• Published 11th Jan 2019
  • 2,226 Views, 51 Comments

Tales from the Second Age of Magic - VeganSpyro97

Former human, Allan Ryder's life was strange enough as it was. Now life has new surprises for him and his friends....or is it her friends, now?

  • ...

Chapter 1: The Return

Chapter 1:

It seemed that hospitals, those buildings so armed to the teeth to perform life altering and saving miracles on a daily basis, were all exclusively white walled and so full of disinfectants that the air became a cloying, gag-inducing nausea fest that was almost worth going to the doctor, to examine you for any kind of life-threatening malady that could arise from breathing in so many of the noxious fumes...At least, if the doctors themselves weren’t busy coughing their lungs up from exposure to the same chemicals.

As such, Canterlot hospital seemed like all the rest, and in truth, were it not for its location and most frequent clientele being the rich, famous and powerful Canterlotian elite, would be interchangeable with a great number of its brethren, with little ramifications, save for the whining of nobles at having to deal with “common, peasant doctors”.

So the buttery coloured Pegasus who walked in that evening was noticed immediately for how out of place she was. She wasn’t a noble, or even from Canterlot at all, but instead, she hailed from the much smaller township of Ponyville, to the direct south of the marble towered, capital city of Canterlot. Her pink mane was long, hanging down almost to the floor, before it curled up on itself, as though the very idea of touching the ground was a concept that terrified the brightly coloured strands. Her tail had no such issues, dragging a little behind her, yet managing to stay pristine and untrodden in the busy foyer of the medical facility.

For three months, the pegasus had been visiting the hospital, taking the time to fly all by her lonesome, up to the great capital city, all the way from Ponyville, far below. And the reason was personal.

“You can go in, Miss Shy.” The mare at the receptionists desk called almost immediately, having noticed her arrival the moment she walked in. “The Doctor just finished checking on him.”

“Thank you, Quick Keys. I’ll make sure to mention how helpful you were.” Fluttershy smiled as she trotted easily past.

“But- ma’am, all I said was that he was ready for your visit! You don’t have to-”

“Quick.” Fluttershy turned her head slightly so she could catch the mare’s gaze. “You’re so nice to everyone. It’s the least I can do.”

Quick Keys stared after the yellow mare for a moment before she simply chuckled and smiled fondly. “That mare...always too kind.”

Fluttershy continued down the familiar corridors with a reserved smile and a few kind words for those who crossed her path, until she reached the ward she was visiting: Thaumic Recovery Ward.

She retraced the steps she had taken for the last three months, until she passed under the sign for room TU-42-b. It stood for: Thaumic Unit, room number 42, sub-room b, where a single patient lay in seclusion, amongst the best medical and thaum-medical equipment that money could buy. Not that the state would charge this patient, when he was the student of the Princess of the Night.

Allan Ryder, former human, Changeling warrior, friend to many, student of the Luna Diarch, and one of the heroes of the Battle of Vancouver, lay encased in the stony remains of his own chitin, the magic that was still attempting to save his life gleaming from the many cracks that splintered and darted across the stone shell like the seemingly random and chaotic twists his- and by extension, her life as well, seemed to have taken. She was familiar with each and every one of those cracks, and remembered each and every turn their lives had taken. Even when nothing at all was happening, life just seemed...more vibrant when Allan Ryder was walking beside her. Closing her eyes did not remove the image from her mind. It only made it worse, as the stone became flesh and he choked on his own, superheated blood once again.

She opened her eyes, and the vision remained for a moment. She loved him. And she had no doubts that he lover her just as much.

“Hello again.” She said. “I’m back.”

Of course he said nothing, still bound in magical sleep that kept him from awakening before he was properly healed.

“I….wanted to tell you about Katie.” Fluttershy smiled softly at the mention of the other transformed human in her life. “She’s doing so well. She reminds me of you, actually, the way she was stumbling about and being clumsy...and slowly getting more confident.” Shy smiled broadly, remembering how Katie had knocked over the exact same vase that Allan had only a few weeks into his time on Equus. They had reacted the same way. Apologizing profusely, and promising to make it up to her. And her reaction was the same both times as well. Repairing the vase with a smile while telling them not to worry.

“She’s starting her flying lessons tomorrow.” Shy continued. “She’s been doing wing exercises all week to get herself ready.”

Allan remained silent.

“But...oh, never mind. I wouldn’t want to spoil it.” Fluttershy reached into her saddlebags and pulled out the flowers she had brought for him. She deftly plucked the ones from the glass jug on the room’s windowsill with her wingtips, then gently inserted the new ones inside. “I know how much you like daisies and sunflowers, so...I got you a bouquet. It’s got pink roses and these lovely blue flowers, too. I think Twilight said they were Morning Glories, but they look really nice. I….I hope you wake up soon.” The mare bowed her head to the petrified figure on the bed, mane hanging over her eyes. “Luna says it should be soon, but…..I’m scared that you’ll never wake up. I….I don’t want that to happen.”

She stared at him for a little longer, before she started to cry. She did not make a sound, but the tears rolled down her muzzle. “Please come back. I don’t care how. Just come back.” She whimpered. “I...I love you.”

“Awww, I love you too.”

Fluttershy’s head jerked up at the sound. The stone around her coltfriends mouth had crumbled away, leaving his muzzle exposed. It was rounder, and much fuzzier than she remembered, and still slightly constrained by the stone around it. “Uh….a little help? I’m kinda stuck.”

Fluttershy gasped, tears gushing from her eyes in rivers, as she darted forward to kiss him, eagerly.

They parted after a few moments, Allan grinning stupidly up at her. “That feels so good. But….uh...I’m still stuck.”

“Oh! Right!” Fluttershy galloped to the door, and let her lungs do their job. “DOCTOR!! HE’S AWAKE!!!”

“Ow! That hurt! Since when could you yell that loudly?” Allan asked. His voice was a lot lighter than she remembered, and a little raspier, but that could easily be because of dust in his throat.

“Um...I think I’ve needed to yell at things before…..just, I don’t normally do it around ponies…..it’s not polite.” Shy stammered, a sheepish smile on her muzzle. Then it broadened into a bright grin. “I’m so happy you’re awake!!! I could just...just… EEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!

Allan chuckled. “Kay, now that you’ve deafened me, can I trade in my other disability?”

The Doctor came in a that moment, took one look at Allan, and turned to the assistant who had trotted in behind him. “Get someone to go get the Princess! She’ll want to know her Knight is awake.”

The mare nodded, saluting the doctor before galloping off down the corridor.

“Alright, let’s get those pieces of chitin off.” The Doctor grinned, horn lighting up, and starting to gently cut into the stone with a beam of magic.

“Wait, this is my chitin?” Allan asked, confused. “What happened to it?”

“You don’t remember?” Fluttershy asked, worried that his memory may have been damaged.

“Well, no. I remember jumping up to Anna’s cage...and watching her....I didn’t imagine that, did I? She’s really….gone?”

Fluttershy nodded. “We searched everywhere, but there was just….nothing.”

Allan fell silent for a moment. “After that I was….burning. Everything hurt for a long time...and then….I remember seeing all of you, and then...nothing….”

Memory intact, good. He was okay.

“You saved the city with your stunt, but I’m afraid you burnt out the biological components of your magical systems that were linked to Unicorn and Changeling magic, to the point that there was nothing left to save.” The Doctor explained, looking at his patient sheet, having removed it from where it had been hung on the end of the bed. “Princess Twilight was able to devise a solution that, frankly, shouldn’t have worked at all. The official statement she gave is very...detailed, but the general idea was that she drained the magic from your body, stopping the continued damage to your body, repaired as much as she possibly could, then used the magic of both Ser Rainbow Dash and Ser Fluttershy to stimulate your surviving Pegasi magical systems, so that they would continue to keep you alive. Princess Twilight also explained that the result of your Changeling magic being utterly stripped from you resulted in your chitin metamorphosing in the extreme heat, encasing you in it. Now that you are sufficiently healed, it is safe to remove it.”

Allan blinked. “That was the simple version?”

The doctor, who was named Stethoscope, frowned at him. “Be thankful you didn’t have to read the entire thing.”

“Ouch.” Fluttershy muttered, knowing full well how overboard Twilight went with details.

The doctor carved off the first piece of stone, a chunk that was covering Alan's left eye, and it fell free with a soft thump on the bed-covers.

“Oh, thank the sisters.” Allan grinned. “Thought I’d gone blind on top of everything else.”

The Doctor grunted, already working on the other eye.

“So...what have I missed?”

“A lot.” Fluttershy grinned. “Your sister came back with us-”

“KATIE’S HERE?! WHERE?!” Allan nearly leapt off the bed….or, he would have, if he could move his legs. He still managed to get himself zapped by the Doctor’s spell though, eliciting a high pitched yelp from the transformed human.

“Please remain still, Ser Ryder.” Stethoscope admonished. “I’d rather not have to explain to the Princess why you are missing your head.”

“......If that spell can cut through rock, shouldn’t I be dead now?”

Stethoscope grinned. “Be thankful I know how to cast safeguards on my patients.”

Allan gulped. “Uh….thanks?”

“You’re welcome. Now sit still. I’d hate for you to lose that lovely new coat of fur.”


“Ser Ryder, please.”


Fluttershy giggled at the exchange, covering her mouth with her hoof. “Well, Katie’s learning how to walk around, and she’s starting flight lessons tomorrow. We, uh, agreed that I should do it this time, instead of Rainbow”

“What….what is she?” Allan asked.

“A Pegasus. She came through with me.”

“Ah.” Allan shifted his eyes down. Much of his head was still encased in stone, but the Doctor had moved on to his barrel, removing a piece from his breast, revealing shiny, bronze coloured fur. “And...is everyone else...okay?”

“Everyone’s fine…. A little….more...nervous now, but we’re getting better.”

“You all were….hurt, by what happened...weren’t you?”

Fluttershy gazed into those familiar, yet different, blue eyes. “Yes. Wouldn’t anyone?”

“What about you? You...you’re the one who actually...killed her.”

Fluttershy shuddered at the memory. The sight of the arrow she had fired sticking out of Chrysalis’s neck like an over-sized tree branch......ugh... “It...it’s difficult, some days...But I’ll be fine. She would have killed us. We...we had to. It could have been any of us, right?”

Allan remained silent, but nodded in agreement. “It could have been anyone.”

Stethoscope stopped his cutting for a moment, listening intently to the conversation. He’d helped clean up the aftermath, but he hadn’t seen the battle itself. Over three hundred ponies had died that day. Yet these ponies showed remorse for killing their enemy, even when she was responsible for every death. Remarkable…He resumed his cutting, removing a piece of stone along Allan's ribs.

“So...anything else? How long have I been like this?”

“Three months.” Stethoscope chimed in.

“Three…..months….” Allan murmured. “Is….is there any way we can let my parents know I’m okay?”

“The Princesses gave them a magical journal that they can use to stay in contact with us. You write a message in it, and it’ll appear in their book. Like those phones you told me about.” Fluttershy leaned in to give Allan a reassuring nuzzle.

“So, quick question.” Allan frowned, after nuzzling his marefriend back. “What’s up with my voice?”

“Your voice?”

“Yeah. It’s all higher pitched and scratchy.”

Fluttershy cocked her head. So it wasn’t just her imagination then. “I thought it might be dust from the stone, getting in your mouth.”

“Nah, I don’t feel anything down there.”


Stethoscope came back up to stand next to Allan and Fluttershy, and he was blushing intensely.

“Uh, Doc? What’s wrong?”

“Well...uh- I, um….I was removing the stone between your hind legs….and uh…”

Allan grinned. “What’s the matter Doc? I thought you wouldn’t be too fussed with seeing a sheath. You probably see tons of stallions privates in this line of work.”

The Doctor’s face lit up even brighter. “I-well-I uh, hate to inform you, but uh- there…..you….don’t have one, ma’am.”

“Ma’am? What are you going on about, I’m not…..” Allan took a moment to think about what his body was telling him, before her own face turned bright red. “Ah….um, Doctor, you can go get a female colleague to finish cutting me free if you want. While you’re at it, please let Princess Sparkle know that I’d like to see her.”

Stethoscope nodded, thankfully, before he took off like a monkey from a barrel, leaving his patient behind.

“Allan?” Fluttershy asked. “What’s going on?”

“I...I’m...uh….I’m a mare.”


“I’m a mare…”



When Princess Twilight finally arrived, she took one look at the now un-encased Allan, and burst out laughing. Not the “ha-ha, that was funny" kind, but the, “ha-ha, I just messed up”, kind. Princess Luna on the other hoof was actually laughing, finding the situation immensely enjoyable for some reason. The Princess of the Night had breezed into the room just after Stethoscope left, and promptly fell over laughing.

“Very funny, Princess.” Allan griped, forelegs crossed. “I’m totally not embarrassed about this, at all.”

Luna just smirked at her, before Twilight started to beg for Allan's forgiveness. “I’m so sorry! I tried to make sure that you’d end up in a form you’d like, but this kind of magic is completely new! I had no idea what I was doing! I’m so sorry! Please don’t hate me!!”

Fluttershy and Allan looked at each other before rolling their eyes and speaking in perfect unison. “Breathe, Twilight.”

The Princess of Friendship sucked in a lungful of air, and went through several repetitions of the calming technique her fellow Princess and former foal-sitter, Princess Cadence, had taught her. “Okay…Okay….I’m calm. I’m calm.”

“Twilight, I’m not angry.” Allan stated, making her feelings as plain as possible. “All I want to know is if you can fix this.” Twilight twisted her mouth up into a wavy line, and Allan got the message. “Crap. You really can’t?”

Twilight shook her head. “When I designed the spell, I had to make sure it couldn’t reverse, otherwise you’d just end up with a body that had been burned to a crisp again, and we’d be back to square one. So I made sure that it stuck.” She winced as Allan looked down at herself, taking in everything. “I think I did too good a job.”

“So, you can’t just go back in and make a little change?”

Twilight shook her head. “You know magical spell theory, Allan. The spell on you is powerful, and as such, is prone to instability. If I go poking around in the spell’s matrix, then it would almost definitely become unstable and reverse itself. And you’d die.”

Allan looked herself over again, taking a lot longer to examine her new features critically. “Well...i guess it’s not the worst body to be stuck in. I already know how to pick things up with my hooves, and flying isn’t an issue...It’ll just be adjusting to how a mare lives. That’s all. The only thing I have to know to be okay with this is…” She turned her gaze to Fluttershy. “Are…..are you okay with this? Cause if you don’t want to be with a mare, I under- *ump!*”

Allan was abruptly cut off by Fluttershy plugging her mouth with her own, and giving her marefriend a big, passionate kiss.

Fluttershy pulled back, and stared into Alan's eyes. “I didn’t fall in love with a stallion. I fell in love with you. I don’t care what you look like.”

Allan's open mouth and wide eyes slowly morphed into a bright, beaming grin, with glistening eyes and ears pointing perfectly upright. Without another word, she pulled Shy close and kissed her again, running a hoof through Shy’s rosy mane.

“Methinks we should leave my student and Ser Fluttershy alone for the time being.” Luna chuckled, using her magic to usher her companions out of the door. “They have some things they need to do.”

Luna made sure to conjure up a “Do not disturb!” sign, and hung it on the door handle, before trotting to the waiting room with a laugh.


Chapter 2:

“I’m gonna need a new name.” Allan said, as she trotted out of the hospital doors a few hours later, having finally received her discharge papers. Fluttershy trotted easily alongside her, a smile never leaving her muzzle. Twilight had stayed a little while, saying she wanted to talk with Princess Celestia about something to do with Spike.

“A new name?” Fluttershy asked, brushing back Allan's long, electric blue mane from her eyes. “What’s wrong with Allan, or even Allie?”

“I just….I want to really leave all that stuff behind me, you know?” The newly minted Pegasus flexed her wings. “I’m not a human anymore. Allan and Allie are human names, but I’m a Pony. I left my human life behind, and I think I should leave my old name behind too.”

“Are you sure? I like your name.”

Allan shook her head. “It’s not really mine anymore though, is it?”

Fluttershy’s smile did slip then, into a confused frown. “What do you mean?”

“Well, when all this started, I was a human guy who let people tell him who to be. Now I’m a Pegasus mare who found a new way to live. I’m not the same person I was…. You can call me Allie for now, but I think It’s the right thing to do. New life, new me. Does that make sense?”

Fluttershy shrugged, smile returning. “I don’t really know. But if you want a new name, then go for it. I’ll help you come up with some ideas, if you like.”

“Please do. You’ve been a pony a lot longer than I have. You’ll find it easier than I will by a long shot.” Allie chirped, almost prancing as she considered the future ahead of her, but then she stopped, frowning. “I feel like I’m forgetting something.”

Fluttershy smirked, hiding the grin behind her mane. “Really? Like what?”

“Something important.”


“Stop teasing me, woman! Help me remember!” Allie snapped, albeit playfully.

“It’s probably just because you’ve been asleep for so long. Because you know you haven’t been doing something, you’re making things up to do.” Fluttershy suggested, still hiding her playful smile.

“That….makes a lot of sense, actually.” Allie said, stopping still for a moment, before starting her bouncing trot again. “Oh well!”

Fluttershy smiled happily at the successful diversion. She wanted it to be a surprise.

Then she caught sight of Allie’s rear. Her wings immediately shot up. “Oh….dammit, not in public…So embarrassing….”


The train ride was full of ponies staring at Allie’s shimmering, metallic coat in awe. It was a trait that was unique to the mare, and had been even before her transformation from Changeling to Pegasus. Not only that, she had not lost all of her physical Unicorn and Changeling traits, meaning that she still possessed a leonine tail and a pair of sharp canines. That meant that other ponies liked to stare.

Especially considering that everyone knew about Allan Ryder, the Bronze shelled Changeling, who was known to be in a relationship with Fluttershy, the Element of Kindness.

“Excuse me, miss?” Allie turned her head in surprise to the little turquoise coated filly who had suddenly appeared beside her, her orange mane flopping over her eyes in her excitement. She didn’t have a cutie mark yet, but somehow, Allie knew it was going to be a good one. “Do you know Allan Ryder? You look a lot like him!”

“Oh.” Allie had to cover her mouth to quiet her laughter into a chuckle. “Yes, I do know him, very well in fact!”

“Is he your brother?”

Another chuckle. “No little one. He isn’t.”

“Oh, my mommy said that you have to be related to know someone very well….does that mean that you don’t know him?”

Allie grinned. “Of course I know him. Because he’s me.”

The little filly gasped up at the mare in front of her. “YOU!?”

“Yes, little one. I’m Allan Ryder.”

“No you aren’t! You’re a Pegasus, and he’s a Changeling!”

Allie chuckled. “How about, instead of making assumptions, you let me tell you why I’m now a mare, instead of a changeling?”

The little filly seemed to find the idea of storytime very appealing, because only three minutes later, Allie was telling not only her, but a whole gaggle of young foals the story of the battle of Vancouver, and her awakening earlier that day.

Fluttershy added in everything that Allie didn’t know, and the two wove their tale together as best they could. It was a very happy group of ponies that left that train car later on.


Allie and Fluttershy were welcomed back to Ponyville like heroes. Pinkie Pie had set up a party, because of course she had, and practically every townspony was overjoyed to attend.

Allie met up with Lyra and BonBon, and had a lovely chat about how BonBon’s store had been doing, and how Lyra’s music lessons were going.

“Ever since you turned out to be a big shot hero, loads of ponies have started visiting us.” BonBon grinned, the cream coated, blue and pink maned mare sipping at a mug of cider as she spoke. “And don’t get me started on the amount of Changeling customers I’ve been getting. They’re going nuts for my love infused candy. Even struck up a deal with King Thorax himself last month. Says he wants to give me free barrels of love charged emotion gel, and a Changeling assistant to help me discharge it, just so he can get his people a discount!”

“Only a discount? I’d have thought he’d want ‘em for free?” Allie asked, blinking owlishly.

“Eh, he’s too nice to demand that. He knows I’d go out of business if he did that.”

“Oh! And my lessons have gotten super popular! Once ponies heard about you learning to play the guitar from me, I’ve been flooded with requests! Everypony wants to emulate their heroes, right?” Lyra babbled excitedly. The mint coloured pony bounced on the spot, happily listing off a bunch of names and their desired instruments. Allie stopped her at one in particular.

“Scootaloo wants to learn how to play guitar?”

“Yeah! Said that she always wanted to help Sweetie with her singing, but never figured out how, at least, not until you inspired her.”

Allie beamed. “Aww, that’s wonderful! I’m glad I could help her out!”

“They like you, you know!” BonBon chirped. “The Crusaders?”

“I know. They’re obsessed with me because I can’t get a Cutie…..mark….” The blood drained from Allie’s face. “Oh, shit! I can get one now!”

BonBon and Lyra’s knowing grins told the mare everything, and she bolted. “FLUTTERSHYYYY!!!!”

“That was mean.” The two mares turned around, to see the Crusaders standing behind them. “Why’d you go and scare Allie off? We wanted to talk to her.”

The Crusaders were growing up, that was for sure. Everypony in town knew them as the rambunctious and precocious little fillies that barely stood as tall as a grown mare’s knee. Now though, they were only a little shorter than a grown mare, the tops of their heads now in line with fully grown unicorns horns.

They still acted like foals though.

“We wanted to ask her if she wanted us to help her find her special talent now that she’s a pony!”

Yeah. Allie had the right idea.


The party was a blast, right through to the end, until night was well and truly begun, Luna’s moon shining brightly overhead as the partygoers went their separate ways.

Fluttershy and Allie walked slowly back down the path that lead to the cottage they shared on the edge of town, wingtips curled around each others, and Allie’s tail curled around Fluttershy’s. “I wish I could get back those three months.” Allie murmured, leaning her head against Shy’s. “So much wasted time.”

Shy smiled, nuzzling Allie back. “Then make up for it now. You’ve got a lot of time to do it, to.”

Sensing something more to that comment, Allie turned to look Shy in the eyes. “What do you mean?”

“Did we ever tell you how long the average pony lives?”

“If you did, I don’t remember.” Allie admitted.

“The average pony lives for, about….two hundred and fifty years. Give or take a few decades.” Shy said, with a grin.

Allie stopped in her tracks, eyes wide and body trembling. “Two….hundred…”

“Yes, and that’s not the only surprise I have for you.”

“There’s more?!” Allie gasped. “On top of telling me my lifespan has been effectively doubled?!”


Allie blinked fresh tears as they fell from her eyes, lips curved into a quivering smile. “I-I’m gonna be able to do so much! With all of you! All of our friends! With Katie and….wait…..how old are you? I don’t think I ever asked.”

“I’ll be twenty-nine this year.”

“Twenty-nine…..You’re six years older than me?”

“Five and a half. Is that a problem?”

“Sweets, if I made a problem out of this, after you just rolled with me being a mare, then I would deserve a kick in the….well, I don’t have balls anymore, so let’s say head.”

Shy chuckled, eyes flitting up through the silver dappled pathway, to where the cottage they had shared for the last thirteen months stood. Built into a tree, crawling with all kinds of cute little animal friends, and their own little sanctuary amid the madness of the world. Home.

Allie’s eyes alighted on the structure too. “It’s good to be back.”

“It’s good to have you back.” Shy returned, planting a quick kiss on her marefriends cheek. “I missed you a lot.”

“I missed you too.” Allie returned the kiss, before getting a cheeky look in her eyes and turning the kiss into a lick on the side of Shy’s face.

“ALLIE!!” Fluttershy squealed, jumping away, cheeks burning. “That’s not for outside!”

Allie grinned. “No one else is here, sweetie. Nopony’s gonna see!”

“Still! You don’t do that! It’s embarrassing!”

“Not for me.”

“You’re- you’re impossible!”

Allie smirked. “I know.”

Shy pouted, haughtily trotting up to the door of the cottage. “Just get inside, silly mare.”

“Sure thing….” Allie trotted over, but whispered as she walked through the door, brushing her feathers over Shy’s hip. “Butterflanks…..”

Fluttershy’s wings slapped the door frame noisily, and the mare tried desperately to hold in her outraged squeal of both delight and irritation. She couldn’t give it away, not yet, but she wanted to-


Allie stopped, body going rigid, as she heard the call. She turned, slowly, to the mare standing in the hallway, holding a little bundle in her hooves. The mare had a cream coloured coat, and a vibrant, luscious pink mane that fell across her bright green eyes, and a pair of creamy wings to go with her coat. Her eyes were wide and fixed on Allie.

“K-katie?” Allie squeaked out, unable to look away from her sister.

“Allan?” Katie’s eyes were wide, and she looked at Shy, trembling. “Is it- Is it really...?”

At Fluttershy’s nod, the mare walked slowly forward, until the two siblings united in a loving embrace. “Missed you…” Was the murmured greeting they shared, and they stayed like that for a good long while. Allie and Kate both sniffled into each others shoulders, heads and necks pressed against each others.

But all hugs must, sadly, end. So the two broke apart, and Allie turned her attention to the little bundle, eyes wide, even slightly unfocused. “I remember….I know what I was forgetting now.”

She gently pulled back the blanket wrapped around the little figure, and gazed upon the little form inside.

The little Changeling was barely out of her nymph stage, her chitin still soft, pale and covered in slight speckles that made her resemble Pinkie Pie’s favourite set of cushions up at Twilight’s Castle. She had bright, intelligent green eyes like her birth mother, but the similarities ended there. While her birth mother had been cruel, this innocent little creature was without that flaw, instead full of curiosity and wonder. The chitin on her face gave an idea of what she would one day look like, a pale gray, almost white colour, that was offset by a forest green mane and a ruff of identically coloured fur growing around her neck.

The little changeling looked to Fluttershy, and called again. “Mama!”

Shy moved slowly, her muzzle creased in a soft smile as she took the little one from Katie’s hooves. “Hello, little one. Mama’s here. Mama’s back. And she brought you someone else to play with! Yes she did! This is your mama…..” She looked up, catching Allie’s eye, and whispered back to her. “You might as well choose now. She’s only gonna be calling you by it for the rest of our lives.”

Allie blinked, before bowing her head, and turning her thoughts inward, thinking hard on the kind of name she would want. She wanted to do right by this little nymph. So she had to think about what kind of person she wanted to be.

Was she a cutesy little doofus of a mare? Nah, that didn’t suit her. Was she a terrifying matron? Definitely not. She was somewhere in between, really. So she’d need a name that fit that role, something both steadfast, and bold. Both fluid, and solid. Something….static, yet thunderous…...wait a moment…...that sounded like a good name for a Pegasus, didn’t it? Thunder….Static…...Thunder. The storm that would rage in her name, and always be her friend.

“I’m your mama Static, little one.” Static Thunder said, for the first time. “And I am very glad to meet you.”

Author's Note:

Here we go again!!!