• Published 15th Feb 2019
  • 686 Views, 28 Comments

Lightning Dust: The Story Of Shadow - Whooves235

After Rainbow Dash ruins her chances of getting into the Wonderbolts, a mysterious group called the Shadowbolts approaches her with a chance for revenge

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Year 1: Part 2

The Outskirts of The Crystal Empire: One Week Later

As the cold wind blew through Lightning’s fur, she could feel that she was way in over her head. After finding out about the Shadowbolts she was told that in one week the Shadowbolts would return to pick her up so she could meet their leader. After a week they fulfilled that promise and told Lightning to pack her bags and come with them to the outskirts of the Crystal Empire.

"Where exactly are we going?" Lightning said to one of the Shadowbolts.

"The Shadowbolt Camp was created in secret. Our founder created it on the outskirts of The Crystal Empire, the one place where nopony would go searching."

"Who is the founder?" Lightning asked.

"You will find out soon enough," the Shadowbolt said. The group came to a cave with a large opening, and carved into the side of the cave was a pony skull with a wing popping out of the back. As Lightning was led to the camp she was surprised to find what awaited her: an exact replica of the Wonderbolt Flight Camp standing before her, except in the colors of the Shadowbolts.

"This place is amazing," Lightning said, in awe of the sight before her. "It looks just like the Wonderbolt camp."

"The camp was created to rival the Wonderbolts, so what better way to rival them than to know how they think and how they train? So the founder built the camp to look like the Wonderbolts.”

As Lightning and the two Shadowbolts walked around, Lightning took in her surroundings. The cave was lit up by glowing stalagmite crystals, and the buildings themselves were made from storm clouds instead of regular clouds like the Wonderbolt Camp. Then she noticed something out of the ordinary: there was only one living barracks.

"Why is there only one barracks?" Lightning asked. "Where do the rest of the Shadowbolts live?"

"While the Shadowbolts are a secret organization, we lost a lot of our original team during the Crystal Wars. It was not until our new leader that we found a way to replenish our numbers," the Shadowbolt said.

"How?" Lightning Dust said.

Before the Shadowbolt replied the other Shadowbolt had spoken up.

"We are here.” As the three stopped in front of a building, Lightning recognized the architecture: it was a replica of the commanders barracks/office, but much larger.

"Our leader wishes to only speak with you alone. We will wait out here," the Shadowbolt said as the doors opened. Lightning slowly entered and prepared herself for what was to come.

Captain's Quarters/Throne Room

As Lightning walked into the captain's quarters, she noticed it was immediately different from the captain's quarters from the Wonderbolts flight camp; instead, it was an exact replica of what appeared to be Princess Celestia’s own throne room. As Lightning Dust looked around she saw that there were stained glass windows along the walls depicting moments that for her were unknown. However, one window stood out amongst the others: it was of the Shadowbolts and above them was a black unicorn stallion with glowing green eyes and a red-tipped horn. He looked to be of royalty judging by the clothing around him.

"I see you have found the picture of our founder," a mysterious voice said. As Lightning turned around she saw a tall alicorn sitting on the throne. She looked older than Celestia, with a purple and black mane and light cyan fur.

"You’re… You’re..."

"An alicorn?" She said. "Yes, quite surprising for you I'm guessing. However with Celestia as the ruler I'm surprised the entire city of Canterlot isn’t full of them."

"Who are you?"

"My Name Is Princess Cinch, the third sister of Celestia and Luna and the rightful air to the throne," she said.

"Princess Celestia and Luna have another sister?"

"Technically, they have four sisters, but we don't talk about the youngest," Cinch said. "But that’s not the point. The point is that you are here to become a Shadowbolt, and we want you to join us. We're the greatest aerial team in the Crystal Empire, and soon we’ll be the greatest in all Equestria. But first, we need a captain."

"Me, a captain?" Lightning said, shocked.

"Yes. You’re so fast and you could become the leader of our troop," Cinch said. "The best part is you have Wonderbolt training, so you are the best and most logical choice."

"But...why me?"

Cinch got out of her throne and walked to the windows, signaling Lighting to come next to her.

"Your family, the Dusts, were one of the Original Three. They were the first Shadowbolts, and had loyalty in their blood."

"My family is of flyers?" Lightning said. "Like, professional ones?"

"Yes, in a way," Cinch said. "When Nightmare Moon returned three years ago, your grandfather and the other descendants of the Original Three made a promise that they would take back their place in Equestria, and that they would do what they were meant to do."

"And what would that be?" Lightning said.

"To destroy the Wonderbolts and take back the Crystal Empire," Cinch said. "By any means necessary."

"Take back?" Lightning said, "Why would you need to take back the Crystal Empire? They already got rescued from...."

"Ahh, you’re a smart one," Cinch said.

"The Shadowbolts were created by King Sombra?" Lightning said.

"Yes, he created the Shadowbolts when he ruled the Crystal Empire. He wanted to make sure that if he ruled Canterlot, he would have ponies to defend the kingdom just like the Wonderbolts. Except we play dirty and we're not afraid to do things that are dangerous."

"So, you want me to help King Sombra?" Lightning paused to think about her decision. "What's in it for me?"

"Tell me, Lightning, what were are you planning on doing now that your dream has been crushed?"

"I haven't thought about it," Lightning said. "What can a washout like me do in Equestria?"

"You have potential, Lightning Dust. I foresee great things if you join us," Cinch said. "So, what do you say, Lightning Dust?"

Lightning Dust looked at the glass window, pondering. She knew that there was no going back after she took this deal. She could either become a Shadowbolt and serve King Sombra, or she could return home, a failure and a disgrace to her family.

"I’ll do it" Lightning said. "I’ll become a Shadowbolt."

"Excellent," Cinch said. "Now we can begin to train you, and soon you will....." A Shadowbolt ran into the building, huffing and out of breath.

"Your Highness!" the Shadowbolt said. "Urgent News!"

"Yes, what is it?" Cinch said.

"Your Magesty, a new Princess has been announced!"

"A new Princess?" Cinch said, surprised. "Who is the new Princess? Tell me!!"

"Princess Twilight Sparkle.”

Author's Note:

Hey guys, thanks for reading the second chapter, I hope you enjoyed, as usual, the proofreading will happen soon, and the next chapter will be released in a few days

For those confused about the continuity, this story takes place before Wonderbolts VS Shadowbolts and after Treating Her Right. The story will gradually explain plot points as well as hints to future stories, so stay tuned :moustache: