• Member Since 24th May, 2019
  • offline last seen May 27th, 2023


Just a brony that loves to write... That's about it!๐Ÿ˜œ


A story of two different races that are going through particularly tough times. A Unicorn stallion that can't use their magic at all, and a Bat pony mare that has just been through a rollercoaster of a relationship with her stallion.

Chapters (10)
Comments ( 29 )

I like it. Interesting dynamic between these two. I feel that mist goes from random bystander to having a knife at the guy a bit quick and if you did continue this story Iโ€™d try to explain that a bit, maybe if something had happened in the past that caused him to instantly be on edge. I know we had the โ€˜heโ€™s been mugged beforeโ€™ but with a proper reason he could be a really well fleshed out character thatโ€™s interesting to learn about. Also nightshine sounds adorable so work with that but donโ€™t make her incapable of getting down a dirty if it goes that way.

Overall a nice read with lots of potential. Great job.

Didn't this story use to have a sex tag?

Thank you for the feedback! I highly appreciate it! I am continuing the story and will bring more of Mist's backstory as the chapters go on. As for Nightshine... Well, she will eventually get sick of somethings later in the story and do something that even Mist would be surprised about! But no spoilers for now ๐Ÿ˜ I thank you all for reading this as it is my 2nd fic on here, and am hoping to make it a big one!

A story of two different races that are going through particularly thought times

'thought' -> 'tough'?

I grabbed the rag I normally used with a hoof and wiped of the counter to make it look significantly better than it was.

'of' -> 'off'

The light of the crystallized moon shone down and littered my head with little reflected rewards that brightened me as a whole. I looked back down at the roads as faint lights dimmed my pathway to make it easier to see.

I'm not entirely sure what happened here... is the first sentence showing how much he likes the moonlight, and the second an accident?
I kept my eyes on the group as the looked at a slightly younger mare that was heading in their direction.
The who?

I didn't dare waste time walking this direction, so I slowly turned until i was walking towards the mare with the bag.

I don't think the shift key registered.

She looked behind her again and saw the stallions close the distance instantly and stopped her in her tracks.
I think there's better choices of tense that can be used.

"What's in the bag!" One of the stallions questioned with anger in his eyes. The mare didn't answer, to scared to react at the time. She just stood her ground.


I would have noticed more things that she was wearing, if I wasn't trying to help the scared mare from getting mugged or robbed. I closed the distance before bringing out a knife with my forhoof and placing the handle in my mouth.

Personally, I'd try stating it as 'I would have remembered more of her outfit if I wasn't trying to prevent the scared mare from being mugged or robbed.' Also, you missed the 'e' in 'forehoof'.

They were fast, but not as fast as the Unicorn that couldn't use magic.

I think "can't" would be a better choice since he still hasn't used magic.

"Do u want me to accompany you to your destination?"


She stated before gave me the bits.


I bring you out her as a mare friend and all you do is tell me how to live my life.


"What?" Nightshine questioned, hoping the thing he said was not true. Tears beginning to form at the corners of her eyes.

It might help to try '...was not true, tears beginning to form...' or 'Tears begin to form...'

You got five seconds before I chase you and try to stain this thing as much as I can with you!

'You've got' or 'You have' might go better, unless this is the effect of rage on his speech.

but your a strong mare.


"I'm sorry that that pony was an idiot and made the wrong choices, you were right and he was wrong.

Some people find 'that that' a little bit annoying to read, and I have had trouble with commonly saying that, but just one should do. You could also probably use a 'but' as well.

I put my hooves over my ears and closed my eyes, still feeling the tears in my eyes as they began to stream done the side of my cheeks.


"Ohโ€ฆ y...your a Bat pony?"

'you're' is a conjunction of 'you are' while 'your' shows possession.

She covered her ears this time as the thunder was even now too much for her to handle.

'was now too much for even her to handle'

She stumble over as she got within range of the grass of her small garden.


"Don't worry about it, if Tremor can love another pony, then so can I!" She proudly said, allowing a faint blush appear on her cheeks.

'allowing a faint blush to appear on her cheeks.'

She stated with another amused look before planting her muzzle to mine for a short and brief kiss. My eyes went wide and I could see her wings spread wide from the contact. She broke the kiss and gasped for breath. "You wanna come in or?"

I feel that 'on' might be a slightly better fit than 'to', and that the dialogue could use '...' when she trails off.

"I would love to Nightshine, I would, but I got to get to work early and open up the place before making sure the staff are ok and then I come and pick you up and take you to the festival." I stated calmly. She nodded in acknowledgment and the grabbed my hoof.
"I'll" and 'then' should probably be used here.

Interesting story, so when you add the second chapter I'll be sure to read it as well. Also, I think that the dialogue might need more commas for pauses and could be smoothed out some more, but I could certainly be overdoing it with the punctuation. Also the length.

Thank you for this! Although it is criticism, it's people like you that help writers like me. I will proof read my work more carefully next time. Thank you SunflowerSwirl


I am continuing the story and will bring more of Mist's backstory as the chapters go on

Why is this story marked "complete" then?

The chapter is complete, not the entire thing

The capture? What capture? Chapter? Complete tag means the story is completed, not the chapter.

I walked to the closest mirror in the house, which was located in the bathroom and froze. I looked terrible! I had multiple streaks on my face that looked like somepony had tried to cut through my face. Little indents that glaced the outer fur without moving or damaging the bone underneath.

'smooth and polished' is the definition, and I'm assuming that it is intentional and not a misspelling of 'grazed'. Perfectly fine, just might need a dictionary or assumption.

I stated from my blushing state.

'I stated, my face blushing.' might flow better.

It was about 3 minutes in when I could hear the door unlock and out stood a mare that was having a worse mane day than me.

'heard' might be a better tense and 'inside' may fit the sentence better than 'out'
This might be a bit picky, but I think when you're repeating something simple, like this:

Nightshine stood in the doorway with bags under her eyes and a certain dryness within her eyes

You could try making it repeat a little less: 'Nightshine stood in the doorway with bags under her eyes and a certain dryness within them'

"Your living life better than me I see Nightshine."


I placed my hoof on hear shoulder as she practically melted into the contact.


Isโ€ฆ is it ok that we start over?


She stated with a scarce look.


My best mates son watched his dad die right in front of him.


I was defenceless, a weak individual who lacked the strength to do anything.


Only for protection sake.

"protection's sake" or 'sake of protection'

The even didn't start until 11 o'clock.


I had just past my third year working at the bar, so Storm invited me out to relax and unwindโ€ฆ


Mist here has the only one from his workplace that is here.

Perhaps 'Mist is the only one from his workplace that showed up'?

Only Nightshine could make out the slightly that I was blushing and mischievously grinned at me.

'that I was blushing slightly'

He is a true magnificent stallion and should make all the mares tremble on their hind legs.

That makes sense, 'truly' also could work. Up to you. 'could' or 'should'?

"Then that settles it! You're getting a pay raise starting Monday!" Storm charmed loudly.

I think it was meant to be 'chimed'.

I didn't want to look away until I saw a mare,out of the corner of my eye

Missed a space.

"Yes i am! What can I do for you?"

I probably don't even need to say 'I'.

I held my ground for a moment before mare from within the sky kicked the weapon out of the mares field of focus as it plummeted with a loud 'clang' on the floor, which got the attention of everypony that was there.

Needs to be 'the mare from within the sky' unless you capitalize it and use it as a title.

"Tremor sent you to do his bidding did he?"


She bares her fangs at the Unicorn mare as she slowly began to back away.

These situation's probably aren't any fun to write... maybe 'as the unicorn mare slowly began to walk away.'

"You're under arrest for being in possession a harmful weapon!"

'possession of a harmful weapon'

We then closed our eyes before placing our heads together as be bathed in the sense of love.

The exclamation marks in the beginning looked a little odd, but I see what you mean.
I'm seeing a few more issues with improper nouns being capitalized, such as 'Unicorn' or 'Colt'. You might want to go back through and change them. Issues with different tenses often seem to be present as well.
I feel that you have a nice balance of things that we know, things that we want to know more about, and things to which we are completely ignorant. Hoping to learn more about the pony in the picture!

You're welcome! I might be a little picky with the wording, but I am interested in the story. Just let me know if I need to be pickier!

Thank you! I helps that you can pick out the issues or the non-standard word choice that I have used. It helps a lot. It's not the easiest thing to do when you're dyslexic. (I have it sadly) but it helps me to know that someone is proof reading it like I do. I don't know if it's me skipping over the sentence but I dont normally see these things until somebody points them out. I'm just glad that you're enjoying the story... Thank you! ๐Ÿ˜

It's probably that you wrote it and therefore can end up skipping words throughout your writing since it is a lot to review. I, on the other hand, have no idea what's supposed to be there until I read it.

For the chapter yes. The story is far from over though. ๐Ÿ˜

Then why is this story marked "Complete"?

Love how you used the dream scene to dip deeper into the plot! I'm curious if Colt will just serve as an emotional conflict for Mist, or if he'll affect the world through more than his mind...

Seconds felt like minutes as I began to fall towards the building. I hit the building with a loud crack and then fell downwards. I hit my head hard and I looked up in time to see the last image before I was knocked out or even killed.

Sadly, it seems that nightmare may become a reality.

The scene at the start was an experiment that I wanted to try out. I also wanted to leave the chapter on a cliff hanger to set the mood for the tag that I haven't exactly used yet. ('dark') I'm happy that you enjoyed it and hope you can brace yourself for what is going to occur. I felt like looping the start and finish together to achieve a sense that Mist's day had gone from nightmare to nightmare was a little bit cheap, but it worked out perfectly for the next chapter. That I am greatful for!

How many chapters do you plan on writing for this story?

At this point, I haven't got an exact number. I would expect about 10 chapters, if I'm able to keep the thought train rolling.

Dude, if the story isn't finished, you should remove the "completed" tag.

So Nightshine accidentally cut Mist with his own knife?

"You're under arrest for being in possession a harmful weapon!" The guard bellowed out in the original Canterlot voice, hurting mine and Nightshine's ears in the process.

I think the arrest should be for threatening a civilian. Mist owns a knife, why isn't he getting arrested?

Also, is it seriously that easy to get in the guard. Heck ours would be twice as large if the standards were that low.

Yes! As she was pulling it out, she was leaning into him. No spoilers but this eventually affects Mist in a certain few situations...

I was waiting for someone to notice! ๐Ÿ˜
Maybe the guard didn't notice the knife.

That escalated quickly. Colt will make it really weird.

"Nothing!" She stated. She knew that I hadn't killed him, and she knew that I knocked him out with a simple buck to the head. What she didn't understand was why I was still up, or why I was still conscious. She slowly looked up to me and scanned over me with her eyes. "You need to get to a hospital!" She commanded. I didn't listen as I walked past them both and smashed the window fully before hopping in through it.

Judging by that and the title, I'm guessing that he is unkillable. Not unstoppable, but can't die because of Colt. The possibilities are fairly vast.

I enjoyed this it was a great story thanks for writing it

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