• Published 13th Aug 2012
  • 3,533 Views, 135 Comments

A Scratched Orchard - BaronVonStallion

Macintosh and Vinyl become friends in high school, and maybe something more.

  • ...

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

The sun was rising into a blue twilight of sky, shining its fertile rays over mother earth and upon a small town in the middle of Equestria. It was a brisk august day, the green leaves on the trees not yet giving way to the auburns of fall. As the day began, Vinyl Scratch’s alarm rung furiously, passionate in its attempt to wake it’s owner. She slammed her hand down upon it, silencing the little hammers that cried like angry wasps.

“Ughh...” she moaned. Waaay too early. She lay in bed, resting her medium-long, electric blue hair against her pillow. Her room was small but comfortable, posters of her favorite bands hanging on the walls and a small pile of clothes in the corner. She had a rudimentary turntable at the end of her bed, a few old, scratched records on it.

“Vinyl sweetie, it’s time to get up!” her mother sang from the hall outside. She knocked three times, lightly but with purpose.

“...Five more minutes” Vinyl croaked. She flipped to her belly, sprawling out onto the width of her mattress. Her bed was warm and wide, a bevy on blankets, pillows, and a large cover decorating it. I could say like this forever, she thought. However, her mom felt differently.

“Vinyl, you don’t wanna sleep the day away, now do you?” She burst into the room, smiling gleefully at her daughter. “C’mon, it’s the first day of school! Aren’t you excited?” Vinyl dragged her head off her pillow, glaring past her mother with her ruby eyes. “I’ll take that as a yes!” she bubbled. Forcing her out of bed, Vinyl’s mother pushed her into the shower.

“Mom, quit it!” she scowled.

“Nope. You need to get ready. You’re not starting off your last year in high school by coming in late.” With that, she shut the bathroom door on her daughter to attend to other morning matters.

Vinyl laid against the wall of her shower, exhausted and miserable. She let the water flow over her tired body, allowing the heat to work out the kinks and knots acquired from her quick wake up. “Ahh...” she sighed, rolling her neck and hearing a satisfying crack. She used this time to think about the day ahead of her.

Mmmm. I wonder how many students there’ll be. Probably not many. She chuckled, grabbing a bottle of shampoo and scrubbing into her hair. I doubt there’s much of a club scene, she grumbled as the thought saddened her. Vinyl didn’t frequent them often; that damnable drinking age kept her out, but she loved the feel of a pounding speaker through her chest and the variety of people one could meet. Nothing else she’d felt compared to it, which was one of the reason she wanted to be a DJ. Hell, she’d met most of her friends there, and something about the mix of drinks and music seemed to make everyone more accepting. In Canterlot, most of her fellow students were fickle and self-obsessed, and harassed anyone who wasn’t like-minded. Vinyl had become an easy scapegoat early in school. It’d always been that way for her; maybe it was her near-white skin, or her eyes, or something else completely unrelated.

Vinyl huffed, pushing some rather old, painful memories out of her mind. She wasn’t going to give anyone the satisfaction of getting her down. After washing her hair, she quickly dried off and got dressed in a Daft Punk shirt, the black fabric in deep contrast with her alabaster skin.

Vinyl looked in the mirror for a bit. She was a rather tall girl, about 5’7” or 5’8”. She held her right hand in the crook of her opposite elbow, purveying her long and lanky arms. Vinyl turned sideways, checking the curve of her body. If she was being honest with herself, she had to admit her butt looked good today. She looked down at her chest frowning, adjusting and re-adjusting, but to no avail. Her favorite shirt was starting to get tight, it being quite old. She’d got it from her father when she was younger, but now it stretched across her chest tightly.

Vinyl sighed, she liked that shirt, and wasn’t going to give it up just yet, but it was pushing her breasts in a way that made her look desperate. Admitting defeat, she switched it out for a newer Deadmau5 tee, donned a pair on old jeans, along with a set of purple shades. Slinking downstairs, she sat at the kitchen table of her small two-story home.

The kitchen was small, but with all the necessary appliances. It was a small cry from their house in Canterlot; a sprawling three level ranch house with a large yard. Vinyl sighed at the thought of her old home. Back where my friends are. Where the good clubs are, and the music was awesome. Even if most of the people were crap there, at least I knew who to avoid. Moaning into her bowl of cereal, Vinyl pondered what her new town was actually like.

Her mom had moved her from Canterlot to Ponyville, her work demanding the change. The raise in pay was substantial enough to warrant the move, even if it was still less than what her parents used to make together. Vinyl protested it wholeheartedly; the small, out of the way appeal of a place like Ponyville didn’t catch Vinyl in the slightest, and what student would want to restart at a new school in their final year?

“Honey, are you alright?” Her mother took the seat across from her, concern dripping in her voice.

“Yeah, I’m perfectly fine moving to a new town, let alone a new school in my senior year” Vinyl frowned. She traced the rim of her bowl with her left index finger.

“Sweetie, I know this move’s been hard on you. But I need this. We need this. The position here at Ponyville Post pays so much more, and since your father passed...”

“We need the money” Vinyl finished, placed her hand over her mother’s. “I know, it’s just...I’m gonna need time to get used to it.”

Mrs. Scratch smiled. Glancing at the clock, her smiled faded into a horror-stricken frown. “Vinyl, eat quickly. You gotta go!”

Vinyl Scratch begrudgingly walked into the foyer of Ponyville High. The main doors opened up into a wide hall with a tall ceiling. The walls were a light brown marble, with shelves housing school trophies cut out in them. Tons of students walked around her, talking with friends, gathering schedules or just lounging around. It felt like a hive mind, everyone knowing exactly what to do and where to go. Well, everyone except Vinyl. She inwardly sighed. Might as well get on with it.

“Um, excuse me...” She tried to grab the attention of a passing group of students, only to be thrown a gallery of dirty looks. Of course, scowl at the new girl. She tried again, this time with a pair of what looked like jocks, and they backed away, snickering at her slight accent. She found a small circle of girls, but when she approached them, they scattered off down a hall, giggling. She looked around, finding that the other students had backed away from her, making a small but noticab;e void in the vicinity around her. Vinyl sighed in frustration. What else should I’ve excepted?

She had bright pink hair with highlights of an even lighter pink. She wore neon green leg-warmers, and her wrists had bracelets of various colors and size on them. She also had a maroon yoga shirt on, calling attention to her olive green eyes.

“Hi!” she chirped happily, “You’re new here, aren’t you?”

Vinyl couldn’t help but let out a wry laugh. “What gave it away?”

“Oh, well, you kept asking for help from some of our peers! That, and your accent. Where are you from?”

Vinyl sighed. “Yeah, I just moved here from Canterlot.”

“Really!? That’s so cool! I hear it’s beautiful. Do you have your schedule yet?”

Vinyl chuckled a little at the speed of the girl’s questions. She looked around, watching the other students moving around almost mindlessly, the order of things being like second nature to them. “I’m...not quite sure where to go ” she chuckled nervously.

“O-Kay, just follow me!” The pink-haired girl dragged Vinyl to a table lined up against the left hand wall. Making their way to the front, she brought Vinyl face to face with an older looking woman. The woman had white hair tied in a bun, with a green sweater vest and matching sweatpants.

“Name?” she asked with a weak voice.

“Vinyl Scratch.”

The woman looked up, smiling. “Oh, yer one of our new students, aren’t you?”

“Y-Yeah.” Vinyl felt as though she was radiating waves of obvious cluelessness.

“Don’t worry yerself, darlin’. Ah know it might seem a bit hectic, but ya already met Cheerilee here. I’m sure you’ll do fine.” She pulled out a small list from under her desk. “Now here’s yer schedule, and I’m sure Cheerilee’ll have no problem showing you to yer class.”

“Um, thanks miss...?”

The older woman chuckled. “Ya’ll can call me Mrs. Smith.”

“Ok. Thanks!” Vinyl turned to her new friend, who was beckoning her into the large hall leaving the foyer. She joined her, and the two started to walk towards their respective classes.

‘So, Cheerilee, you seem to be in a great mood” Vinyl said.

“Well yeah! I love school. You get to learn something new everyday!” Cheerilee beamed. Looking around, most of their classmates didn’t return the same sentiment. “Looks like we’d better get going.” She took Vinyl’s schedule, peering over it. “So, your class is down the hall to the left.” She waved before going off in her own direction. “Bye, Vinyl. See you later!”

Vinyl stared at her for a minute. “Alright, see ya.” Cheerilee seems cool, she thought. A bit hyper, but cool. She walked towards her first class, hoping to make to through the rest of the day smoothly.

Vinyl opened her locker, stashing the books she’d collected from her morning classes. They had been boring, mostly. She hadn’t met anyone interested in meeting her, and that was fine with her. I don’t need ‘em, she thought. Cheerilee probably knows some cool people. Looking at her schedule, she got a bit excited. Sweet, music class is next! Out of all her classes, this was one she actually wanted to go to. Vinyl nearly skipped down the hallway, humming to herself in a happy daze. She slowed her pace to a walk when she realized people were staring, but they did nothing to dampen her mood. Arriving at the classroom, she took a seat near the back.

The class filled up quickly, students shuffling in awkwardly. Some were talking amongst themselves. Others slowly took there seat trying best they could to be near friends. Vinyl just sat there, wanting for the class to start. Eventually, every seat was taken except the one to Vinyl’s right. A short younger man, probably in his mid-30’s stood at the front of the room. He had olive tan skin and green, almond-shaped eyes that stuck out form his short, styled black hair. He wore khaki pants and a white button-up shirt, with a red tie.

“Hello, everyone. Welcome to music class! Now, I’ve taken attendance, and it looks like everyone’s here. My name is High Note, and...”

A knock at the door drew High Note out of his speech. It opened to reveal a very tall, very large man. He walked in, standing to the side with his gaze down as High Note looked him over. Vinyl took a hard look at him.

He stood at about 6’3”, towering over most everyone else. He had a broad chest and thick shoulders which bulged under his shirt. His arms gave the appearance of being greatly used, with large biceps and slightly veined forearms. Looking down his frame, Vinyl noticed that he sported barely any body fat, and most likely had a chiseled stomach and legs. She looked away for a second to hide a faint blush, realizing the thoughts going through her mind. I shouldn’t be checking him out, she thought.

Well, when’s the last time you saw someone like THAT?

I don’t know, but it’s not important, brain. Vinyl rubbed her temples, avoiding the less than pure thoughts that the man was giving her.

The man had long, messy red-blonde hair that feathered slightly in the back, with bangs that hid his eyes. She could spot a few freckles on his cheeks. He was wearing a red collared shirt that dangled above his blue denim pants and work boots. His belt had a metal, green apple buckle in the center.

“Sorry Ah’m late” he said in a thick country accent. His voice was a deep and booming bass, reverberating through the room. It matched his body perfectly, and made Vinyl twitch a little, having never heard a voice that low before. The man looked down at his feet as he spoke.

“Just don’t make a habit of it. I’m sorry, you’re....?”

“Macintosh Apple.”

The teacher nodded his head. “Take a seat please.”

Macintosh lumbered to the seat, sliding in and looking straight ahead. Vinyl stole a glance at him. He looked slightly bored, a plain, expressionless face was present on his face.

High Note coughed, bringing the classes attention back to the front. “Anyhow, as you know, my name is High Note.” He started passing out a packet of paper. “Right now, we’re going to go over the school rules regulations.” The class let out a collective groan. “I know you’ve been doing this all day, but I have to go over it.” He leaned against the table at the front of the room. “So! Let’s start.”

“And finally, no hats.” The class looked near death, with students hanging off their desks and others with their eyes rolled back. “So now that we’re aquatinted with the rules, I want you to get aquatinted with each other.”

“C’mon!” groaned one of the girls up front. “This is senior year! We all know each other...” she turned towards Vinyl with a devilish grin, “Well, most of us, anyway.“ The girl had green-blue hair done up in a ponytail, and stared at Vinyl with a haughty smugness. Vinyl recoiled at the slight. Woah bitch. What’s your deal?, she thought.

“Maybe so, Flitter” quipped High Note, “But we’re doing it regardless. Pair up, and try to discover ten new things about your partner. Let’s let you know when you’re done.”

Immediately, the teens swiveled in their chairs and grouping up. Everyone paired off with friends, or at least someone they knew. Vinyl looked for anyone without a partners, but she found none. “Of course” she sighed, shifting in her desk. What else is new?

“Excuse me, miss?” said a voice from her right. She pivoted, Macintosh had turned towards her. Seeing behind his locks of hair, Vinyl saw his dark green eyes peeking out. “Ah saw ya’ll ain’t got a partner...” He spoke softly, looking at Vinyl uncertainly.

“You don’t got one?” she asked. Mac shook his head no. “OK, sure.” Vinyl smiled. Wow, more than one person wants to talk to me today. Could’ve went worse. “So, you wanna go first? My name’s Vinyl Scratch, by the way.”

“Ok” Mac said. “Um...mah name’s Macintosh, Ah’m 18, uh...an‘ Ah live on a farm.” He reclined into his seat. Vinyl scribbled down what little knowledge she was given, and sat waiting for more.


Mac rose an eyebrow. “And what?”

Vinyl scoffed. “And...what do you like to do? What do you do on the farm?”

Mac laughed a little. “Well, Ah generally work on the farm, an‘ Ah enjoy it, too.”

“C’mon, what about hobbies?”

Macintosh placed his hand under his chin, thinking. “Well, Ah was thinkin‘ about trying fer the football team.”

“Yeah, kinda figured you for a sports guys.”

“Most do” Mac retorted.

“I don’t mean anything by it” Vinyl said quickly. “You just look the athlete type.”

“Yeah, Ah know” Mac chuckled. “What about you, miss Scratch? What gets you up in the mornin’?”

Vinyl could help but giggle at the formal version of her name. “Please, just Vinyl’s fine. As for what gets me up?” She thought for a minute. “Music, really.”

“What do ya’ll play?” Mac said.

“Oh, a bit of everything. But I focus mostly on my DJ’ing.”

“Really?” Macintosh asked incredulously.

“Yeah!” Vinyl said proudly.

“Cool. Never really listen to much o’ that music.”

Vinyl gasped mockingly. “What!? No Deadmau5?” Mac shook his head. “Skrillex? Flux Pavillon?”.

“Nope” said Mac.

“What about...Nero?


“Daft Punk?” she said, with extra emphasis. Again, he shook no. Vinyl gasped. “Well, we’re gonna half to change that. Don’t worry, I’ll hook you up. By this time next week, you’ll be the biggest bass-head in the whole school.”

Mac and Vinyl both laughed. “Ah’d like that, Vinyl. If ya ever get bored, just stop by Sweet Apple Acres. I’m always around.” Before their conversation could go any further, a loud bell rang through the class room. Most of the talking stopped as the attention went forward.

“Sorry, class. Looks like we ran out of time” High Note sighed. “I’ll see you guys tomorrow, and make sure to get those packets signed!” He nearly had to shout over the sounds of rustling desks and shifting people as student quickly vacated the area.

“Well Vinyl, guess I’ll see ya later.” Mac stood, gathering his backpack.

“Yeah, see you around” said Vinyl. She left with the rest of the class, hoping someone else was as friendly as Macintosh.

The rest of the day went as expected. No one talked to her or gave her any thought, other than a few sneers. Cheerilee happened to be in her math class, so it didn’t go too badly. At least she knew a name in the crowd. She was tired by the end to the school day. Slinking outside, she started to walk towards home. It was pretty far from school, but walking never hurt anyone and getting a layout of the land would be useful. She'd been around a few times before, but those stops had been very quick. A few shops littered the main road, as well as a couple houses.

There was a small library, a bakery, a furniture and quill store, along with many other small, and rather confusing stores near the town square. The square was more of a round pavilion, with food stalls and small wares being set up around it. Vinyl saw a trio of kids running through the street, doing god knows what. She recognized a few people from school, it looked like a lot of them lived right in town. The town was bustling with life at the moment, being that school left out and most people seemed to work inside town.

Arriving at her doorstep, Vinyl walked inside and dropped her things nearly as soon as she entered. No homework, thank god. Time for some fun. Vinyl walked up to her room, hooking in her turntable to a small trio of speakers littered around her room. Dragging a case out from under her bed, she unhatched the locks and started searching through different colored pieces of cardboards. Finishing her search after a bit, Vinyl slid the flat folder out, reaching inside and pulling out a black, circular disc. It was old, but well taken care of, not having any scratches, warps or dents.

Vinyl placed the record on her player, cleaning the aperture and setting her levels so that the bass was a bit higher than normal. She laid on her bed, taking off her glasses to reveal a pair of vibrant red eyes. “Ahhh...” Vinyl sighed happily. It wasn’t the best situation, having been uprooting during senior year, but she could adapt, and at least she’d made two new friends today.

“Here’s hoping for a successful day two” she muttered to herself.