• Published 4th Feb 2019
  • 1,137 Views, 51 Comments

LEGO Equestria Girls 6 - Chronicler06

In the Lego World, when everyone suddenly forgets that Sunset Shimmer is now a hero, she must rely on some unlikely help to find and stop whoever is responsible, before the effects become permanent.

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Unlikely Assistance

Chapter 4
Unlikely Assistance

Sunset Shimmer was very glad that she was able to wake up early the next morning. That meant she could get herself ready for the day and grab a quick breakfast with a minimal chance of anyone seeing her. She was still very hurt that her friends refused to believe her, and didn’t want to risk running into them anymore, at least not until after the issue with the Memory Stone was taken care of.

In fact, she was now trying her best to avoid being seen much by anyone. At this point, she still had no idea who was in possession of the Memory Stone, and she knew it would’ve been foolish to assume that person had used it only on her friends. Although she had not yet encountered anyone else to confirm whether or not that was the case, she was not taking any chances.

True, things like newspapers and computer files could be an excellent form of proof that she really wasn’t a bad guy anymore and was now considered one of the greatest heroes in the Lego World. Now that it was the third day of the absence of these memories, reasonable people would definitely start to notice some odd discrepancies. Although she held out hope that these people would realize that such discrepancies were the result of a magical artifact partially erasing their memories, she reluctantly had to admit they would more likely believe in their memories and assume that someone had tampered with the physical evidence. In which case, they would probably even try to correct what they believed to be errors in all that content, unknowingly destroying the true official records. That thought greatly disturbed her, and convinced her that she absolutely had to solve this mystery as soon as possible.

Unfortunately for Sunset Shimmer, the situation had placed her friends, the authorities, and just about every good guy imaginable in a position where they would never agree to help her, and in fact would rather try to stop her from succeeding. This forced her to set out completely alone, with very little hope of expecting anyone to provide her with any kind of assistance.

Ironically, Sunset’s best chances of success would rely on her behaving just like the kind of person she was desperately trying to convince everyone she was not: a highly resourceful criminal mastermind who was capable of getting away with just about anything. It made her sick to her stomach that she had to resort to her old tactics, but with the whole world turned against her, she just didn’t have any other option.

Thankfully, there was still one aspect of Sunset’s old criminal life that she had not fully disclosed with anyone — not even her friends. With every successful robbery, she would stash away a small portion of the loot in various secret locations that only she knew about, intending to use those ill-gotten funds only in the event of an emergency. True, she was forced to reveal one of those secret locations to her friends back when the sirens attacked and she needed to recover her magic journal through which they were able to message Princess Twilight for help, but as far as she was aware, none of her friends had ever questioned her about any other secret stashes she had hidden around. With the unbearably lonely position she now found herself in, she desperately needed any advantage she could get, and the nearest of her old secret stashes would be just the thing.

After leaving the hotel through a side exit, Sunset carefully made her way across the district, keeping as low a profile as possible. Every street crossing she was forced to make made her heart race, knowing that at any moment someone might identify her and call in the authorities, or worse try to take her down themselves and make a scene that would definitely attract the authorities. With practically no resources on hand at the moment, she was especially vulnerable, and could only hope that she would reach her first destination of the day with no incident at all.

As Sunset walked into a small alleyway a few blocks inland, she quietly let out a sigh of relief. She had successfully reached the site of one of her numerous secret stashes, but now she had to recover it. After a quick glance out towards the street to make sure no one was watching, she moved aside some trashcans to expose a short and wide opening in the base of the wall of the building on the left. She reached into the opening and pulled out a carjack. She carried it over to the right side of the alleyway, stuck it under the dumpster, and pumped the lever a few times to lift it up. Once the dumpster was tipped up enough, she reached underneath and felt around until she felt a soft spot. She then reached into her satchel and took out a knife she had stolen from the hotel’s buffet, then started cutting through the patch of false pavement around that soft spot, and also cut away a small portion to expose a latch. After putting the knife away, she pulled the latch to open a small hatch, then reached inside and pulled out a briefcase. Finally, she closed the hatch, lowered the dumpster back down, put the carjack back inside the small opening, and moved the trashcans back to where they originally were.

Now that she was done with the recovery, Sunset grabbed the briefcase and sat down behind one of the crates to minimize the chances that someone would see her. She adjusted the locks on both sides of the briefcase to enter a three-digit combination, then opened the case. The inside of the briefcase was stuffed full of cash — green 1x2 tiles with the number “100” printed in white on the top surface of each and every one of them. She was confident that the contents of this briefcase would be just enough to acquire something she desperately needed if she was going to have any reasonable chance of finding the Memory Stone.

Sunset was just about to close the briefcase when she noticed something else was packed inside. She reached between two of the stacks of cash and pulled out a small blue sphere. She knew what this was, she knew what it could do, but should she even use it? Would using this item really be worth it? On one hand, she was completely on her own, and the possibility that she could actually have someone on her side to help out was very tempting. On the other hand, she knew this particular person was difficult to work with, and would no doubt add numerous unnecessary complications to her objectives. As she stared at the small round object in her hand, her mind was torn between which choice would offer her the better chance of finding the Memory Stone and recovering the memories it had stolen from her friends. After a moment of considering the benefits and drawbacks of each option, she let out a sigh of resignation as she finally made her decision.

Holding the sphere in her right hand, she closed the briefcase and locked it shut, then grabbed it by the handle with her left hand and stood up. “I am so gonna regret this…” she grumbled under her breath. Finally, she raised the sphere and tossed it onto the ground on the other side of the alleyway.

When the sphere struck the pavement, it instantly unleashed a large cloud of blue smoke. A few seconds later, the smoke cleared away to expose a certain blue-skinned minifig who wore a purple cape and pointed hat with stars printed all over them and held a staff with a blue five-pointed star on the end of it. With her back turned to Sunset, this certain individual raised her staff over her head and loudly proclaimed, “Who summons the Great and Powerful Trixie?!”

Sunset loudly cleared her throat.

Trixie turned around to face the one who had summoned her and smiled. “Ah, Sunset Shimmer,” she greeted smugly, posing proudly with her left hand on her hip and her right hand holding her staff upright at a slight angle away from her to the side. “The most wanted criminal in all of the City Regions. So tell me, what kind of nefarious scheme do you have in mind that requires the use of Trixie’s magical powers? Bank robbery? Grand theft auto? Stealing candy from a baby?”

“None of the above,” grumbled Sunset, her furrowed brow and frown making it clear she was not pleased to be speaking with Trixie at this particular moment. After letting out a sigh to calm herself, she explained, “I’m trying to find a magical artifact from Equestria that has the power to erase memories.”

“A magical item that can erase memories?” asked Trixie with a delighted expression on her face. “Now that sounds very enticing. With a power like that in our hands, we would be truly unstoppable!”

“I don’t wanna use it for evil purposes!” Sunset furiously snapped.

Trixie briefly recoiled, but quickly regained her composure and raised an eyebrow. “Seriously?” she asked skeptically. “You, the most villainous person in all of the City Regions, does not wish to do something evil?”

“Because I’m not evil,” insisted Sunset. “At least, not anymore. You just don’t know it because someone has already used the Memory Stone on everyone to make you all forget that I switched sides.”

“And what makes you so sure you’re the one whose memories haven’t been altered?” retorted Trixie.

Sunset squeezed her eyes shut and rubbed her right hand over her forehead. It was bad enough that she couldn’t convince her friends she was telling the truth, so she really despised the thought of going through the whole routine again with someone she did not fully trust. Still, she had to at least try, so she thought back to any major past events that Trixie would know of. Her eyes suddenly snapped open as she realized there was one particular past event that could prove more effective than any of her previous attempts with anyone else.

Sunset pointed at Trixie and asked, “Your most recent encounter with the LEGO Team of Canterlot City was in the Dark Forest Subregion of the Castle Region, correct?”

“Uh, yes?” confirmed Trixie with a confused expression on her face.

“What were you doing there at the time?” asked Sunset.

Trixie smiled and replied, “Trixie had sensed the presence of a new form of magic in the area, so she set out with her army of skeleton warriors to claim it for herself.”

“But the Canterlot City LEGO Team was there to stop you,” continued Sunset.

“Indeed, they were,” confirmed Trixie bitterly. “Don’t remind Trixie how they fought back.”

“Too bad, ‘cause I’m gonna say it anyway,” continued Sunset. “Rarity used diamond shields to deflect your magical attacks, Applejack threw a big tree that leveled half of your army, Rainbow Dash very quickly beat up the other half as if she was in a pinball machine, and Pinkie Pie blew up your portable throne by throwing a cupcake at it. Did I get all of that correct?”

“Unfortunately, yes,” confirmed Trixie as she rolled her eyes. “What are you getting at?”

“I’m getting there!” argued Sunset. She then continued, “So once you failed to stop them yourself, you sent your whole army after them. They eventually reached a bridge across a river, but while the team went across, your army didn’t and waited for you to arrive. What happened next?”

Trixie smiled and answered, “That dumb little boy thought he could stop Trixie by breaking the bridge, but Trixie simply used her magical powers to rebuild that bridge.”

“And once you rebuilt that bridge, you began to walk across,” continued Sunset. Now came the part that she was sure would seal the deal. “What happened next?”

“Trixie walked out to the middle of the bridge, then…” Trixie’s confidence suddenly faltered. “Then, uh…” She turned her gaze downward as she struggled to recall the events of that moment on the bridge. “Then… something happened… and for some reason, Trixie decided to… give up and leave…” She frowned and furrowed her brow at she turned back to Sunset. “That doesn’t sound like something Trixie would ever do.”

“Yes, you’re absolutely right,” agreed Sunset. “That memory doesn’t make sense to you because it’s incomplete. There’s a missing portion to that memory, and that memory fragment was taken away from you because it involved me.”

Trixie gave Sunset a hard stare and asked, “Then what, supposedly, occurred in this so-called ‘missing memory’?”

“I was part of the Canterlot City LEGO Team,” explained Sunset. “When you started walking across that bridge, I decided to confront you myself, so we ended up standing face-to-face on the middle of that bridge. We chatted, traded insults, and eventually I decided to use my new magical ability on you.”

“And what sort of magical power would that be?” asked Trixie.

“By simply touching you, I can read your memories and understand your feelings,” replied Sunset. Suddenly realizing she was going to have to recite Trixie’s backstory all over again, she sighed before she continued in a flat tone, “You’re not originally from the Castle Region, you’re actually from Las Pegasus, where you used to be a stage magician, but shrinking audiences convinced you to go on a world tour, only to have everything stolen from you by highway robbers in the Castle Region, then you stumbled upon the deserted castle of an evil wizard, where you found his magical staff that, upon grabbing it, transferred all of his dark magical powers to you, and even transformed said staff into the very one that you now hold in your hand.”

Trixie sputtered for a few seconds before she finally hissed, “T-Trixie never shared any of this with you!”

Sunset pointed at Trixie and remarked, “And that is the exact same reaction you had when I told you all of this the first time.”

Trixie huffed indignantly, then grumbled, “If everyone around us that day had heard you say all of that, Trixie would’ve been so humiliated, perhaps even to the point where she’d just want to get away from everyone for a while.”

Sunset shrugged and confirmed, “Yup, that’s pretty much what actually happened back on that bridge in the Dark Forest.”

Trixie turned her gaze down and away as she pondered everything Sunset had just told her. Although she didn’t remember seeing Sunset there with the LEGO Team that day, she had described the events of that day with remarkable accuracy. More than that, Sunset had even listed off key aspects of Trixie’s past, which she was very certain had never been shared with anyone. In fact, it was only now that she realized that at least a small portion of her memories didn’t quite make sense, and Sunset’s story managed to perfectly fill in that strange gap. All things considered, Trixie had to conclude that perhaps Sunset really was telling the full truth. But even so, she still had a few questions on her mind.

Trixie turned her gaze back to Sunset and softly said, “You said you’re requesting assistance to find this Memory Stone and reverse its effects.” She narrowed her eyes and asked, “What’s in it for Trixie?”

“The assurance that what happened to me won’t happen to you, if we succeed,” replied Sunset. “When I looked inside your mind back on that bridge, I also learned what your greatest desire was, and it’s to ensure that everyone will always remember your name for all of eternity. Someone could use the Memory Stone to wipe away all of your life-long efforts in an instant.”

Trixie’s pupils shrank as she suddenly realized just how much of a threat the Memory Stone truly was.

Sunset altered her voice as she speculatively said, “Trixie? Who’s Trixie? Never heard of that name. Great and Powerful? What kind of a silly title is that?”

“Okay, you’ve made your point!” snapped Trixie. She sighed, then asked, “If Trixie were to assist you, and we successfully recover this Memory Stone, what do you intend to do with it?”

“After I’ve figured out how to restore everyone’s memories of me, I will destroy the Memory Stone,” answered Sunset, “It’s not enough to simply hide it, as someone else could steal it and use it against us. No, for the sake of everyone in the Lego World — both good and evil — the Memory Stone must be destroyed.”

Trixie remained silent as she turned her gaze to the side, once again pondering her options.

Realizing that Trixie was still not quite fully convinced, Sunset decided to try a different angle that she believed the blue sorceress might find more appealing. “Think about it, Trixie,” spoke Sunset. “I once told you that you don’t have to be evil to make everyone remember you. This could be your best chance to prove to the Lego World that you can be one of the good guys. If we succeed, I’ll be sure to put the word out that I couldn’t have done it without your help.” Deep down, Sunset seriously doubted Trixie would actually be capable of helping her in any way, but she was so desperate for some form of companionship that she was willing to accept even someone as irritating as Trixie.

“Tempting…” muttered Trixie under her breath. After a lengthy pause, she turned her attention back to Sunset and proudly declared, “Very well, then! Trixie has agreed to join you in your quest to seek and destroy the Memory Stone! With the accomplishment of such a good deed, the Great and Powerful Trixie shall obtain a new reputation! People all across the Lego World will no longer think of Trixie as a tyrannical conqueror, but instead as a benevolent magical force to purge their lands of evil in all its forms!”

And I’m already regretting this, thought Sunset bitterly as she rolled her eyes. She then spoke up, “First thing’s first, Trixie. We’re dealing with someone who has the power to wipe our memories at any time, so if we’re gonna have any hope of catching them, every move we make will have to be as subtle and inconspicuous as possible. I know, asking someone like you to be subtle is like asking a fish to stay out of the water, but we need to take this threat seriously. At the very least, I’d like you to lose the hat, the cape, and the staff. That way, you’ll at least look like some random civilian.”

“In other words, stealth will be essential to our mission,” noted Trixie. She glanced at her staff apprehensively, then said, “Trixie shall concede the hat and cape, but the staff must stay firmly in my hand, for it is the sole source of Trixie’s magical powers.” She tapped the end of her staff against the ground, causing her hat and cape to suddenly vanish off her in a puff of smoke. Her appearance now consisted of a violet skirt around her upper legs with light blue along the bottom edge with her Creative Mark printed on the left side; medium blue on her lower legs, arms, and torso; a medium blue lowered hood piece around her neck; and a long hair piece that was white and pale blue on her head; along with the magical staff she still held in her right hand.

Sunset sighed and reluctantly mumbled, “That’ll have to do.” She then spoke up, “Okay, if we’re gonna get anything else done today, we’ll need a way to get around this city relatively quickly. I remember selling one of my old rides to Chan Chuang, so I’m hoping I’ve got enough to buy it back from him.” She held up the briefcase full of cash she was still holding in her left hand. “If we can just make it to his salvage yard over in the Pagoda district — and if he’s willing to sell me back my old ride — we can focus on trying to track down the Memory Stone without having to waste time sneaking around every city block.”

“Consider it done!” Trixie proudly proclaimed as she raised her staff.

Sunset immediately cried out in panic, “No! Don’t—!”

Trixie slammed the end of her staff down on the ground, causing both herself and Sunset to suddenly vanish from the alleyway in a large puff of smoke.

Back at the hotel, the rest of the Equestria Girls were awake, had just gotten ready for the day, and were now grabbing some breakfast at the buffet. This was the third day of their vacation, and they had agreed to spend the majority of it at the amusement park on the pier, not far to the north from the hotel.

As the six girls — and Spike — sat down at a table and began eating, Twilight spoke up, “You know… I’ve been thinking about Sunset Shimmer.”

Everyone else at the table dropped their utensils and turned to Twilight with various looks of worry or disapproval. “Twilight, darling, we’ve been over this before,” argued Rarity. “Sunset Shimer is the most wanted criminal mastermind in all of the City Regions, and therefore is someone we must never trust under any circumstances.”

“And what makes you so sure of that?” asked Twilight.

“‘Cause that’s just who she is!” argued Applejack firmly. “She only cares about gettin’ whatever she wants, and it don’t matter to her who she tramples over to get it!”

“And besides,” added Pinkie Pie, “she once turned into a magical monster that tried to brainwash everyone in Canterlot City into her own personal army. A big meanie like that deserves to be locked away forever.” She picked up a donut from her plate, but stopped just before shoving it into her mouth as she muttered, “But didn’t we send her to jail after that incident? How did she manage to get out?”

Twilight glared at Pinkie across the table and stated, “For your information, I also once turned into a magical monster, who threatened to destroy both this world and the alternate world of Equestria. Are you implying that I should be imprisoned for the rest of my life for that incident without any question?”

Everyone else at the table immediately spoke and exclaimed various words of assurances and apologies that they would never dare insist on a fate like that for such a close friend of theirs.

“And there’s the point I’m trying to make,” noted Twilight as she folded her arms. “You’re all so biased that you refuse to acknowledge even the remote possibility that what you believe to be real may not in fact be the full truth.”

“Since when do you care so much about Sunset Shimmer?” grumbled Rainbow Dash.

“I care about getting the facts straight,” Twilight clarified, “which means I can’t allow myself to be biased on any front. Therefore, it’s quite reasonable for me to consider the possibility that Sunset Shimmer might in fact be telling the truth, or at the very least what she believes to be the truth. Either way, she sure seemed very insistent that what she said was true.”

“Eh, she was probably just faking it,” said Spike dismissively.

“There’s that bias again,” Twilight pointed out. She turned to the rest of the girls and grumbled, “Seriously, am I the only one at this table who’s even trying to think with any sense of logic?”

“Very well then, Twilight,” responded Rarity on behalf of her friends. “Let us assume for a moment that Sunset Shimmer was truthful and that our memories have in fact been partially erased. What sort of evidence do you believe we would require to convince ourselves that it is the truth?”

“Based on the general idea Sunset was trying to insist upon,” answered Twilight, “the type of memories that could’ve been taken from us involved her essentially being part of our group of friends. In fact, she seemed to suggest that she was friends with all of you long before Spike and I joined this team. When you consider the fact that we were practically fighting on opposite sides for a period of time, if she really was your friend back then, then I on the other hand would not have thought of her as someone quite so friendly. Therefore, the evidence we seek would be a discrepancy in my memories compared to the rest of you.”

“Like what?” asked Rainbow Dash.

Twilight took a moment to consider a possible example, then turned to Rainbow Dash and said, “Think back to when we were at that abandoned arctic base. Starting at the moment you discovered I was there, all the way up until the moment I escaped through the Jump-Gate, I want you to describe everything you remember happening between those two moments. Don’t leave out any details you can recall.”

“Okay,” responded Rainbow Dash with uncertainty as she set down her utensils. She leaned back in her chair and said, “Well, when Pinkie Pie suddenly had her magical power drained, we knew you had to be nearby. We immediately scattered, and I was the first one to find you, but with all these weird portals popping up all over the place, you decided to jump through one to escape, so naturally I followed after you. You went in feet-first and kept running, but I went in head-first and ended up banging my head against the floor of a walkway.” She paused to take a sip of orange juice. “I’m not sure what everyone else did next — I was busy trying to shake off that headache. But once I was ready to go again, I saw you try to escape through a portal that led outside. I tried going after you, but after you went through, you managed to close that weird magic-stealing device of yours, which closed all the portals, and I ended up slamming into a solid wall. I was mad that I wasn’t fast enough, but I sure wasn’t gonna let you escape, so after I told AJ to help the others, I quickly tore apart anything I could get my hands on and built the pieces into a snowmobile. I then drove that thing right through the first door outside I could find and chased after you across the snow and ice, but then you opened that Jump-Gate, slipped through, and shut the doors before I could reach you. After that, the ice beneath me broke, but I was able to rebuild my snowmobile into something that could just fly me out of that hole.”

“Do you not recall hearing Sunset’s voice at any time in there?” asked Twilight. “Are you sure you were the only one riding on that snowmobile you built?”

“I’m pretty sure that what I just said is what really happened,” insisted Rainbow Dash.

“Not according to what I can recall,” argued Twilight. She leaned forward in her seat and glanced around at each of her friends as she said, “I knew you girls had discovered I was there when I heard the voice of Sunset Shimmer furiously shout my name. Yes, Rainbow was the first one to see me, and yes, we jumped through that first portal in different orientations that allowed me to keep running and sent Rainbow slamming her head against the floor. I won’t bother explaining how I dealt with the rest of you, as I’m sure you each still remember those parts, but after all of you were down, the only one left standing in my way was Sunset Shimmer. I remember her saying that she wanted us to settle things ‘mono a mono,’ I tired correcting her with the fact that we’re girls instead of men, but she decided to just come at me. I dodged her first attack and saw an opening to escape through that portal outside. Yes, Rainbow saw my escape and failed to make it through before the portal closed, but Sunset was closer to me, so she was able to make it through before it closed. I ran away, she ran after me, but once I reached my snowmobile, I revved the engine to kick up a ton of snow, burying her under a large pile of it. And just before I made my escape through the Jump-Gate, yes, Rainbow did chase me on her own snowmobile, but I also remember seeing Sunset Shimmer riding along with her.”

Everyone else at the table were stunned silent as they glanced at each other. “That is a discrepancy,” noted Fluttershy.

“So which one is true?” asked Applejack.

“Duh! Both of them are right!” argued Pinkie Pie. “If either of them were lying, they never would’ve bothered with some of the little details, like Rainbow Dash telling Applejack to help the rest of us, or Twilight trying to correct Sunset for saying ‘mono a mono’ between them. The only reason the two memories don’t perfectly match is because there’s some pieces missing from each of them.”

“Exactly!” cheered Twilight. “Thank you, Pinkie! Finally, some logical observation from someone else at this table!”

“Yes, I suppose that may very well be a compelling argument at this point,” acknowledged Rarity with hesitation.

“Okay, so maybe this Memory Stone that Sunset talked about could be real and that maybe it did wipe out some of our memories,” noted Spike skeptically. “But who could’ve used that thing? How can we be sure that it wasn’t Sunset who used it and was just lying to us the whole time?”

“If Sunset wanted to use the Memory Stone on us, she would’ve tried to make us forget that she was ever a bad guy,” argued Fluttershy. “If she really is supposed to be our friend, there’s no way someone like her would’ve been reckless enough to make us forget the good things about her instead of the bad things.”

“Maybe that’s just what she tried to do, but it horribly backfired,” suggested Rainbow Dash.

“You’re being biased again,” scolded Twilight in a sing-song tone.

“Please forgive us, darling,” said Rarity calmly, “but we simply cannot think of any potential suspects besides Sunset Shimmer.”

“What if that’s exactly what the true suspect wants?” argued Twilight. “I mean, if I had the power to erase any memory from anyone, I’d simply make sure no one would remember that I even had such a power. And if the suspect also took away enough memories to make us think that Sunset was nothing but evil, we would easily jump to conclusions and accuse her of messing with us.”

“Which means the real guilty party would be relyin’ on our bias against Sunset to make a clean getaway,” finished Applejack in astonishment.

“Wow, we’re really going off the deep end of conspiracy theory stuff right now,” remarked Pinkie Pie before shoving another donut into her mouth.

Twilight let out a sigh and admitted, “Pinkie’s right. We know so little about what’s really going on that it’s easy for us to get carried away with wild speculation.”

“So what should we do?” asked Fluttershy with concern.

“I’m afraid there’s only one person we can ask for any potentially useful information,” replied Twilight reluctantly. “Sunset Shimmer.”

Rainbow Dash groaned and asked, “Do we really have to?”

“She did tell us about the Memory Stone in the first place,” Fluttershy pointed out. “If anyone would know more about it, it would definitely be Sunset.”

“An’ like ya said, Twilight, whoever’s got that magical stone would never tell us if it even existed,” noted Applejack. She folded her arms and added, “Ah don’t like the idea of bein’ anywhere near a crook like Sunset Shimmer, but if she’s got info on a dangerous magical artifact, then we should at least try to hear her out.”

“Yeah, we’re supposed to be defending the Lego World against magical threats from Equestria,” agreed Pinkie Pie. “I can put up with Sunset Shimmer if it means stopping an even bigger bad guy.”

“But how shall we arrange such a meeting between us and Sunset Shimmer?” asked Rarity.

“She’s already approached us twice over the past two days,” Twilight pointed out. “Chances are she’ll be back soon enough, and this time, rather than try to chase her off, we should allow her to just sit down and have a little chat with us.”

“But what if the cops catch her before we get that chance?” asked Spike.

“Ya do realize this is Sunset Shimmer we’re talkin’ ‘bout, don’t ya?” asked Applejack in disbelief. “If there’s one thing she infamous for, it’s bein’ the one an’ only crook to always evade the authorities, no matter where she goes.”

“And if she does end up arrested, we could just ask the police to let us talk with her,” added Rainbow Dash.

“Either way, our priority is to ask Sunset Shimmer for more information regarding recent events,” stated Twilight.

“Until such an opportunity arises, I propose that we should simply proceed with our vacation as intended,” suggested Rarity as she began to resume eating her breakfast. “No point in wasting our precious vacation time dwelling on these unknowns.”

“Yeah, talking with Sunset Shimmer can wait,” agreed Pinkie Pie. “I mean, it’s not like we’re up against some time limit we have no idea about.”

Meanwhile in Equestria, Princess Twilight Sparkle had searched through Canterlot Library’s restricted section with almost no breaks ever since Sunset had left to return to the Lego World. By now, she had studied almost the vast majority of the section’s collection, but still hadn’t come any closer to finding any additional information regarding the Memory Stone.

Princess Celestia returned once again to the restricted section and saw Twilight sitting at the table and surrounded by tall stacks of books. “Any success, Twilight?” she asked as she approached the table.

“I’ve looked everywhere!” Twilight cried out in dismay. “Why can’t I find the missing page? I’ve always been good to you, library!”

In a fit of frustration, Twilight slammed her face against the table. This impact caused the chest that had contained the scroll of the Memory Stone to topple off the top of a stack of books and crash onto the floor. She worriedly glanced over at the fallen chest. The lid had broken loose and the skull-shaped lock had shattered, but more significantly, she noticed a piece of parchment sticking out from one of the fragments of that lock.

Twilight gasped in excitement and muttered, “This is it! The missing page was in a secret compartment!” She levitated the parchment out of the lock fragment and unfolded it. As Celestia began to look over her shoulder, Twilight held it up to her and excitedly exclaimed, “Look! A depiction of a Lego Minifig! The Memory Stone really did end up in the Lego World!”

The parchment consisted of the last few lines of writings, divided into two sections with an outlined depiction in the shape of a Lego Minifig between the two, and finished off with an illustration of the Memory Stone at the center of a circular formation marked by three tall rocks.

Twilight quickly read through the writing, then gasped. “Clover the Clever buried the stone in the middle of this rock formation!” she exclaimed in shock. As she levitated the parchment over to where it was torn off from the rest of the scroll, she muttered, “It must be located somewhere in the Lego World, but it doesn’t say how to get your memories back.” She then let out another gasp as she suddenly remembered an earlier passage on the scroll. She rolled the scroll back until she found that passage, then read aloud, “‘Perhaps if I had destroyed the stone right away, some of my memories could have returned. But when the sun sets by the third day after a memory is taken, it is erased forever.’” The increasingly dismayed tone of her voice made it clear how crestfallen she had become from this new information.

“You must warn Sunset Shimmer at once,” Celestia spoke up with concern. “Inform her of the burial site and that she must destroy the Memory Stone before the end of today to have any hope of recovering her friends’ memories.”

Twilight nodded with determination, then dug through the various piles of books on the floor until she found her magic journal. Since the old journal had been completely filled, she could leave that one to power the Crystal Mirror, allowing her to bring this newer one anywhere with her at any time. She immediately opened the journal to the first blank page and began writing.

Sunset, we think the Memory Stone was buried under this rock formation.

Twilight drew a quick sketch of the illustration from the scroll’s missing page, then continued writing.

And if you don’t destroy the Memory Stone by the time the sun sets today, all those memories will be erased forever!

Twilight decided that was all she needed to write, so she set down her quill and closed the journal. She sighed, then turned to Celestia and said, “I guess that’s all we can do. It’s now up to Sunset to do whatever it takes to find and destroy the Memory Stone before it’s too late.”

Celestia solemnly nodded in agreement.

Meanwhile in the Lego World, Sunset’s magic journal was vibrating and glowing, signaling that a new message had just been received. However, this journal was not currently with Sunset Shimmer. Instead, it was lying on the bedside table in her hotel room. The journal continued to vibrate and glow, but no one was there to read the dire message that had just been sent…

Author's Note:

Once again, I'm pleasantly surprised that the way I had arranged things in an earlier story would turn out to work very well for a much later story (in this case, leaving the possibility open for Trixie's redemption back in the fourth story). Since Trixie played a significant role in Forgotten Friendship, it was only natural that I would do something similar for this story. As for what importance she'll have (other than teleporting herself and Sunset across town at the end of this chapter), you'll just have to wait and see. I also decided to throw in a scene where the rest of the girls have a serious conversation about what might really be going on (as opposed to being mostly flat background figures as portrayed in Forgotten Friendship).