• Published 4th Feb 2019
  • 1,138 Views, 51 Comments

LEGO Equestria Girls 6 - Chronicler06

In the Lego World, when everyone suddenly forgets that Sunset Shimmer is now a hero, she must rely on some unlikely help to find and stop whoever is responsible, before the effects become permanent.

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The next day, the Equestria Girls were back on the beach and wearing their swimsuits. Having felt bad that Sunset had missed out on everything over the past three days, the rest of the group of friends had agreed to start over with their vacation, albeit under a more compressed schedule due to being able to add only one additional day without disrupting their day jobs back in Canterlot City.

Earlier that day, they had been required to appear at the courthouse downtown to ensure a fair punishment was delivered to both Wallfower and Trixie. The hearings were mostly just Sunset describing everything she had experienced over the last few days, and why she believed those two girls deserved a second chance. Thankfully, the trials didn’t take long, so the Equestria Girls were now able to spend the afternoon relaxing and having fun at the beach, like they had on the first two days of their vacation, with plans to return to the amusement park on the pier later that evening.

At this moment, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Spike were having fun out in the water, Applejack and Rainbow Dash were playing a game of volleyball, and Rarity, Twilight, and Sunset relaxed by lying down in their beach chairs. After taking some time to gather her thoughts, Sunset sat up, grabbed her magic journal out of her satchel, and began writing a message.

Dear Princess Twilight,

I’m pleased to say that you can now add a new ending to the archives: the Memory Stone is no more. Thank you very much for your help. Give my best to Princess Luna and, of course, thank my second-best teacher Princess Celestia. Make sure she knows you’re kidding when you say that, though.

Thanks to some help from Trixie of all people, I was able to find and destroy the Memory Stone just in time to recover everyone’s memories of me. It turns out the stone had been discovered by a shy gardener named Wallflower Blush, who had refused to believe that I was reformed and wanted to make everyone see me the way she did. Needless to say, a lot of people were not happy to find out about that — some have even said that Kjeld Playwell hasn’t been this furious since the Dazzlings tried to take over, since this was the kind of incident that messed with people’s minds. Thankfully, Wallflower was much more ashamed of her actions afterword, so rather than being sentenced to a life imprisonment, she has instead been given a two-year probation with twelve months of community service. She seemed like she was prepared to face something much worse, so she was more than happy to accept her punishment. I already offered her my hand in friendship, and if she can make a few more friends, I think she’ll turn out just fine.

Things are looking up for me as well. Even though I did have to resort to some not quite legal methods — such as purchasing a car I had stolen years ago and escaping from the police — the authorities felt very guilty for what they put me through, so I was finally granted a full pardon, thus bringing an early end to my parole. For the first time since I left Equestria all those years ago, my criminal record is now finally clean.

As for Trixie, after many years of attempting to conquer the Castle Region, she is now willing to seek a better life for herself. Her greatest desire has always been to ensure that her name would be forever remembered by everyone, and during our search for the Memory Stone, she realized that she didn’t have to be a ruthless villain to achieve that goal. Even though she’s ready to abandon her evil past and move on, she still has to face the consequences. I had to do a lot of persuading, but eventually the authorities agreed to give Trixie her second chance. While her magical staff has been confiscated and will be locked away in the deepest vault of the Crystal Castle, Trixie will spend the next five years on probation and be forbidden to travel anywhere outside the regional borders of Canterlot City…

Sunset noticed some movement at the edge of her vision to her right, so she glanced over and saw Trixie walking towards her. Like the other girls on the beach, Trixie was wearing her own swimsuit, which consisted of a dark blue skirt piece around her upper legs and light blue on the upper part of her torso with the front having a dark blue bow and a golden five-pointed start in the middle. Trixie had a friendly smile on her face as she approached. Sunset smiled back, then turned her attention back to her journal and resumed writing.

…which will go into effect as soon as she arrives in Canterlot City. For now, I convinced my friends to allow her to join us for the remainder of our vacation. Despite how annoying she can be at times, I wanted to help her become familiar with living in a City Region, and I’m very glad my friends agreed to give her the chance, even though this means I now have to share my hotel room with her.

As for the Memory Stone itself, Kjeld decided to have its fragments disposed of similarly to what happened to the shattered pendants of the sirens, by being buried within the foundation of a new building. All in all, I’m happy to say that everything is back to how it used to be, with a few exceptions for the better.

Your friend, Sunset Shimmer.

Sunset closed her journal and put it back in her satchel. She then stood up and walked over to Trixie. “You sure made an interesting choice in a beach outfit,” she playfully remarked as they stopped next to each other.

“What can I say?” quipped Trixie. “This sarong makes me feel so right.”

Sunset giggled and, as they began walking ahead, playfully accused, “Okay, be honest, you borrowed that line from one of those travel agency commercials, didn’t you?”

“Oh, don’t go accusing Trixie of plagiarism,” retorted Trixie with a smile. “You’re probably just remembering things wrong.”

Sunset immediately stepped right in front of Trixie and stopped, forcing the blue girl to also stop. With a serious look on her face, Sunset scolded, “Trixie, I briefly lost so much memory that I was reduced to a scared little filly. Don’t make any memory jokes when I’m around.”

“Okay, okay, you’ve made you point!” Trixie quickly defended as she held her hands up. Once Sunset stepped aside and they resumed walking, Trixie grumbled, “Sheesh, how was I supposed to know that would be such a touchy subject?”

“Consider that one of the first lessons of friendship: treating your friends with respect,” Sunset pointed out. “If you don’t like being insulted, then try not to insult any of your friends.”

Trixie groaned and grumbled, “Who knew joining the good guys could be such hard work?”

“It’s true that taking the side of good is usually the harder path to follow,” admitted Sunset, “but the further you go, the more you’ll understand that it’s worth the effort.” She shrugged as she added, “Who knows? Someday, you might get lucky and find yourself in the right place at the right time to help save the world.”

Trixie smirked and remarked, “With how often that seems to happen around you and your friends, perhaps Trixie may not have to wait long for that.”

Sunset and Trixie both giggled at that. “Guess I can’t deny that,” acknowledged Sunset. As they both stopped on the shore and stared out across the ocean, Sunset spoke up, “I was thinking that maybe I could invite my friends to have some ice cream at Pappalardo’s.”

Trixie raised an eyebrow and asked, “Do they know about Vinnie?”

“As far as I’m aware, they think he’s nothing more than the owner of an ice cream business,” replied Sunset. “They’ll think we’ll just be getting a treat at some ice cream parlor…” She leaned close to Trixie and grinned slyly. “But you and I both know it’ll be to thank Vinnie for putting us on the right path to finding that Memory Stone.”

Trixie smiled back and smugly remarked, “Giving credit where it’s due without ratting him out as a criminal… Seems there’s a small part of you that will always show respect to the villains.”

Sunset shrugged and said, “Yeah, well, like I said, I don’t like doing the bad things I used to do… but I won’t hesitate to use such methods if I had no other options.” She turned to face Trixie. “As a fellow former villain, perhaps you might consider a similar philosophy.”

Trixie sighed and muttered, “What’s the point? Without Trixie’s magical staff, there’s not much I can do to be of much help for anything.”

Sunset placed her arm around Trixie’s shoulders and assured her, “You’ll find a way sooner or later. What matters is that you made the choice to make yourself a better person.”

Once again, Trixie smiled back at Sunset.

Sunset released her hold on Trixie and began walking back to the rest of her friends as she asked, “What do you say we play a round of volleyball against Rainbow Dash and Applejack?”

“I’d be up for that,” agreed Trixie as she followed after Sunset.

As the Equestria Girls continued to enjoy their vacation in Lego City, the recent events caused by the Memory Stone had helped to remind them all just how important their friendships were for everyone involved. They had already made plenty of great memories together, and they would continue share great memories together for years to come.

Author's Note:

And that concludes another story in my LEGO Equestria Girls series. Unlike previous years, I've been able to get this one done before the year is even halfway over, and since I anticipate the same for the next story (based on Rollercoaster of Friendship), I'll be able to spend the second half of this year working on that next story. Since I like to take a little time off between stories, I'll start writing the next story in July, so expect to see the first chapter posted sometime in early August.

Comments ( 4 )

Really hoping you can improve "Rollercoaster of Friendship" I didn't care for that special in the slightest. I'm also quite curious how you might tackle "Spring Breakdown" if you ever get to it (and assuming there are nomore specials afterward).

Nice to see another story completed.

I wonder if Ragamuffin can have, accidents, with various air intakes, vents, portholes etc. After all, they need cleaning as well, and a sweep is lucky at weddings.

Youd rather have him be the attack of opportunity of the pipe cleaning ferret? :yay:

9633244 What I've got planned for the next story will likely be mostly similar with a few small additions that I think would make it better (much like what I did for the fifth main story). In addition, I do have some early ideas for the following story (based on Spring Breakdown, which you'll probably not see until next year), and I believe I've mentioned in my blogs that I've also got ideas for two or three more additional (and completely original) stories that I intend to save until after the official series ends, and thus those original stories will serve as a finale for this series of fanfics.

9633330 Whoa there, let's wait until after I start and then finish the next story (based on Rollercoaster of Friendship) before talking about any specific details for the one to follow after that (which again, I probably won't get to until early next year).

To tell the truth I didn't see her in any of the the first three equestria girls movies so I don't believe she goes to cantarlot high at all I believe she was protened to be a shy girl and was trying to rouin sunset shimmer's life and she deserves to be punished for what she did like being sent far far far far away from sunset shimmer and her friends And she did it all because sunset shimmer didn't know her it's beyond terrible it's awful it's why she deserves to be sent far far far far away from sunset shimmer and her friends after what she did so wrong she doesn't get to have anther chance how mean Wallflower really was.

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