• Published 7th Apr 2019
  • 3,817 Views, 98 Comments

The Mandalorian of Equestria - Arceaion

For most bronies going to Equestria would be a dream come, I'm not most bronies. I never asked to become Mando'ade but whether I wanted this or not that's what I am. Now what am I going to do?

  • ...

Chapter 3 - Starships, droids and fillies... what could go wrong?

Nebula looked at Celestia for a moment before kneeling down to look at her. "Ni kyr'tayl gai sa'ad Celestia Sol." He said before looking "Ni kyr'tayl gai sa'ad Luna Moon." He said as he rose and pulling out the phone the merchant gave him and hitting the call button.

Celestia looked at Nebula confused. "I didn't understand what you said at all." She said grumpily.

Nebula chuckled. "I know your name as my child. What I just performed is what is known as the Gai bal manda, it's the way we Mandalorian adopt others in to our Clan, from now on you are a part of my clan, Clan Soull." He said as the phone clicked. "I need to do something real quick so I need you to stay here and look after Luna." He said as he walked around the house as the person on the phone was heard laughing

"Hello?" The Merchant said and nexus growled.

"Merchant what the fuck have you thrown me into you void dwelling asshole!?" He yelled into the phone. "You have any idea what sort of shit I'm in at the moment? Faust is dead, Celestia and Luna are now my responsibility and there is a bounty on their and their mothers head made by assholes that are trying to be fucking Illuminati rip offs!" He screamed in anger.

The Merchant was silent through all of this and as Nexus finished he cleared his throat. "Ya done or is there more?" He asked calmly.

Nexus sighed. "I'm done, needed to get that out of my system."

"It's fine." The Merchant replied before his voice grew serious. "This is quiet the situation though." He said in thought before chuckling. "SO what are you going to do about it?"

Nebula sighed. "First off I need two things answered." He said as his voice turned calm. "First I need to know if you take Galactic Credit's and Cartel Coins."

"Yes I take them and any funds you had from the game are available to you here." The Merchant said making Nebula smile.

"Then I'm about to be placing a rather large order for some supplies." He said with a dark voice causing the merchant to gulp.

"Why do I feel this will be something I regret?" He asked causing Nebula to chuckle darkly.

"I've been saving up for years to buy most of the companion droids and some gear." Nebula said with a smile.
"And you want to buy it all now?" The Merchant asked with a sigh.

"I'll save the gear for another time." Nebula said. "Right now I need the companions and a few other things and while it would be nice to get some fancy guns and armor I don't need that right now."

"Well at least you have your priorities in order." The Merchant grumbled.

Nebula nodded. "You better get some paper ready because this list is... extensive." He said.

"Hang on a moment." The Merchant said as the sound of shuffling paper was heard. "Ok, so aside from the Droids I assume that you’re buying in bulk on supplies so tell me what you need and how much, I’ll have it shipped to you."

Nexus nodded. "First off I'm requesting the Cartel Companion droids. I need you to send me a D-R3D Defense Droid, P3-KP Republic Combat Droid, C8-SC3 Security Droid, K1-Z3N Iokath Assault Droid-"

"Hold on." The Merchant interrupted and the sound of typing was heard. "Ok, it shows that you already have a K1-Z3N Iokath Assault Droid registered to your account." He said.

"That’s correct, can you send it over?" Nexus asked.

"Yeah, should be easy enough." The merchant replied. "SO what ells do you need?"

"The last three I'll need is an Annihilator T4-1D Colicoid model battle droid, QO-77 Assassin Droid, and a Probe Droid." Nexus finished and the merchant muttered something.

"Ok, running the numbers this comes out 24000 Cartel Coin." The Merchant said as the typing started again. "Damn, you got a lot of Coin" He muttered and Nebula chuckled.

"Like I said, I've been saving up." He said.

The Merchant grunted. "Alright your order has been sent to the Cartel, they will be sent to you sometime in the week."

Nebula nodded. "Good now we can get down to actual business." Nebula said as he took a deep breath. "Look, I'll be honest, given my training as both Madalorian and all the stuff I've been though I could survive for years on my own but that's me and on my own."

"So you need supplies and tools?" The Merchant asked.

"No, I need more than that." Nebula said. "Food and basic equipment are important but I can find what I need here. No what I need is a base or shelter and honestly there is only one place I can think of." He said before taking a deep breath. "I need my D5-Mantis Starship."

The Merchant muttered a few things as the sounds of typing were heard. "Ok, hang on." He said as he did something, after a moment he returned to the phone. You completed the Eternal Empire and Eternal Throne story arcs, your D5-Mantis held all Grade 5 Upgrades and two of the special Upgrades. You had all perks of the ship unlocked and you have an HK-51... that would total up to around 4000000 Credits! Do you even have that much?" The Merchant asked.

Nebula nodded. "Yes I do, it eventually got to a point I didn't ever use my credits because I never used anything." Nebula sighed. "I have so many credits, credit for days literally." He said in a deadpanned voice.

The Merchant nodded. "Credit transfer complete, your ship is now orbiting Equus as we speak, if you want to get it use your Holo-communicator to contact your HK and he will take it down."

"Thanks Merchant." Nebula said.

"Hey as long as you got money I'll sell ya whatever you want." Merchant said with a laugh.

Nebula nodded. "Also can I get about 300 ingot of beskar?"

"What could you possibly need that much for?" The Merchant asked confused.

"Beskar can only be found on the moons of Mandalore and with no Mandalore that means no beskar so I'll need to order it from you." Nebula replied.

"But that still doesn't answer why you need that much." The Merchant replied.

"My armor is made from Beskar and I will need to keep it repaired." Nebula replied.

The Merchant sighed. "I only have about 250 ingots in stock right now; I can send the rest when my next shipment comes in though."

"It's fine, I was ordering extra so I could have some on hand in case something happened what your offering is more than enough."

"That will be 20000 Credits then." The merchant said.

"Everyone’s a fucking con artist." Nebula muttered under his breath. "Fine, just get the shipment here soon." He growled before hanging up and turning around to see Celestia and Luna peaking around the corner before quickly pulling away. "Didn't anyone ever tell you two that listening to other conversations is rude lakkav?" He asked calmly, after a minute of waiting the two fillies slowly walked out from behind the wall and faced the Mandalorian.

Celestia lowered her head however Luna simply giggled. "Sorry sir." She said quietly.

Nebula sighed. "Its fine just don't do it again, okay vabjau?" He asked as he reached into his inventory and pulled out his Holo-communicator.

"Where do you keep grabbing all those weird things?" Celestia asked.

"Technology Celestia not weird things." Nebula replied before looking up from the communicator. "And it's my inventory."

"Do I have one?" She asked causing Nebula to chuckle.

"When you grow up a bit more I'll see about getting you one." He replied as the communicator beeped and he answered it. For a moment there was only a static image however soon the connection stabilized and showed the metallic form of HK-51.

"Elation: Master! It is a pleasure to see you again!" HK-51 said happily.

"Hello HK-51, bring the ship down we've been wrapped up into another adventure." Nebula said.

"Inquiry: Does this mean there will be more targets for me Master?" HK asked.

Nebula sighed and rubbed his forehead before a thought came to him and he smiled. "You know HK, I think it does." He said with a dark smirk. "In fact I think you'll be quite busy in the coming few millennia."

"Excitement: Oh, I can't wait master!" HK said happily. "Announcement: I am tracking your signal now master, I will see you soon." HK deactivated the communicator and Nebula smiled.

Nebula turned to the two fillies. "Things will be changing a lot for you two." He said as he sat down in front of them. “Once my ship gets here things are going to be rather hectic so if you have any questions then you should ask them now."

"What was that creature? He looked like a golem but was different." Celestia asked.

"That was my droid HK-51, got him as payment for a mission I did on a planet known as Belsavis." Nebula replied. "Droids are similar to Golem in a way I guess but they are able to act without a masters command and aren't magic."

"Then what is he if not magic?" Celestia asked confused.

"Technology, all my equipment, tools and supplies is technology." Nebula explained. "My kind can’t use magic like yours but we can replicate and even surpass what you do with magic by creating technology."

Celestia was silent for a while as she thought about this however she eventually she returned to her questions. "So what did you mean by things will be changing a lot for us?"

Nebula chuckled. "When I made you part of my clan I made you Mando'ade or Mandalorian, this means that you will be living by the Resol'Nare and when you are ready I will send you on the cuir malhr be Mando'ade."

"What does that mean?" Celestia asked causing Nebula to chuckle.

"You'll find out in time vabjau." He said as the hum of engines was heard. Nebula looked up to see the ship descending slowly and he smiled. "Come on lakkav, our ride's here." He said as he rose and placed his helmet on. The group walked for a while in the direction of the ship with Celestia carrying Luna on her back as the younger sister giggled and played with the older wings and hair. When the finally entered the clearing with the ship Celestia gasped in surprise at the massive star ship and Nebula smiled. "Welcome to my home vabjau." He said with a smile as he walked up the ramp and activated the airlock door, the door swung open with a hiss and Nebula turned to Celestia. "You gonna come in or just stare?" He asked causing the filly to run after him, nexus chuckled and the group entered the ship.

To say the ship was massive would be an understatement and as Nebula glanced around the ship a sense of pride filled him, Despite never truly living here the memories of his character made him feel at home almost instantly. Celestia looked around with wide eyes as she slowly began to look around.

"Elation: Master, it is good to see you !" HK said as he walked down the stairs to the second floor.

Nebula smiled. "Good to see you too HK." Ne said as he placed a hand on the droids shoulder. "There's a lot I need to inform you about however before any of that I need to introduce you to two people." He said as he waved a hand at Celestia and Luna. "HK, meet Celestia and Luna, from now on there my... bakrinr." He said with a sigh.

HK looked at Nebula with some surprise. "Inquiry: Master, I thought you planed to never have children given... well the dangers of your profession."

Nebula sighed. "I'll explain when were alone but from now no I want you to treat these two with respect and protect them as you protect me."

"Affirmation: My Loyalty Protocol dictates I am to insure the protect you and those of family, I would not dream of failing in that task." HK said his voice changing from the happy tone to one of complete seriousness.

Nebula nodded. "Thank you HK, I haven't forgotten but it's still reassuring to hear it from you." Nebula said with a smile. "Head back up to the cockpit, I'll show Celestia and Luna to a bunk and then head up. He said as he walked away from the droid.

"Acknowledgement: As you wish master." HK said as he turned and headed back up the stairs.

Nebula sighed. "Let's get you settled in." He said as he turned to Celestia and Luna.

Author's Note: