• Published 3rd Mar 2019
  • 568 Views, 20 Comments

BPT: The Coup of Avarice - Wolven5

Change is inevitable, the only question is which changes are the right ones

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Chapter 2. Taking to the Sky

"Good afternoon, Equestria, I'm Novel Scene of SHM News," the reporter mare spoke confidently into the lens of her camerapony, "and we're here, in front of Prince Blueblood's personal workshop, located in Ponyville, where he along with Prince Midnight Blaze are soon to unveil, what they promise to be, the next big leap into the future of the airship industry.

"As you can see, the locals are quite ecstatic to see just what it is the resident princes have in store, not only for them but for all of Equestria, and perhaps even the world at large."

Twilight was glad she'd used an aversion ward to avoid being interviewed by the reporters, and in all honesty she wondered if the paparazzi was really necessary.

"You okay, Twi?"

She looked to see Thunderlane was standing beside her, wearing a pair of flight goggles on his forehead.

"Oh I'm alright, Thunderlane, it's just..." Twilight noticed not only most of Ponyville's citizens were present, but also a lot out visitors from out of town. "What exactly is this airship project Midnight and Blueblood have been working? It's gone on for months and then all of a sudden they're about to reveal it. I'm just wondering it's really as big a deal as all of this is making it out to be.

"Midnight wouldn't even let me help with the project aside from consulting me on specific applications of enchantments and wards. I never even got to see this airship in production."

"Perhaps he's merely seeking to make his own mark in your nation's history, Princess Twilight," said a familiar voice and Twilight gasped to see feathery face she remembered walk up and tower beside her.

"Doran!" Twilight smiled in a greeting way, "It's so nice to see you, but... what are you doing here? It can't just be for my husband's new airship."

"You are correct, milady," Doran responded in a gentlecoltly (birdly?) manner as he gently took Twilight's hoof and pressed the top part of his beak tip to it, trying to mimic kissing it. "This is one of the instances I wish I had lips. It always fascinates me in such a simple way, you ponies and other creatures with your squishy expression-able faces."

Twilight regarded the griffon prince, one of the larger specimens of his kind and still not one of the biggest. His lion body was pelted brownish-red with a golden sheen while his eagle head and wings were gleaming gold with feathery pointed ears, and his eyes a sky blue. He wasn't as tall as his father, King Godric, but he was certainly almost as muscular, big enough to match Bulk Biceps in, well, bulk. Strangely enough, he was wearing the same kind of flight goggles as Thunderlane, the lenses set above his eyes.

Looking around, it was a tad difficult to spot them but here and there Twilight could see pegasi wearing flight goggles, as well as a few griffons and unless she was mistaken there were even a few lunar pegasi amongst them.

"Doran, Thunder..." Twilight gave them curious looks, "Is there any reason in particular you and several other winged individuals here are wearing flight goggles?"

Thunderlane and Doran shared a not-so-discrete look and forced a smile (especially on Doran's part), as Thunderlane tried, "Getting into the spirit of the occasion?"

"Fine, don't tell me," Twilight mock-harrumphed, "I'm fairly certain whatever you're all scheming will be made clear soon enough."

Thunderlane and Doran both sighed in relief, Thunderlane saying, "Well, Twi... let's just say, Midnight's new airship isn't the only thing that's gonna be presented to everypony today."

"Hmm," Twilight had to admit, this day was looking to be an increasingly interesting one, especially when a burst of applause sounded and they looked to see the warehouse doors open just a little.

Out stepped Midnight, also wearing flight goggles above his eyes, followed by Blueblood, Doctor Time Turner Whooves, Techorse, and a unicorn mare Twilight didn't recognize. Her coat was the soft and light gray of a marble statue, her mane was a soft orange tipped blonde, pulled back into a high ponytail, her light blue eyes sparkled with excitement and perhaps a tad nervous from seeing the turnout, and her cutie-mark was a colorful pen leaving a trail on a clipboard.
As a matter of fact, she had a pen tucked behind her ear and carried a clipboard in her telekinetic aura, her eyes going back and forth betwixt the crowd, the ponies she was standing beside, and whatever notes she had on the clipboard. Techorse gave her a teasing nudge, whispered something to her, and she seemed to calm down as she finally gave the crowd her attention.

The newsponies had forced their way to the front of the crowd, only a few security ponies keeping them back, but that didn't stop them from throwing question after question in effort to be the first to get the scoop.Finally, Midnight spread his wings, beckoning silence and once all had calmed down, he cleared his throat and began.

"Fillies and gentlecolts, friends, neighbors, family, visitors! Today marks a glorious leap into the future! In just a few short minutes, my team and I shall unveil to you what we promise to be... the most advanced and innovated airship yet! The first of its kind, a mystechnological marvel, a testament to ingenuity, innovation, and imagination! This airship symbolizes more than mere advancement and improving of today's technology, however. It represents hard work, teamwork, compromise, the kind of accomplishment that is achieved when bright, creative minds come together, each with something to offer, pieces to form a greater whole!

"That is why, I thank each and every pony who had a part in making this incredible feat of mystech engineering a reality. I don't speak only of the ponies who stand beside me up here, but also the diligent and amazing workers that helped in the overall construction and design. For without them, none of this would be possible."

Dozens and dozens of ponies among the crowd, who Twilight and several others recognized were Blueblood's employees in the warehouse, cheered in response to Midnight's kind words.

"Prince Midnight, Prince Midnight!" Novel Scene finally got in edgewise as she held her microphone towards the prince, "Novel Scene, SHM News. Your Majesty, from what you're saying, this new airship of yours is supposed to be possibly the most advanced vessel to be created in many-many years since airships in general were first invented. Tell us, what is the purpose of this new airship, and how did you come to get started in even planning it?"

"I'll take that question," Blueblood stepped forward, making sure his bowtie and dress collar were straight and clearing his throat, "Novel, as I'm sure most ponies know, at least those in the scientific community, it was my father, Blueskies, who designed and made with his own hooves, horn, and intelligence the very first prototype for a working airship and presented it to Princess Celestia over thirty years ago.

"The Princess saw something worthwhile and granted my father the resources and funds to improve his designs, and through his trials and errors he constructed the first workable airship that not only became a vessel for transporting cargo but also to give earth ponies and unicorns a semblance of that connection pegasi share with the skies above them, so that all ponies may know the thrill of what it is to soar among the clouds. By these successes, my father founded New Heights Avionics and airships have since then improved and helped to make Equestria reach higher for new possibilities.

"My good friend and colleague, Prince Midnight, approached me with the proposition of not simply commissioning an airship from my workshop, but to be a part of something new. Which is where our friends, Dr. Whooves, Techorse, and Miss Stencil Guide all come in."

Blueblood gestured to the three ponies, smiling with respect and gratitude, "It is because of their contributions and brilliant minds that this new airship not only got off the ground but will pave the way for faster, safer, and greater vessels to take flight and inspire all to reach higher in life!"

There was a murmur of excitement from the crowd before Techorse stepped forward.

"With this ship, we hope to bring Equestria into a new age of technological advances," he said. "Our technology was good, but never great. It never reached it's full potential... until now."

"And so, without further ado..." Midnight lit up his horn, causing the warehouse doors to slowly open, "We are proud to present, the first of the next generation of airships, the first of her class, or as we like to call her... The Break of Dawn!!"

Everyone in the crowd almost held their breath as they watched a massive shape come forth into the light, and they saw her. She was being brought out on a large wheeled platform, with wedges on either side to keep her upright. The vessel was three stables tall, at little over two-hundred hooves long, and it sported a paint job of black, the orange of a sunrise, and detailed lining of pale blue and golden-pink.

It was built with an elongated hull, flat at the back end but pointed at the front like a sleek clutter, the bow featuring four iron doors that would open up to reveal four launching tubes. The sides of the ship had four casemates whose guns currently laid flush to the hull, able to swing out in 180 degree arcs for strafing. On the main deck and on the underbelly of the vessel were two pairs of ten inch thunder cannons mounted to rounded turrets painted black with orange stripes, long barrels pointed forward. Towards the back of the ship sat the bridge, a trapezoidal area with enchanted glass window panes that could absorb all but the hardest blows from enemy fire, and fins the same color as the hull stuck out behind these in a shape resembling a shark's dorsal fin. Six individual sonic cannons with distinctive cone-shaped nozzles on their barrels lined the areas to the sides of the bridge, swiveling on turret mounts to provide 360 degree coverage, stowing upwards like a set of feathers when not in use.

Behind it, four arcane thrusters the thickness of tree trunks were arranged in a diamond shape to provide raw power. Supplying the mighty engine that fed these thrusters were a trio of triangular solar sails which unfurled from twin masts mounted in front of and behind the first main turret.

The crowd went wild at the sails being deployed, with a pair of smaller sails deploying starboard and port just to the sides of the bridge. Its engine had not yet been ignited, but the sight of a brand new warships brought patriotic thoughts to the onlookers, the prominent weapons systems especially contributing!

After permitting his subjects their moment to ogle over the vessel, Midnight declared, “Now, to help explain what this vessel can do through some Q and A, is two of the talented minds who helped to make this ship a reality. Ladies and gentlecolts, Techorse and Stencil Guide!”

More applause followed as the green stallion, clad in his usual goggles and robotic saddle, approached the podium with Stencil Guide behind. Techorse dropped himself right in front of the microphone attached to the stand, and prepared to speak. All eyes were on him, but no pony was coming forward to ask anything about the vessel. Novel Scene, seeing her opportunity, pushed forward to make her demands.

“Mr. Techorse, we are here to talk after your opening statement, if you please!”

“Uh-oh, last time a bunch of ponies wanted to talk to me, it was an intervention!” joked Techorse, getting a healthy round of laughter out of the crowd.

Stencil smiled and casually brushed the microphone with her hoof before adding, “We'd love to answer your questions about this fine ship. Do you have any personally on behalf of the media?”

“Yes, of course,” Novel nodded, “I'm not an engineer, but I can clearly see as can all the folks at home that there is no balloon on this vessel. Isn't it an airship?”

“Uh-oh, guys, did we leave the balloon at home?” Stencil asked with feigned panic, turning to Techorse.

Another joke, and another good laugh.

Stencil took back the attention of the crowd, “Well, you see... when we drew up the plans for this vessel, we didn't include a balloon. This ship is fully capable of flying under its own power without needing a bag for lighter-than-air gas like helium or hydrogen.”

“Amazing! So how can it fly?” continued the reporter.

With a knowing look, the metal doors on the side of Techorse's saddle opened up, and a robotic arm emerged carrying a small disk. He activated the device, which turned out to be a holographic projector he and Midnight had developed earlier. A large blue wire frame diagram of the ElectroStorm Engine appeared above the heads of those present, “oooh!” resonating from the crowd.

“Without a gas bag, the airship requires a ton of thrust to stay in the air,” Techorse explained, pointing at the rotating model, “but to give the ship's thrusters enough energy to accomplish that, we need to convert a lot of energy into electricity quickly. This machine is called the ElectroStorm Engine, a device that contains a storm system within a chamber of reinforced bonded crystal glass. Using proven pegasus technologies, the storms within the primary reacting chamber produce lightning that strike the converter at the bottom, powering the vessel's systems continuously.”

“But storms evaporate into rainwater eventually,” a pegasus mare up front said, confused, “they stop being storm clouds really fast unless you make more.”

“That's correct, we need to re-heat the water condensation that forms to continuously feed the stormcloud,” Stencil agreed, pointing to the rotating arms within the containment unit, “The water is not heated up from the bottom, but instead pumped out of the chamber and back up to these things that look like showerheads. Using enchanted equipment and circuitry, we reheat and re-energize the water and spin it into more storm cloud!”

“But that's a lot of power!” the mare complained, “How do you get that to feed the storm?”

“The sails,” Techorse answered, pointing with the free robotic hand and its pointer finger up at the imposing triangular units, “these 'solar sails', as we call them, funnel the sun's energy into the engine room into five storage machines that convert it into the arcane energy necessary to generate more stormclouds out of the rainwater. When the sun is out and the ship is in no danger, we can deploy the sails to charge the solar energy storage or run the engine continuously.”

“Amazing! With that kind of power, the ship could fly forever just by putting out its own sails,” Novel commented, “a truly extraordinary craft!”

“...And we're not done yet,” Stencil gloated, batting her eyebrows, “there are a lot of unique challenges in navigating Equestria's atmosphere, and that's why we'd like to bring Dr. Time Turner Whooves up here to go over how our work tackles them!”

The doctor adjusted his tie confidently and replaced the pair at the microphone, maintaining a pleasant expression. It was one thing to go over a speech in one's head, and a very different animal to actually give it! Techorse dismissed his hologram and withdrew with Stencil so that all attention would be given to the doctor.

“Good afternoon, everypony!” he said, “As my friends Techorse and Stencil said, our planet is very much subject to the hard facts of science! Facts that might like to doom even a wonderful ship such as the Break of Dawn.”

Noticing a tiny bit of boredom from the audience, he took out a pen from his clothing and let the writing implement fall onto the ground.

Having enjoyed watching their eyes all track the falling tool, he continued, “For example, gravity! Pens, ponies, and even ships are all subject to it. To counter this extreme force brought on by our planet's weight, we've installed a number of energem units in the hull, each enchanted with lightweight charms. By supplying or cutting power to these mystical stones, we can counteract the force of gravity itself and make the ship hover.”

“Sounds like a good way to land, at least,” chuckled a stallion up front.

“Indeed,” he answered, “it's our new method of liftoff and landing, all without having to fiddle with flames or heated air, a hazard on older vessels.”

“Yeah well, another huge hazard is lightning,” a pegasus mare interjected, “and I don't see any lightning rods on that thing!”

“That's because the sail masts are lightning rods,” answered Dr. Whooves, pointing at the sharpened tips on each deployed sail, “the telescoping poles actually have power lines running through them that collect the lightning and disperse it safely, keeping a part for the engine's power supply as well!”

Impressed, the mare replied, “Well... guess you won't be needing rescuing, at least!”

The Doctor winked at her before continuing in his posh manner, “We certainly hope not! If there's anything all these devices can't handle, we also have the ship equipped with two state-of-the-art shield cores, which project magical barriers or line the hull with reinforcing energy. If one collapses, we can redirect power to the other to keep the shield facing danger as high as possible. Even hail can't harm our sails with it up!"

"Wow, so many new things in one ship," commented another random unicorn pony, taking notes on a fresh pad of paper.

"Indeed! Now, I've got time for one more question if anypony has one!"

The Doctor received a single hoof in the air, from a stallion who looked concerned, "What about those weapons you have installed on it? Is this ship supposed to be for warfare?"

That question certainly made for a tense atmosphere, and Doctor Whooves gulped a little, unsure of how to respond.

"I'll take that question," Midnight stepped forward, giving the Doctor a thankful pat on his shoulder, as the brown earth pony stepped back. "This ship is meant to be for transport, for leisure, and if necessary, for delivering cargo. The weapons installed are meant for precaution in the possible event the ship and its crew were to encounter hostiles.

"While the shield cores can offer protection, there are so many systems on this ship that it would be necessary to reroute power to specific systems, depending on the situation, and there's the possibility the shield cores could fail or short out. Therefore, the weapons are the ship's last resort to defend her and those aboard her. As fortune favors the prepared, I would prefer those aboard this ship to have these weapons but not need them instead of need them and not have them."

Several in the crowd shared some debating murmurs, although some nodded in agreement of Midnight's words.

"Moving on, The Break of Dawn shall make her maiden voyage in just a few days following the conclusion of the Royal Summit, which shall reform the Aristocratic Council into what shall be thence known as the Council of Equestria, a governing body comprised of councilors chosen by democratic vote. The Dawn will disembark from Canterlot on a tour to the hometowns and cities of every new councilor, so that all of Equestria will get to meet and greet the individuals who will help to lead our nation into a promising future!"

The crowd erupted into cheers and whoops before Midnight raised his wings, beckoning for silence.
"And speaking of the future, I have two more additional announcements to make. In recognition of his crucial role in the making of this amazing ship, his integrity, his ability to inspire through his innovations, I nominate Techorse with my recommendation to be elected for a seat on the Council of Equestria as the Councilor of Science and Innovation!"

"Me?!" Techorse was flabbergasted by the positive response from the crowd as Midnight stepped over to his friend.

"Techorse, I understand this is... kind of unexpected. But after our little adventure in Fillydelphia, the way you handled yourself, the character you displayed despite the negativity and adversity you faced, along with your ability to invent such incredible things all in the endeavor to improve the lives of those around you, I can think of nopony better to lead Equestria's Department of Science and Innovation.

"Now, there will be no hard feelings if you decline. But in the words of somepony I care for and respect, 'those best suited for power are those who do not seek it'. You don't seek personal gain, you seek to help those around you with what you make with your own hooves, and that is something I can't help but admire about you. Don't give your answer now. Consider my recommendation and attend the Royal Summit in Canterlot. Your name will be added to the candidacy, and whether or not you win the election it will still be your choice. Think about it, and whatever you decide your decision will be respected."

Midnight held his hoof to the green pony, who hesitated for a long moment. He looked at the crowd, feeling put on the spot, when he felt a gentle nudge and looked to see Stencil giving him a look of encouragement before she whispered, "If you don't, I will!"

He couldn't hep but chuckle, "Well, you'd be pretty darn good at it."

"Eh, I'm not a ponies' pony, but..." Stencil shrugged, "It's still quite an opportunity!"

Techorse gave it a thought. Ever since he'd gotten his research grant, his business back in Fillydelphia had really taken off. Not only did he have more customers interested in his products, he'd been able to invent more appliances and make progress on some projects he'd never had time or money for. To run for Councilor of Science and Innovation? That would be an amazing opportunity, but it also came with great responsibility and becoming embroiled in Equestria's politics.

"...I'll consider it, Midnight," Tech finally answered.

"That's all I ask," Midnight nodded before adding, "But Tech? Make sure your decision is the right one. For you, and for Equestria."

Techorse gulped a little before nodding, and Midnight stepped forward to face the crowd again.
"Now, this leads me to my second announcement. Fillies and gentlecolts, I am proud to announce this inaugural show, in addition to The Break of Dawn. I present to you, for the very first time..."

Midnight raised his hoof to his goggles and winked, and Twilight noticed Thunderlane and Doran, and several other ponies, griffons, and the few lunar ponies among the crowd, doing the same as Midnight then lowered his goggles over his eyes, and they all did the same. The crowd gasped and awed as Midnight, and all these fliers who'd donned their goggles were each engulfed in a silvery blazing light! When those lights dimmed, Midnight, Thunderlane, Doran, and all these fliers were now garbed in flight suits very similar to the uniforms worn by the Wonderbolts. The only difference was the colors and style.

While the Wonderbolt uniforms were blue and yellow with an electric pattern, these uniforms were a proud gleaming silver and blazing blue with flame-shaped patterns! Midnight spread his wings, all the other flight suit garbed fliers doing the same... and took flight, stormcloud-like trails in their wakes as they zoomed straight up! Everypony watched in amazement as these fliers soared high into the sky above, before coming together in V-formation, Midnight in the lead with Soarin and Thunderlane at his sides!

The formation dove downwards towards the crowd and several onlookers cried out and ducked in alarm as they were nearly dive-bombed, only for these fliers to suddenly pull up and fly upwards again, only in an ascending spiral formation. This continued for a bit until Midnight curved outwards, the rest of his fliers following as they then formed a flying circle, the stormcloud trails enshrouding them and crackling with electricity. The halo-shaped stormcloud began to thunder, and everypony below watched in nervous anticipation before there was a mighty CRACK as the fliers within zoomed out and inwards, passing each other by in the eye of the storm, before flying back in and then out the exterior of the stormcloud, and then they began flying in a circle again, only in reverse, creating a vacuum that pulled the ring-shaped stormcloud along before they again began flying in a spiral formation, only this time they were descending.

The stormcloud was pulled along this spiral formation, turning it into a crackling tornado, into which Midnight alone flew into, coming out the bottom end, the tornado trailing along in his wake as his fliers flew a circle around its mouth on the other side, keeping it under control. Midnight ascended, the tornado following him, until he decided he was high enough and flew back into it, turning the tornado inside out, as Midnight's fliers zoomed up and downwards, the inside-out mouth of the tornado being pulled apart into a bursting explosion of crackling sparks and embers of energy that rained down before fizzing out, as everypony gasped in amazement, as Midnight and his fliers finally landed before them all.

Midnight stepped forward and pulled down the hood/mask part of his uniform so everypony would clearly see his face as he proudly declared, "THE SILVERBOLTS!!!"

Author's Note:

I just couldn't resist opening with a reporter; for the record, SHM News gets its name from the phrase "Straight from the Horse's Mouth"

Techorse and Stencil Guide are on loan from Spirals95 and I thank him for his help in designing and describing The Break of Dawn

The aerial team Midnight has been working on is called the Silverbolts, in honor of Midnight's favorite Wonderbolt and mentor, Silver Lining.