• Published 27th Mar 2019
  • 4,090 Views, 279 Comments

Four Stars - Moterius

Samuel has lived a (he thought) boring live, so he happily accepted the offer some sort of spirit made to him.

  • ...

0 - 0: Vortex

Author's Note:

So, I've got quite a lot to say today.

First, everything from now on is a rewrite of the original story, since I would assume I have gotten better in the last two years since I started writing. All probability after, this will not be the last rewrite, either.

Secondly, for those interested, the old story can be found HERE, where it will stay. I will make no guarantee for the pictures still being there, though.

Third, changes of perspective will usually be indicated: For example, (Chrysalis) or (Tia). However, this does not always apply, and just scene changes will not have such a marking, also, it will only happen with the main characters.

And fourth, as I have discovered at this point, the first few chapters of my stories are always a bit weirder than the rest - so stick around for a while, and judge me then.


Part 0: Prologue on Earth

Chapter 0: Vortex

Noticing my surroundings, I quickly realized I was dreaming.

Around me, there was space, and I could see thousands of stars around me. But there was no gravity or air, but all that did not affect me.

You are awake. Welcome, I heard a voice behind me, and even though I had no footing, I managed to turn around as if I had.

In front of me, a humanoid without facial features hovered, seemingly formed out of blue gas, littered with small motes of light.

“And you are?” I found myself asking, getting a chuckle from him.

I’m a god. That’s the closest word to describe me in your language, he responded, and I raised an eyebrow.

“Why would you entertain yourself with people like us, then? Aren’t you far above us, if that is true?”

He shook his head.

No, I once was mortal, and from time to time I come down to worlds I look over to relax and remind me that I am not perfect. I am supposed to watch over worlds, not to destroy them.

But that is not the only reason.

Called it.

There's a balance that must be upheld. Universes must be created and destroyed at similar rates, and in the same way, entropy needs to stay in balance. However, there are concepts that have to be balanced, too. One of those concepts is the balance of both perceived and fundamental order against chaos.

“Basically, an MLP copy on the scale of the multiverse?” I deadpanned, causing him to freeze up.

Excuse me for a second, he then said, and I raised a brow as he held his hand to where his ear and mouth would be, forming a phone with his thumb and pinkie finger.

Faust? Yeah, it’s me.

…what? NO! I just wanted to tell you that I got another world where yours seeped over!

…check the coordinates? Why?

…that could explain it. Why did you place those copies there?

How. HOW did you know that?

…you know, forget it. I’ll talk with you later.

He then turned back to me, sighing.

Well, this certainly is curious, and I had no idea your worlds were this close to each other.

Now, I was just annoyed about a colleague of mine, it has nothing to do with you. What I want from you is to create a bit of chaos.

“What exactly do you mean?”

Well, remember what I said about balance earlier? This is it. Giving you even a tiny amount of power would cause enough primal chaos to rebalance it against the predictability of spawned universes.

And before you ask, let me explain. What I – we essentially do is managing universes. Spawning in new ones, destroying old ones, observing those who suddenly gain extra time dimensions or laws of nature, that kind of stuff.

The problem here is, that every time we do not personally create a universe, it essentially uses a ‘preset’, while nothing inside these universes change. On their own, they may be chaotic, but looked at a whole, you find millions of copies amongst which there are only rarely unique worlds.

And there are only four known entities, including me and Faust, capable of changing that, at least right now.

Unluckily, we simply do not have the time to deal with all of this. While time travel is possible, you usually cannot use it to change things outside of specific universes, nor travel in the past from your perspective. Slowing down time or linking universes up in a way that time in one does not flow from the perspective of another is easy, actually traveling back in time from your perspective is incredibly hard, except if done inside of one singular universe.

Basically, since I and my colleagues create those universes, we cannot go back in time, and if we do try, reality usually makes that the new baseline, essentially making our efforts useless in that regard. For that reason, we need other people who were not there. If you jump into another universe, you can jump to any point in time you were not there yet from your perspective when observing the time inside of that universe.

I blinked.

“Eh, what?”

To simplify: You can jump to any universe to any point in time you do not exist afterward of – from your perspective. Since I created most of the universes around here, I cannot time travel between any of them. If I do, before I can enter one, I must wait before the past me traveled back in time, which makes the whole ordeal completely useless.

And what I want from you is quite simple. You’ll be given a power that was chosen randomly – because outside of universes, randomness is still sometimes random, then sent back to where I plucked you from. Since I am not in your world right now, that means I can send you back to the exact moment I took you from.

That one interaction from me is enough to change your world enough to make it permanently different from the others.

Your power could be anything from changing your eye color to becoming a reality bender of the highest order, but it’ll be probably something in between. So? Do you accept it?

I thought a moment about it. Right up until now, I had lived a relatively normal life, but then I wondered how it would be if I had supernatural abilities.

“What if I can’t control it?” I asked, a bit worried.

Ah, I can see why you would see that as a problem. You get your power and I will give you a few items to control them better when I know what it is. Deal?

I thought a moment about it.


Perfect! he exclaimed, summoning a bucket filled with hundreds of tiny scrolls, before shaking it.

Pick one!

Grabbing into the bucket, I felt around for a bit, then eventually touched a scroll that was feeling warm. Intrigued, I pulled it out, and when I opened it, I could see four sun symbols.

Nobody else ever got that one. Now, I won’t tell you what this is, but after what I heard, you’ll know what it is when you wake up. Also, heads up: That one is not designed by me, he said, before rummaging through a desk that suddenly appeared behind him.

Handing me a small book and four rune-laid, silver and golden rings that were about three to four centimeters in diameter, he then smirked.

Good luck. Have fun.

The only thought I had when he sent me flying back to wherever I came from was why in the world he would say that.


Faust… was it really alright lying to him? This is the fourth time we have seen this happen, after all.

“He’ll probably understand. Also, what you said was not exactly wrong.”

But not technically right, either. I will observe the world for a while to make sure it’s path truly changes. It worked for the last three times, but you can never be too sure.

“Do that, if you think that is a good solution,” Faust responded before leaving.