• Published 31st Jan 2019
  • 2,060 Views, 105 Comments

Sarah's Adventure's in Equestria - Zipp Storm

A Spin off of MaxTV123's Ren's Adventures in Equestria story with a a few changes.

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Episode 87: Power of Nine

Ren's POV

Today me and all my friends were riding the train to Canterlot. We had our pokemon with us. Snivy was busy sleeping next to Jamie who was reading a book. But all of our pokemon were staring out the window intensely for some odd reason.

"Hey what's wrong with you pokemon?" Applejack asked.

"I don't know, they've been acting like that since this morning." I answered. Jack went over to his Tepig and Zweilous. "Tepig, Zweilous, what's the matter?" His two pokemon didn't respond and continued to look out the window. "Um... guys... is there suppose to be a thunderstrom today?" Mason asked, looking out the window. We all did and saw thunderclouds suddenly rolling in. "What the hay! The Pegasi aren't suppose to make it rain for another week!" Rainbow exclaimed.

"But then why are those clouds coming in?" Carrie asked.


Lightning flashed and the rain started pouring down very hard. The train was rocked a bit by the rough winds outside. "What the hell is going on?!" Jack exclaimed.

"How am I suppose to know?" Twilight added. Anyway even with the rough storm, the train made it into the station. Everyone exited and we went under the station roof. "What in the name of Arnold is going on here?" Skye exclaimed.

"This doesn't make any sense." Rainbow said.

"Did one of the pegasi make a mistake?" Kaede asked.

"No way, I monitor the weather closely. There's not suppose to be any rain." Rainbow replied. That's when Spike burped out a letter. Twilight picked it up in her magic and gasped. "Come on guys, Princess Celestia wants us all at the palace, now!" she exclaimed.

"Why?" I asked.

"No time for that. Come on!" Applejack said. We all raced through the storm in a rush with the strong winds blowing, Damn, these winds are strong." Jack said. Eventually we made it to the palace and shut the door. We all saw Celestia and Luna coming towards us, "Oh good, you're all here." Celestia said.

"Do you know what's going on Princess?" Twilight asked.

"I'm afraid we do not but I was hoping any of you may know what's going on. Reports all across Equestria have been saying of strange weather from sudden thunderstorms to major hail and snowstorms."

"We don't know what's going on either." Rantaro said.

"But perhaps the pokemon do." Nicole said, adjusting her glasses.

"You're pokemon?" Luna inquired.

"Oh yeah. Pokemon are highly intuned with the balance of nature." Sarah said aloud.

"Balance of Nature? You mean is something's wrong they can sense it?" Jamie asked.

"That is correct."

"So something must have happened and it may be connected to this strange weather." I stated. "The question is what happened?" Suddenly...

Tap Tap Tap

"What the-?" Jack said. We all looked at the windows and saw our dragons outside. "Winter, Moonshine, Storm, Firestorm, Silverspike, Spark, Fire, Striker? What are you doing?" Sarah opened the window and our dragons flew in. We could tell something was wrong with them as well. They looked really worried about something. "It seems like your dragons are able to sense the disturbance as well." Luna said.

"But just what is the disturbance?" Kaede asked. I felt something pulling my pants leg. I looked down to see Oshawott, "Oshawott Oshawott!"


Oshawott pointed to the door and ran over to it and pointed at it again. "You mean you want us to follow you?" I asked. Oshawott nodded.

"Rarr." Lucario said.

"Lucario?" Mason inquired.

"Ampharos, Ampha." Ampahros added. We all looked at each other. "... Alright then.. let's go." Sarah said. Our pokemon nodded and we were mounted our respective dragons. Kodi sat with Sarah on Winter, Twilight sat with me on Moonshine. Applejack sat with Mason and Carrie. Rarity and Fluttershy sat with Kaede and Rainbow sat with Jack. Our dragons spread their wings and flew out of the of the throne room and out of the palace. Lightning was flashing through the sky and thunder boomed in the air. "Gah, I hate lightning storms." Kodi whimpered.

"Easy buddy, we'll be alright." I reassured. The dragons flew us over the ocean where we could see large waves in the water. "Woah... talk about a serious storm." I commented.

"Yeah, wonder what could have caused this?" Mason asked. The dragons took us to an island that looked like it had a mountain on it. And there was another island next to it. They took us to the first island and we landed. There was a large staircase in the mountain. "Woah..." Rainbow gasped. The rain stopped but the wind was still blowing. "Well the rain stopped." Twilight said.

Our pokemon leaped off of our dragons and ran off. "Oshawott, everyone where are you going?" I asked. Sarah, Jack, Jamie, Kaede, Carrie, Mason, Nicole and Rantaro followed after them. "Guys come back, the storm might kick up again." Twilight called.

"The pokemon have been acting really weird. We gotta find out why." Sarah called as we ran up the stairs after our pokemon. It was a really, really, really, long way up the stairs. Our pokemon kept looking back to see if we were still behind them. The pokemon went to the top and down into a crater and we followed. They went over to a statue that looked like a bird with it's beak opened. "Woah... a statue." Jamie gasped and panted at the same time.

"I think I've seen this bird before." Sarah said. But before she could continued, Lucario pointed to something in the beak. We all looked and saw a red orb in the beak. "What's this?" Sarah grabbed it and pulled it out of the beak and it glowed in the shape of a flame. "What the hell is that thing?" Jack asked.

"I don't know." I answered.

"Lycanroc? Lycanroc!"

"Huh? Lycanroc, what's wrong?" Our pokemon were looking back at the stairs and we all saw.

Mewoth and two adults. One women had long, pink hair that ending in a curl and she was wearing a white skirt and a small shirt that exposed her stomach and she was wearing a black shirt underneath. The other was a man who had light purple hair and was wearing a short shirt with long pants and was wearing black boots. They all had scratches in their faces.

"Prepare for trouble, were starting a scene." the women said.

"And make it double we're on the big screen." the man said.

"Jessie, James, Meowth, leave please." Sarah deadpanned.

"WAH?" the three exclaimed.

"You know them newbie?" Jack asked.

"Yes, they're Team Rocket and they love to steal other peoples pokemon."

The others and I were shocked and concerned. "What are you doing here? We're in a hurry and the weather's looking bad." Sarah added.

"The weather is bad, isn't that always our luck?" Jessie said. "But no matter, we're here to get that small green pokemon."

Carrie held Squishy tightly. "No way, Team Rocket." Ren said. Suddenly a loud cry was heard throughout the sky and a large pokemon flew over the arc, sparking lightning. It was a large yellow bird with an orange beak and talons. Team Rocket cried out as they dodged the lightning bolts and they fell down the stairs. "What the that pokemon?" Mason asked.

"That's Zapdos. A legendary bird Pokemon." Ampharos said.

"Legendary? Woah." I said in awe.

The Legendary Bird Pokemon, Zapdos landed on the arch in the middle of the island and the whole place began to glow light blue. "What the hell is going on?" Jack exclaimed.

"I don't know." Sarah replied.

Ampharos sparked a little, "Amphros, don't!" Ampharos fired a small Thunderbolt at Zapdos, "Ampha!" Zapdos was busy crying out aloud and the Thunderbolt attacks bounced off of Ampharos.

"Ampharos' pretty tough, but Zapdos isn't even feeling its attacks." Jessie said.

"Those aren't attack, Jessie." Meowth said.

"Not attack then what the heck are they, maggot?" Skye asked.

"My name is Mewoth and for your information, Ampharos is trying to talk to Zapdos, through electricity." Meowth added. Talk with electricity? How does that even work? "Well what's it saying?" James asked.

"It's saying 'What are you doing over here on Fire Island Zapdos and where's Moltres?" Meowth translated.

"Moltres?" Jamie asked.

"Moltres is the Legendary Bird of Fire and it should be here on Fire Island but for some reason its not." Sarah explained.

Ampharos fired one more Thunderbolt and this time it got through to Zapdos who stared at Ampharos as the electricity circled it. Zapods sparked up and cried out, shocking Ampharos but it received no damage. Zapdos gave more cries. "Translation!" Jessie said.

"What's it saying?" James added.

"It's sayin Moltres used to rule here. But now that Moltres is gone, lightning shall rule over fire and I claim this island as my own from this day forward. Hehe, I guess Moltres flew the coop." Meowth said and lightning sparked all over the place. "Woah! Hey!" I exclaimed in shock. Sarah activated her magic and created a shield around us, protecting us from the lightning bolts.

"What do we do now?" Carrie asked.

"How are we suppose to know?!" Jack exclaimed.

"Lycanroc! Lycan!" Lycanroc growled.

Lycanroc? What? It's staring at something in the air. Suddenly, we saw the lightning bolts were moving away from us and towards the sky where we saw a large, large aircraft descending down towards the island. It was huge! It had multiple propellers. We all gasped at it while the pokemon growled at it. Sarah dropped the shield around us. "This might have something to do with their behavior recently." Mason whispered to the others who nodded in agreement.

Suddenly, some rectangular objects came out of the aircraft and trapped Zapdos and some came near us and trapped us inside as well! We were carried up to the large aircraft and we found ourselves in a cage and Zapdos was trapped in a circular cage with an electrical field around it.

"What the hell is this?!" Jack exclaimed. Suddenly, we heard hoofsteps and out came a pony wearing a white jacket. He was tanish color with a yellow mane and tail and his cutie mark was a knitknack.

"Who are you?!" Mason exclaimed.

"The name is Lawrence, human." the stallion replied. He walked past our cage and looked at Zapdos and Moltres. "Well, this certainly is a pleasure, though an unexpected one. What do you think? Moltres, the Bird of Fire, and Zapdos, the Bird of Lightning. Of course, without Articuno, it's not a complete set, but..."

"That's disgusting! The way you talk, it's like Pokémon are just things to collect, like dolls or stamps! What kind of trainer are you?" Kaede growled.

"I'm afraid I'm not a trainer, young lady. I am merely... a collector. I began my collection with a Mew card and... now I have all this. Legendary Pokémon have always been my passion. And soon my collection itself will be legendary." Lawrence claimed.

"There's no way you're getting Articuno!" Sarah growled.

Then the computer came to life and showed a holographic image of Articuno. "Sensors indicate Articuno is changing course."

"And now you'll have to excuse me." He pressed the button and we fell out of the cage as he walked away. "How it all began and how it begin again."

When he was gone, we all looked at each other. "So now what?" Carrie asked.

Sarah noticed something and walked over to a small plague. "Disturb not the harmony of Fire, Ice, or Lightning lest these three Titans wreck destruction upon the world in which they clash. Though the water's Great Guardian shall arise to quell the fighting alone its song will fail. Thus the Earth shall turn to ash unless a light can bring them together." she read aloud. "What if this legend is coming true?"

"That's a legend?" Jack asked.

"Yes and from the sounds of this, it's coming true. He distrub the harmony by capturing Moltres, allowing Zapdos to try and take over his territory." Sarah explained. "Thus disrupting their harmony."

"We have to do something." I said.

"We have to set Moltres and Zapdos free." Kaede said.

Sarah nodded and she summoned her four pokemon.





"Lycanroc, Rock Throw! Flaffy use Thunderbolt! Dragonair, use Dragon Pulse! And Lucario use Aura Sphere!" Sarah's Pokemon launched the attacks simultaneously at the cage and Moltres opened its eyes and watched them. The shield came up and blocked the attacks but the four pokemon kept attacking.

"Free Zapdos, you guys!" Sarah called.

"Right." I said. I sent out my Pikachu Rock Star and Jack summoned his Litleo and Pikachu Libre.

"Pikachu, use Thunderbolt!" We both said.

"Litleo use Flamethrower!" Jack added and the three pokemon blasted the cage to try and free Zapdos.

With Sarah, the four pokemon attacks eventually overwhelmned the cage and it exploded and caused black smoke to fly all over the place. When it cleared, we saw Moltres was free and its flames were glowed and it cried out majestically. We all gasped in awe at the Legendary Bird Pokemon.... until it blasted a large Flamethower attack across the room and it struck Zapdos's cage.

Zapdos hovered in the air, now free, and shocked Moltres with a Thunderbolt. Moltres cried out in pain and flew away from Zapdos and burst through the solid wall of the aircraft.

"Oh man.. now what?" Jamie asked, nervously.

Okay so... we freed Moltres and Zapdos from Lawrence's grasp but now the two were fighting each other and destroying the propellers on the aircraft!

We returned out pokemon and Sarah turned into a large eagle, "Hop on everyone." she said extending her wing to us. We climbed up on it and she flew out of the same whole Moltres and Zapdos made and she flew down to Lightning Island. She landed and We hopped down from her back. We watched as Zapdos and Moltres fought each other, "Oh man, now what?" I asked with worry.

"Hey what's this yellow orb?" Meowth asked, over by the arc.

We walked over and we saw another orb like the red one, only this one was yellow. I grabbed it and pulled out of the arch and it showed a small lightning bolt in the center. "Woah..." I gasped.

Suddenly, we heard Moltres's cry and saw the aircraft descending down towards us!

"It's gonna crash!" Mason cried in fear.

"Get on, quickly!" Sarah called to us. We hopped onto her back once more and she flew into the air and away from Lightning Island just as the aircraft came crashing down. "Woah... that was close." I said nervously.

"Yeah, too close." Kaede agreed.

"Tell me about it." Jessie added.

"Guys.. look!" Jamie cried and he pointed to the ocean which was now covered in ice. "Oh man, the ocean's frozen solid!" I gasped in shock.

"One bird did all of this?!" Jack exclaimed and then we heard another majestic cry and we saw a large blue brid flying across the sky firing random Ice Beam attacks. "Woah.. Articuno.." I gasped.

"It's beautiful." Kaede gasped but then Articuno nearly shot Sarah out of the sky with an Ice Beam attack! "And deadly!" she screamed. Sarah dodged the Ice Beam attacks and flew away from Articuno. It would have flown after us if it didn't catch Moltres and Zapdos in its sights and went off it fight them. Sarah landed on a island that was an equal distance from the three island. There was a small arch that held three spots. "What is this for?" Jamie asked.

"I think..." I took out the Fire and Lightning orbs. "It's for these.." I placed the two into the arch. "We just need one more orb to complete it." Sarah said. "And then I can use my magic on the orbs to calm Moltres, Articuno and Zapdos down for good."

"Great... so good luck with that." Rantaro said as he tried to walk off but Sarah floated him back with her magic, "You're going too, Rantaro." Sarah said. Rantaro sighed and grumbled.

"But how can we get there?" Kaede asked.

"Duh, we have Newbie fly us there." Jack said nonchalantly.

"Jack, Articuno tried to shoot her down with Ice Beam. Moltres and Zapdos may try to do the same thing with Flamethrower and Thunderbolt. Its too risky for us to fly there. We have to travel on the ice to get to Ice Island." I stated.

"And how do you suggested we do that?" Nicole asked.

"I believe we can help with that." another voice came and we turned and saw, "Big D? Douglas? What are you doing here?" I asked in shock.

"Twilight and the others called us to see if you need any help and by the looks of things you do." Douglas said, "So we build you these.." Big D revelaed nine super charged snowmobiles to us. "Woah... cool.." We all said in awe.

"These babies can get you to the island and back in ten mintues flat and the have a shield that will protect you from the birds attacks if they attack you." Big D explained.

"Alright!" Jack leaped onto his. "Let's do it, whimps!"

"I'm with you!" I added and we all leaped onto our respective snowmobiles and we hit the gas and we were off. "WOOOOOO!" AWESOME!" Skye exclaimed happily. "Those two maggots are good with inventions."

"We told you." I grinned.

"Moltres and Zapdos at twelve o'clock!" Jamie screamed and we saw Moltres and Zapdos diving towards and fire Flamethrower and Thunderbolt but Sarah leaped in front of us and countered with her magic. "Sarah!" I cried in joy.

"Keep going, I'll run blocker!" Sarah called and she flew into the air and used her magic to blast the birds, focusing their attention on her as we drove off. We made it Ice Island and the snowmobile hopped onto the land and we drove up the hill and we saw a large tunnel. "In there!" I called.

"Right." Everyone added and we drove our snowmobiles into the tunnel and we just kept heading straight until we popped out into a large crater made of ice. We shut off our snowmobiles and we went over to the arc. "The Ice sphere." I pulled it out and the orb glowed with a bolt of ice inside of it. "Okay you got the treasure now let's get back to the island." Rantaro said.

Everyone nodded and we headed for our snowmobiles but Articuno suddenly came overhead and fired Ice Beam. "Watch out!" Skye exclaimed and we scattered about and dodged the attack. Moltres and Zapdos then appeared and fired Thunderbolt and Flamethrower at the snowmobiles, destroying them. "On no!" I whimpered.

"Oh great, now what?" Jack grumbled.

"Lycanroc! Lycan!"

"Look!" Jamie pointed to the top of the crater where Lycanroc was. "Lycanroc Lycan." he was nodding towards the left and he leaped down, "You heard the wolf, let's go maggots!" Skye ordered and we climbed up the side of the crater and we ran down the side of the mountain and Lycanroc in front of us and then Sarah flew over as a large phoenix. "You got it?" she asked.

"We do." I said, showing her the orb. She nodded, "Get on you guys." We all climbed onto her back, Lycanroc too and she flew up and away from Ice Island and towards where the brothers and the other two orbs were. But Moltres, Zapdos and Articuno fired their attacks at her forcing her to dodge them. "Hold on tight, you guys." She said to us.

"You think?!" Jack exclaimed in anger.

Sarah dodged a Flamethrower and a Thunderbolt attack and dove towards the frozen ocean and soared at high speeds towards the island and she quickly hovered over it. "Quickly, place the ice orb along with the others." she said, keeping her eye on the three Legendary Birds. We all dismounted and I quickly placed the ice orb into the last opening and the three orb glowed in unison. Sarah quickly changed back into herself and she used her magic and transferred the power of the orbs into the three birds, calming them down completely. The orbs stopped glowed and Sarah stopped using her magic and the skies cleared, showing the bright sun and the white clouds.

"Is it over..?" Carrie asked.

The three birds then flew off to their respective islands.

"Yeah... its over now.." Mason said with a smile.

"Guys.. I think we just saved Equestria... again.." I grinned. The others smiled at each other and the brothers came over. "Awesome job, you guys." Big D complimented.

"Thanks Big D. Now let's get back to Canterlot." I said.

"Yeah, I'm starving." Jack said, rubbing his gut.

"Me too." Carrie said. Mason rolled his eyes and the two of them. "Fine, then let's go home." he smiled. We all shared a laugh and headed back to Canterlot.

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