• Published 11th Feb 2019
  • 1,639 Views, 76 Comments

Displaced, But Nothing Goes Right - BradyBunch

A Displaced story, but every cliche and step of the way goes wrong, and most of the time I die.

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If My Dreams Get Dashed Before My Eyes and My Day Is Ruined

I knelt down, laying my sword in front of me like a proper honorable warrior that I saw all the time in anime. “I can help you do it, Nightmare. You can do it. This dream you have is a nightmare for many others. But together… we can dream a better dream.” I held out my hand. “What do you say?”

Nightmare thought about it. I could see from the way her face contorted in anguish and thought. I waited on her reply with bated breath.

Finally, Nightmare looked me in the eye and gently smiled.

“I'll try it.” She then pointed at me seriously. “One-time offer, though. If things don't turn out so well, I'll come back and kill you.”

“Fine by me,” I answered. I decided to keep my inward comment that Nightmare wouldn't be able to conquer a ShiniJedi like me.

Nightmare Moon’s lancelike horn glowed midnight blue, and she disappeared in a flash of white.

The instant she disappeared, I heard several skids behind me and a few gasps of wonder and intrigue. Several new beings had entered the castle.

I swiveled around. There, in a doorway leading to the courtyard, were six little ponies I knew very, very well. They were the legendary Mane Six, the poster ponies of friendship and the bearers of the Elements of Harmony.

Since I first began watching the show, I had noticed there was a very human portion alloted to each of them. I related to each of them as if I was spread among each entity. Twilight's nerdiness. Fluttershy's shyness. Applejack's...Hold on. Let's skip her for now. Um...Rarity's...wait, I don't know how I can relate to her either. Um, hold on. Rainbow Dash's...awesome...ness? And Pinkie Pie's’ funniness.

Okay, to rephrase that, I was disproportionally spread amongst each of the six girls. But I still loved each and every single one of them.

However, seeing all of them there in front of me, a detail I had suspicions about came back to me in full force. It wasn't that it was the girls that needed to reform Nightmare Moon. And it wasn't that I had stopped them from getting their Elements of Harmony. Those details were unnecessary. Instead, it was a detail I would notice about them immediately.

“Twilight?” Fluttershy stammered. “I d-don't know who th-this is! Who is h-he?”

“Well, he's no Nightmare Moon, that's for sure,” Rarity uneasily replied before Twilight could answer.

“Is he another spy?” Rainbow asked brashly. “Or a warrior we have to face before we take ‘er down? Like a boss fight!”

“Why aren't you anthro?” I asked abruptly. “There must be some mistake.”

Twilight lifted a suspicious eyebrow. “I'm sorry...what?”

“Anthropomorphic,” I clarified. “You know…”

Their faces portrayed confusion.

“You know, tall like me?” I asked, using my hand motions to stretch out something invisible. “On two legs...kinda human-esque, but you still have fuzzy ears and a tail and...a mane and stuff…”

“Human?” Applejack asked.

“What's a hyoo-man?” Rainbow asked. “Some kind of ear infection?”

“No, no. It's my race. Tall, two legs, fingers, stuff like that. And, um…” I used my hands to make two curving motions on my chest. “The females have, like, these...things.”

Applejack raised a thin eyebrow.

“Okay, like, these things are very...appealing to us Alpha males. Like me. There must be some kind of mistake. I must be in the wrong Equestria.”

“Hold on!” Pinkie erupted from the back. “You only want our boobs!”

“What?” I shook my head furiously. “No, no, of course-”

“Are we just sex toys?” Rarity exclaimed angrily, stamping on the ground. “That's all you're searching for in us?”

“You're a monster!” Twilight agreed, chiming her horn in defense.

“All I thought is that as long as I'm going to another land, it'll conform to my species'-”

Twilight fired a shocking spell at my chest, and I rattled in place before falling over and banging my head on the cobblestones, making black spots dance in my vision.

Author's Note:

This is the part of Displaced that is the worst form of really bad wish-fulfillment. Screw you, Anthro Horses!

I mean, not literally screw you, but you know what I mean!