• Published 2nd Jul 2019
  • 767 Views, 10 Comments

Enter if you Dare-ing Do - MrDankEngine

A thrilling chapter book featuring Rainbow Dash riding the roller coaster of her dreams with her friends, as they go on an epic jungle adventure as well as braving the volcano!

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Test Riding the Beast

A week had passed, and the Humane 6 went to Equestria Land to meet up with Rainbow Dash. She left early before her other friends did, as she wanted to be the first person to ride the new roller coaster.

"Why do we have to take our safari outfits?" Asked Fluttershy.

"Because Rainbow Dash wants this to look like we're on a jungle adventure." Said Twilight.

"Has anyone seen her?" Asked Applejack. "She said she'd meet us here at the main street of the park."

"What if Rainbow Dash was waiting for you all at the volcano?" Suggested Spike.

So the girls went over to the new attraction to find their friend. But when they arrived at the main entrance to the Daring Do ride, there was Rainbow Dash all dressed up in her Daring Do costume.

"I'm ready to ride!" She said. "But, you guys aren't ready yet. You're supposed to go to the change rooms and put on your safari outfits."

"Sorry about that, Rainbow." Said Twilight. "We just didn't have time to change our clothes immediately."

"Well now it's the time to be ready!" Said Rainbow Dash. "Go to the change rooms now!"

Rainbow Dash sent her friends to get changed into their safari outfits, but Sunset Shimmer didn't go because she was holding Spike.

"I hope Fluttershy doesn't mind if I look after Spike while she goes on the ride." Said Sunset Shimmer.

"Of course she wouldn't mind, but she must understand." Said Spike.

By the time the girls got out of the change rooms, they were all ready to ride.

"I look ridiculous wearing these clothes!" Complained Rarity.

"I'm sure we'll get changed back to our normal clothes once we complete the test ride." Said Applejack.

"I wish I was looking after Spike." Said Fluttershy.

"You'll be okay, Fluttershy." Said Sunset Shimmer cheering her up. "The Daring Do attraction isn't a real volcano, it's just a ride."

"Enough talking!" Said Pinkie Pie. "Let's go on the new ride!"

"Alright girls, are we all ready to ride?" Twilight asked her friends.

"Yes we are!" Said Applejack.

"I'm ready! I'm super-dooper ready!" Said Pinkie Pie.

"Great! Then we've got a volcano to conquer!" Said Twilight with encouragement.

"Come on girls, let's ride this beast!" Shouted Rainbow Dash.

And with that, Rainbow Dash took off before her friends would catch up with her.

"Do you think your friends will be safe?" Spike said to Sunset. "Because the volcano looks kinda dangerous when lava comes out of it."

"Don't worry Spike, I'm sure they'll be just fine." Said Sunset Shimmer.

Vignette was waiting in the control panel in the ride station, then she saw Rainbow Dash waiting for her friends to catch up.

"Rainbow Dash, where are your friends?" Asked Vignette.

"They're taking their time." Said Rainbow Dash.

And soon enough, the other girls caught up with Rainbow Dash. They saw Vignette waiting in the control panel.

"Alright girls, the first ride cart is now in the station waiting for you all to hop in." She announced.

Rainbow Dash couldn't wait to sit in the cart, so she grabbed Fluttershy's arm and took her to sit in the front seat. Fluttershy tried to get off, but Rainbow Dash wouldn't let her leave. Twilight Sparkle took Rarity to sit in the middle seat whilst Pinkie Pie and Applejack sat in the backseat.

"You're not going anywhere, Fluttershy!" Said Rainbow Dash.

Flutterhsy was frightened, she didn't want to ride the Daring Do coaster.

"But I want to get off!" She cried.

But of course, Rainbow Dash wouldn't allow her to go.

"Don't be scared, Fluttershy." Said Twilight sitting behind her. "This ride won't be going too fast."

"Yes it will!" Said Rainbow Dash. "But that's when we go down into the lava cave."

"Okay girls, are you ready to survive the volcano fortress?" Vignette went on.

"Oh, yeah! I'm born ready!" Said Rainbow Dash. "Start the ride!"

"Good, now please make sure you keep your hands and feet inside the ride at all times." Said Vignette. "Heads back, face forward, hold on and remember, BYBB!"

Vignette pressed the green button, and the girls took off into the fake jungle. It wasn't bad at first, they went slowly forward in the jungle. Then Fluttershy saw a flock of birds in the sky.

"Those poor birds are flying away from the volcano." She thought.

Then some arrows were shot out of nowhere giving the girls a fright.

"They're not real poison arrows." Said Rainbow Dash. "They used strings to attach the ends so they can get pulled back to their original positions."

Then the girls went passed the giant man-eating plant, but it was an animatronic. The mouth didn't move though, but it made awful noises.

"That plant looks just like the one in my dream." Said Rainbow Dash.

"What dream was it?" Asked Twilight.

"Uhhh... nothing!" Said Rainbow Dash.

As the girls went into a mine shack, they realized they were starting to go up the volcano once they got out.

"Okay girls, this is it!" Said Rainbow Dash as she turned to her friends. "We're going up the big volcano, it's gonna be awesome!"

Fluttershy was even more terrified than she was before, she wouldn't stop shaking in fear.

"Don't be scared, Fluttershy." Said Rainbow Dash padding her shoulder. "I'm sure you'll be safe after the ride ends."

But Fluttershy didn't say a single word. Suddenly, Rarity noticed some smoke coming out of the volcano.

"GAAAHH!" She screamed. "Please don't tell me that's REAL LAVA!?!?"

"Relax, the lava isn't real." Said Twilight. "It is just a ride."

"Even if it was real, we're doomed!" Cried Rarity. "Does anyone have a paper bag?"

"Here, take one." Said Pinkie Pie.

But when she handed a paper bag to Rarity, she snatched it off her and was breathing heavily and fast.

"Where did you get that paper bag?" Asked Applejack.

"I brought some paper bags with me in case anyone gets sick while we go on the Daring Do ride." Pinkie explained.

When the girls got higher and higher, the wind blew the paper bag off Rarity's hands.

"Get ready to brace yourselves, girls!" Shouted Rainbow Dash. "Remember what Vignette said: heads back, face forward and HOLD ON!!"

And with that, the girls dropped down into the volcano screaming their heads off. The screams were so loud, they echoed the volcano's hole. They went straight down 300 feet into the lava cave below, and then they turned away from the lava just in time. They went into a tunnel that took them over a 360 degree loop, now the girls were really in for the ride of their lives. There were a bunch of twists, turns, sudden drops, smaller 360 loops, and even a few corkscrews.

"FLUTTERSHY, ISN'T THIS GREAT?!?!?" Shouted Rainbow Dash.

"NO, IT IS NOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!!!" Screamed Fluttershy.

Just then, they went into a lava tube and the girls ended up in the lava tunnel corkscrew as they went upside-down three times.

"WHEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" Shouted Pinkie Pie.

She and Rainbow Dash were the only ones who enjoy riding the Daring Do coaster, then there was trouble. Rarity was about to throw up as they went up an airtime hill, Fluttershy saw Rarity when her cheeks turned green. So she pulled Rainbow Dash over to her side just as Rarity threw up. Her vomit was shot forward into the air and hit a stalagmite on the top.

"Fluttershy, why did you pull me over?" Asked Rainbow Dash.

Then Rainbow Dash saw the vomit coming back towards her, so she ducked inside the cart and the vomit splattered all over Rarity's face when they went down the airtime hill.

"Rarity, what happened to you?" Asked Twilight.

Rarity couldn't answer, her face was all covered in vomit. Eventually, the vomit wiped off her face when they continued going really fast. They went into another lava tube, but this time they had to face large tight curves. Then the girls were going to the third large tight curve which formed a loop on the ground. Suddenly, the cart hit a trigger point on the track as the straight track went up and turned into a diagonal drop! Then the loop on the ground got lifted as well and turned into a giant 360 vertical loop! The girls went down the hill and up and over the biggest vertical loop they had ever rode! Fluttershy screamed, Rainbow Dash cheered, Twilight and Rarity both squealed while hugging each other, Pinkie Pie cheered and Applejack nearly fell off. After the giant loop, they went up and reached the ceiling as they went into another dark tunnel that was at the very top.