• Published 31st Jan 2019
  • 2,068 Views, 105 Comments

Sarah's Adventure's in Equestria - Zipp Storm

A Spin off of MaxTV123's Ren's Adventures in Equestria story with a a few changes.

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Episode 92: The Missing Yo-Kai Pad

Any attempt to recreate Yo-Kai behavior would be ill-advised.

Skye's POV

Hello there, it's me again. What? What do you mean you don't remember me?! I'm General Skye Jones! What am I doing, you ask, well I don't really like to monologue but I guess I have to. Right now, I'm about to get a bite to eat with my soldiers, hehehe.

"Hey Skye." Corporeal Loodan greeted me. I saw Private Mason fixing some breakfast for us, "Hm, you're just in time, Skye. I just finished making breakfast."

"Ooh, what is Pork and Cheese Omelette?" I hoped, smiling until he shook his head. Darn it! "Today, is just a bacon omelette."

Bacon? Sweet! I'll take it! "Awesome, hehehe."

"Tch, whatever." Jack stated, finishing his meatball hoagie sub from Subway. "You know Jack if you don't start heating healthier, you're gonna get sick eventually." a white blob said as he hovered over Jack, shocking me. "GAH! Holy Arnold, what is that thing!"

"I'll have you know, young lady, my name is Whisper and I am a Yo-Kai and Sarah Gem, Yo-Kai Butler." Whisper exclaimed with a tick mark on his head.

"Who knows nothing about you, mind you." Private Gem smirked as she appeared with a pink cat with a sailor uniforms, a blue rabbit with a yellow spacesuit and a cat that was the color of snot with thorns on its head. "Okay... what are they?" I asked, pointing at the three 'Yo-Kai'.

"These are Sailornyan, Thornyan and Usapyon. My other Yo-Kai friends."

"Howdy missy." Usapyon greeted.

"Nyice to meet you." Sailornyan and Thornyan stated.

I sweat-dropped at them and waved to them, "Um... hi...hehehe." Thornyan suddenly sniffled and sneezed and the thorns on his head came out and flew towards us! "Hit the deck!" I screamed. Private Yamaki and some of the others ducked under the table while Privates Gem, Bonnie and Wilde hid behind the couch me on the other hand. "OWWWWWW!"

.... Got a thorn to the head along with her white blob friend. The soldiers came out and winced, "Eeee, you okay Skye...?" Cooperate Loodan asked with a sweat drop.

"I have a thorn in my head.... WHAT DO YOU THINK?!" I exclaimed, making my head bigger than everyone's. They winced and backed away from me, "Chill out, military loon." Private Yamaki stated.

"Oh relax, Skye." Private Gem said as she came up to my head and pulled it out, surprisingly there as no puncture wound from it. "Huh..? No wound." Whisper pulled his out. "So does this one do that every time he sneezes?" I asked Private Gem.

"Yes, everytime Thornyan sneezes he shoots his thorns which can lead to other Yo-Kai catching his cold." Whisper explained looking at his Yo-Kai Pad. "You probably don't know this, but Thornyan colds have been on the rise slowly this past year."

"We didn't know about it..." I sweat dropped. "You were just reading it.."

"Wah.. hahaha." Whisper said as he hid his Yo-Kai Pad behind his back. We all gave me deadpanned looks. Wow... Private Gem was right, he does know nothing about Yo-Kai. "And note of warning, don't make Usapyon angry, Skye." Ren said to me with a nervous smile.

"Why not? What can this little rodent to do me?" I smirked at him and a tick mark came on his head. "That's it..." Usapyon pressed the buttons on his helmet and it closed and black smoke filled it up. "Now you've done it. Dive people! Dive!" Private Gem cried as they dove behind the couch. Really? So his helmet fills with smoke big deal... then I heard.. "Invader Mode.."

... Oh dear....

He took out his blaster and started shooting all over the place, mainly at me, "Wah! GAH! STOP IT! GAH! HELP ME! GAH! OW!"

.... Okay.... I'd rather skip that part about me being beaten by a rabbit that's half of my height... not one of my most shining moments as a General... Ahem.. anyway... I think I'm gonna let someone else take over while I uh... rethink about the rabbit. Okay, bye!

Third Person POV

After Usaypon was done chasing Skye around in 'Invader Mode' everything was calm again.

Whisper, went into the bathroom with his Yo-Kai Pad, just for a small break. "Ah the bathroom, the most peaceful place in the whole home-ship." he sighed in relief. He was about to sit down when he accidentally dropped his Yo-Kai Pad into the toilet. "WAH! NO!" he screamed and everyone heard it. "Oh maybe this will work." He pressed the lever but that made the water go down along with his Yo-Kai Pad. "NO.....!!!" Whisper screamed in terror.

Sarah and the gang came in, "What's wrong Whisper?" Sarah asked.

"He dropped his Yo-Kai Pad in the toliet and now he flushed it down into the sewers, right?" Nicole guessed with her neutral expression. Whisper nodded but then he face turned dark except for his yellow eyes. "Right... time for action." he said.

"Uh... what action?" Ren asked with a sweat drop.

"I'm on a search and rescue mission. Diver down!" He pressed the lever and the toliet was flushing, "WAHHHH!" Whisper moved up and then did a dive, heading for the toliet. "It's all wet!" Thornyan and Sailornyan exclaimed in horror.

"It's all smelly!" Ren added but before they could grab him Whisper was already in the toliet. "I'll be back... i think." he said before he was gone...


"Nothing that goes down there ever returns...." Ren stated in shock.

"That's usually a good thing.." Sailornyan stated.

Meanwhile, in Ponyville, Whisper was coming from a manhole when a pony stepped on it. "OW! Hey watch where you're going!" he exclaimed. "Rude." he floated up and Sarah and the others came to him and gagged, covering their noses, "Whisper you reek! Cough!." Ren stated, covering his nose.

"I haven't noticed..." Whisper grumbled.

"So did you find the Yo-Kai Pad?" Thornyan asked.

"That's all I didn't find." Whisper said in dismay with a sweat-dropped.

"You must have been pretty desperate to jump in the toilet like that."

"Yeah, even I wouldn't do that for my phone." Rantaro stated.

"Well without the Yo-Kai Pad, Rantaro, he doesn't know anything about Yo-Kai." Sarah stated. Whispered humph and moved towards the group who backed away from him saying, "That is uncompleted untrue. I only use it to check for updates that's way I can give you the latest information."

"Yeah, right..." Sarah rolled her eyes.

"Don't be so rude! Not to blow my own horn but nobody knows more about Yo-Kai than I do.." Whisper gloated.

"You didn't even know what Tribe the two kitties were from." Jack deadpanned at Whisper.

"Yeah.. without the Pad, you're hopeless." Sarah chuckled.

"I'm not hopeless." Whisper said. Then "Bonjour. Bonjour."

"Hey look who it is!" Sarah said with glee trotting over to a familiar yellow cloud pokemon. "Hey there, Its good to see you again." Sarah said.

"How ya doin big guy?" Sailornyan asked.

"I am great but what's wrong with him?" Happierre asked, looking at Whisper.

"Who Whisper?" Sarah turned to him, "Whisper, why are you ignoring our good friend over here?"

"WAHHH! I wasn't ignoring, I was just thinking. I would never forget a good friend like him." Whisper stated boldly.

"Oh yeah, then what's his name?" Thornyan challenged.

"Uh... grr... that's easy he's French is it 'La Grand Frmoge." Whisper said. Everyone fell down, "So sad." Kaede said. Ren got up and said, "His name is Happierre."

Whisper freaked and started throwing flowers all over, "Isn't that what I said, Happierre, Happierre, Happierre."

"That's nyot what you said." Sailornyan said.

"You called me 'The Big Cheese' hehehe." Happierre stated with a smile. Whisper groaned.

The gang headed back to Sarah's castle and entered the room... only to find her mother, lifting the Cutie Map with just her hooves?! "What the-? Mom, what's wrong with you?!" Sarah gasped in shock.

"Was she always that strong, Private Gem?" Skye asked her, looking at Sapphire in awe.

"With her magic, yes. Physically, not so much. There must be a Yo-Kai here." Sarah used her watch and moved it around the room and it shined on a Yo-Kai... that looked like cheese with black pants. "What the... that's a Yo-Kai?"

"Oh! OOO! I know~ His name is Big and Cheesy!" Whisper exclaimed proudly.

"No... I think his name is Mochismo."

Suddenly, the cheese grew a face that looked tough and intimidating. "You're correct." he said.

Mochismo: Tribe - Tough

"But I'm sure he can make your skin feel soft and smooth." Whisper said.

"No I can't."

"Well I heard that Mochismo give pieces of himself to hungry kids."

"Why would I do that?"

"Uh, well he can make everyone happy with his singing voice."

"That's nonsense!"


"Woah Whisper.. are you alright?" Sarah exclaimed, seeing Whisper totally losing it. He poked at somethings like he was crazy. "You're freaking us out, dude!" Ren exclaimed.

"I WANT MY YO-KAI PAD!" Whisper yelled before flying out of the castle, leaving smoke behind. "You know guys, if we don't help him, he's gonna be a nightmare to be around." Sailornyan stated.

"Yeah..." Sarah agreed.

That Night, in the home-ship, Whisper still wasn't back. "Whisper is still looking for it." Sarah said with worry.

"He'll nyever find it in the dark." Thornyan said sitting on the couch with Jack, Mason and Carrie. "And even if he does it'll be all gross."

"Too bad, we can't just order him a nyew one." Carrie said.

"Wait...!" Sarah said, "I got an idea..."

"Huh?" The others asked.

"Hidabat?" The little bat Yo-Kai appeared. "Yes Sarah?"

"Hidabat, can you do something for us?"

The Next Morning,

"It's here!" Sailornyan's voice rang out.

"Perfect." The friends came and looked at the package of Sailornyan opened it to reveal a new Yo-Kai Pad. "Now Whisper won't go all crazy." Ren said and speaking of Whisper, he came floating inside....with something behind his back? "Morning, everyone." He greeted.

"Hey Whisper, look. We got you a new Yo-Kai Pad." Kodiak said, wagging his tail with a smile. Whisper had a small tear in his eye, "Thank you so much.."

"Hey... what's behind your back?" Sailornyan asked, raising en eyebrow. Thornyan sniffed the air, "And what smells like toliet water?"

"That is impossible, I thourhglty cleaned it." Whisper said, sweating a little.

"Cleaned what?" Ren asked and my Yo Kai walked behind him and saw another Pad! "Aha!"

"Looks like I have a set." Whisper said, showing both Yo-Kai Pads. "So you found it?!" Jack exclaimed in horror.

"In the sewers?!" Mason added.

"... I did!"

"Ewwwww...!" Everyone said.

"That things been the toilet, throw it away!" Jack grumbled.

"Oh clam down I cleaned it." Whisper said.

"With you tongue?" Sailornyan deadpanned.

"Of course not!" Whisper exclaimed.

"Good." Ren said.

"I whipped it clean with my hands." Whisper added.

"Don't touch anything!" Sarah exclaimed.

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