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Everything was peaceful for everyone in heaven. All those billions of people and 'aliens' living in harmony. Most not even knowing the other existed until they died and came here. Except for the creator of all those species. Ever present light shown through his window, shining itself into a certain cosmic beings eyes. With a groan, the being pulled his bed sheets over his head and curled into a ball. Not wanting to wake up from the confines of his bed he simply snapped his fingers and steel walls were bolted to all the windows. With the threat gone, God snuggled back into his cloud bed. Which only lasted for about a minute before a maid threw the doors open interrupting her creator from his somewhat relaxed state.

"Good morning sir." Said the maid as she started to take the steel walls off of the windows. Her creator groaned in protest, having wanted to sleep in today. Taking that as a reply she continued "Don't worry sir. You don't have much, only the usual." God groaned again, he hated the usual. The maid finished pulling the steel walls off the windows and put them out of the way. She then walked over to her creators cloud bed and pulled the bed sheet off the disgruntled man, revealing an old man with a white, chest length beard, blue eyes and a fairly fit figure in a ball. The light hit him directly in the face making him wince in his half awake state.

"I should have never said 'Let there be light' it's too damn bright." God mumbled to himself as he sat on the edge of the bed. Getting up from the bed he snapped his fingers and his iconic white robes flew out of his wardrobe and wrapped itself snugly around him. God let out a satisfying sigh as he popped his back.

"Are you done?" Asked the maid impatiently.

"Yea, yea. I'm up. Now where's my-" He was cut off by the smell of fresh coffee hitting his nose.

"Morning coffee." the maid finished "Right here with your list of activities you have to do today." She passed the coffee and clipboard to her creator. Taking the items God looked down at the clipboard while sipping at his 'World's Best Dad' cup he got for Fathers Day. Like the maid said 'the usual', just common problems and questions that has grown repetitive over the centuries.

"Thank you Shannon." Shannon gave a smile at the praise. "Let's get this over with." God mumbled to himself. With a snap of his fingers his bedroom changed into an office. His bed and wardrobe sunk into the floor as a desk and computer, with the addition of a Yes, No and Send to Satan buttons, appeared in front of him. Drawers popped in existence filled with files on everything about whos dead, alive, and even files that could doom a species if not sorted correctly, not just humans, which he really should give that to father time sometime today. His favorite office chair appeared behind him, knowing this he flopped down and let out a tired sigh, he sipped on his coffee once more before setting the cup on his desk and sat up in his chair. He cracked his knuckles and began to answer some million prayers.

"I'll leave you to your work." Said Shannon as she picked up the steel plates and exited the room. God gave a lazy wave at the retreating maid. Snapping once again an iPod materialized in his hand, flipping through his music selection God picked Enter Sandman by Metallica to start off his morning work.


God groaned as another angel exited the office. How did getting a soul reincarnated get so hard God asked himself as he sipped at his evening tea. I just wish something interesting will happen. Not a second after finishing his thought, Lucifer burst through the office doors. "Miss me father?" he asked. Me Damnit

"Sir, your three o'clock is here." Announced a voice from the busted entryway.

Forgot about that "Thank you, Janice." God called to his secretary. God snapped his fingers and the door popped back together as if nothing happened. He looked at his son from across the desk, who was smiling like an idiot."Yes? Why are you here, Lucifer. Aren't you supposed to be in Hell torturing someone for something or other." He asked offhandedly.

"As much as I love torturing, it does get boring from time to time." Lucifer said dejectedly. He was wearing a black three piece suit and red tie, his jet black hair was as wild as always, his signature grin was not there for some reason.

"I'm guessing this is one of those times?" God said with a raised eyebrow.

Lucifer sighed in conformation. "It seems so. That is why I am here." his grin appearing once again on his face.

"To annoy me instead of people that deserve it."

"No." Lucifer said annoyed "I want to make a deal." God rose the other eyebrow. Lucifer hasn't made a deal with him in over several melania, where Lucifer wanted Gods job as the creator of all life, which is a lot harder than it sounds. If, and a very big if, he won a fight between the both of them. Of course God said no because Lucifer would probably wreck the place in the first few hours of doing what he had to do on a daily schedule. Lucifer even had his own Species RandomizerTM, although a lesser version than Gods. Of course, Lucifer had pushed God to agree to the deal, so when God relented and accepted, Lucifer jumped in joy. Then was literally kicked out of heaven by a super charged, rocket powered, diamond toed boot.

Good times Thought God as he recalled at the memory. He looked at a clock on the wall three ten God pressed a button on the intercom. Beep "Janice, move my appointments later in the week, I'm going out." He got up from his chair and began to walk out. "Follow me." he told his son. As he walked he heard footsteps following him, not bothering to use a door God opened a hole in a wall and flew out into the sky. Lucifer right behind his, using his draconic like wings to follow his father.

A minute of silence passed by as God led his son to a lone cloud on the outskirts of his home. "How about you tell me what is this deal about? You know I'm not going to give you my job right?"

"I know, I know. I still have bruises from the last time I made that deal." Lucifer rubbed his butt absently, still feeling a pang of pain from the boot.

"Your just lucky I didnt use spikes." They both chuckled at this. "So, why do you want to make a deal with me? I can literally snap my fingers and anything I want will be in the palm of my hand." He proved this by snapping his fingers and a cheeseburger appearing in his hand. He took a bite out of his lunch.

"Truth be told, I'm bored." Said Lucifer. God stopped and put his partly eaten cheeseburger down, he looked at his son.

"What do you mean your bored? Your immortal for fucks sake, how can you be bored?"

"Yes, I'm bored I literally did everything from video games to crochet. Nothing seems to work, that is why I'm making this deal. You also get bored right? All that work has to stress you out." It was true, all that work over the centuries has taken a toll on the man. "This deal can benefit both of us and give us both a break from our repetitive, boring lives" God was quiet for a moment thinking to himself this better be worth it he thought as he finished the last of his burger.

"Alright, what's your deal?" God sighed. Lucifer looked at his father.

"You really mean it?" He asked with a joyful tone.

"Yes, I mean it. Now tell me the deal or I'm going to change my mind."

"Ok, ok. The deal is. I send a human to a random world and if he or she conquers the world, I get to start World War 3. If he or she doesn't take over the world then I'll stop torturing the damned for a century. No time limit on completion." God thought the deal over for a minute. It would be entertaining to see a human tough it out on an alien planet, and if he losses then there will be an encore of entertainment. God always wanted to know what a third World War would look like ever since he saw the first two.

"Ok. I accept the deal." Lucifer shot his fist in the air in victory. "On a few conditions." His son gave him a questioning look. "I want to choose the person and location he or she has to go to and they have to have two powers of my choosing."

"Good enough for me." Replied Lucifer as he spread his wings. "As long at it helps me, I'm good. Now let's go I'm dying to make this happen." They both found there way back to God's office with no incidents. God fell into his chair and pushed himself over to a drawer labeled 'Living'. Opening the drawer caused it to burst out, hitting Lucifer in the chest and sending him crashing into a wall. Picking a random folder, he closed the drawer causing his son to fall on his face. Doing the same thing to another drawer, without hitting Lucifer this time, picked a location and set them both on his desk.

One folder had a picture of a man in his 20's with dark blond hair, blue eyes, a goatee, and a fairly fit figure, the other folder had a picture of a very familiar castle on a mountain. "Equestria? Really? The land of peace and harmony, with six horses firing a magical rainbow beam at their enemies. This should be easy" Said Lucifer as he examined the folders.

"Don't judge a book by its cover." Said God as he began working on making the world.

"What are the powers you going to giving him, dad." He asked. God only smirked as he looked at his son.

"Not telling." Lucifer pouted "Now get out of here, making a new world is hard work." He lied. Making a new world was easy, he just didnt want lucifer here when he gives the human his powers. With that said Lucifer left the room and God popped his fingers "Time to create another world."


In the magical land of Equestria. Princess Celestia, ruler of the sun, bolted up straight from her bed, breathing heavily, a cold sweat on her fur. Not long after, Princess Luna, ruler of the night, burst into her sisters room. "Tia!" She shouted in concern "Art thou alright, we saw thy have a nightmare then awoke." Celestia calmed her breath before answering.

"It is alright Luna. It was just a vision."

"It is not Tirek again is it?" She asked. Celestia shook her head "Then what is it sister?"

"I do not know." Celestia replied tersely "What I do know is that it is big, and will change everything in equestria and beyond. For good or bad it is its choice." Luna sighed

"Varily well sister. I will trust you, but if this goes out of hoof, I will take matters into my own." She stated as she teleported from her sisters bedroom. Celestia sat in her bed thinking over what Luna had said. She sighed as she rested her head back on her pillow. I can send a letter to Twilight in the morning to deal with the problem.

Author's Note:

This is my first fic hope you all like it.

Any and all comments appreciated.