• Published 16th Aug 2012
  • 23,379 Views, 1,075 Comments

Raising a Human in Equestria - Flame6666

I don't know what's going to happen :)

  • ...

Ch 4: Shoulda Seen That One Comin’

Shoulda Seen That One Comin’

Co-Author: The “Special” Pegasus

“Oh no, oh no, oh no!” Rainbow Dash repeated as she flew around the orchard, fast as always. “If I don’t find him, AJ will have my wings for sure!” She continued to fly through the orchard, but in her panic, no matter where she looked, there was no sign of the little green clad infant.

“Oh, ponyfeathers, where the hay is he!?” she yelled in her frustration. After another few minutes of frantic searching, she slowly started to concede to the idea that she couldn't find the baby, “Buck it, the little guy is lost!” she finally swallowed her pride. “I can’t do this alone!” Preparing for a heckuva dressing down, she flew toward the farmhouse to notify Applejack.

Soon enough she spotted the house and made her way down. She landed right outside the door and knocked. After a few moments Applejack opened the door, “Oh, thank Celestia, I was startin’ ta get worried! Where’ve ya’ll been fer the past two hours!”

Then the farmer noticed the absence of her little brother’s basket.

“Dash... where’s the baby?” She asked, looking around in worry.

Rainbow started to look around nervously, avoiding Applejack’s eyes. Then she remembered what she came for and put the spine she’d been growing to its proper use, looking her friend in the eye. “I lost him, AJ. I just dozed off for like, a minute and then he was gone.”

Applejack rolled her eyes. Of course she’d lose him. With a deep sigh she started, “Alright, Dash... this is what we’re gonna do. First, you go get Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie. Tell ‘em that th’ baby is missing and ta come help looking. When ya’ll are here, come look fer me, alright?” Rainbow nodded in an affirmative. The two left the house, the earth pony going indoors and Rainbow flying off to get the rest of their friends. However, in her rush, she didn’t notice that a little filly overheard the whole thing from atop the stairs.

“This is awful!” the filly would have screamed, were she not risking detection. She never would have thought something like this would happen so fast and so suddenly. Without hesitating, she snuck her way outside and made for the closest part of the orchard. At least, she would if she didn’t feel a pressure on her tail preventing her movement. As she expected to get her ‘Busted!’ lecture, she heard, not angry older sister, but whimpering that not even Fluttershy could pull off. Turning around, she was greeted by a brown puppy dotted in white looking at her with pleading worry and a guardian’s determination.

“Winona! What’re ya doin’, let go of me!” She said, shaking her way out of her pet’s grip. It was for naught however, as her pet wouldn’t let her go that easily. “Knock it off, I gotta find my little brother! Lemme go, lemme go!” At the mention of ‘little brother’, Winona slowly dropped her jaw in perplexion. A baby brother? And he’s gone? The pup was giddy over the prospect of a new pony to play with, but also mortified that he was lost in the woods somewhere.

After letting the information sink in, the dog started searching for a scent she wasn’t familiar with. Luckily, a scent does not disappear that fast after having all of the night before to accumulate, which the canine took advantage of when she detected the scent on her as of now, second youngest master. Overtaken by what a pony would call ‘protective instinct’, she grabbed Apple Bloom’s tail again, this time to communicate her intentions. It was a confusing minute and a half, but the point was made and the filly couldn’t be more grateful.

“Ya’ll wanna help find im’? Really?” After receiving a response in the form of an affirmative nuzzle, she gave the dog a great big hug and galloped off into the orderly gathering of trees with Winona following close behind.

* * *

“Granny Smith!? I gotta tell ya somethin’! It’s real important!” Applejack rummaged through her home in search for the elderly mare. Unfortunately, telling her grandmother would have to wait, as yet another nap had started in her absence. Either that, or the nap from last night never stopped to begin with. This was strange though, even for Granny. This hasn’t happened in a while. “Aw, shoot. Big Mac! I gotta tell ya somethin’ an’ it’s real important!”

“Hmm?” the stallion in question inquired as he heard his sister’s exclamation. He gently dropped the basket he was carrying to the cellar and as she arrived, gave Applejack his attention. “Big Mac, I’ve got some bad news.” The stallion simply waited for the mare to finish. “The baby’s gone missin’ in the farm somewhere, so I won’t be doin’ any chores now. Alright?” The older Apple replied with a worried but understanding, “Eeyup.” after which the mare went outside to begin her search.

* * *

A certain pink earth pony finished making sure the coast was clear and headed straight for the barn. She had packed a bulging briefcase filled with Discord-knows-what that she was having extraordinarily much difficulty carrying, or rather, dragging over from the bush she had used to cover herself. Proceeding into the structure, she opened up the briefcase and got to work, wearing a great big smile in her anticipation.

* * *

Applejack had been galloping through the orchard for half an hour, looking for the child. The only thing that stopped her, even for a second, was Rainbow Dash calling her name. She stopped and looked toward the sky and spotted her friend’s trademark rainbow mane. “Rainbow! Did you gather up the girls!?”

Rainbow flew toward her and answered, “Yeah they're waiting at the house, come on!” After that, the two ponies went full speed to the farmhouse.

Upon their arrival, the first thing that Applejack noticed was a certain pony’s absence. “Hold up. Where’s Pinkie?” said the farmer glaring at the cyan pegasus.

“Hey, don’t blame me! She wasn’t even there when I went to find her!” Rainbow Dash countered.

“Whatever! Alright, ya’ll know what happened, right?” said Applejack, now directing her attention to the other two mares present. She was met with urgent nods.

“Alright, now what we-” It was at this point that the farmer realized something vital. “Oh, Tartarus, I fergot ta tell Apple Bloom! Hold on for just a minute!” upon arriving in her sister’s room she knocked and opened the door. “Apple Bloom, I’m sorry fer not sayin’ so before, but the ba-” again she was stopped, this time by the fact that her audience was not even there. “Oh no, oh no! Not her too!” Galloping outside, she relayed the icing on the ‘bad news’ cake to the three mares. “Apple Bloom’s gone too! We gotta hurry! Follow me!” With no time to lose, they all followed Applejack’s trail while unbeknownst to them, a filly and her dog were doing just the same thing thousands of yards away.

* * *

“Winona, wait up!” shouted Apple Bloom as the puppy started running into the immediate distance. When she caught up, the dog let out a triumphant bark before sniffing the area again, her head slightly cocked in confusion. “The basket! Thanks Winona!” She looked into the basket and was consumed with panic once again at what she saw. “He’s not there!? What in the hay is goin’ on, Winona!?” To her subsequent chagrin, her canine companion looked up at her and beckoned her right back to where they came from. “Are ya’ll kiddin!? Ugh, hold on a sec!” She grabbed the basket in her teeth and shouted a muffled “Okay, let’s go!” before following Winona’s lead once again.

After that waste of energy, the dog directed Apple Bloom toward the barn rather than the household. Shrugging, the filly went in and started searching. Finally, she discovered her little brother hiding in a pile of hay. Happier than ever, she immediately embraced the infant, tears flowing from her eyes. “Oh, I was so worried about ya, li’l brother! Don’t ya ever do that again! Ya’ll done gave me a heart attack!” The baby simply laughed, reveling in the joys of hide and seek.

“Ooohhh, so that’s where he went.” Another pony said from the ladder she was situated upon. Apple Bloom turned around and took in her surroundings once again, confusion all over her face. “Uh, Pinkie, what’re ya doin’?”

“It’s a secret!”

* * *

The four mares continued to search the orchard, still in vain. As the hours passed and darkness fell, they were forced to come to the terrifying decision of going back to the farmhouse. “Oh, this is positively hopeless, how are we ever going to find them in the dark?” Rarity asked.

“We ain’t leavin’ ‘em out here, Rarity.” said said the earth pony leading them all.

“But Applejack... what if they're already back at the house?”

“An’ what if they’re right at the next turn! We ain’t goin’ back ‘til we find ‘em!” she asserted.

Having dealt with enough for one evening, Rainbow flew in front of her orange coated friend, “Listen AJ, as much as I hate to say it, Rarity is right. Trust me, I want to look for them too, but this is just too much. Let’s just go back to rest and tomorrow we’ll be ready to look for them all day.”

Applejack looked at the ground for the better part of a minute, “Alright Dash... let’s go back.”

They went back the way they came and finally got back to the main area of Sweet Apple Acres. As they got closer to the farmhouse they noticed something off about the barn. The group headed to the entrance and as they get closer they notice a clicking noise from the inside, followed by a lack of light. “W-why did the lights turn off?” Fluttershy asked, her fright rising.

“I’m not sure.” The group got to the front of the barn and slowly opened the door. They were met with nothing but the total darkness that plagued the inside of the barn. The mares braved the dark, with the exception of Fluttershy having to be dragged in, and once they were inside the doors slammed shut behind them. Panic started to fill the group, then suddenly the lights turned on and they were assaulted by a loud-


It took the group a minute for their eyes to adjust, but when they did they were greeted by an amazing, and rather confusing sight. The barn was full of party supplies, streamers hung all around, balloons filled the corners and floated about, all sorts of party foods were on the side table, and the best looking cake that the group had ever seen was sitting at the middle of the barn. More or less, the basics of any Pinkie party, but the thing that stood out the most was the small amount of party goers. The only ones that were there was Pinkie Pie, Apple Bloom, Winona and for some reason or another, Granny Smith, who was sleeping in her rocking chair with a party hat on her head, a party horn in her mouth and a pair of fake glasses equipped with loose hanging, springy eyes, with a very confused Big Mac next to her.

Pinkie appeared right next to the group and asked, “Were you guys surprised!? I know I would have been surprised if there was a random party being thrown in a barn, so do you like it!?”

Rarity was the first to recover, “Eh, Pinkie, dear, if this is about the baby, did we not agree that there would not be a party?”

“Well yeah, but then I wouldn't have my perfect record of having thrown a “Welcome to Ponyville” party for every single pony in Ponyville! I just had to throw one, even though he’s not a pony, and besides, I only invited ponies that know him already.”

Applejack heaved a sigh of relief, “Well, as long as we’re the only ones here I don’t see why not. Where is he anyway?”

Pinkie looked around for the child, “Huh, that’s weird, he was right next to Apple Bloom before the lights turned off.”

Rainbow Dash started glaring whilst hovering in front of her, “Wait, wait, wait! Are you saying that he’s been here the entire time!?” Pinkie grinned and nodded, oblivious to the flying mare’s frustration. “Why didn’t you tell us!? We were worried sick!”

“If I told you it wouldn’t have a surprise, now would it, Dashie?”

“Well if he was here earlier, then where is he now?” questioned Rarity.

“Oh, he’s under the table silly.” Pinkie answered.

“How do you know that, Pinkie?” Fluttershy asked.

Pinkie giggled, “Everypony knows I’m the best at hide and seek.” She went over to the table, reached under its tablecloth, and grabbed the elusive baby, as he started giggling.

Rarity leaned over to Applejack and whispered, “The next time I make clothes for him, I’m going to put a bell on it.” the farmer simply nodded without taking her eyes off the two.

Apple Bloom went over to the group who were now distracted by the party pony as she repeatedly tossed the baby about six feet in the air. She tapped her sister’s leg in order to get her attention, “I’m sorry that we made you worried, Applejack, but when Winona found ‘em in the barn, Pinkie was already getting the party set up and she said that she wanted to surprise everypony.” she said while looking down, coating her face with an expression of guilt and pleading.

Applejack simply nuzzled her, “It’s alright, Apple Bloom. It gave us a mighty big scare, but in the end, nopony was hurt and that’s all that matters.” she looked at the others, “Come on girls, we shouldn’t let this party go ta waste.”

“Wait, you’re just gonna go with it? Shouldn't you yell at her or something!?” Dash yelled.

“Oh, don’tcha worry ‘bout that, Rainbow... I’ll have words with ‘er later, they just ain’t very nice words for a time like this.” she said with a little anger.

After that, the party really began. They played the many games that Pinkie prepared, ate the wonderful food that she made, and put even more stuff on the snoozing Granny Smith. After all was said and done, there was just one last thing to do to make the welcome party complete. “Okay everypony,” the party pony began, “it’s time for the cake!” They all gathered around and were more than happy to start digging in, until Pinkie stopped them, “Wait! You guys can’t eat it yet!”

“But you just said it was time to eat it, Pinkie!” Rainbow exclaimed.

“Yes, but it’s missing the most important part!” she said as she pulled out a icing pipe from her mane. “His name! I mean, It’s not like we can have a Welcome to Ponyville cake that says, “Welcome to Ponyville Strange Creature Baby Thing”. It wouldn't fit on the cake if we did that!” she said with a smile on her muzzle.

All eyes turned to Applejack, “Alright, alright, hold yer horses, I’m thinkin’.” She put her hoof to her chin in thought while looking at the half asleep baby. After a minute she smiled and said, “How ‘bout Jonathan Apple?” The group rolled the name in their heads and they all nodded in agreement, all but Pinkie.

“Blugh.” she stated with her tongue hanging out, “That sounds like some old pony’s name, I’m gonna call him Johnny Appleseed!”

“You know, now that she mentions it, that name does sound a bit too grown up for him.” Rarity added.

“Yeah, plus, Johnny Appleseed sound so much cooler then Jonathan Apple.” Rainbow agreed.

“Fine.” Applejack grumbled, “You can call him whatever y’all want, but his name is still Jonathan Apple and that’s how it’s gonna stay.”

“Aaaaaaand done! Alright everypony, dig in!” Pinkie shouted as she finished putting his new name on the cake.

* * Five Years Later * *

It was the day of the thousandth Summer Sun Celebration. In the distance, a royal chariot carrying a unicorn and a young dragon was approaching the town of Ponyville. “...doesn’t that make you happy?” said the reptilian child. As he listened to his sister’s response he took the opportunity to take in the view. By a stroke of coincidence, he managed to spot a large red speck in the ground who, for some strange reason, was carrying something weird looking on their back. A moment of thought led to the drake dismissing it as his imagination. Regardless, the time he had spent living with the biggest egghead in Equestria had rubbed off on him and the thought would not leave his mind that easily. Oh well, I’ll think about it later.

To be continued...


It’s the time to make your choices! This time around the choices will determine his personality and will unlock/block some paths in the future. The rules for voting-
1- You pick from three of the five groups below.
2- In the groups you pick, you choose one of the two options.
Example- (Shy Shutin, Too Smart, Deva)

OutGoing- "Where my peeps at!."
Shy Shutin- "Oh great... another Fluttershy."

Hey Good Looking- "What a handsome young man."
Hey... Not so Good Looking- "W-What a...a h-handsome young ma- I just can't do it!"

Too Smart- "NERD!"
The “Special” Child- "You must of been dropped on your head off screen."(Think Dil Pickles from “All Grown Up”. Trust me it’s not nearly as bad as you’re thinking, it won't make him brain damaged.)

Athlete- "Stop running!"
Couch Potato- "Start running!"

Diva- "?Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do?"
Tone Deaf- "It's like a cat scratching a chalkboard!"

The top three choices will be the ones that will be the most prominent, while the other two will act like the middle ground of their group (let’s say the last group doesn’t pass, he won’t be good at singing but won’t be terrible either.)


AN: First things first, gotta give a big thank you to MrDenim for suggesting the name “Jonathan Apple” and Ambassador_Derpius for suggesting the name “Johnny Appleseed” In my opinion those names fit him perfectly, so thank you gentlemen, my metaphorical hat goes off to you.

Not that much to say about this chapter really, have no reason to explain my thought process for anything. Well then, see you guys next time.

C-AN: Well then. I gotta say, fantastic name. I just thought of something, this might be fun. Try telling the difference between the parts I wrote and the parts that Flame wrote. You know, for the lulz. I got nothin else, see ya.