• Published 3rd Mar 2019
  • 568 Views, 20 Comments

BPT: The Coup of Avarice - Wolven5

Change is inevitable, the only question is which changes are the right ones

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Chapter 5. Poisonous Politics

"Hmm," Buck Cheap scrutinized the report his agent had left on his desk that evening, nodding in satisfaction to learn that the package had been delivered.

Things were off to a good start for his plan. The pieces were in place, he'd planted seeds of doubt and indecision into the minds of some of his fellow dukes and duchesses, now all he needed was to wait for things to unfold and once the situation was right he would make his next ploy. Those alicorn freaks would be forced to step down as the rulers of Equestria, the throne would be abolished, and then Buck Cheap would propose the Aristocratic Council assume sovereignty over the nation.

With myself as Chairpony, of course, Cheap thought with a devious chuckle when he heard his buzzer ring.

"Mr. Cheap, sir, you have a visitor," came the voice of his secretary through the intercom.

Sighing, he answered, "I'm not expecting anyone, Check Mark."

"Uh- Yes, I know, sir, um," the secretary stuttered before clearing her throat through the device, "It's an applicant from Manehatten University. He was recommended by the dean, and-"

"Whatever, just let him in," Buck Cheap sighed while leaning back into his chair, waiting as the door opened and in walked the applicant, carrying a folder.

He was an earth pony, lanky in build and with a coltish face. His coat was red like ketchup, and his dark brown mane was combed and slicked back, aside from a stubborn curl hanging above his face. He wore a brown suit with a green tie, glasses perched on his muzzle, he carried a folder, and his cutie-mark looked like a tomato or... was it a bag of money? He was young, probably fresh out of business school, but he carried himself with a stoic manner.

"Sit," Buck Cheap instructed, pointing to a hoofstool set before his antique wood desk, and once the applicant was sitting down (which forced him to gaze around the office supplies on Cheap's desk and up at the Duke, Buck sat up straight and held out his hoof.

The applicant didn't bat an eye as he held out the folder and Cheap examined its contents

Tomato Sandwich. Graduated with honors from Manehatten University in business transaction and economics. Recommended by Dean Whinnychester. Wait... Tomato Sandwich?

Buck Cheap gave the applicant another but more careful look and realized, He's the spittin' image of...!

"Hmm," Cheap said aloud, before closing the folder, "So Tomato Sandwich... Your credentials look good, your grades speak for themselves, your dean's recommendation appears to be justified... But tell me, why should I, Buck Cheap, Head and Scion of House Avarice and the Duke of Business and Commerce, hire you?"

"Well, Mr. Cheap, I..." Tomato cleared his throat before stating, "I am a driven and ambitious pony, looking to make a name for myself in the business world. And who better to than you to prove my capabilities?"

"Hmm," Buck Cheap thought a moment before nodding, "Very well, I think there's room for you in this operation. We'll start you off with an internship, and provided you have the drive and ambition you say you have, we shall see where you go from there."

Buck Cheap held out his hoof, smirking, "What do you say?"

Tomato almost lifted his hoof to accept Cheap's offer, when he felt a jolt at the base of his spine, feeling his cutie-marks shudder as that jolt traveled up his back and caused him to flinch.

This again?! What is it this time? he wondered, annoyed when... he took another look at Buck Cheap and saw something in those eyes of his.

Something that was none too friendly, despite that welcoming smile the duke was giving.

"Um... may I... take some time to consider your offer, sir?" Tomato asked hesitantly, "After all, a good business pony considers all avenues before making a big decision!"

"Mm, that is true," Cheap shrugged while leaning back in his chair, "but so you know, this offer expires by the end of the day. Either come back before then, or don't come back at all."

"Y-yes, sir, thank you sir," Tomato replied, backing away from Cheap's desk before making his way towards the door.

"Tomato Sandwich..."

Tomato froze as he'd been reaching for the door handle, and cautiously looked back at the duke as he asked, "By any chance, do you have a relative by the name of Cheese Sandwich?"

"Huh, you know, sir, you're like... the third or fourth pony to ask me that," Tomato replied before shaking his head, "but no, I don't think so."

Cheap narrowed his eyes but Tomato appeared to be honest, "Never mind. Close the door on your way out."

"Thank you, sir," Tomato nodded and did just that, sighing inward as he left the building.

Maybe I shouldn't work for Duke Cheap... he thought, that weird sensation happened again! Just like it did when I had a bad feeling about that mare Bluejinx talked to...

He recalled that particular occasion when he'd stopped his friend from spending time with a unicorn mare, who'd turned out to be some crazy enchantress who turned stallions into plants!

Maybe working for the Duke isn't a good idea after all, Tomato Sandwich thought, Perhaps I should accept that opportunity from the royal court.

With morning came hope and optimism, making for a positively bright atmosphere around the dining table at breakfast. Not everypony was up yet, but the breakfast platters Princess Celestia had made were just too good to wait patiently, as everypony gorged themselves!

"Mmm-MM! These pancakes ya made are dee-lish, Princess Celestia," Applejack complimented.

"Even better than Applejack's," Thunderlane added, then felt the heat as he noticed AJ raise her brow out the corner of his eye. "What?! It's true, you can taste it!"

"Mmmyeah," Applejack caved before shouldering the dark gray pegasus with a flirty chuckle, making him smile sheepishly.

"I'm glad everypony is enjoying themselves," Celestia smiled, "Although my kitchen staff always makes such delicious meals, cooking is one of my favorite hobbies, especially when I can share what I cook with my friends and family."

"And I look forward to when it's one pony bigger," Sombra smiled lovingly at his wife as they both placed their hooves on her middle.

Big Mac smiled at them when he noticed that Fluttershy had just added more pancakes to her platter, "Uh, darlin'? Ya sure you can handle tha' many flapjacks?"

"Oh, um I'm fine, Mackie," Fluttershy replied with a sheepish look, "I'm... just feeling extra hungry this morning."

"Uh, okay, if'n yer sure," Big Mac shrugged, not noticing the knowing smiles his friends shared, when Rarity and Blueblood came in.

"Ah, a divine morning, and apparently a divine breakfast to go with it," Rarity eyed the food eagerly as Blueblood help her to her seat, until Rarity noticed the drinks available, "Oh my, these won't do. Good sir?"

The butler nearby approached, eloquently asking, "Yes, ma'am, you called?"

"Be a dear and bring me a glass of wheatgrass tea, if you would, darling," Rarity requested and the butler set off to bring the beverage.

"Wheatgrass tea? Yuck!" Cheese Sandwich stuck his tongue out.

"Well, we can't all live on sweets and party punch, Cheese, dear," Rarity turned her nose up, "and you really should try it. It's good for the body."

"Speaking of body," Midnight spoke up, looking towards Celestia and Sombra, "is there anything else we should talk about, concerning the council?"

"The meeting from yesterday will resume this afternoon," Celestia explained, "Regardless of his less-than-flattering remarks towards us, Duke Cheap's obvious plans to prevent this reformation will not succeed. Our nation needs this change in our government, for the citizens to have the chance for a louder and clearer voice."

"Honestly, Princess Celestia, there are times I wonder if crowns and thrones are holding Equestria back," Twilight spoke up, sounding solemn, "Take Bargos, for example. The Dogs are ruled by a meritocracy, where each Dog proves their merit, pulls their weight, and earns their keep."

"That meritocracy the Dogs have isn't so pure as you might think, Twilight," Sombra responded, "the Dogs' society is based on a pack hierarchy, divided into a caste system, with Alpha-level citizens on top, and Omega-level citizens serving as menial servants and cheap labor, and those Omegas are very often abused and mistreated by all the pack levels above them.

"Even in their capitol of Sirius you will find the most reputable among them to be cruel and vicious towards those who are beneath them in accordance to their society."

"Absolute power corrupts absolutely," Midnight sighed, "There are times I wish I could put down my crown and focus on simply being a protector of our nation. To not have to deal with all the redtape."

"And the politics as well, I imagine," Celestia pointed out, and Midnight nodded. "The contamination of greed can be far-reaching in any society. Corporations, trade guilds, too many officials and leaders putting their interests before the people they are meant to represent and protect. That's not to say that I don't believe in our citizens."

"I agree, Princess," Twilight nodded, "There are those who work to root out corruption and stand by their principles in the face of temptation."

"Enough of this dreary talk," Celestia said, "A new hospital has opened here in Canterlot, and once we have finished our meal, we shall go to visit, see real good at work."

Everypony nodded and smiled as they then murmured among themselves, Rarity smiling at Blueblood when she heard somepony clear their throat. She looked and saw the butler carrying a silver tray with her requested beverage.

"Your wheatgrass tea, madam."

"Thank you very much, good sir," Rarity accepted it while giving him a grateful smile before taking a delicious sip.

The carriage ride to the hospital was uneventful (not counting Canterlot ponies waving at the royals and the cheering for the Harmonic Twelve), but traffic seemed to pick up the closer they got the hospital. By the time they finally stopped, they all gasped in abject horror to see the new hospital was overrun with ponies, all looking sick to their stomachs! Some were coughing and wheezing, some were clearly in pain, clutching their barrels or even holding their heads, and hospital staff ponies were doing their best to keep up with the influx of patients but they just kept coming.

Celestia, Sombra, Midnight, Twilight, and Spike led the others as they approached the hospital, Celestia speaking to a pony who was pulling a gurney that carried a young mare who was obviously suffering.

"Orderly, what's going on here?"

"I'm not sure, Princess," the orderly responded in an urgent tone as he was in a hurry to get the patient medical attention, "Doctor Miracle Cure is overseeing the outbreak, she's inside!"

"Outbreak?!" Twilight whispered in shock, looking to Midnight who was as concerned as she was as they all went inside.

The lobby itself was full of patients with nurses and doctors all trying their best to treat them but there was just too many. Twilight, Fluttershy, and Rarity teared up to see a filly crying in her father's embrace as a nurse tried to calm her down to treat her. And she was not the only foal here. There were more foals than there were adults, and they were all suffering, some had clearly fainted from whatever was ailing them, and the staff scrambled to care for them all.

After a quick word with the receptionist at the front desk, they were guided to the hospital's west wing, where the more critical patients were located. In there, they found Doctor Miracle Cure, the Duchess of Health and Welfare and Head of House Serenity. She was looking at a patient while levitating a clipboard with notes on it.

"Duchess!" Miracle Cure turned to see the royals and Harmonic Twelve coming her way, as Celestia urgently asked, "What is happening here?"

"Princess! My apologies nopony has spoken to you, but as you can see... Well, straight to the point," Miracle Cure explained with a heavy heart. "These ponies have been poisoned."

"Poisoned?! How could this happen?" Celestia asked in horror as they watched upset Fluttershy hurry over to the bedside of a crying colt on the verge of passing out.

"We are uncertain, and I'm afraid this is not isolated to Canterlot," Miracle Cure went on, "we've already received reports via magical correspondence: All the major cities and towns across Equestria have ponies and other creatures rushing to their hospitals with the same symptoms."

"Have you identified a cause?" Sombra asked.

"The investigation is already underway," Miracle Cure replied, "but so far we can't seem to determine where exactly these patients might have encountered whatever it is that poisoned them. However, most of the foals here attend the same schools, and the adults all stated they ate out for breakfast before coming down with their symptoms.

"We're testing the food of every place the patients might have eaten out, and if we find something we can synthesize an antidote. But it will take time..."

"Which they may not have," Celestia concluded with a heavy heart, when...

"Uh, excuse me? Might I have a glass of water, please?"

All eyes turned to Rarity and Blueblood gasped to see his beloved breaking out into a sweat and beginning to cough into her hoof as she uttered, "I- I'm... feeling..."

Everypony gasped as Rarity began to topple over, Blueblood rushing to catch her.
"Rarity! Rarity, what's wrong?!"

He looked to his friends and family, before yelling, "Get help! Doctor!!"

Miracle Cure hurried over and ran a quick diagnosis spell before nodding, "She's been poisoned too. I need a gurney!"

Soon, another orderly came hurrying up with a gurney, onto which Miracle Cure gently levitated Rarity before instructing, "Take her to ICU, STAT!"

As they watched the orderly take Rarity away, Celestia looked to see her Blueblood a total wreck and the others worried.

She reached over to her beloved nephew's withers and said to him, "Blueblood, stay with Rarity. I promise, I shall do everything in my power to cure her and all of our citizens. Everypony else, follow me!"

Blueblood stayed behind as they all left, but Fluttershy and Twilight stayed a moment to give their good friend a comforting hug.
"Be strong for her, Blueblood."
"We'll do everything we can."

Wiping his teary eyes, Blueblood nodded and they left as Blueblood requested a nurse take him to Rarity.

Returning to the castle, they walked through the halls as Celestia stated, "We must assist in the investigation into how everyone has been poisoned, especially Rarity. For that matter, we should have you all checked by the medical staff here in the castle."

"But how was Rarity poisoned?!" Spike was tearing up, "She was just fine this morning!"

"She was!" Midnight realized, "But then later she showed similar symptoms as the other patients in the hospital!"

"Um, Princess?" Fluttershy spoke up respectfully, "Would it be alright if I went back to the hospital? I don't know how much help I'd be in trying to find out how everypony's been poisoned, but I do know I can help at the hospital."

"That's fine, Fluttershy, but you should take your husband with you," Celestia looked to Big Macintosh, "Stay close to your wife. For all we know, someone could be targeting the rest of you as well."

"Eeyup," Big Mac nodded before following Fluttershy back to the castle doors.

"Wait! We're coming too!" Pinkie followed after them.

Cheese looked to everypony else, saying, "We might not be doctors, but Pinkie and I will do our best to keep the patients' spirits up. With some laughs and jokes, we can help keep their minds off worrying and reduce their stress."

"That's a fine idea, Cheese Sandwich," Sombra approved. "But take care of yourself and Miss Pinkie Pie too."

"Good luck, Cheese!" Soarin and Rainbow Dash added, and the orange party pony hurried to catch up with Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Big Mac.

"Midnight," Celestia turned to him, "I need you to assemble any available members of the Brotherhood of the Evening Hoods, Code Eclipse!"

"Understood," Midnight wing-saluted before his horn glowed and his shadow rose up, enveloping him before it fell away, leaving him garbed in his dark hooded cloak. He went over to Twilight, giving her a warm hug and kiss, "Stay close to Celestia and Sombra, don't eat or drink anything before testing it for poison, and do what you do best."

"Organize?" Twilight smiled at her stallion with a troubled smile.

"Organize," Midnight smiled with a nod. "I'll see you all soon!"

Then Midnight fell back, collapsing into his own shadow, which became smoky vaporous shadowstuff that slithered away, vanishing around a corner.

"Now, Twilight, we must inform Luna of this crisis and get started on-" Celestia began only for Fancy Pants to hurry towards them.

"Your Majesties! I have some... troubling news!"

"We are already aware of the outbreak, Fancy Pants," Celestia responded, "As a matter of fact, we're just about to-"

"No, Your Highness, that's not what i'm talking about!" Fancy Pants interrupted, "You see... the Council... is in session."

"What do you mean? The council is not scheduled to reconvene until noon," Celestia raised a brow. "Who called this meeting?"

"It was... Duke Buck Cheap, my Lady," Fancy Pants answered.

Everypony suddenly felt an uncomfortable rise of heat and flinched to see heat waves radiating from Celestia's mane and tail as her eyes narrowed dangerously.
"Sombra, Twilight, Spike, come with me. The rest of you wait here."

"Esteemed colleagues, my fellow dukes and duchesses," Buck Cheap laid it on thick, as he addressed several members of the council, "a nationwide crisis has occurred, under the so-called careful watch of the alicorns, I might add, and now hundreds, perhaps thousands, of our citizens have been poisoned!

"The alicorns are supposed to be our rulers, our protectors! But how can we possibly entrust to them the leadership and security of Equestria if they can't prevent such a heinous crime as mass-poisoning?!"

"Cheap!" Firestorm stood up from his seat, "Nopony could possibly have foreseen such a disaster! Blaming Their Majesties is unfair and doesn't help anyone in this dire situation. We should be discussing what to do in response to this attack on our citizens!"

"The safety of our citizens is priority, Firestorm," Banks spoke up, "but Cheap isn't entirely wrong about the princes and princesses. Let's not forget about the energem mine that was taken over by the changelings and the second changeling invasion-"

"THAT resulted from the coerced betrayal of a former member of this council," Pipe Glass interrupted, looking cross, "which only proves the point that reformation of this ruling body must take place."
"I agree! Boreala brought that tragedy upon us, not the alicorns!" Treaty Ink added.

"But is this really the best time for reformation of our government?" Marestone Burner brought up, "The security of our nation and her citizens take priority."

"Indeed, which is why I am proposing we postpone the Royal Summit for Reformation of the Council until further notice," Buck Cheap declared.

"So that's what this is about..."

All eyes turned towards the doors and there they saw Princess Celestia, stoked with subtle fury.

Treaty Ink, Pipe Glass and Firestorm said anything, but Celestia knew they were trustworthy and must have a reason for participating in this meeting. She directed her infuriated gaze towards the others, all who looked just a tad nervous, except for Cheap, who returned Celestia's gaze with one more brazen than from the last meeting.

"Duke Cheap, I was unaware the council was in session, so tell me..." she 'asked' with an edge in her voice. "Why was not I, my sister, my husband, or even Prince Midnight or Princess Twilight informed of this meeting, much less invited to convene with you all?"

"We... felt it best to take matters into our own hooves, Your Highness," Cobalt Banks spoke up. "What with this outbreak, and your mind preoccupied-"

"I was not asking you, Duke Banks..." Celestia interrupted with a cold warning.

"Your Grace, it is simply a matter of urgency," Buck Cheap spoke up as then he said, "I mean, you were off gallivanting to bask in the adulation of your subjects when this terrible crisis was brought to our attention, we simply couldn't wait for everypony to attend, with lives at stake!"

"I can tolerate having an emergency meeting if I am unavailable, Duke Cheap," Celestia warned as her mane lit up like the fires of the sun, "But I will not stand for anypony questioning my love and concern for the well-beings of my little ponies!"

"Be that as it may, Princess," Duke Cheap huffed as he turned to the remaining councilors, "My proposition still stands. We must postpone the Royal Summit until further notice. Unless... the state of our government matters more than the health of our citizens..."

Banks, Burner, and Breadbasket all shared a nervous look, while Firestorm, Treaty Ink, and Pipe Glass looked conflicted before Firestorm stood up and spoke, "Your Majesty, I am ever your devoted servant, sworn to protect our nation, but I'm afraid... I must agree with Duke Cheap. The outbreak demands our full and undivided attention, and until the danger is past we must devote our focus and our efforts to finding the means to cure our citizens of whatever poison is making them suffer."

Celestia felt her heart sink a little, though she knew Firestorm spoke without ulterior motive, and that was comforting, at least.

"To those in agreement of postponing the summit, say 'aye'!" Cheap called out.

"Aye," Banks said first.
"Aye," seconded Mareston Burner.

The rest of the councilors present voted 'aye' as well, and even Celestia sighed and softly said, "Aye..."

"The ayes have it," Cheap declared smirking with victory, "Until the outbreak has been resolved, the Royal Summit is postponed."

Author's Note:

Tomato Sandwich belongs to Sketcha-Holic