• Published 16th Jan 2019
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To Be a Changeling - PlagueRat

A newly hatched changeling feels like the world around is more strange than it should be but can't understand why.

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Chapter 06

One thing he learned quickly was that life as a larva was boring. At the start of his day he would wake up somewhere in a pile with his fellow grubs and would have to wiggle his way out to freedom. Then he would look for a patch of moss off in a corner of the room to do his business.

The other grubs would wake soon after and start loudly hissing for food while they crawled around a caretaker. One of the smaller insect creatures, and their always seemed to be at least one in the room to watch the grubs, would begin the task of feeding them. Well, they would cater for the other grubs, but not him. He would have to wait a little while longer until the larger insect creature would return for his own meals. Only she would feed him.

After the grubs had eaten they would still crawl around and hiss at everything, but just not as loudly. They would explore the room, climb up and down the walls or have pushing contests with one another.

The contests were very straightforward. One grub would push its head against another and the first to be knocked over lost. He had been challenged every so often and had won by using a simple strategy of putting his opponent off balance by ducking his head to one side or another.

The other grub would start to push past him and then he would shove them from a new angle to sending them rolling onto their side. He had a feeling that because he was so victorious at these little scuffles, the other larva would gather around him when it was time to sleep.

Every few days one of the caretakers would bring in a couple buckets full of warm water and a stack of clean fluffy towels. One at a time, he and his fellow larva would be washed clean of any grime they picked up. He enjoyed the baths but some of the others despised it and would put up a struggle by trying to squirm away before they could be scooped up. Once washed and dried they would be let loose to transverse the chamber, free to let themselves get filthy all over again.

Later the grubs would all gather together and nap in a pile. Even when he wasn’t feeling tired, as soon as the others grouped up around him, the warmth would make him sleepy. After the nap it was feeding time again, followed by more crawling around and pushing contests until it was time for bed.

The only time he wasn’t bored was when the caretakers occasionally tested him. This was usually done by bringing in different items to see if he could figure out how to manipulate them.

He would build with colorful wooden blocks that would end up knocked over and sometimes stolen away by another larva. Return scattered figurines by putting them back into a small toy barrel which would end up being knocked over and sometimes stolen away by another larva. And stack circular rings from largest to smallest on a little platform that would end up knocked over and sometimes stolen away by another larva.

While it was annoying, the other grubs never seemed to be doing this out of any malice. It was just what they did.

This routine continued, day in and day out. As the time passed he would observe the caretakers, staying close to them and listening as they conversed with one another. Little by little he started to understand the sounds they made and without realizing it he was able to pick out words.

Simple words like food, hungry, yes and no. He also learned the names of the two caretakers that interacted with the larva the most, Lacewing and Katydid. Unfortunately when he tried to say anything, he could only hiss, gurgle or squeak.

One day things all changed however. After having just been fed he was scooped up in the magical glow of the larger creature and placed on her back. She spoke to the caretakers in the room, Lacewing and Katydid, and from what he could put together he was going to be staying with her throughout the day then returned to be with the other larva when it was time to sleep.

What she did each day differed. Usually she was accompanied by one of the smaller creatures. One that wore a helmet and another that did not. He learned the one with the helmet was called Phasmid and the one without a helmet was named Odonate. Odonate was slightly larger than most of the others creatures in the tunnels, and had a tattered purple fin that ran from the back of his head down to the end of his neck. The side of his head was also very badly scratched up.

On some days she traveled the tunnels, checking on the smaller creatures. He would just quietly observe, usually from on top of her head, clinging to her mane. Other days she stayed in a room behind a closed wooden door and looked over pieces of rolled up paper. Another day she brought him into a room with a small pool of water were she bathed, washing him also.

Another thing he noticed was whenever she crossed paths or interacted with any of the smaller creatures they always bowed to her. Customarily at the beginning of the exchange but other times they would do so at the end.

While at first she didn’t speak much directly to him, with each passing day she did more and more. He started to understand new words by listening to her. From what he could now piece together he knew her name was Chrysalis, and that he was part of a powerful species called changelings.

The sad part was that no matter how hard he tried to say something back to her, he just couldn’t get the words to properly form. The closest he could get was “hiisssaliisss,” but when he did manage to say that she was thrilled.

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