• Published 20th May 2019
  • 9,245 Views, 337 Comments

The Price of Wanting - Moonriseoversunset

Sunset has had a hard life, but now its about to get a lot harder. Just what did Sunset's transformation between human and demon do to her?

  • ...

The Souls Candlelight

Sunset awoke slowly. The grey ceiling looked down at her softly. Everything around her had a stark modern feel, and yet there was an undertone of softness. A small clock with shining white numbers cut through the darkness, it read five in the morning. She rubbed the sleepiness from her eyes with her right hand. She sighed heavily as her hand flopped above her head as she once again stared at the ceiling above.

She stayed like that for a few moments before she glanced to her left and looked outside the window. The mountains to the west seemed to glow as the sky lightened up with blues and a small amounts of pink. The morning birds that had yet to head south for the winter sang their melodious tunes. At some point, someone must have come in and opened the window. This allowed a lemon-scented breeze to make its way to Sunsets motionless form.

Sunset began to stir from her prone position, however, as she rolled over as searing pain stopped her. She paused her movements as she sucked in both from the pain and soreness she felt. Once she regained her composure, she once again began to move. However, she was far more reserved then she had been before.

She struggled for a few minutes before she was finally sitting up. She was left panting from the strain and pain with tears gathered at the edge of eyes. It was only through pride that she kept them from rolling down her cheeks. After catching her breath, she straightened her aching back, causing a noble-like air to envelop her.

This cloak covered her pain and exhaustion. It was only at that point that she noticed that she wasn't alone. Glancing down to her right was a familiar mope of mixed blue hair. Reaching over, she brushed the hair out of the woman's face. Sunset's hand shook as she quickly moved her hand back to her lap.

Vice Principal Luna?!? Why was she here?

Memories of last night began to surface. How she had asked Luna, no, made Luna promise to say with her all night. Made her promise not to leave her. She had fallen asleep with Vice Principal Luna holding her hands. That small amount of contact seemingly warding off any nightmares for the rest of the night.

What did the Elements do to me? Why don't I feel like me? What's wrong with me, why am I so...sensitive now?

Sunset looked over at Luna again before she focused on her hands. Her grip changing the more her anxiety climbed. She never had to deal with a situation like this. It felt like she was sailing in a sinking ship on a fog-covered sea that had never been charted before. It felt like one wrong move would cause the rest of her life to sink before the waves. For Sunset, it may already have, and she was desperately clinging to a stray wooden board.
It was frustrating.

She glanced at her blanketed legs, and an overwhelming sense of uselessness crashed on her crumpled form. The more her thoughts ran, the more the weight of the world seemed to settle on her shoulders. That is until a voice cut through her blackening thoughts.

"Mmm Sunset, don't eat the cookie dough. We need that for— Ah, no stop you're getting flour everywhere," Luna mumbled in her sleep.

Sunset stared at her vice-principal in shock. Luna was dreaming of Sunset. Of them. Making cookies and her throwing flour. Sunset couldn't help but be shocked by how much Luna seemed to be hoping on the idea of them being close. To have a mother and daughter relationship. The idea seemed ridiculous for Luna to want anything to do with her. Her mother said so herself. Her father only criticized her for everything. And her brother? He was praised by everyone. He stole her whole life from her. It was 'that' argument that showed her what her parents thought of her. It was 'that' moment when she decided she'd devote herself to magic and the princess. It was then that she decided that if she wasn't going to get her parent's love, then she'd be sure as Tartarus get their respect.

Maybe it'd be different this time. Sunset thought about the past experiences she had Luna, and a small smile broke free despite the bleakness of what her future held. She really didn't mind her future if Luna could help her through it. She wasn't dense enough or prideful enough, not anymore, to deny that she and Luna had a bond that neither of them seemed to understand. Nonetheless, they always seemed to have silently acknowledged this bond between them. Maybe this could work, they say the forth times the charm....right?

It was an hour or so before Luna began to stir. She yawned as she stretched her arms above her head. She stood up and leaned back, her spine popping as it realigned itself. She rolled her shoulders they let out a satisfying snap before she sighed in contentment. She peered over to Sunset, only to see her awake.

She was staring intently at her hands. Luna looked over her charge, hopefully. Her red and yellow hair was a rats nest of snarls. Her usual amber skin was still pale, but it no longer looked deathly, which Luna was thankful for. Though she did notices the small pink lines that looked like nail marks decorating her arms. The only other difference was the deep dark circles under her eyes. It seemed like the nightmare took more out of Sunset then she had thought.

After she was done looking over Sunset, Luna realized that Sunset was watching her. In an attempt to keep her composure, Luna cleared her throat. She was about to apologize when she noticed Sunset was rubbing her arms.

"Oh, sorry, I tend to sleep with my window open. The air outside has a calming effect on me. I should have shut it last night, its beginning to get colder now sense falls right around the corner. I'll go shut-", Luna began, only to be suddenly interrupted.

"I'll do it."

Luna froze in her walk as she glanced at Sunset, "...what?"

"I'll sign the papers that will make you my legal guardian," Sunset said as she stared Luna dead in the eye.

Luna blinked. "...Oh, Sunset. You don't have to decide now. Give it a couple of days. There's no need to rush, we have plenty of time to decide on that."

Sunset looked down at her hands. "I did think about it. I can't... there's no one I'd rather have. I just have two requests. One of them is a deal-breaker, the other is more common courtesy."

"O-of course. What is it that you want?" Luna asked stoically, while inside she was dreading the next words.

"The first is I want to call my employer and tell them I can't work for them anymore." Sunset began.

"I didn't know you worked. What did you do?"

"I'd house-sit. Though this employer is away on tour."

Luna blinked again in realization. "So, you mean that..."

"The address that I put on the school files was the place I worked at yes." Sunset nodded. "They provided food and all other necessities. They were really nice, and they looked out for me. They even paid me extra, so I could pay whatever I wanted. It'd feel wrong to stop without telling them."

"Sunset, do you mean to say that in-between 'jobs' you're homeless?" Luna asked in undisguised horror.

Sunset lowered her head and let out a small whisper, "Yeah, but they've been good to me, promise. They've been gone about a year and a half. I think they're just trying to stay away as long as possible, so I have a reason to stay."

"All this time, and I didn't even know. Not once did I look into it. I'm sorry, Sunset," Luna said, hanging her head in shame.

Sunset shook her head and gave a sad smile. "It's fine. I was okay. At first, it was rough getting used to things, but eventually, I did."

"Still-" Luna said with a pained look on her face.

"Let's agree to ignore the details. I was looked after, even if I was by myself most of the time. I still have another request."

"Of course, what was the second one?" Luna asked.

"I don't want to have to call you mom. I had one before, and it didn't end well. If I want to and you're okay with it, then maybe one day. But until then, I've lost hope in ever finding someone that I can call my true mother."

Celestia was seated at the head of the table. She was currently in the conference room of Canterlot High School, waiting for the last teacher to arrive. On Celestia's right was Flash Magnus, the sports coach, Dr. Hooves, the physics teacher, Mr. Cranky, the math teacher, Ms. Cheerilee, librarian and language teacher, Bill Neigh, the chemistry teacher.

On Celestia's left, was Mrs. Inkwell, the art teacher, Ms. Fourstep, the physical ED teacher, Zecora, the history teacher, Ms. Harshwhinny, the language arts teacher, and finally Ms. Tree Hugger, the health teacher. They were just waiting on Sunburst, the computer teacher. As if summoned by her thought, Sunburst, true to his name, burst through the door. He scrambled to an open seat and thumped down. Celestia took a calming breath through her nose and cleared her throat. She tapped on her computer to get the latest medical records pulled up and briefly scanned them before she did the same with the estimated costs of fixing the front of the school.

"As you all can most likely tell, our school has had a rather interesting Fall Formal," Celestia began, there was a couple of scoffs and nods. "Nevertheless, we must go over everything that's been happening the past few days."

"Did they catch the purp that caused all the damage?" Cranky asked

"We don't know much, as only you, Luna, and I were at the formal as the chaperones. I was in the mess hall, grabbing refreshments when everything went down. Now that I mention it, where is Luna, she should be here," Cheerilee spoke up.

"Luna is busy and will be for the next while. She'll be scarce for the next three to four weeks. It's one of the things we'll be talking about. I can't tell you much of what happened, as both Luna and I were leading and keeping the other students safe. What I can tell you is that it was an attack on our school and only one student was injured. I do know the full story, but due to the sensitive details, I cannot reveal everything. Not unless you swear complete secrecy." Celestia replied.

"Not a word leaves this room. Is that understood? One of the student's life could be at risk should anyone start snooping around." They all nodded in agreement. " Luna and I have decided that a firework prank is what caused the damage. However, that is not true. Now, before I say anything else, this part of the conversation didn't happen. Nothing, and I mean nothing. I can not stress this enough. The last thing we need is a student becoming a science project for the government or the courtyard becoming ground zero for an inter-dimensional war. Do you all swear to keep this under wraps?"

After a few nods and other forms of agreement, Celestia began to explain the situation. Needless to say, many were shocked. If not for video from several security cameras, that Celestia was planning on destroying, many wouldn't believe it. The video cut out right after the rainbow-colored ray engulfed Sunset's transformation.

"This is what we're dealing with right now. We're planning on having the courtyard fixed as well as provide many other adjustments to the school." Celestia said.

"How are we going to pay for all of this?" asked Sunburst.

"Yes, and what happened to Sunset Shimmer?" asked Cheerilee.

"Luna will be helping pay for the front entrance while I cover a portion of the courtyard. I'll be arranging many fundraisers with some of the more well members of the city to cover the rest of the cost." The principal replied. "There might be some cuts from certain areas of the school. I'm sorry to say that new martial arts and sports equipment will have to wait until later."

"As for Sunset... she was the student that was injured. The crater was an impact made by her body. As far as punishment goes, I'll be giving her detention for the rest of the semester."

"Forgive me for being extreme, but Celestia, what the hell are you thinking? You're going to keep that thing here? Are you insane?" snapped Fourstep.

"I have to agree with Fourstep, Ma'am. This is foolhardy," said Ms. Harshwhinny.

"Look, I understand your concerns, but my decision is final. Besides, Sunset has been punished enough." Celestia responded patiently.

"Celestia, you are my friend, expelling her is the only way to straighten this bend," Zecora said, speaking for the first time.

"I can't. I can't punish her any more than she already has been punished." Celestia said again.

"Celestia, you need to tell us why you keep saying that," Flash Magnus spoke up again.

Celestia shook her head. "Please, trust Luna and me to take care of it."


The principal thought for a bit, and let out a sigh. "...Sunset was rushed to the hospital in critical condition. The doctors did all they could, she's alive. But... she'll no longer be able to walk again. She basically paralyzed from the waist down. She has feelings in some spots, but she won't be able to walk again. That is why I've been saying she's been punished enough."

The effect was instantaneous many paled at the implications of Celestia's words.

"That is why Luna will be so scarce these next four weeks. She will be with Sunset trying to help her as much as possible." Tree Hugger stated. The known hippie vibe she usually would carry was now gone, her voice a solid monotone.

"Yes, that is why Luna will be absent for the next while."

"I see," was all they said.

After Sunset's little bomb about how she felt about the word mom, a heavy and awkward silence settled over Luna and Sunset. Luna glanced at the clock to see it was around seven. Hopefully, that'd mean breakfast was going to be served in the cafeteria. With a goal in mind, Luna stood, catching Sunset's attention, Luna smiled.

"I'm going to go get some breakfast for the both of us, okay?"

Sunset answered with a nod.

"Is there anything that you want?"

"Anything is fine, except meat though I'm okay with eggs. Sorry about making your dream of us being mother and daughter harder," Sunset said while avoiding Luna's eyes.

"Sunset, it's fine. If anything, I'm just glad you're giving me a chance. I just ask one thing."

"What is it?" Sunset asked curiously.

"Talk." Luna said in her 'Vice Principal' voice.

"Talk?" Sunset was startled when Luna sat again and grabbed her hands in a firm and reassuring hold.

"Yes, if there's anything that's bothering you need to tell me. I'll be the first to admit that I don't know how to take care of a kid. So, if I'm doing anything that you don't agree with, let me know. I want you to see me as your mother, to be honest, I already consider you my daughter. I loved to see you win competitions, get good grades." Luna trailed off.

Sunset blinked. "Really?"

Luna nodded. "Yes, I could see the joy, the real joy, in your eyes when you completed something. I did see your 'darker' side every once and a while. However, I chose to ignore it, I always convinced myself that it was you just having a bad day. You were the pride and joy of the school, and I didn't think I could be happier. But now you're my pride and joy, that's all I need."

"I-I don't know what to say," Sunset spoke in a flustered tone.

"You don't need to say anything. Just know that I'll always be there for you, okay?" Luna gave her hand another squeeze.

"Yeah," Sunset said softly.

"I go grab us something to eat," Luna said while standing up and heading towards the door.

Just as Luna was about to open the door, Sunset spoke again. "Vice Principal Luna?"

Luna turned around and smiled. "Just Luna is fine, Sunset."

"Right... I was just wondering if maybe, you know if you wanted to, that is, um could you get me a three-shot vanilla latte shaken into a caramel macchiato and lightly stirred with a white chocolate mocha with extra whip cream with granola on top with a cherry, it's from Sugar Cube Corner?" Sunset requested, fidgeting with her hands.

"... I don't think that I could possibly remember all that," Luna deadpanned.

"...Oh, um, you can just ask for a Sunshim Special. I made it with Mrs. Cake."

Luna looked Sunset over and then gave her an unsure smile. "I see. I'll try my best, I'll be back soon." She said as she proceeded out the hospital room door.

Sunset stayed still for a full two minutes before she allowed her shoulders to slump. She brought her hands to her face as silent tears streamed down her cheeks. She was terrified, she was letting another person into her heart. She couldn't help but wonder just how much they'd destroy her already chained and grounded spirit.

She needed a minute alone. She needed to think. To plan. No. Planning is what happened when she was defeated by Twilight and thrown out of her family. But to not plan wasn't good either. She was clueless right now. How do you trust people after thinking everyone was holding a knife of betrayal behind their backs? She gripped her head, enough for it to become painful. However, that pain helped to distract her from the overwhelming despair and guilt. The pain kept her focused. Helped her feel in control.

Author's Note:

Hello everyone,
Sorry for the late post. I hope I made up for it though as this is but one of two chapters going out right now. Go give my editor some love. Love ya Sollys!
Anyways not going to say much in this first chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it and please commit below. It helps me know that people like reading it.
Moonrise out until the next chapter.