• Published 15th May 2019
  • 738 Views, 11 Comments

My Little Pony: Infinite Night [ENG] - Claud Melchior

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Chapter 5

Twilight and Spike fell screaming through the time portal and landed on the Cutie Map. During the fall, the scroll flew out of Spike's backpack and before he and Twilight could realize what was happening, the spell was already sucked back into the portal and the portal disappeared.

"Oh no, Spike, what are we going to do now? We can’t go back without the spell!"

But Spike didn't answer and then Twilight realized why.

It was suddenly night and except for the Map, her entire Castle has disappeared, as if it had never existed. And on top of that they saw a completely different Ponyville. There were Moon Banners everywhere, and the otherwise lively village seemed abandoned.

"Whatever happened, Spike, we need to stop Starlight and undo all of this!" Twilight said, half in shock.

"So what in Celestia's name happened?! I don’t get it Twilight. It's night, even though it's two o'clock in the afternoon. Your Castle is gone, and since when does every Pony in Ponyville worship Princess Luna?" Spike asked, pointing at the moon banners.

No matter how hard she tried, Twilight barely understood what happened, but she had no time to think, then suddenly she heard voices and saw shadows approaching.

Twilight jumped into a nearby bush and pulled Spike with her magic without thinking.When Twilight carefully peeked, she saw five pony wings with bat wings and weird dark blue armor with the magical card that just came out of nowhere for you.

"We have to get out of here!" whispered Twilight. Spike nodded and they sneaked away.

Ponyville never scared Twilight so much. A small village full of joy and lovely ponies, which she all came to appreciate over the years. Everything could not seem further away as Twilight and Spike sneaked through the dark alleys in the moonlight.

"We need to find out what happened, Spike!" Twilight said with a sigh, "We can never solve this puzzle otherwise." "If everything changed ... is it possible ...?"

Twilight looked at Spike, he didn't have to say it, she already understood and started running. Four years they spent together in that tree, and as it was In front of them, this world felt even stranger.

The Golden Oak Library. This tall tree just stood there as if nothing had ever happened. No parties. No adventures. No Tirek, who once destroyed it.

"Is this still real?" Spike asked.

Twilight didn't answer, instead walked slowly to the library.
Everything looked the same as Twilight remembered. The smell, the ambiance, the books. Oh, her old books, how much she missed them.

But as much as she wished to indulge in the beautiful memories, Twilight pulled herself together and focused to finding a potential resident.

"Hello?" Spike called while going up the stairs,
"Nobody here, Twilight!" he called down

"Good that no one is here. At least we can have some rest." Twilight said relieved,

"What could have happened? " Spike wondered aloud. But in response,

Twilight just gave him a book.

"Let's find out!"

Twilight said it with a touch of optimism and started reading all sorts of books like Spike, and even though no one said anything, Twilight and Spike agreed in silence that they needed to get out of here as quickly as possible. Because something terrible must have happened, and no one of them wanted to meet her.