• Published 27th Mar 2019
  • 4,090 Views, 279 Comments

Four Stars - Moterius

Samuel has lived a (he thought) boring live, so he happily accepted the offer some sort of spirit made to him.

  • ...

0 - 5: Gone

Over the next few days, I prepared myself for leaving my home. I sent a mail to my boss that I had to quit my job for personal reasons, and he responded that I could always show up again if I wanted.

Next, I jotted down a note that I was not to be considered dead for the next four years as I was going to a place that none of my family of friends knew, but not to die. That, I put it in my house on the table.

After that, I started meditating and tried to feel disturbances in the magic field around me.

However, I could feel a starry field of tiny orbs of magic around me. That confused me, as I knew I was in a stable and smooth field. I focused and changed my perspective, taking a metaphorical step back.

That, however, was not the right action, as I realized when I could see a galaxy formed from those magic fields.

I should have expected this, being a representation of a star. Of course, my magic sense would start on a cosmic scale!

Luckily, or unluckily, depending on the viewpoint, my actual magic was not powerful enough to influence anything on this scale.

However, when I reached out with my senses again, I knew better, and I got only a radius of about two light-years. Still a bit off-scale, but better than before.

Each of the objects in the solar system had a tiny amount of magic about them, but interestingly, the nine objects we once knew as the nine planets, the sun, and the seven most known moons – the Earth’s moon, the two moons of Mars and the four biggest moons of Jupiter had way, way more magic about them.

I wondered why that would be, but I then realized it was because the humans gave them meaning. And that belief was powerful enough that their magic increased. After all, a big part of magic was, well, magic and had no part in Science.

My next try managed to shrink down my perception to only the radius of Jupiter’s orbit, and I now noticed that the red eye of Jupiter had a ... less realfeeling to it.

The problem was that I could not reach it. I would have to work with what I found on earth.

It would have been perfect, too, but there are just some things one can’t have.

Finally, I managed to only ‘see’ the earth and moon. Ignoring the countless satellites, I instead probed the earth’s magic field.

To my surprise, central Europe had a wildly fluctuating magic field, while Ireland had a slightly less powerful, but very stable field.

On the poles, there was nearly no energy.

Russia had an even, but thin magic field, while China had a field that looked more like a mosaic. India was the same.

Australia’s magic field was essentially just a ring along its coast.

South America and Africa were the same as Europe, just on a bigger scale. The magic moved slower, and areas with high or low magic concentration were bigger.

Well… and then there was north America.

If I wouldn’t have seen the other magic fields first, I would have thought I inhaled drugs, but this was real.

America’s field looked like hundreds of thousands of single, big magic shards, all jammed into a jelly-like field below it. There were areas of incredible magic concentration, right next to magically void areas.

And there were also shards that were jammed through other shards, shards that were thrown together around NYC and completely covered the city whilst also forming a dome above it, areas that looked like they were picked off the ground by something or someone, and areas where they all pointed upwards, making it very dangerous for any being formed from magic to descend here.

Interestingly, around where I was, those shards seemed to melt and turn into what one would describe as a ‘normal’ magic field, if such a thing even existed.

But this magic field was not what I wanted to see. I looked around, trying to find the holes in reality that would bring me to other worlds.

And, when I found one I could use, I barked out a laugh.

It was in Lukas’ house. Whatever that self-proclaimed god did to appear in front of me weakened the fabric of reality in that area considerably.

A quick call solved that problem, and I soon was on my way there.

Of course, Lukas was still at work, and I exchanged keys with him. I handed him the keys to my house as well as a letter detailing that he would watch over it for me if anyone asked, and he gave me one of his two keys for his house.

For some bizarre reason, he always kept two on his person, but that now worked out in my favor, as I would not need to explain why four people would go in his house and vanish instead of one.

Right now, I was in front of his house, and to my surprise, I could see the guard of that weird agent there, looking at me.

I decided to humor him and walked over to him.

“What do you want?” I asked, my voice not showing my feelings.

“You’re leaving, right?” he returned, and I found myself nodding.

“Please… don’t, princess.”


“This world, earth, it… it lacks a drive. There is magic, but nearly none know about it. And more and more people just don’t see why they should keep moving,” he said, and I found myself nodding.

“So, what do you want me to do?”

He gave a small smile.

“Just show the world that there is still magic on this planet,” he responded, and I started thinking.

“You know what? I’ll think about it, and if I ever return to this godforsaken place…”


“…I’ll see what I can do. Is that fine with you?”

“Yeah, of course,” he said, then started to walk away.

Only when he was out of my sight, I remembered that I still didn’t know his name.

Shrugging, I made my way inside of Lukas’ house, and after the other three entered, I locked the door and placed the keys on the kitchen table.

Then, I focused on the small rip of space that was still hovering in the air, before ramming enough magic in it to force it open. It became visible, and I pulled it open, before looking in it.

However, I only saw the swirls of the portal. Grinning, I started stepping into it and made sure to shrink it down before looking around. I now was hovering in a blue space, reminding me of the area I saw when I met that entity in my dream.

Well, no time like the present. I choose a random direction, then started moving, somehow managing to walk in space and fly in a vacuum.