• Published 9th Jul 2019
  • 4,072 Views, 260 Comments

Sunset in Azeroth - RIPoste

Sunset Shimmer finds herself in Azeroth and picked up by the Kirin Tor.

  • ...

26. Eastwards

Sunset knew she had to work fast and stealthily. If Antonidas truly had it out for her and her master, she would need to leave on official business before she could be intercepted. There were much to do, but those were easy... There was only one task that was left to do...

Sunset moved quickly along the hallway, taking care to keep her hood up so as to not draw unwanted attention. Never before had she been thankful for the fact that magi were such secretive creatures that it was even considered normal to obscure one's own identity even within Dalaran's walls. Quickly, she moved towards the east tower, swiftly ascending its steps.

Unfortunately, there was not much she could do against the wards within the tower's walls. These were designed to keep out unwanted personnel, only allowing the few select magi and those that they had approved of to pass. Thankfully, she was one of those that were granted permission, but any of the guardian magi would be able to identify her should they deign to check the records.

However, all this had fallen under her calculations.

Sunset frowned as she approached her destination, a simple wooden door on the side of the staircase. She briefly contemplated abandoning the task at hand and heading back...

However, she was already here. Why would she come to do what she wanted if she had not set her mind to it?

Reaching into her robes, she retrieved a simple envelope, and placed it on the door. A quick mutter and the object was fixed in place, and only could be seen by the owner of the room the door would lead to. Sunset finally let out a sigh of relief as she turned away, ready to head down to the stables where she had prepared her steed for the journey ahead.

She dearly hoped that Jaina would forgive her for leaving without saying anything... again.

Sunset began her descent, quickly making her way down the tower. However, at the sound of approaching footsteps, she quickly muttered a spellword and pulled the shadows around her, making herself invisible to the naked eye so long as she stayed in the shadows. One of the few spells that had been taught to her by the elves during her stay at Quel'Thalas. She would never have thought that she would use it here first.

Pressing herself against the wall, Sunset held her breath as Archmage Krasus came into view, the elven Archmage walking gracefully up the steps, his lanky frame belying the great arcane might at his disposal. Willing herself to calm down, for fear that her own heartbeat would give her away, she watched in trepidation as the Archmage passed her and ascended the steps.

Only to stop and turn around, looking directly at her.

"Come out, hidden one. I know you are there." Sunset flinched as within the words were a thinly veiled dispelling enchantment that had washed over her own wards, threatening to expose her.

Though why was she even holding her own against the Archmage, anyway?

Ending the spell that was keeping her hidden, Sunset stepped into the light, looking into the eyes of the Archmage who had not seemed the least bit surprised at her presence.

"Apprentice Shimmer, you're up quite late." Said Archmage Krasus as he looked out of a nearby window at the nightsky. "Most people would be asleep at this time."

I have no reason to lie or feel guilty... Sunset Shimmer steeled herself so as to be able to reply calmly. Archmage Krasus was a foremost researcher of Dragons. Hardly one that would involve himself in the politics of Dalaran. He would be safe to report to truthfully.

"I am to be dispatched on another mission soon, Lord Krasus," She replied, bowing slightly as a sign of respect, "I am merely passing a letter to Apprentice Proudmoore to inform her that I would be absent from Dalaran for quite some time."

No lie was spoken, after all, no one needed to know why else she would be leaving so soon.

"Leaving so soon after your return from Quel'Thalas?" The Archmage mused. "Is it another of Kel'Thuzad's missions?"

"No," Sunset hesitated, before continuing, "it was a request from the alliance. They needed a mage to accompany them to assist in a situation that had arose near Alterac. Master Kel'Thuzad did not object."

He did not even care. Sunset thought darkly, missing the briefly suspicious look that Krasus gave her. "If there would be nothing else, Lord Krasus. I would begin heading off. I have to leave soon to be able to rendezvous with the Knights."

Not untrue. According to Helcular, the patrol was currently stationed at Hillsbrad and would be leaving for their mission in ten days. If Sunset had wanted to meet up with them, she would have had three days to prepare. However, it would also make sense for her to want to meet up with them as soon as possible so as to smoothen out any possible inconveniences that may happen during their stay at Hillsbrad.

"I see. Then I would bid you to leave as soon as possible. Good luck, Apprentice." Archmage Krasus thankfully did not press any further and turned to ascend the tower.

As soon as he was out of sight, Sunset let out a sigh of relief she did not know that she was holding. Quickly, she turned and as fast as she could walk, left the premises before she could be called back. Inwardly, she hoped that Archmage Krasus would not mention her name to Antonidas, but she could not take the chance to dally.

For what other reason, would an Archmage visit Antonidas' tower if not to visit its master?

"Apprentice Shimmer is smarter than she looks, it would appear."

Krasus casually remarked as he sat down on the chair, the elven archmage eyes narrowing at the Master of Dalaran opposite the table.

"And what had happened that you would say that, Krasus?" The elderly Archmage asked as he looked up from the pile of reports on his desk.

"I had met her just minutes ago, descending your tower after leaving a letter to your apprentice. She was nervous, though she hid it well." Krasus replied, accepting a glass of wine that had been poured for him by his colleague. "I questioned her lightly, and it would appear that she had taken on this new mission for the Alliance without her Master's consent, or knowledge, it would seem."

"I see." Archmage Antonidas smiled, though it did not reach his eyes, "it would appear that she knew that the Kirin Tor would be moving against her master soon, and she would not want to be caught up in it."

"You knew that she would do this?" Krasus asked.

"It was one of the few possibilities that remained, though I would admit that I had hoped that she would testify against her master for us." Antonidas admitted. "It would seem that she had instead chosen to leave instead of being entangled in the upcoming conflict."

"You could call her back," Krasus pointed out. "She would have no choice but to obey your order."

"No need for that, Krasus," Antonidas replied, "The evidence to implicate Kel'Thuzad is all that would be needed. An apprentice's word would only be to show their allegiance." His eyes soften, a rare sight even for his fellow Archmage, "and I suspect that Sunset is still wary of me. She probably believes that there is a chance that she would be expelled from the Kirin Tor, hence why she decided to remove herself from the conflict as quickly as possible."

Krasus hummed as he sipped the wine in his glass, "so what do you think Apprentice Shimmer would do now?"

"She's probably hoping to tide out the storm and return after we had passed judgement on her master." Antonidas mused as he set the report in his hands aside, "As smart as she is, I would presume that she knows that the Kirin Tor had begun investigating Kel'Thuzad. She would probably only return when the incident is over, and she could no longer be implicated."

"We both know that you would not expel her from the Kirin Tor," Krasus said, "why not come clean with her?"

"It would only agitate her more," Antonidas shot back evenly, "her departure clearly shows that she does not trust me fully to be on her side. Any assurances I could give her would only be met with paranoia and suspicion," Antonidas' features darkened, "traits that I had hoped that she would not adopt from her master."

"No, Krasus," Antonidas leaned back into his chair, "if Sunset is to return, she would have to do so of her own volition and when she believes that I am no longer a threat to her. But she will return, of that I am certain."

Krasus frowned as he absorbed what was said, swirling the wine in his glass as he pondered the discussion before finally nodding his head.

"Good, now, let us put the topic of Sunset behind us, for she would be unneeded for what is to come," Antonidas muttered darkly, "and let us discuss what is to be done about her Master. These are the reports that Jaina had recently procured..."

It had been four days since Sunset had left Dalaran. She had taken her time travelling this time, having learned much since her first mission with the Alliance. As such, she was only a little road weary as she rode into Tarren Mill, a quaint little town in the Hillsbrad Foothills.


Hearing her name called out, she turned to its source to see three armed knights clad in the colors of Lordaeron stride towards her. Sunset smiled as she waved back at the leading figure, easily recognizing that brown hair tied back into a ponytail anywhere.

"Captain Erik, it is good to see you."

"Aye," The large man laughed as he offered Sunset a hand off her horse. Sunset took the Knight Captain's hand gratefully as she dismounted and nodded gratefully as one of his compatriots took the reins of the horse and began leading it to the local stables. "you have no idea how much of a relief when Helcular informed me that you could join us for this expedition." He grinned.

Likewise. Sunset thought privately, inwardly glad that there was a mission that she could hop on to avoid the brewing political storm back in Dalaran. "I just happened to be free," she replied, "though why aren't any of the alliance mages available to help?"

"Well, apparently, something came up in Stormwind down south," Erik answered, "and between you and I, not all mages are as agreeable as you or Helcular in lending aid to the Alliance. Isn't that right, Orys?"

Sunset's eyes widened in surprise as she registered the black-haired man standing beside the Captain. While she had worked with Captain Erik's company of Knights from time to time in the last few years, she did not get to meet with all of her companions from her first mission as frequently as one might think. Orys was one of the few that she had not seen in years, having been promoted from Erik's squire into a sergeant of his own squad in a year after the mission, or so she was informed.

That was a hell of a growth spurt... Sunset stared as she wondered when the lanky teen with the messy black hair that could not look her in the eyes had become this giant of a man.

"Lady Shimmer," Orys smiled, his unshaven face giving him a look that greatly contrasts with the youthful twinkle in his eyes. "It has been... two years... I think?"

"Yeah, it has," Sunset nodded in agreement as she recalled their last mission where she interacted with him, a small skirmish with a group of bandits harassing farms in Southshore, Orys had grown a little by then, but the him then and the him now was so drastically different that even Sunset was amazed by how much the boy had had changed. "It is good to see you. I heard that you had made Sergeant?"

"Aye," Orys smiled proudly, though it devolved into a sheepish grin when Erik clapped him playfully on the back, "I look forward to working with you again, milady." His voice lowered conspiratorially, "you have no idea how right the Captain was when he said that you and Helcular are very different from the magi that we usually work with."

"Well, I'm glad to hear it, speaking of which," Sunset turned to the Captain, "while I'd like to rest from my journey, I feel obligated to ask if there's anything that I should know or do before I turn in at the local inn?"

"Nothing urgent, Lady Shimmer," he shook his head, "we just need to wait for another two platoons to join us here. Then we will just need to run some logistics to make sure that everything is in order for the expedition."

"Then we'd head off, yes?" Sunset asked.

"Yes," Erik replied, giving her a smile, "we shall ride for Durnholde Keep."

Author's Note:

Well, I'm finally back.

My apologies to this long-awaited chapter to those of you who have been waiting for literal years for it. If you are interested in why, I will be posting about it in this blog,

But for those not interested in reading this. I can post consistently for quite awhile and do hope to continue, but will definitely be here for about ten and some chapters.

Also, I have a ko-fi now. Donating will definitely help me out (pay my bills) which will give me more time to write!

Anyways. I hope you enjoyed the chapter and hope you look forward to the next chapter in two weeks from now!

Comments ( 9 )

...I honestly thought this was dead tbh...

I kinda forgot about this story, but still glad to have it, and you, back.
Also, Durnholde, huh? Sunset is going to be dealing with orcs, doesn't she?

Welcome back, it's good to see this story update again.

Nari #4 · 1 week ago · · ·

Glad to have you back! I'm reread back up and very happy to see this update again.

Kixtia #5 · 1 week ago · · ·

Hope we can ready More, your stories are awesome

Neece #6 · 1 week ago · · ·

Glad to have you back, I missed Sunset's adventures in Azeroth :yay:

Happy to see you back. My knowledge of the WoW timeline is a bit blurry but is the war of the lich king in the near future? Did Sunset save herself from the fall of Dalaran?

A few more years before the events of warcraft 3

I hve never played a Warcraft game before.

That said, this is hands down one of my favorite Sunset Shimmer stories, and I am EXCITED to hear youve got another 10 chapters already in the works.

Really looking forward to reading it.

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