• Published 15th Feb 2019
  • 686 Views, 28 Comments

Lightning Dust: The Story Of Shadow - Whooves235

After Rainbow Dash ruins her chances of getting into the Wonderbolts, a mysterious group called the Shadowbolts approaches her with a chance for revenge

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Year 1: Part 1

Wonderbolts Academy: Spitfire’s Office

It had almost been one hour since the incident. Everypony was talking about it, about her. Lightning Dust sat in the chair outside Spitfire’s office, called there just after her lead pony badge was taken from her. She was wrongly accused of endangering civilian ponies, and soon her fate would be decided in the office.

"Lightning Dust, you may come in," one of the Wonderbolt guards said. As Lightning Dust got out of her chair she could see Spitfire’s office, and the pony herself. Spitfire had been the Captain of the Wonderbolts ever since her mentor Commander Hurricane retired. She was the youngest drill captain in the history of the Wonderbolts, and true to her name, Spitfire would spit out fire if you got her mad enough. As Lightning entered the office, Spitfire was looking down at her paperwork.

"Please, Lightning, sit," Spitfire said, and Lightning did as she was told. "Lightning, do you know why you were called here today?" she said in a calm manner.

"Yes, Ma’am," Lightning said. "I was called here because of the incident that occurred earlier today."

"Yes, Lightning," Spitfire said "Now usually, I would keep sugar-coating the incident and brush it off, but I'm going, to be frank, and say you really caused a shit show out there."

"Ma’am, I..." Spitfire put her hoof up.

"You put the lives of civilians in harm, and not just any civilians, but the elements of harmony," Spitfire said. "If Cadet Rainbow Dash had not intervened, then this would be a very different scenario than it is right now."

"But Ma’am I was just trying to!....." Lightning Dust said before yet again getting interrupted.

"Lightning, I am trying to be nice right now, but this whole thing is not to be taken lightly. You almost killed the Elements of Harmony," Spitfire said. "And I have been told to let you go from the academy."

"Ma’am?" Lightning said, her pupils shrinking.

"Cadet Lightning Dust, by the rules of the Wonderbolts, I'm afraid you must be sent home immediately."

Lightning Dust looked at her former Commander. She was not going to take this.

"Ma’am, I am not at fault here. If Rainbow Dash had been concentrating when we made that tornado then none of this would be happening!" she said sternly. "I am one of the best flyers you have ever had, and if you let me go then you’re going to regret it!"

Spitfire was now staring at Lightning. Without a word she got up and grabbed an old dusty file off her filing cabinet.

"Lightning Dust, I let you in the Wonderbolts because I saw potential. I saw something that I had not seen since your father."

"Don't you dare bring my father into this conversation! He was-" A loud banging sound cut her off as Spitfire banged her hoof on the metal filing cabinet.

"Your father was a murderer and almost killed me and all my friends!" Spitfire shouted. "He was reckless, deceptive, and above all only cared for himself!"

"He may have been a murderer, but he’s still my father!" Lightning yelled back. "If It wasn’t for Prism and that Doctor he would still be here and not locked up in Canterlot!"

"He belongs there, and by the way you’re acting you should join him!" Spitfire said before she realized what she had just said. She slowly walked back to her desk and turned to the window facing the Academy. "I want you packed and gone by high noon. If you’re still here, I will personally see to it a Royal Guard takes you by force. Goodbye, Lightning Dust." She signaled her guard to come and take Lightning out.

As Lightning was walking out of the office she turned to say one last thing. "I wish my Father killed you all those years ago."

Cloudsdale, 2 Hours Later

As Lightning Dust carried her belongings back to her uncle’s house she couldn’t help but sob quietly to herself.

"Stupid Spitfire. This would have never happened If you were still here, father." She continued to fly until she reached her uncles house. As she landed on the front yard she noticed two ponies standing in front of the door talking to her uncle.

"Are you sure she is ready?" Lightning’s uncle said.

"Yes, her father was her age when he received his first mission, she is ready for her initiation," one of the two ponies responded.

"Uncle Rider?" Lightning Dust said, walking to the door. "Who are these ponies? What's going on?"

"Lightning," Wind Rider said, "What are you doing home? Shouldn't you be at the academy?"

"I..." Lightning said, trying and failing to make up an excuse. "I was kicked out for endangering civilians. I'm sorry, uncle." Tears began forming in her eyes.

"Dusty," Wind Rider said softly as he walked over to hug his niece, "Come inside, it’s about time I told you some things."

Wind Rider’s House

"Lightning, your father’s family, the Dusts, are part of a long line of flyers," Wind Rider said. "Being his brother and the only one still around, it was up to me to take his place at the Bolts. However, being a Wonderbolt was not your father's destiny."

"What?" Lightning said.

"Your father, and his father, and his father's father, where a part of another flying group called the Shadowbolts. They’re like the Wonderbolts but don't have the stupid rules that got you kicked out," Wind Rider said.

"So, my father was a Shadowbolt?" Lightning said.

"Not fully," one of the two Shadowbolts said. "He passed initiation, but his first mission was a failure, so he was not fully taken in."

"Your father's mission was to kill Commander Hurricane, because the leader of the Shadowbolts saw that he would get a protegé who would destroy Equestria," Wind Rinder said. "The Shadowbolts thought that if Commander Hurricane was killed he would have never trained his protogé, but he failed and was arrested."

"So why are you telling me all of this?" Lightning Dust asked. "Am I going to have to go and kill someone?"

"No sweetie, the Shadowbolts have a plan that’s been long in the making, and because your father failed we thought that his offspring would make a good replacement."

"So, I'm going to be a Shadowbolt?" Lightning Dust said.

Author's Note:

Hey guys, thanks for reading hope you enjoyed the first chapter, more to come soon so be ready :pinkiesmile:

And Proof Editing will come soon, just be patient, my Proof Reader has his limits...