• Published 11th Jan 2019
  • 2,227 Views, 51 Comments

Tales from the Second Age of Magic - VeganSpyro97

Former human, Allan Ryder's life was strange enough as it was. Now life has new surprises for him and his friends....or is it her friends, now?

  • ...

Chapter 4: First Meetings

“So he looks human, sounds human, has human features, is human in all the ways that seem to matter most, but he ain’t human?” Applejack asked. Static looked at her farmer friend with a raised eyebrow. “My head hurts.”

“AJ, if that hurts your head, remind me to never show you the movie Inception.”


“Incept- never mind.”

“That one was really confusing.” Fluttershy nodded from where she stood beside her marefriend. They had left Rose Wing to look after Crystal, since Twilight’s letter had specifically asked for all her friends to be there to meet this new creature and make him feel welcome...well, almost all. She’d actually requested that Pinkie Pie not attend, since her energetic personality coming into close proximity with a potentially volatile creature could result in disaster. Pinkie had audibly whined upon hearing it, but surprised everypony with a degree of maturity that she rarely displayed by agreeing to hold off on meeting the newcomer until he wasn’t quite so skittish.

“Where is Rainbow Dash? The train is almost here.” Rarity queeried, her lips twisted into a frown and her brow furrowed as she spoke. “If she’s late for this….”

“Late for what?” Dash called, skidding to a sudden stop besides the other mares, who chuckled good naturedly and rolled their eyes with knowing smiles. “I did a quick fly over to Appleoosa track switch. The train’s still a couple minutes out.”

“And how long did that take ya?” AJ asked.

“About two minutes. I wasn’t rushing.”

“That’s three miles out, and you call that not rushing?”

As the two continued to banter, Rarity approached Static. “You know dear, we have yet to actually do anything about your wardrobe.”

“My wardrobe? What’s wrong with it?” Static asked, tilting her head to one side, her shiny fur catching the light and making her cheek appear almost white.

“What’s wrong with it, is that nothing you own actually goes with your body anymore. The textures, even the colours- not to mention that they’re for entirely the wrong gender.”

“Wrong gender?” Static laughed. “I can just shape- .” She realized her lapse in memory halfway through and turned her head away from Rarity in order to delivery her exclamation of understanding in a flat monotone. “Oh, right.”

“Right indeed, darling. I shall not take no for an answer, missy! You and I have a date with fabulosity!” The fashionista was grinning broadly at Static’s expression of feigned horror. “And I simply must have Fluttershy accompany you! We’ll make a day of it!”

“That sounds nice.” Shy agreed. “Maybe we can go to the spa afterwards- if your sister doesn’t mind foal sitting again.”

“Rose doesn’t mind taking care of Aster. She adores the little tyke. All we need to do is make sure Zephyr doesn’t get involved.”

Shy giggled at the thought. “Where was it Rose hit him again?”

“In the lounge, with her hoof, for hitting on her after she told him to stop. Rest in Peace, Zephyr’s left testicle.”

“It wasn’t that bad.”

“No, but it was funny. Escpecially when he kept trying after that.” Rainbow grinned, argument with Applejack over. “Maybe we could make a sport of it.”

“Ah don’t think Shy would approve of ponies regularly beatin’ the snot outta her l’il brother, Dash. Not that he don’t sometimes invite it.” The Farmpony added. “Anyway, the train’s here.”

The five mares turned their attention to the train, it’s driving wheels squealing slightly as the driver applied the brake. The train slid to a stop, steam and smoke billowing from the various pipes and pistons, all of it quickly taken care of by a multitude of enchantments that eradicated the little amount of pollution it put out.

The driver called for the passengers to disembark, and those few who had taken the train from Appleoosa to Ponyville stepped off and went about their merry way, until the station was once again, empty.

Twilight was the last to step out of the carriage. Taller than most ordinary ponies by what was now a considerable margin, the young Alicorn smiled at the sight of her friends waiting for her on the platform.

“Hi everyone!” She called, trotting easily over to the group of five before they all embraced in a big group hug, each of them chattering a welcome of their own as they did. They enjoyed the little reunion for a few moments before they broke apart, beaming at one another in joy. “It’s good to be back! I take it you got my letter?”

“Spike came and found us all right after he got it, and he made sure that Pinkie understood that surprises were definitely not a good idea.” Applejack grinned. “He’s gettin’ pretty big now, ain’t he?”

Rarity turned her head away suddenly, cheeks turning rosy and a silly grin plastering over her face. “Yes, yes he is, darling.”

Applejack raised an eyebrow at her. Twilight followed suit, before shaking her head and refocusing her attention on Shy and Static. “How is Aster?”

“Doing well. Nymphs don’t need all that much physically. Just lots of love and affection- and we’ve got plenty to spare.” Flutters replied, fluffing up her wings in an uncommon display of pride. Static noticed and grinned appreciatively.

“Good. Make sure she starts learning to speak soon. Thorax tells me that Changelings learn fast, and grow up a bit quicker than ponies do. There’s another Nymph he’s currently got his eye on at the moment. Apparently she’s very smart.”

“You’ll get along perfectly then.” Dash smirked, hovering easily overhead, lazily swaying in the breeze.

“Yes, I expect we will!” Twilight chirped happily, oblivious to Dash’s snideness. “But, enough about all that. It’s time I introduced some-”

*THONK!* “A-ha-haoooooooowwww!” The mares all turned to stare at the figure now lying on the floor, just inside of the train car doors, clutching his head in pain.

“Did he just…..” Static asked, incredulously.

“Walk into the door?” Applejack finished the question for her, her green eyes filled with amusement.

“These bucking doors!” The newcomer cried, pitifully. “Why can’t you make them taller?!”

Static had to clap her hooves over her mouth to keep herself from laughing, while Rainbow Dash fell to the floor in a heap, kicking the floor as she cackled, clutching her stomach and kicking her hind legs in the air. “He knows pony swears!!! BWA-Hahahahahahah!!!”

“The buck are you laughing at?!” Rainbow laughed even harder, while Static managed to wrestle her own mirth back down into the pit of her chest, where it bubbled in waiting.

“It’s okay Crimson. Dash just...loves physical humour.” Twilight hopped in to try and dissuade any tension, nervously laughing as well. “She loves seeing others make fools of themselves or each other, especially when it comes to pranking others, or beating them in competitions.”

The veritable giant looked down at the cyan pony, who was still giggling on the floor. “A...prankser?”

“Prankster, yes.” Twilight nodded.


“Howdy y’all.” Applejack approached, smiling pleasantly at Crimson, admiring his strong build and hardened muscles. “The name’s Applejack, though AJ works too.” The farmpony tipped her hat in greeting, before extending a hoof for him to shake.

“Uh...Hi, Applejack. I’m Crimson, like she said.” The red markings under his eyes creased a little as he gave a polite, returning smile, though it was guarded, and reserved. He seem nice enough, despite being a little skittish and nervous.

Rarity approached next, offer her own hoof, far more daintily than AJ had. “My name is Rarity, darling! It is a pleasure to meet you, though I must say your attire is positively awful.”

Even Dash, who hated getting dressed up in anything that wasn’t sufficiently “cool” enough by her standards, had to admit that the simple grey, nearly skin tight jumpsuit and slightly darker cloak he was wearing did not look either nice, or particularly comfortable. They were purely practical, and as such, were borderline ugly to look at when surrounded by so many brighter colours and higher quality materials. They just didn’t sit well with the man’s white hair and deep, reddish brown eyes, or the red patterns on his otherwise pale, though sunburnt skin.

“It’s just what I could scrape together when….” Crimson’s eyes widened as he realized what he was saying, and he stopped talking for a moment, swallowing his words and his breath. “It’s not important.”

The mares all looked puzzled by his slip up, but they said nothing.

“Well, if you’re going to be spending much time here, I would be more than happy to whip up something more comfortable for you.” The white mare was as close to Pinkie Pie’s level of excitement as she could possibly get, bouncing on her hooves and grinning broadly.

Crimson stared at her, before laughing, the nervousness receding from his voice somewhat. “That would be wonderful, thank you. I’m afraid that I have nothing to pay you with-”

“Ah-ah! No payments for friends or first time customers- especially when they are in such dire need of proper attire!” Rarity announced. It was her biggest rule. First time shoppers and close friends paid nothing for her services. Period. Not that they couldn’t repay her in other ways, such as free advertisement of her work- which was done at the same time as one enjoyed said work. “You will not pay a single bit for this! I absolutely insist. The Lady Rarity has spoken!”

“Are all you ponies like this?” Crimson asked, bewildered. “The few ponies I’ve known have generally been more reserved…”

“Yep! This town is full of crazies!” Dash chortled, finally getting back up. “And we’re the queens of crazy!”

“My name’s Fluttershy…” Fluttershy murmured, hanging back a little. As large and...unique as Crimson was, she wasn’t entirely comfortable with him. She had not been overly comfortable on Earth, though the people there had needed her help, and her bravery had pushed past her reservations. This man seemed perfectly strong, if a little unsure.

Crimson however, seemed perfectly adapted to greeting even the shyest of creatures without scaring them. He crouched down, making himself seem much smaller and smiled softly, not showing his teeth, but conveying a warmth and friendliness that was all too familiar. “Hello. It’s nice to meet you, Fluttershy.” His voice was lowered, and soft, completely calm. He stayed far enough away to give her space, yet was close enough that his quiet greeting did not require anypony to strain their ears to listen.

“We have another friend named Pinkie Pie, but…” Twilight started to explain, only to be interrupted.

“If you think we’re overbearing, you just wait til you meet her!” Dash crowed, chuckling some more.

“Why can’t I meet her now?”

“Oh, uh-” Dash stammered, trying to come up with an excuse that wasn’t ‘we didn’t want her to scare you’. “She’s- uh, busy! Yeah, she’s busy. She’s a baker, so she’s always having to work long hours!”

Of course, that lead to the obvious question. “What’s a baker?”

“YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT A BAKER IS?” Rainbow cried, eyes wide. “That’s it! We’re taking him to see Pinkie right now!”

“Dash!” Static was quick to keep the situation from devolving into madness. “Since Pinkie’s busy, do you really think that adding something else on top of everything else she’s doing would be a good idea?” She’d placed herself between Dash and Crimson, giving her a great view of her ‘this is a BAD idea face’. She got the message.

“Oh, yeah, right. She’d insist on making a cake for you, and that would just add to her workload.”

Everypony else had to struggle to hold in their laughter.

“Okay...so that means I’ve met….Fluttershy, Dash, Applejack and Rarity. I already know Twilight. That just leaves….” Crimson looked down at Static. “Who are you?”

“Me? Oh, my name is Static. Static Thunder.”

Crimson blinked, looking down at the brown coated pony with the bright blue mane, and similarly coloured eyes. “That….Sorry, but that has to be the coolest name I’ve heard so far.”

“What?! Come on!!” Dash cried, outraged. “How is her name cooler than mine?! She hasn’t even had it for a month!”

Crimson’s expression went from impressed to confused in ten seconds flat. “Um…”

Static’s eyes darted from side to side, the spotlight now on her. Crimson didn’t need to know her entire backstory from day one. “Ugh, it’s a long story.” She said, as an explanation, and left it at that.

Thankfully, Crimson didn’t say anything, letting Static have her privacy.

That was when she noticed his pointed ears. She pulled in breath at an alarming rate as she tried to contain her excitement. She leaned over to Shy and whisepered. “Oh my gosh! He’s an elf! He’s an elf! Do you see those ears?! He’s an elf!!”

Having watched the Lord of the Rings together in Static’s dreamscape not two days previously, the two mares were quite ecstatic to see something so close to a fantasy come true. “That’s it! I’m calling you elf now! There’s no way you’re stopping me!” Static grinned, exposing her teeth in a great big beam, including her remaining pair of fangs.

“What’s an elf?”

Static lasted three seconds before her excitement got the better of her.


“Okay sugarcube. Y’all are gonna be payin’ back me an’ my kin by workin in our apple orchard here. You’ll help us harvest, you’ll help us plant- you’ll help us do whatever we ask, ya hear?” Applejack explained to Crimson. “This here’s the room y’all will stay in while yer here. Keep it clean, please.”

Crimson nodded thankfully, looking around the simple yet homely bedroom.

He set his things aside, and looked out at the Apple family orchard, and it’s huge expanse of trees, and green. It was so much different than what he had known for so long. So much different than the wide and empty deserts. Cooler too.

He set what little of his things he had been allowed to keep on the dresser at the side of the room, then got himself into bed, relishing in the feel of decent quality bedsheets against his skin.

This would do. He could make something out of all this. The past could be buried and left behind now.

Lying on the small bed, Crimson drifted off to sleep with a small smile.

This could be something.
