• Published 7th Apr 2019
  • 3,818 Views, 98 Comments

The Mandalorian of Equestria - Arceaion

For most bronies going to Equestria would be a dream come, I'm not most bronies. I never asked to become Mando'ade but whether I wanted this or not that's what I am. Now what am I going to do?

  • ...

Prologue - Bad Days -Part 1

Ever have one of those days that you think 'This can't get any worse.' and then by some bloody miracle they actually do? Well that's the kind of day I've been having. You know if someone were to have told me when I was going to the convention that I'd be thrown across dimensions, become a Mandalorian tasked with taking care of the most important beings in Equestria I'd have either kissed you full on the mouth or slapped you. But now, I just feel cheated.

You're probably wondering what the fuck I'm talking about, guess I should start at the beginning of this entire mess. So let's go back to about... oh I'd say seven hours ago, back to a time where life was normal and the universe not trying to fuck me in my ass.

A man in his early twenties sighed as he strapped on the last of the armor to his costume. It had taken him two years to get everything right from the weapons to the armor but finally he was ready, with a smile he exited the hotel room and headed for the convention center. The man’s name was Arcus and to day he was going as his Bounty Hunter character from the game Star Wars the Old Republic. The armor he wore was modeled after the Corellia Boltblaster Armor however the helmet he wore was designed for the Mandalorian Enforcer Armor set, he just preferred that helmet though over the Corellia helmet.

After getting to the Convention center and spending several hours exploring the stalls and getting pictures with others he sighed and exited the building and looking around for a place to relax. After finding a small park he sat down and leaning against a tree, Arcus relaxed for a while but all too soon he saw a man approaching him, the man looked like the Resident Evil Merchant and Arcus watched him carefully as he approached. "Mind if I join ya stranger?" The Merchant asked and Arcus shrugged.

"You can do what ya want; I'm just here to relax." Arcus replied. The Merchant nodded and sat down beside Arcus they didn't say anything for a while but eventually Arcus decided to speak. "So, are you him?" He asked.

The Merchant chuckled. "Going to have to be more specific, there are a lot of 'him' out there." The Merchant replied.

Arcus rose and looked at the Merchant. "You're the Displacer, the Merchant, the Void Dweller; you got a lot of names." Arcus said as he shrugged his shoulders. "I was hoping not to run into you since that anyone that does normally ends up with a one way ticket to another universe."

The Merchant chuckled and nodded. "Sadly the people chosen to be sent always find me, except you." The Merchant looked up at Arcus. "You however avoided me, didn't even fall for the old shine object trick used on everyone else."

Arcus scoffed. "Nothing special about that, I just know when I see something too good and I'm not falling for this." He said as he turned to leave only for his body to freeze. "Wha- I can't move!" Arcus gasped out as he tried to force himself to move.

The Merchant sighed as he rose and approached Arcus. "I'm sorry about this, really I am." He said as he looked at Arcus. "You see I have a set of rules I normally follow but there are special cases where the rules don't apply. Normally if a person refuses my offer or isn't deceived I respect their decision but this time I can't. The Equestria I'm sending you to is in desperate need for assistance and you're the only person on the Displacer List at this convention that meet the criteria for this Equestria."

"So what, I'm some special chosen one bull?" Arcus spit out.

The Merchant shook his head. "No, you're simply the nearest person that can help."

"Look buddy I have a life here, most bronies would not hesitate to accept this deal but I honestly don't want to deal with Displaced bull shit." Arcus said his voice pleading. "Can't you just let me go and move on to the next person?"

The Merchant shook his head. "Sorry but I can't, look because I'm not really giving you a choice in this and I'm breaking major rules to just do this I'll give you a few things to give you an edge in your new world." The Merchant replied as he reached into his coat and pulled out a sword. Arcus's eyes widened as he saw the blade. "I'm sure you know what this is correct?" The Merchant asked

"It's a Beskad, a traditional Mandalorian sword forged primarily from beskar, the same ore that Mandalorian Armor is made from." Arcus replied.

The Merchant nodded. "This is the first thing I will give you." He said as he pulled out what looked like a phone. "Second is this, a Multiverse Phone that allows you to call me. If you ever need help you can call, just don't over use it."

Arcus was silent for a moment. "What could make you so desperate that you would offer a way to contact you directly as a bribe?" Arcus asked.

The merchant chuckled. "There are times when I send those you called Displaced to an Equestria because if I don't then that world will be lost. If I don't send you then that world is doomed, you'll understand when you get there. This isn't a bribe though it's compensation for forcing all this on you. You'll also receive a small gift from me after you arrive but it will be after thing's settle down, I'm also allowing you to keep your memory rather than the normal memory alteration. This means that you'll have both the memories of who you are now as well as your character."

Arcus's eyes widened. "The Person I cosplayed as was my personal character from SWTOR."

The Merchant chuckled. "That will be interesting." He said as a portal opened under Arcus. "Good luck and again, sorry about this." The Merchant said as the man fell into the Void.

Ever traveled through the Void? I'm sure you've read some story that tell about how Displaced fall through and it was all fine and dandy or perhaps it was painful but it doesn't actually tell you what happened because the person either can't remember or they black out. Well I can tell you, I can tell you exactly what happens and what it feels like.

To say it was excruciating would be an understatement, the pain was indescribable and only grew the longer I was there. Ever wonder how a Displaced becomes who they are Displaced as? Well it's quite simple, the reason every displaced is in pain or disoriented upon arrival of Equestria is because while in the void you are literally torn apart. Your flesh is ripped apart, your muscles and bones and once your nothing but a consciousness, nothing but a mind and soul the void rebuilds you in the likeness of who you are.

Or at least it's supposed to, you see normally that's what happens, I saw this process happen to several people as I fell through the Void but for me it was different. I can only assume it was different for me because the person I was being Displaced as was my own character and because of this instead of being rebuild I was merged with my character. My mind and soul entered the body of the character I created and merged together, the memories of my character merged with mine and as this process ended I could see the next stage. The Armor I wore began to break down and rebuild, it was heavier and felt real. Next came my weapons and I watched as the broke apart and reformed, locking into place and becoming real as well.

With that done another Void Portal opened and I saw Equestria, well to be specific I saw the planet rushing at me. Guess it's time I truly introduce myself since this is the start of my story.

My name is Nebula Bevik Soull, member of Clan Soull and Mandalorian.

Author's Note:

Hey everyone, I hope you enjoyed the story and I hope you stick around for more because there will be more

This is a Mandolorian Beskad Sword: