• Published 15th May 2019
  • 738 Views, 11 Comments

My Little Pony: Infinite Night [ENG] - Claud Melchior

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Chapter 28

Luna opened her eyes. She was on the observation tower of the castle in Canterlot. No one was here except her and Celestia, who was staring at her nervously.

"And?" Celestia asked expectantly.
"It worked. Neither Starlight nor Spike nor Twilight remember what happened. And the sealing on Twilight's magic holds and she didn't notice a difference."

"What a relief." Celestia breathed in relief.

"Now we finally have this story behind us and we ..."

"Do you really think this will ever be over?!?" Luna snapped at Celestia.

"Sister, you manipulated Twilight's memories to make her forget that she is Twilight Moon! Are you aware of what consequences this can have?!? If Twilight ever found out what really happened, she will destroy us all!"

"I know it was not right. But I could not bear that she suddenly was a completely different Pony and even turned against us!"

"Can not blame her if she knows about our secret."

Celestia's face darkened at Luna's comment.

"Alright! Then tell me something! What was this spell?!?"

"The spell?" Luna raised an eyebrow in question. "You mean the star bolt. A spell created by Nightmare Moon during her exile to destroy everyone who gets in her way! " explained Luna,

"So you can do that awful spell too?!? " Celestia asks after.

"No," Luna said with a shrug, "Nightmare Moon never finished it." Celestia slowly calmed down. And she came up with a thought.

"How could Nightmare Moon work on such a spell if she was trapped on the moon?"

Luna looked at the moon.

"Do you think you are the only one with a kingdom? My kingdom is small and hidden. But my subjects can survive in a place where no other pony can! And even though my body was bound in the moon, my mind wandered freely across the surface. That's how I was with them the whole time."

Celestia looked dumbfounded at her sister. "You may think siblings should know each other after thousands of years," she finally said.

"Are you comparing us to normal siblings?"

Luna replied with a chuckle. Celestia also had to smile. Luna put her hoof on Celestia's shoulder.

"Sister, what matters is that after all of that you were ready to forgive me."

"Will you forgive me, too?" Celestia asked, touched. But Luna turned away.

"I'm not the one who has to forgive you." Unpleasant silence spread between the royal sisters.

Luna's eyes fell on Twilight's Moons armor, which lay hidden in the corner.

"What are we going to do with that?" Luna nodded to the armor.

"Can we destroy it?" Celestia asked

"How Nightmare Moon's approaches those things, presumably not." Luna says appreciatively.

"Then we just get rid of the thing differently. Can you please do that for me?" asked Celestia.

Luna nodded.

"Thank you sister. I could not bring myself to look at this junk again! "Celestia went to the door," If you excuse me, I'll try to find some sleep."

"Sweet dreams, sister." Luna said goodbye with a forced smile that vanished as soon as Celestia closed the door behind her.

Luna scowled at her task and thought. Where can this armor disappear unnoticed? Throw in a ravine? There it will be found someday. Keep it hidden? Hardly possible! Bury it? But in a really good place! Luna found that she does not really care.

It was Celestia who could not face the truth. Not her! And it is her burden alone! So Luna decided how to proceed and teleported to the castle of the two sisters.

She looked around. No pony far and wide. This is going to be good enough, as hardly a pony goes to these ruins, deep in the dangerous Everfree Forest. Many memories were buried here over the millennia.

Many of her own as well, thought Luna. How fitting to bury some more in this place.

She teleported back and took the armor to the ruins this time.

Luna did not want to go through the castle and relive her memories. She preferred to go around the castle and get to the other end. There, Luna began digging a pit with her magic.

In a short time she was deep enough and Luna put the armor in with her magic.

An armor like the one she once wore, Luna thought. She saw her mistakes when she was defeated. But Twilight is not stupid! If she switched to Nightmare Moon, then maybe more has happened than just a spell. Maybe even a good
Nightmare Moon ... nonsense, thought Luna to herself!

Nightmare Moon would never see her own mistakes!

Luna took one last look at the armor and then poured down the pit.

Then she filled the pit and let grass grow over the spot, until everything looked exactly as if nobody had touched anything.
Luna looked at her work with mixed feelings.
Maybe Nightmare Moon is not the only pony that doesn't learn from her mistakes.
Maybe it doesn't mean anything at all.

Comments ( 7 )

Sounds interesting, lets give it a read ay.

An interesting read. I am wondering what could happen next? Will Twilight find her armour and get her memories back?

Read the story today.

Tbh my strongest impression would be viewing it as one big mess fueled by overabundance of improvisation added by lack of planning. As if ya had little idea of what would go next and/or changed you plans constantly. Adding some random details with little or no follow-up (most of your worldbuilding is a good example of that, as it often seem to just be added to exist on its own, rather than adding something to the story. Source of ALicorn immortality looks unnecessary edgy as well, there were likely better ways to approach the issue
Getting a few bits character development ya got going either trashed or turned into a idiot-ball in the end, when NMM, Twi, Celestia and Luna all seemingly all go very hard towards behaving Stupid and Evil didn't help either


thx for the critique
i noticed myself that my story is sometimes unnecessary complicated. But Nightmare Moons reaction at the End where because she actually never changed but maybe that part got lost between the lines.
The Alicorn immortality is a bit edgy but even if ... i just tried to make some sense out of this Lore XD
Celestia actions to twilight are quite overkill but i had to to make the story go full circle
big mess hmm? guess 2 years of occasional writing during life stuff plus translation into mediocre english shows XD

was my obvious sequel idea but I'm not going to write another

Ваша история довольно интересна, но я не согласен с вашим взглядом на концепцию мультивселенной. Согласно парадоксу убитого дедушки вы не можете меняя прошлое повлиять на своё будущее. Таким координально изменив событие вы скорее всего создадите альтернативную временную линии которая будет проходить своим путём не зависимо от того что позже вы отметили свои действия.
В этом беда большинства путешественников во времени. Они всегда попадая в плохое будущее убеждают местных жителей помочь всё исправить бросив последние ресурсы тем самым даря ложную надежду после чего сбегают в своё родное измерение оставив своих друзей как обычно ещё худшем положении и надеющихся что вот-вот всё изменится :(
Your story is quite interesting, but I disagree with your view on the concept of the multiverse. According to the paradox of the killed grandfather, you cannot change the past to affect your future. By coordinating the event in such a way, you will most likely create an alternative timeline that will go its own way, regardless of the fact that you later marked your actions.
This is the trouble of most time travelers. They are always falling into a bad future, convincing local residents to help fix everything by leaving the last resources, thereby giving false hope, and then they run into their own dimension, leaving their friends as usual even worse off and hoping that everything will change: (
P.s. sorry for my English

the fun thing about time travel is its not real aka it can be whatever someone imagines i went along with the multi verse theory because it made most sense to me for this story (past gets changed in the cutie remark so had to put it in too) so yeah feel free to disagree :)

"P.s. sorry for my English" your written english is actually fairly decent and not worse than mine XD

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