• Published 20th May 2019
  • 9,213 Views, 337 Comments

The Price of Wanting - Moonriseoversunset

Sunset has had a hard life, but now its about to get a lot harder. Just what did Sunset's transformation between human and demon do to her?

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Tear Fueled Flames

Author's Note:

Hey everyone, first off sorry about the wait. Had a wedding to attend and on the way back my car decided it wanted its radiator and two hoses to explode. Any Congratulations to Shimmer1215 on guessing one of two reasons I wrote Sunsets comfort with Fluttershy. The second on is a little deeper than that though. My reason behind Fluttershy is her being the bear of kindness, and while not the physical bearer of the element she is very close to it. That being said because the element is an influential part of Equestria that means that anypony from Equestria will naturally feel more at ease with something like that near them. So long explanation short, she allowed her to touch her because it reminds her of home and the safety it brings with being home.

Now I can already hear you typing in the comments asking what about Rarity, that is where Shimmer1215's guess comes into play. That and Sunset wouldn't feel as fearful of Fluttershy as she would over Rarity, and she wasn't really expecting people to be near her as you'll see soon.

Anyways went way off topic and ranted a little too much. So without further ado the new chapter.

Don't forget to comment down in the comments if you want something explained or just to show your support. Thanks and enjoy the chapter.

I wasn't sure how long I cried for, but it felt like hours. I only became aware of my surroundings after I felt a hand rubbing the side of my head. Startled, I opened my eyes to a baby blue tank top with navy blue stars. It was covered by a purple kimono-like shirt. I backed away quickly, and my eyes met light-blue green eyes.

On her face was an emotion that I'd only seen on Princess Celestia's face when Cadence first ascended. Concern. This caused me to become confused. Why would this woman, that I made every day a living hell, look at me with such emotion? I tried to build walls up to guard my wounded soul but discovered it put too much strain on my already depleted mental strengths. It was then, that I knew the exposure to such pure magic had led to side effects.

Frustrated tears demanded release as I looked away, but I stubbornly held them back. I hated this helplessness, the defenses that I spent years refining were reduced to ashes in a flash. I honestly didn't know if I could rebuild my once proud barriers. They kept the hurtful words, glares, and pain-filled looks from reaching her.

Now the walls that made me invincible were nothing but ash, to be whisked away with the wind. I couldn't help but laugh at the irony of what happened to me. It was when I was at my strongest that I failed. That I was defeated by those that didn't even know how to utilize the kind of power, not that I did either it would seem. Some student of Celestia I was, not even able to control magic. I should have never been accepted into Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. I was trash.

Mother was right. I really am just a waste of space and resources. My own family didn't want me, that shows my worth. My parents wanted my brother but not me, and now all that pain I blocked for years is back with vengeance. It hurts, it would have been easier for that magic blast to hit her harder, annihilating her, it would have been less painful.

I was snapped from my thoughts when a hand seized my shoulder. Looking up, I was once again confronted by the gentle and concerned eyes of Vice Principal Luna. She must have seen the sadness in my eyes. For the next thing, I knew I was being cradled in her arms, and her hand forced my head into her shoulder.

"Sunset, I know that look in your eyes. You have to know that what happened was a blessing. You could have been destroyed by that blast, but instead, you were spared. You were given a second chance at a life that you were never offered, a chance to restart. So don't curse the chance you were given." She said to me, a glint of hope in her eyes.

My eyes widened as I felt a tear fall from my left eye. I put my arms on her chest and pushed. I couldn't take her being so close, no one would want to be next to me. I've been shown that many times. My father deciding his business meeting was more important than my birthday, my mother rejecting me because I got my cutie mark after my little brother, my brother leaving me behind to study, Princess Celestia becoming aloof after I thought she could be the mom I wanted. I clearly knew where I stood in life.

I furrowed my eyebrows and turned to glare at her. "LIAR! I know you hate me. Why wouldn't you? I won't let myself be tempted into thinking others care about me. I pushed and tried my hardest to get others to accept me, to show me affection. But the more someone shows me love or affection, the more I know I was never meant to have any.

"My own family thought of me as an eye-sore. I pushed myself until I passed out with exhaustion to please those I cared about." I let out a bitter laugh. "And what did I get in return? Disgust, hate, or criticized because of my results. I was chased out because I wanted to be the best instead of being friends with pony's that could care less about."

I turned my head away from her, and let more tears fall down my cheeks. "So go ahead tell me that you hate me. That you couldn't wait to throw me out on the street. Even if you didn't chase me out, I know you'd just keep me close so you could put me down if I ever turned into a demon. I'm not stupid, okay? Trusting others? Ha, I may be vulnerable, but I'm not weak enough to fall into another trap."

"It hurts too much to do that. I'm better off being alone, or never exist. Besides, why would anyone be stupid enough to have a pathetic weakling like me around? I'd just screw something up again, I'm a worthless, unimportant daughter that should just disapp-"


I could only stare at the window as I felt a stinging on my cheek. I brought a trembling hand to my cheek and touched the forming handmark as I looked to the fuming woman in front of me. I could feel my body quiver in fear. Her eyes held a type of anger which I'd never experienced before.

Her anger was even more furious than Princess Celestia's when she found me in the Library. My bravado shrank to the size of a parasprite. If I could run, then not even Princess Twilight could've stopped me. She opened her mouth, and her tone left no room for argument.

"Now you listen here, young lady. I wanted to save this until everything was calm, but it would seem that now is just as good as any. First, I don't hate you. I hated your choices, I saw so much of myself in you. It left me more sad that such a brilliant young girl had to resort to such trickery." She paused, still fuming. "Second, your passion and determination are what make you, Sunset Shimmer. My sister and I have wondered how to deal with you. For your enthusiasm and confidence, while commendable, were being used in the wrong way. I had hoped to talk with you after the incident, but what's done is done."

The woman let out a sigh and continued. "Thirdly, I see you as a daughter, one that I've let go of too soon. Don't think that I never noticed the way you'd come to me instead of my sister when you needed help. I had already accepted you as a daughter in my heart. The only difference between now and then, is now I know more about you." She gave me a small smile, "So, I've decided to adopt you." She finished by staring down at me with such conviction that it left me stunned.

"That doesn't mean that you won't be disciplined. I see punishments as unbiased and uncaring. While discipline is done with love in hopes that you never make the mistake again. If you so wish, becoming my daughter means that I will teach you as my daughter, comfort you like one, love you like my one and only, but most of all I will protect. I will protect you from everything that could hurt you, even if the harm was from you. I will never part with you, and while one day you will inevitably have to leave, my love will never leave your heart."

I could only stare at her blankly. Why was she talking about me being her daughter? I was alone in this world, I was basically an adult back in Equestria. She was overwhelming me with this speech.

"I don't understand. Why are you saying things like 'daughter'?" I said, more baffled than ever.

"Sunset, I will be frank. I wish you to become my adopted daughter. I want to be able to look after you, to comfort you when you need someone. I've been down my fair share of a dark path. I believe that I could help you with forgiving yourself. We have a lot in common, you and I. Truth be told I wished to adopt you sooner, but I never felt like it was the time. Now I see, I was being cowardly, afraid that you'd reject me."

"For years, I've been telling my family that I hated the idea of having a kid. That I got enough at my job, but really I didn't just want any kid. I wanted you to be my daughter. You were brilliant, even if it was in the wrong way. I know this sounds like I just want to brag, but really I just want you to be happy. Even in the moments that you laughed, I could see the same pain I see now. However, the pain I see now seems fresher, as if the scar was ripped open and sprayed with acid."

"Sunset, would you become my daughter? I know there will be an adjustment period. I promise you I'll try my hardest to be the mother you deserve and desire. So, could you do this? Could you become my daughter in every sense but blood?"

(Luna POV)

Luna watched Sunset's face morph through several emotions before she realized her mistake. ' I'm overwhelming her. There's too much baggage at the moment to ask her to choose now. I need to let her know that I understand her, I can't be too hasty. There will be a time in the future to speak of this.'

"You don't have to choose now. Take your time to think this over carefully. I can wait, though I would very much like to be your mother, I won't rush you. Just focus on getting better. I'll leave you alone to think. I'll be back in an hour or two. Would that be alright?"

Luna saw Sunset give a small nod before she smiled and gripped Sunset's hand one last time. "It will be alright, Sunset. You'll get through this, I just know it."

She smiled at Sunset before she walked out glancing back to see Sunset looking out the window. She softly shut the door behind her and walked to the breakroom with a stoic mask covering her emotions. Luna knew Celestia would notice once she saw her, but this is how she coped with stressful situations. She entered the room and barely noticed the pink streak shot behind her.

Luna glanced back and saw nothing. Confused, she shrugged before closing the breakroom door. The girls, minus a certain bubbly girl were there, sitting at one of the tables. While Celestia and Chrysalis were talking on a green leather couch. Luna walked to the couch and sat in a chair to the left of it.

"Ah Luna, we were just discussing Sunset's options. As well as some classes that both you and Celestia could take."

"What classes?" She concisely asked.

"I want to but both you and Celestia in a class to help you prepare for supporting Sunset with the new changes that she'll experience. It will help you prepare for the tasks that Sunset will need help with." Chrysalis explained further.

"I understand. Is there anything else I need to know?"

"Actually, yes I'd like to put Sunset in physical therapy to avoid muscle atrophy. It will also help with sitting pains for the first little while. I'd also recommend massaging her legs at the end of the day. Though not definite, there is a chance Sunset will learn to walk again, but that'll be a long way down the road."

"Why do you say that?" Celestia asked as she focused her attention on Chrysalis.

"While I was testing her nerves, her loss of feeling started around the mid-thigh. However, I noticed that her leg still responded to my touch. That is why I hold hope, though even if she learns to walk again, she won't be able to move about independently again. Sunset will need someone to be there to catch her. "

"How long is her estimated stay at the hospital?" Luna inserted herself into the conversation again.

"While I'd like her to stay for three to four weeks to be safe, she'll most likely stay for a week or two as her lacerations will mostly be healed by then. However, with her becoming disabled, we can't really do much to keep her here."

"I see if you don't mind. I'm going to head back to Sunset's room maybe with some lunch from the cafeteria." Luna stood and left the room with complete determination.

"She's troubled by this," Chrysalis observed.

"I know, but who wouldn't in this situation," Celestia responded, watching her younger sister leave the room.

They were silent for a few minutes before Celestia asked a question, one that'd been bugging her for a while, "Tell me is it really possible for her to walk again?"

"It's possible, but it remains to be her choice. She will have to push herself to her limits and ascend past them."