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Chapter 7

Author's Note:

Would you believe I spent more than an hour on just one paragraph.

The Hydra roared as it threw me into a row of trees causing me to go through at least five of them before hearing my spine snap on the sixth. "I hate Hydras." I groan as I lift myself up and stretch my body straight, feeling my spine go back to its original position. Brushing the debris off of me I looked at my health bar and I saw that I still had three fourths of my health left. Man they can really hit hard. I stared at the Hydra whose eyes went wide at seeing me still standing. "My turn." I said as I unsheathed a sword from my back and sprinted towards the multi headed beast.

Ever since that yellow Pegasus saw me I had to stay in my pony form more often. Which limited me to only my pony abilities and swords, and in turn gives me a nice challenge with the bigger contracts.

The Hydra shook off its shock and got into a defense stance, its body crouched low and heads leaned back ready to strike. I leapt onto the side of a tree and launched myself over the Hydra, dodging its heads one after another, slicing their throats and disabling them as they passed by. Landing on its back, I sliced it open and went inside. Right now I am so glad I learned how to turn off my sense of smell early on. I felt the Hydra shift hard and new it was done regenerating, I unsheathed my other sword and spun, turning its insides into a slushie.

I cut my way out of the Hydra and walked out, gore spilling out behind me. I closed my eyes and shook myself like a wet dog, managing to get all of the gore off of me. Bringing up my objectives I saw that I had an appointment with a Scootaloo at Zecora's place today. leaving the corpse behind me for the other predators and scavengers, I headed towards the Zebras home while whistling a tune. While walking I heard buzzing above me, I looked up and saw a changeling, not bothering to cloak itself, with a white mane and tail zoom past carrying what looked like filled saddlebags and two of my Love Launchers. Good thing those launchers are getting some use. I thought as I approached the... treehouse? Housetree? After all these years, I still don't know what the proper word for her home is.

I knocked on the wooden door and not long later the door opened, but instead of Zecora, at the door it was an orange Pegasus filly with a purple mane and tail. "Is Zecora home?" I asked the filly, she nodded and shouted into the home.

"Zecora! There's a weird stallion with cat eyes at your door!" I heard the clopping of hooves head towards us as a Zebra with gold rings around her fetlock and neck arrived and smiled.

"Ah there you are, when I heard the roar I knew you weren't far."

"I'm pretty sure the entire forest heard it Z." I said as we bumped hooves. "So whos the patient, I need to turn in the bounty before someone else takes it for their own." The Zebra opened her mouth but was interrupted by the filly.

"Wait wait wait wait…" Scootaloo turned to the Zebra. "You mean to tell me that this guy with, two swords on his back, is going to help me fly?" Zecora nodded. "Well I'm dead." Me and The Zebra chuckled.

"Haven't lost a patient yet." I said jokingly, she just scowled at me. "So let's get to it." I walked into the hut and tapped a hoof on Zecoras’ bed, which was a literal hole in the wall, while Zecora went to get Knockout Powder. “Now get on the bed and tell me what seems to be the problem.” I said in a relaxing tone.

“I can’t fly, that’s the problem.” She said as she buzzed her wings like a hummingbird, only getting a few inches off the ground before touching back to the floor. I picked her up and placed her on the bed with me, I pressed my hooves along her wings, trying to feel for anything out of place.

“Is it biological or was it an injury that caused your disability.” I asked, Scootaloo looked at me like I asked her to divide by zero. “Were you born with it or not.” A look of recognition appeared on her face.

“I’ve been this way my entire life.” She said, then turned to look at me. “Why are you doing this?”

“Doing what?”

“Fixing me. What do you have to gain from this?”

“Nothing. I'm just repaying Zecora a favor.” Scootaloo opened her mouth to reply when Zecora arrived with the powder. “This is what’s going to happen.” I say as I turn the orange Pegasus to face me. “I will splash this powder on your face and you will pass out, when you wake up you will be able to fly around the world twice over.”

Scootaloo looked towards the zebra with hopeful eyes. “Can he actually do it. Make me fly.” Zecora smiled.

“I have seen him do many great things, this task of his will be a fling.” With a nod of determination Scootaloo was ready to feel the sky under her wings.


After Scootaloo went under I watched my companion shift into his natural form and place his hands on her wings. I am still amazed at his powers as I saw Scootaloo's wings melt with James's hands, she didn't even stir from her slumber. I watched as the fillies flesh move with his arms like it was as natural as breathing. "Like what you see." Said a familiar voice. I shook my head and saw that James was staring at me, apparently not needing to look at his work to accomplish it.

"A bit, truth be told I haven't thought of it. " I admitted, he gave a smile.

"You wanna try?" I stared at him shocked, my mouth agape. Was it even possible? Thoughts ran through my head about what could happen, especially with someone as unknown as him. Slowly I trotted up to him, unsure of what to do, I stood by his side and watched as he built the wings piece by piece. "Now put your hooves where my wrists are." I did as he said and saw my hooves disappear into the mix of flesh, my eyes widened as I felt the pieces of Scootaloo's wings move down his arm and being put together like a puzzle onto the little Pegasus. So this is how he heals them. A minute passed in silence and awe as the wings were complete. "Now that that's done I need to go, I wasn't lying about someone taking my kill." Said James, we said our farewells as he regained his pony form and walked out of my home.

The first time I met him he was only able to use the basics of his power, barely at that, now he is able to heal heavily damaged limbs in under a minute, cure sicknesses, and stop beasts from hurting more innocents. To think he was so arrogant and foolhardy in the beginning.

“I have never felt so full since… ever.” Said the Changeling Empress as she patted her stomach with a satisfied look on her face. Leaning back on her chair, she turned to Mantis. “Where ever did you find such a flower. In my long life I have searched this world twice over for other sources of love, yet never found one as powerful as this.” That got the other Queens interest piqued.

“Yeah. Where is this James you've been telling us about?” Said Earwig. “He sounds like a very valuable ally that we should use to our advantage.” She turned to Ruby with a smirk on her face. “And with tales of his shapeshifting abilities rivaling mothers, he would be great at infiltration.”

“And that is why we should stay on his good side and not use him like a puppet to accomplish our goals. One wrong move and were goop.”

“Yeah, that's true.” She said bummed.

“Yes he's powerful, but how did he find these plants.” Said the Empress exasperatedly. “They just can't exist, it's impossible.”

“That's because they don't, he made them.” Said Mantis, this got the attention of everyone in the room. “And don't say impossible around him, he likes to prove people that anything is possible, or as he says ‘For shits and giggles.’”

“And when will we meet him? I'm feeling so anxious to meet such a powerful being.” Giggled Jewel. Mantis had a thoughtful look on her face and tapped a hoof to her chin.

“I'm not sure. Truthfully he could be anywhere in the world right now.”

“Or you could ask me.” A voice said from the entrance, everyone looked towards said voice and saw a six foot tall biped wearing a three piece suit with a blood red tie with green eyes and pitch black hair. “What did I miss?” The Empress looked at her daughter

"Is that him?" She asked, Mantis nodded. The Empress left her seat and walked up to the man.

“So, your the person that saved my daughter and in turn the entire changeling race.” She said, her eyes boring into the creatures, searching for any disseat.

“That sounds like something I would do." He says nonchalantly. Then the Empress bowed low to the ground, nose almost touching the floor.

"You have my thanks, and in turn, my hive is open for whatever you wish. Just ask and it will be brought to you post haste." That made all the changeling jaws drop, an Empress submitting to another creature. It was unheard of. James put on a small smile of gratitude.

"Thank you for your generosity, but I-" He was interrupted by the double doors swinging open as one of the guards announced.

"Presenting Queen of the Emerald hive, Queen Chrysalis."