• Member Since 10th Feb, 2019
  • offline last seen 44 minutes ago

Cozy Cottage

A burnt out weirdo who enjoys writing.

Comments ( 5 )

Fancy Fun hears that Princess Twilight Sparkle is searching for a new apprentice and decides to try her hoof at the entrance exam. When she fails, she turns to murder.

Isn’t that a bit of an extreme reaction for an OC in a story that isn’t even 4,000 words long?

xD si hay premio por locas, esta cabrona se lo lleva con honores jajajaja, y a casi nadie que queria matar pues, la hija o hijo de shy y discord... ufff... que lo hiciera y su papi se enterara pues, 6 metros bajo tierra es lo que la loquilla iba a querer estar jajajajaja

Im so confused.... I feel like this has potential in the idea but I dont understand what the creature was, why she had said that Twi had chosen one of her friends daughters but now it's this thing? It would have also been nice to have a real visual description of the creature. And it was very strange to just.... end it right after that end scene. Left way too many questions

It's supposed to be a prequel story to another story I haven't written yet. I guess I focused so hard on making the prequel that I forgot to tell a proper story.

The premise is interesting, but that's just what it is, a premise.
I liked the character, since at first I thought that it will be an overpowered OC, but it turned out it was just a delusional spoiled brat, which was really nice. However, the story didn't do anything with her, except...and I say it loosely...plot murder? I don't even understand why the story is rated M.
I at least expected some gratuitous gore, but even that was absent.

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