• Published 16th Jul 2019
  • 917 Views, 9 Comments

True To Form - Wild Wire

A brony arrives in Equestria, one week before season one, but he's not entirely normal anymore.

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Chapter 3

After dropping the cute squirrel, I decided I would eat when I actually feel hungry, and I took a long stroll back to where I saw and jumped around that giant stone wall, as that was most likely the old castle. I'm gonna make that castle my temporary home, at least until I find out how to introduce myself to the locals. That being the ponies, of course. I've already figured out I'm before season one, because, why else would Nightmare Moon still be on the moon? Anyways, I might have to wait out until they all start welcoming Zecora, as at that time they'll probably be more accepting.

As I arrive back at the wall, I decide to stop by the Tree of Harmony, if I can find it. I probably need to go around the wall and reach the other side of the castle to find the cave. So I do that, find the bridge, which as of right now hasn't fallen yet, and casually step off the ledge, falling down below. I turn around, and there it was, right inside the little cave. I walk forward, but stop before it, simply admiring how pretty it is to see in person. I know it's kind of sentient, so I wave at it with a smile, and turn back.

Instead of using the stairs like a normal person, I hop up and start running back up the wall near where I dropped off. Using the same trick of grabbing the edge at the top, I lift myself up and enter the castle doors. Inside was very old and dusty, obviously, but I didn't want to mess with the rooms the Mane Six entered, in fear of fucking the timeline up too much. I instead go to find a room I don't remember seeing in the show, and hopefully I can fix it up a bit, or find a spot that's in a well enough condition to sleep in.

Deciding it's best to leave everything where it is, I walk over to the corner of a random room, and sit with my back against the wall, and my head leaning against the other wall. One thing I knew for sure was that I needed sleep. I didn't feel tired, but having your brain constantly running twenty-four seven is never good. So I closed my eyes, and thought to myself,

I ain't waking up till it's fucking noon.

I blearily opened my eyes, remembering all the craziness from the previous night. The low growl was alarming to me, as I still didn't feel hungry. And I didn't feel my stomach rumble. And it sounded like it came from my right. Turning my head, who do I see but that damn manticore that chased me off the cliff.

"Hey, sorry for saying fuck you, but you did start chasing me first." I say, not even blinking at him. The manticore didn't seem to understand this, and instead raised it's probably poisonous scorpion tail. I was still a bit out of it for some reason, but I was awake enough to try to move out of the way. Moving was probably the wrong thing to do, as the moment I did, the manticore struck, stabbing me in my left shoulder. It actually went in pretty deep.

Now I could tell it was poisonous, as my brain basically activated every alarm. Eyes wide, I karate chopped the end of his tail with my right hand, taking it clean off, but the end was still stuck in my shoulder. The manticore, seeing it's own tail cut of with ease, was enraged. It tried to swipe at me, but now that I was in alert mode, I was faster. I jumped up from my sitting position next to the wall, and then jumped again, off the wall, landing myself behind the piece of shit.

When it turned around clockwise to face me, I threw a left hook, slamming my fist right into the side of it's face. I apparently hit it hard enough to daze it, so I jumped back, and ran right out of the room. going down the hall, I could already hear the beast chasing me again. I knew I could outrun it already, but it would just find me again. I ripped out the poison tail out of my shoulder, and instead of throwing it, I jammed it into one of my jean's pockets. Maybe Zecora could use it as an ingredient for a potion or something if I ever meet her.

If not, I'll put it on a fucking necklace to celebrate my victory and assert my dominance.

The manticore let out a crazy loud roar from behind, and apparently outrunning it would be more difficult this time, because the halls are open enough for it to use it's wings. I really tried to run faster and pump myself into overdrive, but I was already in overdrive and I couldn't do shit. I'd either have to hide, or fight, and I was starting to not like the idea of fighting it.

That was a lie, because in the back of my head I knew how bad-ass it would be if I took it down. I don't really know if the poison was going to be a problem for me yet, but I didn't want to risk it while fighting that thing.

Oh shit I can feel it's breath now, that's really scary! My instincts told me to jump, and who was I to argue? Leaping high enough to almost reach the ceiling, I descended at once and landed right on the fucker's back. I was riding it now.

"LISTEN HERE YOU DICK, I AM GOING TO RIDE YOU UNTIL YOU TIRE OUT that sounded really sexual, I am so, so sorry!" I say, punching it in the back of the head. I couldn't pull the manticore by it's horns because it didn't have any, despite the one at Trixie's show having horns. Wait, why do I remember that? GAH, FOCUS DAMN IT.

I grabbed it by it's mane and I pulled hard, a few hairs even coming loose and staying in my grasp. I didn't care much though, as I steered it around by pulling it's head in different directions. At this point the manticore has stopped flying forward, and is now slowly lowering itself to the ground as it tries to knock me off. One it fully lands I throw both of my hands down, still holding onto its hair, allowing me to slam it's face into the ground. I do it again for good measure.

And once more for good luck.

The manticore stops, finally knocked out, and I slowly steady my breath, allowing the mental exhaustion of that fight to catch up to me as I lean to the side, completely falling off the manticore and landing on my back. Laying there for a few minutes, I finally sit up and think to myself one thing.


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