• Published 20th Feb 2019
  • 2,514 Views, 48 Comments

My mom is the moon. - Dimond Rainbow

When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade, right? WRONG! Ok, yeah second chance at life nice, not so nice; I now live with pastel colored ponies. yep, life is just great.

  • ...

Well, it's not like things can get worse

Wind rushed past me, and I clung to Luna for dear life.

This is not the way to win brownie points with me lady! just fucking land already please! I HATE HEIGHTS!

A scream burst from my throat and blended into the howling wind that rushed past my ears, I wanted so badly but the rushing wind made closing my eyelids impossible.

On and on this went for a good half hour until my throat was raw and sore, until she finally landed in a very small Podunk town. And all I could think from atop this mad-mare's back was:

You've got to be kidding me! I've been in malls bigger than this place!

She walked down the dirt streets and more ponies waved to us, some staring at me shockedly, before continuing about their business. I folded my arms and busied my self biting my tongue, seeing how long it would take for the muscle to bleed.

We walked into a building that reminded me of a carousal, like at fairs and stuff, except this one was a house or shop apparently.

"Welcome to carousal boutique where every piece is- Oh! Hello Princess Luna! What might you be in the search for today?" A white unicorn with purple curly hair asked.

"Actually, Rarity, I'm not looking for myself, I was wondering if you could make some clothes for my daughter." Luna said, bearing a proud smile as her horn began to glow, said glow wrapping around me.

"Oh! Princess! I had no idea you were expecting! How far along are you?" Rarity asked, quirking a brow, and all I could do is roll my eyes at her naivetés.

"Ermm.. actually, I've taken a child by other means." The blue pain in the butt (literally now after having been sitting on her back for who knows how long) princess said nervously.

"I am not your daughter! For the last time! And get this magic-y stuff off me! I know how to dismount from a horse!Sheesh, I've gone riding before..." I said begrudgingly, dismounting from the princess's back and crossing my arms firmly in front of my chest as I looked the white pony up and down.

"Oh... I've never created anything for anypony with such a unique physic before... I'll have to make new patterns entirely.... Yes, yes... Do you have any specific likes little one?" Rarity hummed, trotting around me, taking measurements.

"Right now, as long as this is clean, all I need if fresh underwear, a bra, and some pj's, preferably before the morning, but if your taking requests..." I stopped my list of needs and began to ponder my list of wants. "I don't like green, spots, or plaid. love zebra print, different shades of blue, purple, and black. Oh! And for the pj's -they had better be a shirt with pants, I don't care if they're loose or tight fit- Blue with gold gem stones and purple music note pattern or sheet music and hearts! I'd be happy for just basic white underwear, and nude tone bra."

I saw them visibly flinch at the mention of zebra print, and I almost rolled my eyes but Rarity's question stopped me dead in my tracks.

"What's a bra? And underwear?"

I blinked, she had to be kidding! These ponies were nude! All but the crown, horseshoes, and collar the princess wore. I shuddered, of all the gross things, this was one that hit high on my list. I mean they were colored crazy ponies, with tattoos on their butts, wings, and horns! I honestly thought I might gag, but I had a more pressing matter.

I wrinkled my nose and asked through gritted teeth: "Do you have anywhere I can change? You can look at what I've got on, they're not clean just so you know, and please don't rip them apart so you can look at the patterns this is all I've got."

"Oh, yes, right over here." Rarity said leading me away from Luna and to a dressing room. I took off everything, I mean if she was going to make me clothes, she'd need all the visual aid she could get, I wasn't embarrassed or anything, it wasn't like I hadn't gone around naked for long periods of time, I normally slept without anything on, but that was when I was alone, and until I had my own room secured in that castle, I'd be sleeping next to somebody other than my Ada.

"Can you get me a towel, or a piece of cloth, or something?!" I squeaked, and covered my mouth at the childish noise that passed from my lips.

I heard Luna chuckle to herself softly, and my cheeks burned like the sun. "SHUT UP MOON BUTT!"

She went silent, and I could see her eyes harden from the other side of the curtain. For the first time since I had met her, she was stern with me. "Watch your tongue."

I snickered, covering my mouth with my hands, trying not to laugh.

"Try these darling, they might fit you." Rarity's voice called distantly, magicking a rack full of costumes to me.

My eye twitched as I looked through the cloth things, finally settling on the only thing that vaguely fit; A puffy blue princess dress, with glitter, lace, beads, pearls, gems, embroidery, and ruffles.

By the time I was in the awkward outfit I looked like an over puffed doll, from a terrible movie, like one who tried to beat the simpler princess with her over the top dress.

"Ich schwöre, ich werde jeden töten, der lacht oder diesen Laden betritt…" I growled as I pulled the curtain back and sat on the modeling stage.

Princess Luna had to stifle her giggles behind a hoof and wing, but I could still hear them. I glared murderously at her, which didn't help my situation, she only laughed more.

I sighed irritably, and flumped back, waiting for either my life to end, or for that curly haired pony to bring back my clothes.

Rarity didn't return for FOREVER!

I paused in shock at my thoughts, that sounded like something a little kid might think! I rubbed my eyes with my palms, already I was beginning to think like a child, sounding like one I could handle, but I wasn't ready to start thinking like some snot nosed little brat!

But I quickly took my clothes and dashed into the changing room to get out of this ridiculous dress.

"Hold on Darling, I need you to try these on and see if they fit." Rarity chirped, magicking some clothing into the room.

I survived the pattern, she had gone with gemstones and hearts on baby blue fabric in a loose fitting outfit, for my pajama's. Granted it wasn't exactly what I asked for, but hey, it fit, and was really comfortable. I was actually shocked that she knew how to make pants, but hey, maybe the stallions didn't like their stuff showing all the time?

Who was I to know what these animals would do?

"Yeah, they fit, and so does the underwear 'n stuff!" I called, quickly changing back into my clothes, with a relieved sigh.

"Perfect!" The pristine pony smiled, putting the items into a bag. "I should have some other outfits made within the week, any preferences there?"

"No dresses. I hate -no- I loathe dresses. Just make me some jeans, and some leggings, that'll be perfect, trust me." I huffed. Out of all the ponies I'd met thus far, Rarity... Rarity was tolerable.

She kinda reminded me of my eldest little brother's class mate Raven, except Raven wasn't as handy with a thread and needle to my knowledge. Of course I'd only met her a few times, but hey, who was to say?

I paused as the princess put me on her back, and took the clothing bag as we took off into the sky, how were my brothers? As annoying as they were, if I was dead in the real world, how were they taking it?

Adam.... John jr..... Dillan…..

Any tears that might have escaped my eyes were blown away by the wind, the height and the ponies the farthest thing from my mind as the sinking sun warmed my back with it's receding light, and I wondered, deep down mournfully.

Would I ever get to see them all again?

Author's Note:

Ich schwöre, ich werde jeden töten, der lacht oder diesen Laden betritt.
I swear I will kill anyone who laughs or enters this shop.

Well, Diamant is missing her family, has clothes, but still doesn't like Luna. What else is new?
Also on any improper translations, I am sorry, I'm just using Google, and this is just meant to be a fun read, not anything educational. So, if I said somehting wrong, or miss-spelled it, blame google not me.