• Published 7th Aug 2012
  • 1,511 Views, 12 Comments

What is Going on in There? - finesthour

This is quite literally the worst fic I have ever written.

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What is Going on in There?

Spike cleared his desk of all unwanted items that blocked room for his elbow so he could continue to write on the parchment that laid flat in front of him. Picking up his trusty quill, he began to move the tip once more. He had remembered what Twilight told him to put down, as she was not here at the moment. She told him that she was extremely busy, and needed some alone time in her room. Being the trusty assistant he was, Spike did not question her motives in the slightest. He wrote:

Dear Princess Celestia,

Today I learned that you need to take care of your friends, even if you barely know them at all.

Today I am going to help Big Macintosh with his problems, thanks to what I have learned.

I hope I can make him feel very good.

Your Faithful Student,

Twilight Sparkle.

After Spike finished writing, he spat his green fire out at the parchment, and it was sent away to the Princess herself. After it disappeared and the smoke vanished out of the window, he began to think about what exactly he just wrote. He thought to himself,

“What exactly did she mean by making him feel better?” Being the lad he was, Spike could only think of impure things. Thoughts of Twilight doing dirty things to the big red Equine flashed into his mind, which caused fits of laughter to escape from his chest. He felt worried as well, but did not let this affect him as of now. After all, he was only a kid! What all did it matter?

Within the hour, Spike’s mind traveled back to what Twilight was doing. No longer did he find this situation amusing, but very mind numbing indeed. What if she was with Big Macintosh now, doing dirty things! She could be caught by the other ponies of Ponyville, and be sent back to Celestia’s castle forever! He would have to leave behind Rarity and all of his new friends, who strangely enough never found time to be with him!

Soon, the nagging feeling in his chest became too great for him to bear any longer. Instead of worrying about what was happening, Spike needed to find it out for himself. It took him a few moments to gather up his courage, as this was going to be dangerous, at least in his mind. If she was doing bad things, what would she say to him finding this out! She could be disappointed in him eavesdropping, and she would get rid of him as an assistant! He couldn’t bear if that ever happened to him...

But Spike needed to know, and he needed to know at that moment. Maybe if he found them in the act, he could convince her to stop being so foolish, and to bring her act together! That way, no one would get in trouble, and they could all go on with their lives! Yes, Spike now had everything he needed to bring his plan together.

Before Spike could leave, he closed his eyes and went through a plan in his mind. He said aloud,

“Step one, sneak upstairs. Step two, sneak to her room. Step three, catch them in the act. Step four, save the day. Seems easy enough!” Spike realized that he had a lot of sneaking to do, so he took in his breath as his eyes opened.

Jumping off of the chair at his desk, he began his trek to Twilight’s room. Slowly he stepped up the stairs that led to her room, every step causing his heart to increase its beat, which furthered the terror that went through his mind. He did not want to be caught in the slightest, so he was as quiet as possible, careful not to bring attention to himself. He knew that her door would most likely be closed, but he did not want to take any chances.

Once he reached the top step, Spike exhaled his breath, which gave him great relief. She did not hear him walk upstairs, so he could now find out exactly what she was doing. He picked his foot up as he moved to the hallway of their home that led to Twilight’s room. As he walked, he felt sweat slowly make its way down his back, sending his spine into shivers. He used the very tip of his clawed feet to lightly walk to her door, panic rising in his chest. If she caught him eavesdropping, he could be in a lot of trouble! Much to Spike’s horror, as he was walking to her room, he felt his balance change quickly, forcing him to fall to the ground. He made a soft thud as he hit the ground, but to his ears, it sounded as if he set off a bomb. He laid still on the ground, hoping to Celestia that she had not heard his clumsy fall. After a few minutes, he realized that she in fact did not hear him at all, which forced a smile to appear on his face. He still had a chance!

He picked himself off of the ground, and continued on to her room. However, the moment that he reached her room, his panic skyrocketed.

From inside , Spike could hear a voice screaming,

“Yes, take it Big Mac! How does it feel to be beaten so bad! You love it when I do this, huh? Feels good, say it!” Another voice called out to hers,

“Eeeyup!” Spike had heard enough. He put his claw on the handle of her door as fast as he could and swung it open. Much to his shock, he found Twilight and Big mac in the center of the room, sweaty as can be. He almost screamed as he ran into the room as fast as he could. He could see two bodies moving quickly as he ran, which seemed even worse to his young mind. As he reached the center of the room, he stared at both of them, mouth agape. They were both playing Go fish, with cards spread around the room. Twilight looked up at Spike as he came into the room with shock apparent on his face. She said to him,

“What’s the matter Spike? I’m just making Big Macintosh feel better!” Spike continued to stare at her and muttered,

"I-I thought you were..." Twilight raised an eyebrow as she replied with,

"Thought I was doing what?" Spike then shook his head as he turned around and said,

"Nothing, forget it."