• Published 16th Jan 2019
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To Be a Changeling - PlagueRat

A newly hatched changeling feels like the world around is more strange than it should be but can't understand why.

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Chapter 71

“Why don’t you have anything fun to play with around here,” Pupa complained to Sassy.

The frown on the light cerulean unicorn’s muzzle deepened and she paused at her attempt to scrub away the pomegranate juice stains on her couch. Unable to help herself, she glared indignantly at the changeling youth who watched her imperiously from a seat perched atop her bookcase.

“You’ll have to excuse me,” Sassy hissed through her teeth, “but it’s not often I entertain foals. Or I find myself the victim of a changeling home invasion.”

“So, you don’t have any foals?” asked the nymph.

“No, I don’t,” said the unicorn.

“Why not?” inquired Pupa.

Completely astounded by the nymph’s inappropriate question, Sassy could only stammer out a jumble of incomprehensible sounds; much to the amusement of the adult changeling watching them.

“It’s very rude to ask a mare something private like that,” the unicorn finally managed to articulate once she composed herself.

“Really?” blinked the nymph. “Why?”

“Because it’s a delicate question into a mare's personal life,” huffed Sassy as she put down her scrub brush, “and you’re not exactly on my short list of creatures who I would want to share information like that with.”

“Did something bad happen?” asked Pupa in a genuinely concerned whisper.

“No, nothing bad happened,” the unicorn sighed, pressing a hoof against her forehead just under her horn. “I just never had the time with my career or found the right stallion, okay?”

“But you’re like a model, right?” questioned the nymph, who then turned to Bristletail. “Stallions like models, don’t they?”

“Generally,” answered the infiltrator with a shrug.

Finding herself once again gobsmacked, Sassy could only stare at the nymph with a slack jaw.

“What?” blinked Pupa.

“You think I look like a model?” asked the unicorn.

“Yeah?” the nymph tilted her head, causing her mane to slip over one eye. “You look like the ones in Lacewing and Katydid’s magazines.”

“T-thank you,” the unicorn smiled for the first time in what, to her, felt like forever since the changelings came along.

“You’re welcome?” Pupa said, slightly confused.

“I’m not a model though,” admitted Sassy, “just a manager of a fashion boutique here in Canterlot.”

“Does that matter to a stallion?” asked the nymph.

“Well, no, normally it doesn’t, and I don’t see why it would,” the unicorn responded, “but I haven’t been able to find a stallion who suits my taste.”

“Your tastes?” Pupa quirked an eyebrow inquisitively.

“Yes, you know, like one who’s strong and handsome but not a self-centered mass of muscles,” explained Sassy. “Intelligent but not to the point where he has no common sense.”

“Wut?” blinked the nymph.

“Perhaps this is just from my own personal observations, but ponies who tend to be very book smart are often lacking in street smarts.” elaborated the unicorn.

Befuddled, Pupa looked over to Bristletail.

“She’s saying someling who’s read a bunch of books may know a lot, but they lack the wisdom that comes from actual life experiences,” the infiltrator translated.

“Oh,” Pupa said.

“Yes,” agreed Sassy, “I find a stallion who is very worldly to be rather attractive.”

At this point the unicorn had begun to simply ooze with positive emotions, indirectly feeding both changelings as they listened to her.

“Being spontaneous is also a plus,” Sassy continued with a slightly wistful look. “Somepony who would sweep me off my hooves for a romantic getaway or maybe surprise me by going through the trouble of preparing a nice private candlelight dinner; and then afterwards we could snuggle up by cozy fire.”

Pupa lidded her eyes as the corner of her lips rose into a foreboding half smirk.

“And then he could set off a cascade of sparks down your spine as he brings you to new heights of ecstasy that you never could have imagined?” grinned the nymph.

The scowl returned to Sassy’s muzzle from the nymph’s teasing as she recognized the line she patrioted from one of her novels.

“That’s a very cruel and un-lady like way to treat somepony,” reprimanded the unicorn who then returned to attacking the stains on her couch with a little extra aggression; “and it’s completely reprehensible for any creature so young to talk that way.”

A twinge of remorse wormed its way into Pupa’s mind when she sensed the pangs of hurt, embarrassment and displeasure wafting off the Sassy pony. Frowning, she glanced at the floor and became lost in thought with the sounds of bristles on fabric in her downturned ears.

“We’re not ponies,” Bristletail commented, seeing the nymph’s reaction.

“How silly of me,” bitterly scoffed Sassy, “despite how detestable you’ve all been, I must have forgotten. I can’t believe I opened myself up like that. I almost wish you had just cocooned me so I wouldn’t have had to experience so much torment at your hooves.”

“It's not too late,” the infiltrator informed the unicorn in an even voice and narrowed eyes.

“Bug off,” grunted Sassy.

With a hiss Bristletail rose to her hooves and threateningly advanced toward the unicorn. In response Sassy tossed the scrub brush down into the bucket of soapy water and turned to defiantly face the infiltrator.

“Well, it looks like I’ve returned just in time,” called out a voice followed by the sound of a door closing.

All three sets of eyes turned toward the home’s entrance where a second Sassy Saddles stood beside a dark blue pegasus stallion. Surrounded in a field of emerald magic and being lowered to the ground behind the pair were multiple stacks of books bundled together with twine.

“I take it we’ve overstayed our welcome.” Chrysalis stated as she allowed her disguise to burn away.

“Did the library let you borrow all of those books?” Sassy blinked. “I thought there was a 5 book limit.”

“There is,” confirmed Chrysalis who then rolled her eyes. “Apparently it is called the Twilight Sparkle rule. However, for an attractive mare such as yourself, it shouldn't be surprising in the least at how far a little flirting can go.”

“W-what?!” the unicorn squawked.

“By the way, you have a date tomorrow night with the librarian,” the queen chuckled.

Sassy could only stare back at her with disbelief.

“Oh, don’t be that way. She was very nice,” Chrysalis tutted as she strolled forward, “and the thick glasses really magnified her pretty eyes.

Sassy took a cautious step backwards and swallowed down the sudden lump she found in her throat as the changeling queen neared. Chrysalis however simply passed by the unicorn without another through and made her way over to the book shelf.

“It looks like you managed to get a little sleep, are you feeling any better?” the queen asked her daughter in a much softer tone then the one she had been using with the unicorn.

“Kinda,” nodded Pupa, “I guess.”

“Any bad dreams?” Chrysalis enquired and gently levitated the nymph down to sit atop her back.

“Not really…” answered Pupa and then whispered after a pause. “Just a weird one...”

“Will you tell me about it later once we return to the hive?” asked her mother, using a wisp of magic to move the stands of cerulean hair off the nymph’s face.

Pupa gave her a small nod in conformation.

“Now then,” Chrysalis glanced over at Sassy with a small smile, “you didn’t get into the naughty ponies’ things again while I was out and upset her, did you?”

The unicorn clenched her jaw but under the changeling queen gaze she kept any rebuttal she may have had to herself.

“I got pomegranate juice on her couch and ruined it,” Pupa admitted and looked down shyly as she drew little invisible circles with a hoof against her mother’s chitin; “and I might have teased her, too much...”

“Ah, I see,” Chrysalis clicked her tongue and scrutinized the unicorn for another moment. “I wouldn’t worry about it, I’m sure our host is a mature enough mare to get over a couple of stains and some foalish jokes.”

In her most defiant move since the changelings arrived, Sassy puffed out her chest a bit and released an irate huff from her nostrils. The minorly rebellious act managed to bring the smirk back to Chrysalis’s lips.

“Careful now,” the queen warned with poisoned honey dripping in her tone, “we’re so very close to parting ways. You wouldn’t want this to end on a bad note, would you?”

Sassy withers sagged slightly, and she seemed to deflate. Submissively the mare lowered her rear onto the floor and glanced off to the side. The sour taste of shame that the pony began to radiate made Pupa wince and, feeling a tad regretful to the unicorn, she absently bit her lower lip.

“Atta girl,” Chrysalis said, “but there is still one thing I am concerned about, and we can’t leave until I’ve had my mind eased.”

The unicorn ears perked up and she quizzically turned her head back in the changeling queen’s direction.

“How can I be sure you won’t run out into the streets the moment we steep hoof out that door,” Chrysalis theatrically waved a foreleg to the exit while staring into Sassy’s eyes; “and tell everypony within earshot what we really are?”

“I-I won’t,” the unicorn began to say.

“Oh, I wish I could trust you,” the queen interrupted, putting on a false pouting expression, “unfortunately I can’t. But don’t worry little pony, we have a relatively simple way to stop you from tattling on us until we are well beyond the city’s limits.”

“W-what are you going to do?” nervously questioned the unicorn.

“We’ll just use a little something to keep you placid for a few hours,” Chrysalis gave Sassy a cheshire grin as her irises began to glow; “and it will be completely painless, as long as you don’t struggle that is.”

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