• Published 16th Aug 2012
  • 23,380 Views, 1,075 Comments

Raising a Human in Equestria - Flame6666

I don't know what's going to happen :)

  • ...

Ch 2: A New Apple In The Tree

A New Apple In The Tree

Editor: The “Special” Pegasus

"Just forget about it Dash, ya know how Pinkie is." Applejack told her mildly confused friend.

"Yeah, I guess so." Rainbow said, rolling her eyes.

"So what are you guys going to do? Huh, huh, huh!?" Pinkie asked while bouncing around the group.

The three mares looked at each other, waiting for the others to talk, but as the staring continued they heard the baby start giggling yet again. All five of the mares looked over at the infant and saw that Apple Bloom was playing with him again. Apple Bloom noticed them staring, trotted to the group and asked, "Please Applejack, can we keep ‘im!? I always wanted a little brother or sister ta play with!"

Applejack scratched the back of her head, "I dunno, Sugarcube..." At those words Apple Bloom gave AJ the biggest puppy eyed stare she could muster. "Uh...N-now Apple Bloom, takin’ care of a baby is a big responsi-" Apple Bloom stuck out her bottom lip. "Now don't you do that lip thing, y'all know I can't say no ta that!" Her bottom lip started to quiver. "Oh... dagnabbit Apple Bloom, fine!"

The smile on little Apple Bloom’s face could rival that of even Pinkie’s. Overcome with joy, she started to hop around the five mares chanting, "Ah'm gonna have a little brother! Ah'm gonna have a little brother! Ah'm gonna have a little brother!"

After a few rounds of hopping, Pinkie joined in the chanting, "You're gonna have a little brother! You're gonna have a little brother! You're gonna have a little brother!"

"Now, don't count yer chickens before they hatch, sugarcube. I still have ta see if it's okay with Big Mac and Granny Smith." AJ stated.

Apple Bloom stopped hopping and looked down saying, "Okaaay..."

“Don’t look so down dear.” Rarity said, “I’m sure they will say yes. I mean, just look at him! He’s the cutest little, eh... creature I’ve ever seen. They are sure to let him into your family.”

Rainbow flew close to Apple Bloom, “Yeah squirt, don’t worry! Keep your chin up!”

A few more attempts at encouragement were met with Apple Bloom lifting up her head and saying, “Alright. Thanks, everypony. Now, come on! We have ta ask Granny Smith if it’s okay!”

“WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIT!!!” Pinkie Pie shouted.

Applejack sighed, “Yeah, Pinkie?”

“We never discussed the most important part!”

“And that would be?” Dash asked.

“When do we throw the PARTY!? We need to get the cake, the balloons, the streamers, the cake, the party guests, the punch, the games and the CAKE!” Pinkie listed.

Rarity stepped up and said, “Uh, Pinkie, dear. I don’t think we should have a party-”

“What do you mean ‘no party!?’” Pinkie cut her off.

“Yeah Rarity, why can’t we have a party?” Rainbow inquired.

“Well think about it, have any of you ever seen one of these before?” All of them shook their heads. “Exactly! What if word of him got out? What if Celestia sends her guards to take him? What if they take the poor thing to a lab and perform tests on him!? I would hate to see anything happen to the poor dear.” She explained.

“Oh, I don’t even want to think about what they might do...” Fluttershy said, worry and fright tainting her innocent voice.

The silence in the room was deafening after that and it was only broken by the gentle whimpering that was coming from the infant. Apple Bloom noticed this and quickly went over to him and give him a gentle nuzzle. Rarity spoke up again, “I apologize for ruining the mood like that, everypony, but we do have to be careful here. If word about him spreads, who knows what might happen?”

Applejack shook her head, “No need ta be sorry, Rarity, you’re right... if we’re gonna take care of this creature, we need ta do it carefully.” they all nodded in agreement. “Alrighty then, let’s go tell Big Mac and Granny Smith what we're doin’, we’re gonna need all the help we can get.”

With a nod Rarity levitated the infant over to her, the group left the barn and went off to the farm house.

* * *

While they were walking to the farm house, Pinkie and Apple Bloom were making funny faces at the baby while it was floating, encased in Rarity’s magic. Simultaneously, the others were pondering the future of this creature.

“So AJ, what are you going to do about the baby?” Dash asked.

“Whaddya mean, Dash?”

“Well the last time I checked, he’s not a pony. What does he eat? Can he even do anything besides cry and laugh? We don’t know anything about this thing! For all we know he could be a spy!”

The other three mares stared at Dash until Rarity finally spoke up, “Well, that was quite insightful of you, Rainbow Dash.”

She just shrugged, “Meh, I have my moments.”

“Well, she does have a point. Uh, Fluttershy, you know yer way around animals, do you have any idea what he eats?” Applejack asked the timid pegasus.

“Oh, uhm... Well, it’s not much but, I did see his teeth for a little bit and I can’t say for sure. I don’t even think the rest of his teeth will grow out anytime soon. He’s still a baby though, so I know he needs plenty of milk. I’m sorry I couldn’t be more help.” Fluttershy replied solemnly.

“Don’t worry about it dear, you were more than helpful.” Rarity gave her a smile.

“Well, good thing we milked the cows just a few days ago.” Applejack announced.

The group arrived at the farmhouse shortly after that. Granny Smith was still sitting in the same spot as before, only now a puppy resembling a border collie was sitting by her side. The group walked over to the pair and the first to speak was Applejack. “Hello Granny, Winona, how’re ya doin’ this evenin’?”

“I’m doin’ fine, Applejack, and I think Winona is happier than a group of roosters at sunrise, ain’t that right, Winona?”

Winona replied by barking happily, while her tail started wagging.

Applejack walked over to be in front of Granny Smith and said, “Good ta know. Anyway, Granny, I need ta ask you somethin’ important and-”

“I got a new brother!” Apple Bloom shouted, cutting off her sister’s question.

“Apple Bloom!” Applejack scolded.

“What’s this about a new brother?” Granny Smith asked.

“Oh, well you see Granny, we found this,” Rarity levitated the infant down in front of the old mare, “out in the farm and we were wonderin’ if it’s alright ta-”

“Sure, he can stay!” she blurted out.

The group was taken aback at the eagerness that she showed. “Wait wait wait, just like that?” Rainbow asked.

“Yer darn tootin! Like I always say, the more Apples, the better!” Granny cheerfully exclaimed.

Apple Bloom proceeded to hug Granny’s leg while squealing, “Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!”

“Now Apple Bloom, you still have ta ask Big Mac if he’s fine with the idea.” The older sister pointed out.

“Well why don’t ya ask him now, young ‘un?” Granny pointed a hoof past the group at Big Mac, who was just now pulling in a carriage filled with baskets and buckets that housed a multitude of different apples and apple based products.

Apple Bloom was the first to react and quickly galloped to her big brother yelling, “Big Mac, Big Mac, c‘mere! We got somethin’ ta show ya!” Once she got over to the big stallion she started pushing behind him saying, “Come on! Hurry!”

Big Mac continued at his own pace and smiled at his youngest sister’s antics. He stopped a small distance from the farmhouse, unhitched himself from the carriage and walked over to the group of mares.

“Howdy, Big Mac, did ya sell all the apples ya could? Applejack asked.

“Eeyup.” was all he said, as per usual.

“Good. Uh, anyway Big Mac, I just needed ta ask ya somethin’ an’-”

“I got a new brother!” Apple Bloom shouted, cutting off her sister again.

Mac raised a brow as the older sister facehoofed. “Oh, for Pete’s sake, Apple Bloom!” she sighed and said, “Yeah, uhh... we found this little guy out in the farm today,” The group parted to show the stallion said little guy. “and we’ve decided ta raise ‘im... if that’s okay with you, that is.”

Big Mac walked over to the creature and moved his face close to the baby’s. Big Mac proceeded to glare at it, but to the surprise of the others, instead of looking away or crying, the infant glared back. This continued for a few silent minutes until the infant reached up and honked his muzzle. Mac brought his head up a little with a smile, faced the others and exclaimed in approval, “Eeyup!”

“You're going to let him stay? Just like that?” Rainbow asked.

He nodded and said, “Whatever he is, I can tell he’s nothin’, if not good natured. Besides, I like ‘is guts.”

”Well, with that settled and done with, I will take my leave. Ta-ta for now!” Rarity said with a small pony equivalent of a curtsy and left the farm.

“Yeah, I better head out too. I need another nap after all this.” Dash said before taking off like a rocket into the forest of apple trees.

“Are you leaving too, Fluttershy?” Applejack asked.

“Oh no, I don’t have to be anywhere right now, so I could stay a bit longer if you need the help.” she said with a smile.

The orange mare smiled back, “Thanks a bunch, Fluttershy! Now let’s see what we can feed this little guy. It’s almost five and who knows how long it’s been since he’s had somethin’ ta eat.”

Fluttershy’s wings shot up in surprise and she gasped in shock, “It’s already five!? Oh no, oh no, oh no! I’m so sorry Applejack but I need to get home right away. Little Angel Bunny gets so mad when his bottle isn’t ready.”

“Little Angel Bunny?” Applejack asked.

“Oh, he’s a newborn bunny rabbit, for some reason he and the other bunnies don’t get along all too well and so I let him stay in the house with me so he doesn’t feel lonely.” she told her. Fluttershy started to hover in the air and said, “I’m sorry I have to go after saying I could stay but... well, you’ll know soon enough. Bye!” she flew off.

“Huh, I wonder what she meant by that... oh well, let’s go see if we can get ya some grub!”

Applejack picked him up by his nighty with her teeth and went inside, with the other Apples in tow. Going straight to the kitchen, she placed the baby on the floor, went over to the icebox and grabbed the milk and went back to the baby. “Right! Got the milk! Now, I just need the bottle...” As soon as Applejack turned around, a none too small crash sounded from the kitchen pantry.

One mad scramble toward the crash site, made no easier by the participation of a young stallion, revealed a veritable amount of groceries sprawled around the place. In the middle of all this mess was an infant happily gobbling up what could very well have been edible foodstuffs that had somehow found its way on top of his head. After a minute or so of dumbstruck silence, accompanied by babblings and giggles of happiness, the sister spoke up. “Big Mac, clean up this mess. The little guy’s comin’ with me.” All she heard after that was a less than enthusiastic “Eeyup.” as she grabbed the infant and went to work.

“Ah’ can’t believe that ya got the applesauce in yer hair... well, at least ya ate most of it.” AJ said through her teeth while opening the door to the bathroom. “Now then, let’s get ya cleaned up and not too sticky.” She set the baby down on the floor and went to the bath tub and put the plug in place. She then filled the tub with evenly tempered water, up to about two inches.

“Now let’s get ya out of that there suit and get ta work.” She sat the baby up, unzipped his nighty and, with some difficulty, took it off. “That thing’s a lot harder to take off then it looks. Well, maybe that’s because I don’t have those little stubs on my legs like you do. Now then, off with your diaper and into the bath.” she unstrapped the diaper to lift it off... and her eyes grew to the size of dinner plates. “What in tarnation!? Augh, that’s just plain disgustin’! Where’s yer sheath!?” The baby just giggled, while Applejack, with great effort, restrained her gag reflex and said, “Alright, note ta self: Tell Big Mac to never let you and Apple Bloom take baths together.”

After getting the applesauce out of his hair, among other places, she took him out and proceeded to dry him up. With him dry as a bone she strapped the diaper back on and, with even more difficulty than before, put the blue nighty back on. She took him in her teeth again, went back to the kitchen and saw that Big Mac was still cleaning the mess, only now Apple Bloom had started helping.

“Still cleanin’ up, I see.”


“What happened anyways?” Apple Bloom asked through the mop she was carrying between her teeth.

“I honestly have no idea, I turned my back for just a sec and then I heard the crash.” she scratched the back of her head, “Anyway, it don’t matter how it happened. Those groceries ain’t gonna pick themselves up, so I’m goin’ shoppin’.” Big Mac nodded and continued to clean up. Applejack nodded back, left the kitchen and went into the living room to find Granny Smith was taking her evening nap. “Oh horsefeathers, did she have ta start her nap now?”

With Big Mac cleaning up and Granny Smith taking her trademark unstoppable nap, Applejack had no pony to watch the infant. She was forced to bring the baby with her or risk another accident. “I guess I have ta bring ‘im with me... but how do I do that without everypony seein’ ‘im?” She looked around the room and spotted a decently large basket, “Ah, that’ll do just fine.” She went and grabbed the basket and started to fill it with the essentials. “Let’s see, I should probably put one of Apple Bloom’s toys in here for him and a few diapers. Heh, good thing Apple Bloom finally stopped needing them only a month ago; still got a few.”

She lifted the baby into the basket and covered him with a small blanket. “There ya go, nice an’ comfy.” She put the basket on her back and went back into the kitchen, “Hey Big Mac, I’mma goin’ ta the market, I should be back in a couple o’ hours.” he nodded without a word and she left on her way to Ponyville.

As she got to the edge of the town she was starting to have second thoughts, Maybe I should’ve thought this through... what if somepony sees him!? Oh horseapples, why did I have ta bring ‘im along? As she made her way deeper into the town she spotted Carousel Boutique. Maybe I can ask Rarity ta watch ‘im fer me. I don’t think she’d mind.” With that sorted out she hurried to the shop.

* * *

Arriving at Carousel Boutique, Applejack walked through the door and the bell jingled above, after which Rarity sang, "Just a moment♪" a minute or two of waiting later, Rarity called from atop the stairs, "Oh, hello Applejack, to what do I owe this honor for?"

The farmpony tipped her hat, "Good evenin', Rarity, I just came over ta ask a favor, is all."

"And what sort of favor would that be?" The unicorn asked.

"Well, uhh..." Applejack reached behind her and grabbed the basket off her back and set it down before taking the cover off. "Could you watch ‘im ‘til I'm done shoppin'?"

"You put him in a basket!?" Rarity accused.

"Hey! It ain't my fault ya wanted ta keep him a secret to the rest o’ Ponyville! Besides, I was in a hurry."

"Be that as it may, a basket, really?"

"Well, it's not like I could just put him in a stroller, that’d bring too much attention ta us. If anythin’, the basket was the best way to hide ‘im right now."

Rarity sighed, "I see your point, but what do you mean, you were in a hurry? Going shopping isn't something you don't plan for, so why couldn't you have Granny Smith or Big Macintosh look after him?"

Applejack reached back and scratched the back of her head, "Well that's the thing, Big Mac an’ Apple Bloom are cleanin’ up the mess that this one made, and Granny Smith... well, once she starts her nap it's part near impossible to wake her up."

Rarity sat on her haunches in order to pick up the baby and said, "Now Applejack, how could this little angel cause anything bad to happen?

"That's another thing, I have no idea. One minute I was watchin’ ‘im, then I look away for one second and the next thing I heard was a crash in the kitchen and a bunch o’ the food in the pantry was on the floor smashed ta bits. I have no idea how he did it either, I locked the pantry myself and now I need ta get more groceries."

Rarity hugged him a little tighter, "Well in that case I would be more than happy to look after him. Maybe I can even design some clothes for him!"

The earth pony put on an honest smile, "Thank ya kindly, Rarity, yer a lifesaver. So then, I put a toy in the basket for ‘im, and a few diapers. Oh, and a bit a warnin’; changin’ ‘im ain't for the faint of heart."

Rarity looked confused, "And what do you mean by that, Applejack?"

Applejack stifled a laugh, "You'll see fer yerself in good time, Rarity. I should be back in about an hour, see ya then." With that Applejack left Carousel Boutique.

Rarity pondered her friend’s words for the better part of a minute, until the baby snapped her back to reality by grabbing hold of her mane and giving it an impatient tug. “Ow! No no no, Sweetums, I work really hard to make my mane perfect and we do not pull on it.” The baby was engulfed in the blue aura of Rarity’s magic and lifted into the air, “Now come along, we have so much to do and so little time to do it!”

Rarity walked up the stairs and into one of her workrooms. Fabric of just about any color imaginable was littered around the room in what the fashionista referred to as ‘organized chaos’. The sewing equipment ranged from the simplest needle and thread, all the way up to the latest edition of the sewing machine. Half finished dresses hung from the mare-equins that lined the outer edge of the room. In the middle of all of this, was a fabulous unicorn and a curious infant, member of an entirely unknown species.

Rarity walked over to her work table and lowered the infant onto a nearby work stool. “Now, just wait right there, sweetums. I simply need to find everything we’re going to need.” She turned around and started talking to herself, “Okay Rarity, think... what would look best on the little dear? Maybe something red with a little white, or should it be turquoise and sapphire with some white trimmings?”

She scratched her chin with a hoof and said and came to the most common conclusion. “Oh, I just can’t decide! What do you think, sweetums?” She looked back and, to her shock, the baby was gone. “Sweetums? Where did you go!?” Rarity looked around the room, but in her panic, she found no sign of him anywhere. “Oh no... if I don’t find him, who knows what the others will do to me!”

She ran out of the room and hysterically searched the entire building. She looked under every couch, every table, every nook and cranny that she could think of. She even looked through every cabinet, but the baby was nowhere to be found. Feeling exhausted and desperate, Rarity went back into her workroom to look around one final time. “Oh, this is hopeless! Now I understand what Applejack meant. Maybe I should go ask one of the others for help?” Just then, at the corner of her eye, Rarity noticed a small amount of movement coming from pile of her fabrics. As she got closer she asked, “Sweetums? Is that you?” Then she pulled the fabric up and found that the infant was snuggled into some cloths.

In her relief, she immediately grabbed him in her hooves and hugged him. “Oh, thank Celestia I found you! You almost gave me a heart attack with your little disappearing act! Hmm? What’s this?” She looked at the small bits of fabric that he was holding and something sparked in her mind. “Forest and spring green... oh, why didn’t I think of that!? They would look perfect on you! I can see it now... oh, let’s get started right away, my little fashion genius!”

Rarity levitated the baby back over to her table and went straight to work. “Now, how am I going to get your measurements? Would you please hold still, dear?” The baby was fidgeting on the table, clumsily avoiding the equipment Rarity had suspended in mid-air. “Oh, this will never do... if I use my magic to hold you still, I just might scare you to death.” She tapped her chin in thought, “Oh, I know! I’ll just take off the clothes you’re wearing and copy those! Simple.” Once again Rarity levitated the infant into the air and proceeded to strip him of his blue nighty. She lowered him back onto the table and paused.

“Wait... what is that horrid stench?” Rarity sniffed the air to pinpoint the source of the awful odor. She quickly found him and immediately turned her head away. “Oh Celestia... Applejack was right!” Rarity trotted over to the other side of the room and took a deep breath of fresh air to calm herself. “Alright, deary, let’s get you changed out of that filthy diaper and clean you up.”

She went out of the room with the baby levitating behind her when she stopped in her tracks and headed for the entrance. “Goodness, I nearly forgot the diapers!” Levitating the basket containing said diapers next to the infant, she went to the bathroom. “Alright, now let’s get that dreaded thing off you.” Using her magic, she undid the diaper... and immediately stopped. “Wait... i-is that w-what I think it is!? What kind of creature would have that out in the open!? I-it’s so... barbaric!” She let out a disgusted retch and brought a gleam determination to her mind. “From this day forth, so help me, I will see to it that you are dressed appropriately at all times! Oh, just think of all the poor foals!”

After that, they went back into the work area. “Now with that nightmare behind us, we can get back to designing your clothes!”

* * *

As Applejack went inside Carousel Boutique after carrying her groceries to Sweet Apple Acres, she was met with a surprised exclamation from the resident unicorn. “I’ll be with you in but a moment!” True to her word, Rarity entered the main hall of the boutique after a moment of sounds suggesting fabrics folding and stretching. When she went down to meet who was at the door she let out a sigh of relief, “Oh Applejack it’s only you. I thought you might have been a customer.” she then motioned her to come upstairs, “Come along, he’s right up here.” Her acquaintance from the farm followed the seamstress up and into her work area. She quickly started levitating the infant into the basket, covered him up and cautiously held him away with her magical aura, as if repulsed by their presence.

The fashionista hoofed the baby and basket over to the farmer. “Thanks for helpin’ me out, Rarity. He wasn’t too much, was he?” She began putting the baby into the basket as Rarity spoke up.

“Whatever do you mean, Applejack? Of course, I had no problem with him whatsoever. In fact, he was, er, completely cooperative the entire time! I don’t see how you could possibly have any problems with him, he is such an angel!”

Now, Applejack wasn’t exactly friends with the unicorn, but she knew enough about catching lies to be able to recognize when she was covering something.

“C’mon, Rare, I know what that stutter means. Spit it out.”

Rarity didn’t expect to succeed in her efforts and she knew how stubborn the earth pony could be, so she relented in order to save time and patience, sacrificing some dignity and pride in exchange. “You were right. He really knows how to disappear when you’re not looking and I almost fainted from the smell while I was changing him! But, there is a silver lining to all of this: I have, at the very least, pinned down how his clothes should be made. Come back tomorrow and you will see for yourself. I’m certain that they will look magnificent on little... Actually, come to think of it, does he even have a name yet?”

The sudden change in topic took Applejack by surprise, and after putting the basket on her back with practiced ease, she replied hesitantly. “Uhh, no. No, he doesn’t. I’ll think about it when I get back home though, don’tcha worry.” Before anything more could be said, Applejack noticed that sunset was closing in and hurried on her way home.

* * *

Arriving back at the farm just after sundown, Applejack and the baby entered their home. Waiting for them was a very tired Apple Bloom and Granny Smith who was still sleeping like a rock, if not heavier than one. “What‘re ya doin’, Apple Bloom, stayin’ up at this hour? Ya know we go to bed before sundown.”

“I know Applejack but, I was worried that somethin’ bad happened...” she looked down with a tear falling down her cheek.

“Now don’t cry, sugarcube, nothin’ bad happened. See?” AJ brought the basket down off her back and removed the cover, revealing the baby to be sound asleep. “He’s just fine, looks like he’s sleepin’ to. Now, go ta bed.”

“W-where’s he goin’ ta sleep?” Apple Bloom asked through a sniffle.

“Well I guess he’ll be sleepin’ in my bed fer tonight.”

“Can... can I sleep in yer bed tonight, too?” she asked sticking her bottom lip out, just in case.

“Now, sugarcube... ya’ll don’t have ta do that poutin’ thing fer that, I don’t mind at all.” Applejack smiled and nuzzled her sister.

Apple Bloom put on a small smile and returned the nuzzle. The two sisters and the infant went up the stairs and into the older sister’s room. Lifting the blanket up she allowed Apple Bloom to hop in first, then she put the baby in the middle of the bed, to which Apple Bloom replied by snuggling herself up against him and falling asleep straight away. “Aww, if that ain’t the cutest thing I ever did see.” She took off her hat, hung it on the wall, then laid down on the side of the bed and watched as her little sister peacefully slept next to her newest family member. I still feel a bit uneasy about takin’ care o’ this creature, but seein’ my li’l sister this happy... it just melts my heart, and all my worries. Applejack closed her eyes and went to sleep, dreaming about how this new addition to her family would change their lives forever, whether it would be for the better, or for the worse. She would never know, but right there, right now, all she knew is that all this creature could bring was happiness.

AN: Well, that chapter was fun to write up! Here I thought that the baby years were going to be boring. I hope that you guys enjoyed it, The “Special” Pegasus and I had a lot fun writing it, you guys should thank him by the way, without him this chapter would have been crap. Anyway, I feel like I should answer a few questions before they are asked, so here we go!

1- “Why so much Rarity? Didn’t Applejack win the vote?”
Yes she did, the main reason for there being so much Rarity this chapter was because I wanted to get the clothes thing out of the way ASAP. Also don’t worry too much about it, AJ won the vote so you guys will see a lot more of her throughout the story than the others.

2- “We voted for Kid Genius so why isn’t he super smart?”
Because Genius is a broad term. It doesn’t just mean that he is smart, the word “Genius” more or less means you’re really, REALLY good at something or thought of something that NO ONE else has thought of. And again don’t worry, you guys will be able to pick what kind of genius he is in chapter 6 if everything goes as planned.

3- “Why aren't there any choices this chapter?”
Because you guys will only get to choices when we skip years or when an important decision has to be made. The next list of choices will be at chapter 4.

And that’s it! If you guys have any other questions feel free to ask in the comments and the next chapter should be up by next Friday. ‘Till then readers.

EN (Editor’s Notes): I just feel I should point out that I don’t know what I’m doing, making my own notes. Am I even allowed? Anyway, I’d like to say that this has been a blast, and I hope you appreciate the significant decrease in grammar and spelling errors. Remember, just because I’m the editor doesn’t mean I’ll always know the answer to your questions, so yeah.