• Member Since 17th Jul, 2016
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


I'm just someone who isn't much of a talker, but does like to share several ideas I've thought of.


Dragons are known for being big strong creatures, to the pointed where they're getting pretty violent. Dragon Lord Ember, however, has been wanting to make a piece connection with the ponies and other kingdoms of Equestria.

Yet there's one dragon who's not wanting to team up with the others but rather take over all Equestria starting with the Dragon Lord. To do this, he uses the power of a stone to erase Ember's memories. Now that she's no longer knowing she's in charge the dragon raises to power and no dragon can stop him. Keyword, "Dragon."

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 21 )

This story is amazing!

The "dragon" sigh as he changed back into a changeling. "I knew I should've gone with yellow," he sighed.

Yeah thorax buddy probably a different color scheme if you're going to disguise yourself

"Well, before I was king, I was just a simple changeling. We were all hungry and hunted for love. Still, we were pretty hungry until Spike helped me befriend the Crystal Empire."

Yeah Spike really did help out so much and not only that you made the impossible alongside with Starlight Trixie and Discord

"No, it's a birthmark," the drake said sarcastically. "Of course it's a diamond. It's stuck in my chest." He tried to pull it out again but again, it only caused him pain.

Oh boy another magical artifact that we have no idea what does it do

"Girls, it's okay," the drake said. "You just bumped your heads. I'll help catch you up. My name is Pyrite and you're both my girls." He looked at the green and orange dragonesses and then thought of their names. "You're name is Emma, and you'res is Garnet. (respectively)" He wrapped his wings around them and they both felt much more comfortable. Pyrite thought for a moment as he got an idea for another dragoness.

Ohh it's a memory Stone then we had that same problem back in that movie equestria girls forgotten friendship when sunset had that problem

"I don't feel like I need to explain. You'll forget everything in about a minute." Ember tried to fight back but she was forgetting everything in seconds. Losing some much of her memory caused her to pass out. Figuring out she wouldn't remember anything about being Dragon Lord, Pyrate dropped her into the river. After seeing her splash into the water he looked at the scepter. "It's time for the new Dragon Lord."

Ok this is a pretty interesting start of a story so apparently ember is having a little problem with a dragons having going through changing after alliances with the ponies of Equestria and some of the Dragons were not for the happy about this change even garble is having a hard time to convince them but then ember saw a familiar dragon or should say a changeling and it turns out it was thorax and he wanted to see how she been doing lately and that was pretty nice of him to do that and this Dragon name Pyrite is always sick of tired of this whole situation and he found something that he found something he can eat but unfortunately it turns out to be an artifact one of the Dragon was asking him about where did he get it from but when he touch her she lost her memory and it turns out it's a Memory Stone and he's going to take advantage and overthrown ember which when he confronted her he did and she starting to lose memories of her past life and now he's in charge meanwhile and the changeling Kingdom pharynx waited for his brother to return which he did but then one of the changeling found an unconscious dragon and its ember thorax was pretty worried about her and turns out that she has lost her memory she doesn't even know who he is or what happened to her I wonder how is he going to bring his memory

"But he won the Gauntlet of Fire," Garnet stated.

"The Dragon Lord said to capture the blue dragon because of what she did to him." The rest of the drakes were closing in fast. Thorax turned back into a dragon, helped Ember up and they took off.

Oh no Pyrite he took garbles memories as well

"A friend of mine had a similar problem. Someone was erasing the memories of her friends but she managed to get them back. However, if these two stones work in the same way, then on the third night from when the memories were erased... They'll be gone forever."

That's right Sunset had that same problem before she almost lost her friends and basically her memory as well and it's always three days even in movies video games or shows it's always three days but anyway this is not good

"I'm just trying to help Ember about," Thorax explained. "But I've been feeling nervous when I talk... Personal stuff. Changelings share love but when I talk with Ember I feel like I get too much of it."

Aww thorax you really like her so much

"Stop talking." Both let out a chuckle as Ember thought of something. "Thorax was I... A jerk like the other dragon?"

So somewhere in her conscience she started to remember bit by bit

Oh wow so thorax and ember went back to the dragonlands just to figure out what's going on despite her nervousness she really wants to know what's going on as well but unfortunately everything went to chaos and that Dragon with a diamond it's causing the total Madness and even took it away some of the Dragons memory and now nobody doesn't remember about ember being the leader and now they're wanted Fugitive and they had to retreat to Ponyville to warn the ponies and tell them about what's happening which they did so they try to see if they can try to get ember but they could not but Twilight said something that Sunset had that same experience before and within three days they're going to forget everything if we don't find a way to reverse it and so far does just trying to get her to feel comfortable and hopefully she can try to remember but things got even worse Grable and the other dragons are here and something tells me they are going to get really bad

"We were here for two hours?" Smolder questioned in surprise. This would explain why Spike had fallen asleep.

Lol yeah that's the same thing that happened to me when I had to wait for my mom and my sister to finish shopping

"No, the color's fine," Ember said, "It just... Reminds me of Thorax. The clothes I was wearing when we met weren't really good, so he got me a pair that was white like these gloves. He's really nice." The dragoness started blushing as she sighed.

Awww despite she doesn't remember she really likes him so much I ship those two so much

Oh no this is bad really really bad so it looks like the dragons have located where thorax and ember is but it looks like garble really want to get even with Spike and this was during the time when they first met in season 2 so that means he has bad blood with him which that makes it more harder but luckily they stop them and they trying to get some answers from them but Unfortunately they ain't say nothing what it looks like the others are just hanging out while Twilight and starlight try to figure out how to break the memory Magic and hopefully try to get the information from the dragons and it looks like thorax and ember are starting to have feelings for each other but he had to go back to the changeling hive and despite he doesn't want to be away he has his Duty but unfortunately things got really bad when he left the other dragons showed up and what makes things worse is the fake King is here as well he erase smolder memory and now they're going after her and Twilight and starlight try to fight them off as fast as they could but they got overpowered and ember has to make a hasty Retreat to thorax and Spike got his memory erased things are really getting bad I just hope thorax and ember figure out what to do because things are getting Bleak right now

Time seemed to stop for Ember at that moment. Her friend was going to lose his memories and even worse, he was going be control by one who erased hers. Something inside of Ember started building up. She would be afraid about losing something but now, she felt enraged. She charged towards Pyrite and rammed him off the Ursa Major's head.

It looks like she finally have the strength what she was fighting for to protect somebody she loved

"Wait... You remember that?" Pyrite asked with shiver traveling down his spine.


so even when they have the memories erased they can still remember from their past memories when they forgot

Wow that was a close one to be honest I was kind of worried anyway so thorax and ember try to figure out a strategy to win back her title back so they went back to the Dragon Land but unfortunately things are getting weird some of the dragons are just doing labor and unfortunately Twilight Starlight and Rarity got caught and now they're doing labor while smolder and Spike keep an eye on them it kind of feels wrong seen the like that but because they got the memory erase that's something that's going to happen thorax what to do and how to beat them but unfortunately they figured him out and they attacked thorax and he tried to fight them off as fast as he can but he was outnumbered and powered by the dragons and it looks like Pyrite is about to erase his memory and make him his slave but while this is happening ember saw what's going on and deep down she could not stay hiding any longer while somebody is fighting for her and now she has to do the same thing for him so he battled with him and thorax is dealing with the other dragons and with a strength she has she finally defeated him and destroy the crystal the memories return back to the dragons and they are not happy with Pyrite and they remember what he did so he receive a lot of beating of a lifetime but while this is happening it looks like both Ember and thorax admitted how much they care for each other and she even kissed him and now their relationship is growing stronger than ever this was a pretty awesome story and nice to see the shipping between those two keep up the good work

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