• Published 16th Jul 2019
  • 918 Views, 9 Comments

True To Form - Wild Wire

A brony arrives in Equestria, one week before season one, but he's not entirely normal anymore.

  • ...

Chapter 2

After easily establishing that, yes, I am in Equestria and, yes, I am in the Everfree forest, I decided it was best to try to find my way to Ponyville... After experimenting with my powers a bit, of course. So far, I have enhanced speed, I feel no pain from falling long distances, and I'm strong enough to kick holes into solid stone. I can imitate any voice, and I felt no physical exhaustion from any of my abilities so far. So my first test is,

"How high can I jump?" I asked myself. I quickly jumped from my pacing, putting very little effort into it, and only jumping as high as I normally would before I had my powers. I try again, this time actually lowering my body and preparing to put in maximum effort. My legs started to feel strange for a moment, as if they got heavier, possibly even stronger, before I finally leaped.

"Woah-ly shit!" I shout, launching myself higher than the trees that surrounded me. About four times higher, in fact. I began to feel slightly worried as I started to descend again, but I quickly landed and the worry faded. Next, I wanted to try jumping with a running start. I began to run forward for a bit, waiting a few minutes just to see if I would tire out, but I didn't. I prepared another jump, and after holding it for a second, I leaped again.

I was thrown above the trees again, but it was only half as high as my second jump this time. What I failed to notice before I jumped was the stone wall I was approaching at high speeds. Not really wanting to slam into another wall, I tried my best to stop myself with my feet as I was still ascending, resulting in me running up the wall and even gaining momentum without slamming holes into the wall. As I neared the top, I decided to try something mega stupid.

Right at the edge, I jumped again, which threw me away from the wall and back in the direction of all the trees. I somehow managed to twist my body mid-air and land my feet onto a tree branch from really high up. Unfortunately, it turns out I was heavier than I thought, and ended up breaking the branch as soon as I landed on it, making me fall the rest of the way. The moment I was on the branch, however, allowed me to tilt my body forward for a moment. I curled into a ball and rolled as I hit the ground, Mirror's Edge style.

As I was still pumped up from what I did, I continued to run after my roll, turned around, and jumped at the wall again, but this time as I reached the top, I leaned down, which was actually forward as I was running up a wall, and I grabbed the edge of it, throwing me over the edge and landing me on the top of the thick ass wall. Only then did I finally stop, nearly tripping as I slowly decreased my speed.

And then I laughed.

"WOOOOO!" I shouted, throwing my arms up. "That felt fucking amazing! I never felt so alive!"

After running around the forest some more, I decided I needed to eat. I didn't feel hungry, but maybe I was still hungry without the sensation of feeling it. With my new invincibility, speed, and agility, it probably wouldn't be hard to catch something myself. Yeah, I would have to figure out how to cook an animal, but it can't be that hard, right? Slowing down my speed and stopping myself near the other side of some bushes. I hid and waited, stilling myself from movement. It was surprisingly easy to do so, could it be one of my powers?

I sat and waited for a while. Longer than I thought I had the patience for, and during the entire thirteen minutes I was hidden, I hadn't moved an inch. I seriously doubted I was even breathing at this point.

Do I even need to breath?

The nearby bushes rustled, and instantly had my full attention. I moved only my eyes, but not my body, in fear of startling whatever creature lay beyond my vision. Out jumped a squirrel, and I knew he would be a difficult bastard to catch. Making sure I was unnoticeable, I very quietly and stealthily waited for him to come closer.

The squirrel, being the dumb ass it is, actually did, eventually. It still wasn't close enough, but I wanted that squirrel so damn bad, I was determined at this point.

The moment it hopped closer again, I was already leaping out of my hiding spot.

"YEET, MOTHER FUCKER!" I shouted, catching the small animal in my bare hands, instantly pulling it closer. When I landed, I rolled into a crouching position. The problem was that I wasn't the only being in this forest after this squirrel, as a lone timberwolf jumped out of the bushes after I did, landing before me and growling at me.

"Hey, fuck off, this is my meal." I say as seriously as possible, looking down at the squirrel. But when I looked, I saw something that surprised me.

The squirrel was shaking. Not like it was squirming to escape, no, but it was looking up at me with the most fear I've ever seen in an animal's eyes. Way more emotion than I was willing to handle.

"...Damn it, you're too cute to eat." I say, more softly now. Still holding the squirrel, I lift myself into a standing position, hoping my height alone would scare away the timberwolf. But because it's a dumb animal, it decided it wanted a fight.

It leaped at me, and in the instant it was close enough, I raised my knee right under it's open mouth, shutting it and even crushing it's wooden lower jaw into it's upper snout, actually leaving a few splinters in my knee that I couldn't even feel. That one action alone knocked the timberwolf into a branch above me as well, before it fell and quickly tried to scamper off, whimpering.

I caught it by it's tail, and pulled the wooden wolf back towards me. When it turned it's head around, I decide to scare it away instead, hoping it'll teach the others to leave me alone.

"Listen here you little shit." I start, getting my face right into it's own. "I don't like being attacked, but you didn't know, so I'll let this slide, just this once. However, if any one of you come back, I will not hesitate to shred you on a molecular level."

Needless to say, it ran off after that.