• Published 28th Jan 2019
  • 226 Views, 1 Comments

Red vs Blue - SinWriter7

This is a Prequel to Time Disruption by Shadic Midnight for my Two OC's, Red Sun and Blue Moon

  • ...

The Sun Rises

Phase 2:The Rising Sun (Kids Part 2)

*Intro Begins*

*Dragon Ball Super-Ultimate Battle*

"Ka Ka Ka Ka Time to end this!"

Red and Blue are seen running at each other while being hedgehogs as kids

"Gun Gun Gun Gun I cannot miss!"

A bunch of ponies are seen running but Dianna is seen staying as she watches

"Jyan Jyan Byan Byan in this Ultimate Battle!"

Dark and Karma are seen with Blue's 10 Sisters in the same house

"Ma Ma Ma Ma I can feel it!"

Red is seen as Almost A Teenager and is seen in his Dark Form while Blue is seen going Super Saiyan 1

"Ten Ten Ten Ten Soon you'll see it!"

Blue then quickly powers up to Super Saiyan 3, and then Dark Red and SSJ 3 Blue clashes with each other but a white light covers the screen

"Jyan Jyan Byan Byan Watch the world Ignite with Power!"

Then Hyper Colors is seen smiling and he gets his hands ready as he is a 16 year old Teenager

"I'll never stop no matter what the world may Say!"

Hyper Colors then does a Kamehameha Wave which is fired at the screen, then the screen breaks apart as the glass shatters and only darkness with some words could be seen

Red vs Blue

A empty forest is seen, it looked like the Evergreen Forest from MLP:FIM, then a red blue quickly speeds through The Forest, then the red blur stops by a broken down and rotten tree.

"Mom! Dad! I'm home!" Someone yells as the door opens as a red peaguses with a black scarf, who also has a blue horn along with silver wings and red eyes, and they still have a scar going across their left eye, this was Red Sun now, then Red runs and instantly sitting at a carpet inside of his house due to his speed, he was 6 years old.

"Hey Red guess what?" Dark Life asks a he jumps out of the ground.

"Yes Dad?" Red asks Dark, then Time Karma is seen walking out from her room.

"It's time" Karma puns, Dark chuckles at the pun, Red still waits for the answer.

"You're going to school tomorrow!" Dark yells, Red jumped in excitement.

"Yes! This is gonna be fun!" Red tells, he was 6 years old so he did not know the pain of school all of us knows too well.

"So, your bed time is 9:00!" Karma annoyingly confirms, but Red went to sleep already, his parents chuckled.

"Let's hope that our little kid can spread some darkness" Dark responds as he smiles.

"Well, as long as it gets him a good future like I got, then the darkness will spread" Karma responds, then Dark walks away and disappears in a dark cloud, and Karma stops time and goes somewhere before time resumes, Red was asleep, but he was very, excited.

*The Next Day*

Red was ready for school, but he decides to check up on his parents, Karma was playing around using her time stop ability that her mother had recieved.

"Hey mom! I'm going to school!" Red announces.

"Okay, have a good day!" Karma yells back, then Red goes to his father, Dark was countering the white clouds by turning them into dark clouds.

"School Day!" Red yells.

"I know! And Red! Take care of yourself!" Dark yells, Red nods before he runs fast enough ti the point that now he wears a black scarf and is a red hedgehog, he wears blue snickers and has silver eyes, but he has a red scar going across his left eye, also he has red glove, this is Red's other form, Red The Hedgehog.

"Gotta go fast!" Red yells, then he becomes a Red Blur.

"Red Sun!" A blue pony with glasses and has white hair with glaases as her cutie mark yells, this was the teacher, Red quickly is in front of the class in his pony form.

"Here!" Red yells, then the entire class looks at him.

"Okay Red, you sit next to Diana Purpleheart" The teacher confirms, then Red instantly is by Diana, she was obviously 6 years old.

"Sup, names Red" Red says to Diana, Diana was a purple alicorn with pink hair, followed by a white horn, and she had a purple heart as her cutie mark, and she had red eyes,but Diana was too busy reading a book to notice.

"Okay, I'll stop tryin' to flirt with ya" Red responds, then Diana puts the book down.

"I'm Diana, Nice to meet you Red" Diana greets, then they shook hooves, the bell rang for class to begin.

*Time Skip*

When reccess came, Red ran around the playground a lot of times in a few seconds, then Red stops as he sees A Dark Blue pony, he has black wings and a red horn, he wears a red hat, and he has a knife as his cutie mark.

"Hey!" Diana yells, then the blue pegaseus hits Diana.

"Take a hit! Now shut up before I'll hit you even harder" They yell, thier name was Blue Moon, and he was the same age as Red and Diana.

"Hey Generic Bully!" Red yells, Blue looks at him, Red then instantly charges at Blue, but Blue uppercuts Red using his top right hoof, Red is sent flying into the air.

"Scrub" Blue responds, but a red like comet comes down, it was Red, and Red kicks Blue using his lower right hoof, then a giant shockwave is sent throughout the school, but after it was done, Red stands om his four hooves while Blue slowly gets back up.

"Hit! Hit! Hit! As hard as you can! You can't beat me, I'm THE Red Sun!" Red taunts, Blue groans.

"Wow, not even a minute into our fight and you're already annoying me" Blue responds, Blue was back on his four hooves, Red started to jump in anticipation for the battle.

"I get that a lot" Red responds, then Red and Blue charges at each other, but they went so fast that Red and Blue turned into their hedgehog forms and both of their fists clashes with each other, then they kept punching as multiple more shockwaves were generated.

"Not bad" Blue says while fighting, then everpony evacuates the reccess field, then Red and Blue builds up speed.

"TAKE THIS!" Both of them yells, then Red and Blue kicks at the same time which causes both of their feets to connect, then the impact causes a explosion which causes the entire reccess field to blow up.

"Holy sh-!" A irrelevant pony was about to yell, but Red and Blue both stumbled after the explosion.

"Okay Red, looks like you have survived, for now" Blue states, Red smirks.

"Hey, I just wanna live, not just survive tonight" Red responds, Blue growls but a teacher comes between them, Red and Blue then goes back to their pony forms as the bell rings, everyone walks to class.

"We'll fight again Red, but next time, on my terms" Blue references, then Red and Blue walks to class.

*Time Skip*

School ends, Red walks as slow as possible, which was the average walking speed.

"Hey Diana" Red says as he walks with Diana.

"What do you want?" Diana asks, Red smirks.

"Well, I just wanted to ask you to explain to the Readers about my hedgehog and pony forms" Red destroys the 4th wall, Diana nods.

"Well, We live in a timeline where Hedgehog's and Ponies live with each other after the former heroes of Equestria disappeared along with the villians" Diana starts explaining.

"Sounds original" Red says, then he looks at me, but I stick my middle finger at Red, so, PISS OFF!

"Then, We all lived in peace after a few hedgehogs helped out our ponies, then after that, ponies started somehow having hedgehog offsprings, but we all dealt with it and here we are now, 1000 years later" Diana confirms, Red finishes eating his popcorn he had somehow received.

"Thanks for the exposition" Red thanks, Diana stares at Red, Red throws away the empty bag of popcorn.

"What is the real reason for you to talk to me?" Diana asks, Red chuckled.

"Well, I wanted to know if you could be my friend?" Red answers and asks, yep, now I'm confused.

"Well, because of the fact that I don't have much friends, I'll accept your friend request" Diana answers, Red jumps in excitement, then he brings out a cannon.

"Party Cannon!" Red yells, but the cannon shoots out a cannonball, but the cannon hits Red due to the cannonball, the cannonball is sent flying, Diana sees Red, Red's back is on the ground.

"Sorry Red, but no one can use the party cannon quite like Pinkie Pie" Diana responds, Red chuckles, then Diana pulls Red's top left hoof up using her top left and right hoof.

"We are gonna be great friends" Red says, then Red and Diana goes home.

*Time Skip*

Blue wakes up in his hedgehog form, Blue is immediately ready for school, then his 10 sisters runs towards him.

"Welcome to The Loud House" Blue tells you, then his 11 sisters, they are all Dark Blue like Blue, but all of them had names, and all of them were now 4 years old.

"Hello Big Brother!" Destiny yells, she was The Energetic One.

"Don't yell!" Blue yells, Destiny frowns.

"What's the deal today?" Chara Mamia asks, she was The Cool One.

"Same old stuff" Blue answers, Chara nods.

"Go knock youself out" Lowronica says, she was The Weak One.

"Tell that to yourself, oh wait, you do knock yourself out!" Blue yells, Lowronica frowns.

"Just hurry up!" Ashleave yells, she was The Crazy One, so Blue kicks Ashleave into the wall.

"Why don't you AshLEAVE!?" Blue angrily asks, Ashleave mutters some irrelevant Feminist stuff before walking to her room.

"Look, you don't run this family!" Nahmanda states, she was The Devil One.

"Niether do you Satan" Blue responds, Nahmanda growls.

"I just hope I'll live" Kylvia hopes, she was The Hopeful One.

"Well you better hope I won't go after you" Blue responds, Kylvia shakes in fear.

"Just shut up already! I do everything around here!" Bangela goes off, yep, she is definitely The Young Adult (A.K.A She likes to Over-react, Yell, and Trash Talk).

"The only thing you do around here is sleep in bed with boys, so you're use to shutting your mouth" Blue roasts, then everyone oh's.

"OOOOOH!" Everyone else yells, Bangela stays quiet, then Blue goes to his last 4 siblings, Shame, Mahbee, Chatalie, and Pyle, the four of then was the color ladies.

"Hello Blue" All four of them said in unison, they were The Same Ones As Each Other types, if that makes sense.

"Sup Spineless Sisters" Blue harshly greets.

"HEY!" All of them yells, but Blue drops some apples.

"Here's your apples everyone, don't get used to it though, I'm only doing this because our parents died" Blue explains, the his sisters starts eating the apple, Blue runs to school.


Red and Diana were walking with each other, they were both in their pony forms, Red cab easily change forms, and for his school it's ordinary for a form changing student to be there.

"So, What about your brother and sister?" Diana asks, then Red frowns.

"Well, I don't have a sister, and I prefer to not talk about my brother" Red confirms, he looks a bit ticked as he mentions his brother and he looks down.

"Oh, Well why don't you-?" Dianna was gonna ask but then she sees Red look up as some strong gusts wind starts happening.

"Now, this is on my terms" Blue responds, Red looked confused, but Blue roundhouse kicks Red through some trees, then Blue goes into his hedgehog form which only the ponies who have suffered physically and mentally can achieve, yeah I'm confused too.

"I am a, Killer In The Mirror" Blue responds while smiling.

"Well then, prepare to Set It Off!" Red yells, then Blue goes into the ground. Red looks around, but Blue comes out the ground and uppercuts Red into the sky, then Blue runs into the sky.

"Not this time!" Blue yells, but Red turns into a red ball and hits Blue with a homing attack (It's when you automically hit something with the Spin Dash), Blue is knocked back.

"Red Wind!" Red yells. then tornado shows up which has materials in it that hurts Blue.

"That's it!" Blue yells, then he jumps off of one of the couches which was in the tornado and is above Red.

"Looks like we are sky high" Red puns, but Blue's eyes turns red as he gets his hands ready.

"Lazer Beam!" Blue yells, then a giant lazer beam which is like the Kamehameha, and Red starts getting exetremely bruised up and has tons of burn marks, but Blue keeps going.

"AH!" Red yells in pain as the lazer goes on, then after Blue is finished with his Lazer Beam, he used up all of his power, and Red was too hurt to even open his eyes, so Red and Blue starts falling from the sky, other kids looks at the Lazar Beam.

"Wow! That lazer went into the outer core of this planet!" One of the small ponies confirm, everyone was in awe, but Diana was looking at the sky and she saw Red and Blue falling.

"Oh no" Diana makes a reference to Knuckles (Sonic fans will know what that means) then everyone runs away right before Red and Blue crashes into the front of the school which causes a wide dent which goes from the school to the forest nearby.

"What in tarnashin happened here!?" A cowgirl teacher who is just a light green version of Applejack, Red slowly gives a thumbs up, everyone sees this.

"Still a-alive" Red confirms, then Blue opens his eyes and gets up, Red slowly gets up and both of them goes into their pony forms, then the bell rings.

"Looks like you lived to battle me another time" Blue states, Red smirks.

"It takes more than a powerful lazer beam to kill me" Red remarks, Blue growls.

"Do you guys need any help with your wounds?" The cowgirl teacher asks, then Red and Blue falls onto the ground.

"That's a yes" Diana answers for Red and Blue.

Red and Blue are seen punching which causes their fists to clash, then they constantly continue punching each other at speeds which you could see how fast they are attacks each other, then Blue is seen a bit grown up as Red knocks him backwards, Red also looked a bit taller, then the two of them charges at each other and they grow even bigger, the force knocks both of them backwards.

"This never gets old!" Red and Blue thinks as they lands on their feets, they are seen taller again and are in 4th Grade, plus they are both 9 years old.

"And homing attacking each other" Dianna states as she starts sketching, she is also 9, then a shock-wave happens but Dianna looked normal as a tower was seen being build behind her.

"EVACUATE!" A teacher yells, then a bunch of students walk in while Dianna casually walks inside and she also looked taller, she was 10 and it was now the second to last day of school.

"ROUND 999!" Red and Blue shouts, then they both immediately tries kicking each other but their kicks cause a explosion between that sends them both into the air, Blue teleports and the both quickly punches and kicks each other while falling, then they both land on the ground on their feets.

"In the end I'M GONNA WIN!" Blue yells, then he runs at Red.

"Fighting's just begun!" Red also yells, then he runs back at Blue, then the two of them charges at each other, Blue goes to trip Red, but Red jumps over his feet and quickly spins but Blue ducks below before Red could Kick him while spinning, then when Red's finished spinning, Blue charges at Red, but Red smiles as they both get ready to punch each other.

"I'll end it in One Punch MAN!" Red yells, but Blue growls and a very thin Dark Aura is seen slightly appearing but it can't be seen.

"The only thing you'll end is my misery of fighting a idiot all the time!" Blue yells back, then the both of them punched each other's face, then the punch sends them both crashing through the walls of school.

"We're already on it" A teacher's phone was heard, then they hanged up as the hospital ponies took Red and Blue (In their Pony Forms) to the Hospital again.

"When will this end?" Dianna asks in her mind as she sees Red and Blue unconscious with a smile on each of their faces.

*Last Day of School for 5th Grade*

Diana was showing Red a Math Problem.

"So, here's what's the Scientific Notation for 50089601009?" Diana asks Red.

"Diana, you know as well that I do, that I suck at Math" Red responds, Diana chuckles.

"Yeah, so that means that I can't fix what's already broken" Diana remarks, Red smirks at the roast.

"Looks like you've learned the way to The Red" Red responds, then he sees Blue.

"Blue is behind us isn't he?" Diana asks.

"Yep, you know the drill" Red responds, then Diana and Red gets up.

"All irrelevant ponies come with me!" Diana yells, then everyone except for Red and Blue goes to a steel building where they can all watch Red and Blue battle without getting hurt ot involved, they built after Red and Blue's 100th battle.

"Ready to loose?" Blue asks, Red rolls his eyes.

"If I had got a new penny for each time I've heard those words, then I'd be a millionaire" Red remarks, Blue growls.

"You are so annoying!" Blue yells, Red yawns.

"Can we just fight now?" Red impatiently asks, then Blue goes into his hedgehog form.

"Let's do this" Blue states, Red also goes into his hedgehog form.

"Finally, words that I can listen to without yawning" Red remarks AGAIN! Apperiently everyone loves making remarks.

"FIGHT!" The irrelevant kid ponies yell, then Red and Blue charges at each other and then a bunch of quick flashes are seen, they were both in their hedgehog forms.

"Same! Old! Sh-!" Red was about to yell while clashing with Blue, until Blue kicks Red in the face.

"Less talking, More plot kicking!" Blue yells, then Red is sent flying, then Blue appears above him.

"Seriously?" Red asks, but Blue knees the back of Red's head and he teleports as Red flies even higher.

"Lazar Beam!" Blue yells as he is above Red, then he shoots out a giant lazer out of his hand, and Red is surrounded by the lazer.

"Not Again!" Red yells while the lazer keeps going on, everyone kept watching as Red was devoured by the lazer.

"Please Live" Diana whispers, then Red was yelling in pain due to the Lazer Beam while Blue was watching with joy.

"Hahahahaha! Yes! DIE!" Blue yells with with satisfaction as the Lazer Beam kept going on.

"AH!" Red yells in pain, it looks like he was gonna die, everyone was now watching with horror.

"Oh my god, It looks like Red's gonna die!" One of the other ponies yell, Diana was closing her eyes and praying.

"Please Don't Die, Please Don't Die" Diana was praying, then Blue was still going on.

"Hahahahaha!" Blue was still laughing, but Red couldn't even respond because his eyes were closed.

But Blue finally finished his Lazer Beam and started falling down, Red was also seen falling but Red was completely unconscious.

"Hahaha" Blue silently says while falling, then Red and Blue crashes onto the ground.

"MEDIC!" A teacher yell, not even teachers could stop Red and Blue, it didn't end well for any teachers.

"I'm n-not d-done" Blue weakly says as he gets up, Everyone looked at Blue.

"Blue Wins!" One of the ponies loudly confirms, then Blue smiles before he fell down.

"We really need more Medics" One of the doctors say as the other ones get Red and Blue to the hospital while they were both in their pony forms.

"Can I come?" Diana asks.

"Sure I don't see anything wrong with that" The Doctor says.

"Wait, What's your name?" Diana asks.

"Just call me The Doctor" The Doctor answers.

"Doctor Who!?" Dianna loudly asks but Red, Blue, and Diana are sent to the hospital while The Doctor watches them getting taken away.

*Later On*

"Ugh, What happened?" Red asks as he wakes up, then he sees Diana.

"You and Blue fought each other" Diana answers, then Red smiles.

"It was a tie again wasn't it?" Red asks.

"No" Diana answers, then Red looked shocked.

"Is that a joke?" Red asks again (Wow Red likes questions) until he saw Blue walking in front of him.

"Heh, That felt great" Blue states as him and Red locks eyes, then Blue walks off while Red takes in what just happened.

"Red?" Diana asks, but Red just stays silent before he finally spoke.

"I lost"

























Author's Note:

And Phase 1 is done! And don't have high expectations for this! This story is just for my OC's, Red Sun and Blue Moon, there will god knows how many Chapters after this, anyway go Read, Fav, and Follow a great Fanfiction called Time Disruption by Spark Dash! And