• Member Since 10th Feb, 2019
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago

Cozy Cottage

A burnt out weirdo who enjoys writing.

Comments ( 8 )

Silly Fluttershy, there is no such thing as too much cabbage.

This was adorable.

Fluttershy had conveniently landed under him when the landed. His body hovered over her, pushed up hands. His body felt off the edge of the bed, as it was naturally too short for him. He swiftly closed the door with her tail and opened the curtains a little, allowing a bit of sunlight to fall into the room.

His tail

Good tale so far.

Question. How the heck do people cheat at chess? I don’t understand how it would be possible as all the pieces are out in front of you unless you weren’t paying attention.

9791111 ack, remember, discord can practically do ANYTHING, so It wouldn't be out of the question for him to cheat, more like it WOULD be the question.

Me gustó lo considerado que Discord fue con Fluttershy en su primera vez, una historia muy dulce :3

As soon I saw the word “ 14 inch “ i went to google and searched it up and it would be as least this long https://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/6422/1211/1600/IMG_3362b.jpg and damn he be packing

Well Discord is bigger so his junk would have to match in size.

Well you do have a point there

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