• Published 13th Aug 2012
  • 3,530 Views, 135 Comments

A Scratched Orchard - BaronVonStallion

Macintosh and Vinyl become friends in high school, and maybe something more.

  • ...

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

“Would you guys knock it off!?” Vinyl growled at the half-willing display of public affection in front of her. She said it a bit louder than she meant to do, a few people looking over from their lunch tables to glare at her. Okay, this time it’s warranted, she thought. Vinyl rubbed her temples, looking anywhere except ahead. She’d had to deal with Flitter hanging off her friend for nearly two weeks now. At first, it didn’t bother her so much. New found romance, passions flaring and all that crap. But it was getting old, quick. Mac was too bashful to say anything most of the time, and Flitter reveled in the opportunity to make Vinyl uneasy.

“Oh, sorry Scratch” said Flitter, peeling herself off of Mac’s shoulders, where she’d previously been slightly groping. She grabbed the chair next to Mac, scooting it as close to Mac as physically possible. Flitter leaned into him, smiling as a hand trailed down his arm and onto his hip. “I just can’t help myself sometimes” she cooed seductively.

Mac sat there, his cheeks blazing with the heat of a star going supernova. He couldn’t say anything. He wouldn’t say anything. If growing up in a family of women taught him anything, it was one simply rule: When in doubt, keep your damn mouth shut. He learned that rule well, and now was the perfect time to implement all those years of practice.

“Mac, what do you think? Do you think I should back off?” Flitter said, staring at him with a hint of trepidation. Mac knew that look. It was a “you better answer right” look. He debated his options. Side with Flitter, and Vinyl’ll be pissed. Side with Vinyl, and Flitter won’t be too happy either. He could only think of one good option available, and decided to go with it.

“Ah gotta pee” Mac said, jumping from his chair and swiftly walking to the bathroom. He looked straight ahead, making sure not to falter on his gaze. Mac rounded the corner quickly, away from the potential catastrophe.

Both Vinyl and Flitter watched Mac dash away, the former giggling as he did so. “What was that about?” Flitter huffed.

Vinyl kept laughing. “He does that when he doesn’t know how to answer.” Vinyl stopped laughing shortly after, realizing she was sharing a moment with Flitter. She didn’t warm up to Vinyl like she’d hoped; no, she was actually worse than before. Before, she would only get a passing glare or sneer from the contemptible cheerleader. Now, she was using every chance she got to throw an underhanded remark Vinyl’s way. Almost every time she'd run into Mac, he was accompanied by Flitter. Any attempt to enjoy her friend's company during school was in danger of being ruined.

And the problem is, she’s so good at hiding it from Mac. Flitter’s ability to switch from innocent bystander to insufferable bitch was quite impressive, a skill honed through eager devotion to her craft.

“Well, he would’ve sided with me” the green-haired girl scoffed, flicking her head to the side.

“Pppffff, you don’t know that!” Vinyl grimaced.

“Oh, I know plenty about Mac” Flitter smirked devilishly. “Some things more personal than others.” Vinyl’s cheeks flared, her frown deepening, almost painfully so.

“Oh! Did I hit a nerve?” Flitter sung. “Yeah... you should be jealous. Not that anyone, most of all Macintosh, would find you attractive. You look like you’ve been outside once in your life, and those cheesy, oversized glasses... ”

Vinyl curled her right hand into a fist, knuckles cracking as she ground her fingers in tightly. THIS BITCH IS GOING DOWN! No one talks about my glasses... Before Vinyl had time to enact her beating, the break-ending bell rung.

“Look at that, time to go. Bye, Scratch” Flitter spoke her name with as much venom as possible.

Vinyl relaxed her arms, breathing in and out deeply several times. Shouldn’t let her get to me like that, she thought. Kicking her ass isn’t worth it. She hated to admit it, but Mac did have a certain spring in his step since the start of his new relationship. And Vinyl doubted Mac would appreciate her giving his girlfriend the whooping of a lifetime.

High Note walked around his classroom, supervising his students about their various assignments. He liked assigning work in bundles; it made grading easier and left responsibility in the hands of the students. They’d have to learn it sooner or later. After doing a quick bypass, he took his place in front of the class.

“Okay, everyone. Eyes up here.” He held a jumble of papers in his hand and started to pass them out. “I know it’s still very early in the year, but I’m going to pass out the requirements for your final project, so that you can get a head start.”

A student near the back raised his hand. “Um, what is our project?”

High Note smiled. “You will be composing a song!”

Of course, most of the students groaned, not wanting to put in the effort necessary for such an endeavor. Vinyl wasn’t most students, however. YES!, she cheered mentally. That’s so awesome, a final I can actually look forward to.

“Now, you’ll be working in pairs, so I suggest you settle that issue quickly.” Again, High Note was cut off by the bell, his students jumping up to leave.

Vinyl immediately turned to Mac. He was reading the paper Note had handed out. “Hey, dude. We should team up!” she said.

Mac looked up from his paper. “Alright Vinyl.” The two gathered up their books, exiting the room in the fashion of their peers. Flitter was waiting outside in the hall, and she pulled Mac aside as soon as she saw him. Vinyl stood to the side, watching the argument. Flitter was being quite animated in Vinyl’s opinion, whereas Mac was in his usual emotionless state. After a few minutes, Flitter stomped away.

“What was that about?” asked Vinyl, who came back to Mac’s side.

“Ah dunno, she’s in one of her moods, Ah guess” he scowled, trying to keep himself from getting angry.

Ha! She’s always like that, she thought.

“So Vinyl, what’re ya doin’ tomorrow?” Mac asked.

“Nothing. Why?”

“Well, Ah figured we could hang out. Flitter’s got some cheerleadin’ thingy, not really mah bag. And she prolly wants some space right now, anyhow.”

Vinyl laughed. “Yeah, sounds kinda boring. What time?”

Macintosh hummed to himself. “How ‘bout noon...that good?”

“Yup” smiled Vinyl.

“Make sure to call to let me know you got home okay” called Vinyl’s mother from the open car window. She was working a double shift today, and had to head back into work soon.

“Sure mom” replied Vinyl. “Have fun at work.”

Vinyl waved goodbye as her mom drove off in their blue sedan, leaving Vinyl just outside the entrance of the farm. Walking up a short dirt path to the farmhouse, Vinyl admired the simple beauty of Sweet Apple Acres. The dark green pastures which seems to go on endlessly, lined by near perfect apple trees bearing the literal fruits of the Apple families’ labor. Beside the rather large country home, an older red barn stood, it’s wooden doors slightly open. Vinyl approached the home cautiously. She reached into her pocket, pulling out her phone.

11:30. A little early, but it’s probably ok. She knocked on the door, hearing a familiar voice behind it.

“Wha..Applebloom, git the door” a very old, very dusty voice said from inside. It was accompanied by light footsteps. The front door swung open, held by a small girl in yellow overalls. Her dark red hair was kept in place by an equally red bow. She had freckles just like Mac, though hers were more plentiful.

“Um, hello... k-kin Ah help you?” said the small girl.

“Hi, is Macintosh home?” Vinyl asked with mirth in her voice. She smiled warmly, hoping to make a decent impression.

The shyness of the little girl faded quickly. “Oh! Yer that, um...” the child raked her brains for a name. “...Vinyl Scratch, right? “

“That’s me” Vinyl smiled.

“Well, c’mon in!” The girl said in an adorable southern accent. “Ah’m Applebloom, Big Mac’s sister.”

“Big Mac?” Vinyl chuckled at the nickname. She could see how Applebloom, being as small as she was, would call her mammoth of a brother that.

“Yeah, he is a big one” said another, older voice, though it was slightly younger than Vinyl’s. A blonde haired girl walked over from another room. Her wore a brown stetson hat atop her long blonde hair, and had the same gorgeous green eyes that Mac had. “Name’s Applejack. He’s upstairs, if’n yer lookin‘ for him. “

“Thanks, Applejack.”

“AJ? Who’s there?” asked the old, familiar voice.

“One o’ Mac’s friends, granny” Applejack called.

“Let me git a look see.” An old, frail woman scooted around the corner from the kitchen, cane in hand. “Well howdy darlin’.” The elder wore a lime-green sweater, with big, round glasses. “Ah believe we’ve met”.

“Mrs. Smith?” Vinyl asked, a smile on her face.

“Hey there, sweetheart. Yer friends with mah grandson?”

“Yup” Vinyl smiled. “I actually came over to work on a project.”

“Well, Mac’s upstairs in his room. Get along now, Ah’m sure ya’ll got plenty o’ work to do.” Vinyl smiled as she walked to the stairs, the hardwood floor giving little squeaks of discomfort.

“She seems alright” Applejack said to herself. “Whadda ya think, AB?”

“She was nice... but I think granny jus’ caused a whole heap of trouble.”

“What’re you talkin’ about?” the old matriarch spoke defensively.

Applebloom smirked at her sister. “Mac just got done with chores. Ya know he always gets a shower after.”

Applejack’s face reddened. “Oh...”

Vinyl climbed around the corner of the staircase to the second floor. A long hallway met her, portraits of Mac’s relatives hanging from the walls. There was a large door at the end of it, with the name “Macintosh Apple” emblazoned upon it. Vinyl approached it slowly. The family knew I was coming, so he must be in here. She tapped her pointer finger on her chin. I guess I’ll surprise him.

She flung the entrance open, but Mac was nowhere to be found. She stepped in tentatively. Huh, I wonder where he is. His sisters said he was up here. Vinyl took another step forward, closing the door behind her. Mac’s room was simple; A desk, dresser, and bedside table being the main furniture other than his bed. Mac’s bed was quite large; it needed to be to accommodate his size, but it was still wide enough for two. On the wall hung posters of various groups and bands. The was an old poster of the guitarist Purple Haze, that sat next to a rather risque image of Spitfire, captain of the stunt plane group “The Wonderbolts”.

Other than that, the only curious thing about Macintosh’s room was the closed door to Vinyl’s left. It wasn’t his closet; that door was open and of the other side of Mac’s bed. A light shined somewhere inside it, rays of yellow emanating from the small vacancy between the door and the floor. Steam was also rising from the little space, and before Vinyl could question what it was, the wooden portal opened.

More steam billowed forth, masking the figure who was stepping out from it. The visage was of a male, obvious from the build of the chest and shoulders. A pounding sound came with the figure’s walking, giving his movements an intimidating tone. It’s arms were raised, bent at an angle so that it’s hands rested on it’s head. As the figure continued to tread forward, Vinyl came to the sudden conclusion that it was Macintosh.

And he was stepping out of the shower.

Vinyl couldn’t help but trail her eyes along his body. Her assumptions about him were dead-on; he was incredibly fit. His arms were quite large, the connecting shoulder muscles rippling with movement. They were slightly veiny, but not so much that it was off-putting. Mac’s chest seemed to be cut from stone, his pectorals bouncing with his steps. He wore a gold necklace with a rectangular locket attached, that was worn from age. Continuing down, Vinyl found his stomach was just as fit, though it wasn’t skinny. The muscles were only slightly inlayed, and a few of his abs were off-kilter.

Vinyl picked out a very noticeable scar up and just right of Mac’s belly-button. The puncture-type wound was badly healed, the dark red flesh proving so. It was a round crater looking thing that had probably been field dressed poorly. Had she had the presence of mind to stop staring, Vinyl might’ve asked about. But right now, her thought were driven by something much more primal.

Vinyl’s gaze started to drift lower. NO! STOP THAT!, her mind screamed.


But I wanna...


Her eyes betrayed her, glancing down to Mac’s pelvis. A towel was wrapped around his waist, saving Vinyl from dying of embarrassment. Well, she was still very embarrassed, but at least she didn’t witness her friend in his birthday suit. She breathed a sigh of relief, not seeing that Mac was staring straight at her.

“Vinyl, what are ya doing in here!?” Mac said quickly and nervously, his voice cracking. Turning away, he grasped the towel tightly around himself. Mac’s face was flushed, popping his freckles even more that normal.

“Sorry!” shouted Vinyl as she quickly retreated into the hall from whence she came. “I’m a bit early, huh” she said through the door.

“...Ah’ll say” Mac choked. He shuffled around, quickly tossing on a tee shirt and jeans over his undergarments. “Ok....Ah’m decent” said Mac as he cracked the door open a few minutes later. Mac sat on the edge of his bed, his eyes burning a hole in the ground as Vinyl stepped in. “Um....”

“.....Yeah, s-sorry.” Scratch’s response came in a nervous, quiet laugh.

“Ya didn’t....see, anything, didja?”

Vinyl shook her head feverishly. “No!....well, not...that...”

Macintosh release a breath he hadn’t realized he was holding in. “Oh...good.”

“So,” Vinyl took a seat next to Mac on the bed. “Let’s do something, huh?” Vinyl discerned how awkward that must’ve sounded right then, but she was too embarrassed to recant herself.

“Yeah, sure” Mac muttered, still looking at the floor. She saw the blush on Mac’s face, and Vinyl knew she was most likely wearing the same thing on hers.

“We could work on our project...” she suggested.

Macintosh perked up. “Yeah, that sound fun, actually.” He moved to face Vinyl, putting his back against the wall and rested his legs horizontally along the bed. His face was still quite red, but it was starting to subside. “So, remind me of what we’re doing?”

“We gotta make a song.”

“Right. An’....how are we gonna do that?”

Vinyl shrugged. “Well, I’ve got a mixer, and a couple of drum-kits. I can cook us up a beat in no time.”

Mac scooted forward. “Hold on a tick. You say ya’ll can hold a beat?”

Vinyl scoffed. “Of course I can.

“Well then, Ah got somethin’ ta show ya.”

Mac got up from the bed, led Vinyl downstairs, and outside to the backyard. A brown and white collie bounded up to them, and Mac patted her on the head. “Oh yeah. This here’s Winona. She’s the best herder on the farm.” The dog yipped, wagging her tail as Vinyl kneeled down to pet the dog with Mac. Winona pushed her head against Vinyl’s head and wagged her tail more.

“Looks like she took a likin’ to ya” chuckled Macintosh. “Run along, Winona” he said, and the dog hopped off into another part of the orchard. “Let’s get on, now.”

He led Vinyl through the yard. She spotted the old red barn she saw on her way over, but she also noticed a smaller, tan barn to the side. It stood separated from the other buildings and was fairly new, looking as nice as the main farmhouse. Mac brought her to the big double doors, pulling the steel latch to the side and drawing the heavy walls open. “Whadda ya think of this?” Mac beamed.

Vinyl was speechless. The barn was neatly furnished, with hardwood stained floors lining the interior. The walls were painted stark white, along with the ceiling. There were a few old couches lying around that were atop a soft looking carpet. But those weren’t the things making Vinyl speechless. Guitars of every make and model hung from the walls. Vinyl walked towards the first one, inspecting it with a childlike wonder before moving to the next one and repeating her process.


“Ah know” chuckled Mac. “This is mah momma’s old stuff, she always was real inta music.”

Vinyl was nearly panting at the sight before her. That little barn was a musician’s wonderland. Not only were there guitars, but a very nice nine-piece drum-set, along with a plentiful supply of wind and brass instruments in the back corner.

Dude...” she repeated.

“Ya gonna stand there gawkin’, or ya gonna play something?”

Vinyl snapped her gaze towards Mac. “Are we allowed? Your mom won’t mind?”

Mac took a disturbingly serious expression. He walked in, closing the door behind him and took a seat on the couch. “Yeah she, a.... she won’t mind” he said. Macintosh was staring at his feet, looking downtrodden. He didn’t want to bring down the mood, but as fun and cool as this room was, it stood as a reminder of what he’d lost.

“Um, you okay?” Vinyl bent over, trying to look Mac in the eyes.

“Yeah...just...” Mac took a deep breath. “She left us a few years back. Just... it's been rough.”

Vinyl felt a pang of sympathy hit it as she sat next to him, rubbing his back with her hand. “ Yeah, I get it.”

Mac sat up, looking back into her eyes. Well, what would be her eyes if she wasn’t wearing glasses. He nodded in silent understanding. He could feel the compassion ooze from her, having been through the same pain as him. He knew little about what happened to Vinyl's dad, or anything about him at all. That didn't make her actions mean any less.

Mac gaze lingered on Vinyl’s, recalling the dream he’d had a few weeks ago. The one thing about Vinyl he still didn’t understand was her insistence on wearing those glasses. She said she had bad eyes; that the sunlight was too bright for her, and most lights were just as bad. But Mac had a feeling she was hiding something as well, and he wanted to know what.

“Mac.” Vinyl waved her hand in front of his face. “Yo, earth to Macintosh!”

He shook himself from his trance, blushing. “Hehe...sorry.”

“It’s fine. So, do you know how to play any o‘ these?”

Mac shook his head no. “But Ah figure Ah got a couple months to learn.”

Vinyl smiled in approval. “Let’s get started then.” She stood up and walked over to the drum-set, taking her place behind the kit on a small black stool. “So, what’d it be Mac?”

He looked around the room until his gaze settled on a large bass guitar. It was made of a dark ebony-colored wood, and had pearl white inlays in the fretboard. The finish was black, like the wood, but shiny and smooth. Mac plucked it off the wall. “How ‘bout this?” he inquired, looking to Vinyl for approval.

She chuckled with a smile. “You read my mind.”