easily. Even if her wing could be restored, could she ever be able to fly again? Could her family cope with what happened to her?

So many questions raced through her mind.

It was beyond anything she had ever experienced in her life, probably changing it forever

A few minutes passed, only the happy cries of the families filled the room.

The ears of the Pegasus perked up as she heard several hoof steps.

It was a deer walking in. She had a flash of black and white, the tips of her hairs as if dipped in silver and a pair of small grey antlers, the mane was ginger and hung in a wild but vibrant flow down to her shoulders. Her expression was neutral, possessed of wide ebony eyes with long eyelashes, a splash of ruddy blush-like ginger-brown over both cheeks and a pair of slightly elongated canine teeth.

Her mother.

A feeling of unease overcame her, the Wolfsong weren’t exactly a fan of such technology as her mother looked horrified at her.

“White Wolf…What did they do to you?” Fallingleaf asked in shock as she looked at the cybernetics.

She didn’t know how to answer. Would they look down on her? Disallow her? All sort of bad thoughts raced through her mind but she knew she had to answer somehow.

“Mother…I…” Wolf stuttered with fear in her voice before she received a calming hug from her father.

“It's fine, Wolf, You are our daughter and always will be, no matter what.”

“And our sister,” Wintermist added, smiling weakly. “It’s tragic what happened, but I am sure it can be fixed. You survived worse, so you will get through this too.”

“I know. I was just worried if you could take it seeing me like that.” She looked at her replaced body parts with unease.

“It was shocking at first, but we all know you’ll pull through, you always do,” Lightfoot told with a smile.

“I’m so sorry, Midnight, that this happened to you,” Supernova told with regret.

“It’s alright, it wasn’t your fault.” Midnight gave him a pat on the back.

“Yeah…Still, do you think you can recover from all this?” Supernova asked with concern and Midnight waved his hoof.

“Why shouldn’t I? I’m confident I can. Besides, my healing capabilities should have little trouble.”

“I like your optimism,” Luna said with pride.

“There is also somepony who wants to see you.” The voice of the nurse greeted their ears again and they saw her walking in, holding the door open.

Saracen wondered who it could be, as a shadow came into view, looking like a mare. He had a suspicion who it could be.

As the shadow come closer, a mare with a yellow coat with a salmon-pink dapple pattern, bright sea-blue eyes and a purple mane tied up in a traditional hairstyle walked in. She was dressed in red and ochre silks. Her cutie mark was the shell of the Murex Sea Snail.

“Varada!” Saracen exclaimed happily as she hugged him.

“Saracen…I missed you so much!” She was crying tears of joy, kissing him, with everyone smiling at the heartwarming scene. “And I’m proud of you.”

“I know and I’m glad that the Nesoran ritual with the great clam shell worked.”

“Pleasure to meet you.” Dinky managed to say with a weakened voice and the mare returned a smile.

“Likewise, Dinky. I looked forward to meet you and your friends.”

“There’s also visit for you, Tungsten,” Pin-Point added and he wondered who it could be. He knew it couldn’t be his mother, she couldn’t just walk in like that.

Slowly, the hoof steps came closer and two stallions entered, both in shackles, escorted by guards. One of them was an orange, blue-dappled batpony with a white ponytail, wearing a colored a cloth and eyepatch over his right eye, the other one a black-and-white-speckled Earth pony, possessed of a grey ponytail of a mane. Both looked relieved at Tungsten, who lowered his head the moment he saw both.

“Hey, Tungsten.” The bat pony started but the colt didn’t react at all. “I understand if you don’t want to talk to me or see me, I just…” He sighed, “Wanted to tell you I never meant it.”

“Wha…What do you mean?” Tungsten asked slightly confused, raising his head.

“I’m your uncle and your mother is one of my best friends. I never wanted to do this, I regretted every second. I understand if you don’t forgive me, I just wanted to tell you my regrets. I care for both of you a lot.” The stallion lowered his head.

“Yes, it was tragic it had to go that far.” The Earth pony continued, “We all can only hope she’s out there and okay.”

“She was my closest friend since foal hood. She ended up on the wrong side but she was never a bad pony. Taking care of you was the least I could do for her, Tungsten.” Nancy added with a weak smile.

Tungsten’s uncle walked next to him lowering his head in shame. “I understand if you hate me, won’t forgive me. I just want to let you know, I’m sorry, regretting what I had to do.”

“Shadowplay…” The colt started his voice, cracking, head lowered too. “I…I…” He took a deep breath, shaking as he slowly looked up.

“It’s fine, Tungsten. I have to live with the consequences.” Shadow replied and suddenly, he felt himself being hugged.

“I forgive you…Uncle Shadow.” Tungsten looked up, a tear leaving his organic eye.” I just miss her so much…”

He returned it. “Me too, me too.”

“Count me in. She’s one of the best mares I know. And she raised you well.” The Earth pony added with a weak smile.

“I know, Tybalt.”

Fletcher then noticed how Nurse Pin-Point seemed to smile warmly at the scene as she looked at Nancy.

“I hate to break it but what happened to the Voyager?” Dinky asked the princesses with worry in her voice and Celestia raised a hoof.

“The damage the ship took is not as serve as Captain Janeway thought. With our help, they should be able to get their ship up and running again. They currently try to repair it.”

All children and knights let out a breath of relief, it was good that the crew of the Voyager had still a chance to get home and not be stranded far from home because of them.

“And what about our…bodies?” Noi asked with a horrified voice, fearing the worst as Luna gave her a comforting smile.

“Don’t worry, the healing magic will restore what you have lost, due to the medical data we recovered from the Voyager."

“And my nanomites?” Fletcher asked curious, yet with a hint of fear in his voice.

“There is nothing to fear. The Borg nanoprobes have overpowered them but the healing magic will restore them as well.” Luna gave him a smile. "Now, viewing your memories will allow us to be more precise with the medical procedure.” She lit up her horn and a white light surrounded the room and in a blink of an eye, they found themselves on the Gabilan, being transparent, watching in awe.

“Wow, quite a fascinating idea with this…holo deck.” Wagensroll commented, “Understandable given they are years away from home.”

“Yes, it is,” Fletcher replied, seeing how the expressions of the parents became slightly one of disgust upon seeing the Ferengi.

“Should have thought twice about this business,” Shadow commented coldly at the sight of the Marauder’s destruction.

“Yes. This was also where we met Domino and Saracen again.” Midnight replied and he saw how others looked slightly shocked as they saw the Borg and what happened to the two missing knights.

“Oh my…” Saracen…” His wife mumbled in shock as she saw him as Borg Drone.

“I know, but it was thanks to them that I got freed.” He said in a comforting voice before the next part was shown.

Sharphorn slight panicked and hyperventilated as he found himself in space, only to be gently grabbed by the shoulder by Luna. “Relax, this is only a memory, nothing can happen to you.”

He slowly took deep breaths, calming down and Supernova watched the shuttle with a slight grin. “Must have been interesting to be the first ponies in space, Midnight.”

“Yes, it was quite exciting.” The Lord Commander replied, noticing how every parent gasped in shock as the Borg assimilated them, even Shadow, Tybalt and Pin-Point were slightly shocked at what they saw.

“My poor daughter!” Berry hugged the rose unicorn tightly. “You didn’t deserve this…”

“It’s okay, mom, it’s over now.” Her daughter replied before they found themselves back in the hospital room.

“You truly went through a lot, but it now it’s time to recover. We will discuss the procedure with the medical staff.” Luna said and they all, safe for the nurse, walked out of the room.

“Is something wrong?” Tungsten asked her.

“Yes. I missed you terribly.” The nurse said and lifted her cap up, revealing she was a unicorn and Tungsten started to smile.

“Mama…” A tear of joy left his eye and they both hugged each other.

“I’m so glad to see you’re okay…” She also cried tears of joy, the others watched with smiles at the scene. Then she slowly broke it, looking up to them, Pip’s expression became slightly apprehensive. “Please…” She said before clearing her throat, “I just want to see my son, nothing more.” Her voice sounded now normal without the accent and they all slowly nodded.

“Why should we deny this? You’re his mother, it’s your right.” Fletcher replied calmly.

“And I must thank you, you saved my son a second time,” Blue replied and looked at Pip. “Pip, please you don’t have to fear anything from me. I never wanted to do this, I told you and your mother.” She told with regret in her voice. “It’s difficult I know and I accept if you are upset.”

“Blue Murder,” The pinto colt started, “I forgive you. Mother does too. We both never blamed you for this. You’re the best godmother I could ever wish for, you taught me so much.” He formed a weak smile.

“I know and I’m glad to hear you forgive me. And I’m happy that Nancy took so good care of you, my son. One day, I will make up for this all.” Blue Murder replied before a voice called out.

“Nurse, are you coming? The surgery will begin shortly.” It was Doctor Stable.

“One…” Blue stopped and cleared her throat again. “One moment!” It was her East European accent again and she tipped her cap at the children and Knights. “Get well soon.” Then she walked out and the doctor entered to bring them to the surgery room.

“Captain’s Log, Stardate 54114. 8. It’s been a few hours since the surgery to make our gest whole again has begun and we managed to get our ship up and running again, having suffered no casualties among the crew.” Janeway did her log, then went to the bridge. “Mr. Paris, report.”

“I got some readings on our position. I can’t get an exact fix, but it appears we are still in the Delta Quadrant, yet over two hundred lightyears closer to the Alpha Quadrant.”

“So…we gained a few months. Get us back on course for home.”

Tungsten awoke with a slight groan, his vision was blurry, feeling dazed. He blinked a few times but his vision did only clear minimal, also noticed he saw only with one eye, his other side remained black.

Seeing his reflection in the window, he noticed he had a bandage around his eye were the eyepiece had been, the others, still sleeping, had too. Their replaced legs were slowly healing, with a hollow prosthetic in place, the same was for Midnight’s and Wolf’s replaced wing.

Despite his blurry vision, he also noticed a pair of glasses on the nightstand, with a note next to it. A speedy recovery, your mother.

He smiled and looked out of the window, seeing it was slowly getting dark, a shooting star was flying past.

Thank you for everything, Voyager.

Blue Murder, after the surgery had begun and was successful, was camping on the landscape, watching the stars, noticing a shooting star in the sky.

May your journey home be swift, Voyager. You earned it after all your help. Thank you.

Author's Note:

End of the line. Hope you enjoyed the story.

Comments ( 8 )

How the fuck did you just go from WWII to Star Trek :v

I am also a Star Trek fan and i had the idea for a while, so i thought Why not giving it a try.

Ah, that's right. That was the Enterprise, wasn't it?

Although I have not seen much Star Trek, I could read the story without any problem and enjoy it and the selected music quite good for its respected scenes, and the case of Gunther gave me to think of how James / Jessie died, old or for other way (curious thing in which I heard the soundtrack of the BFV you chose for "a black sun rise" there was a comment from a user with the name "james gunther" equal and was telling me at that time "what a coincidence" :ajsmug:)

Yes, that User was me and glad you like it

And a good ending. I'm not very invested in any of the Voyager-related Star Treks, but I'll take your word for it all on detail. Can't be as bad as those 60's special effect, eh? :trixieshiftright:

:facehoof: Oy. Disgusting, those were.

Glad you enjoyed it. And what you think about chapter 5?

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