• Published 28th Jul 2019
  • 3,473 Views, 311 Comments

Romantic Mischief - TheHardie-Boy

  • ...

Bro to Bro Advice

“Hey, Jake? Can I ask you something?” Spike asked, peeking his head into my room.

“Sure, Spike, what is-Ow!” I said, regretting turning my head. There was a huge crick in my neck that kept me from turning my head more than seventy-five degrees to the right.

Spike quickly rushed over to me and hopped up onto my bed. “Are you alright?” he asked, placing a claw on my neck.

“Yeah, I’m fine, just slept a little weird,” I responded. “So what did you want to ask me?”

Spike had a bit of an embarrassed look on his face as he looked down at his claws.

“Come on, you can tell me. We’re like brothers,” I said, giving him a gentle nudge with my elbow.

“I know, it’s just...I-I don’t know who else to turn to,” Spike said, not able to look at me.

“Whatever it is, I swear I won’t judge you in any way, shape or form,” I promised.

Spike still couldn’t look at me and nearly left even, but eventually looked me in the eye and said, “Hearts and Hooves Day is coming up...”

’There you go, buddy’

“...No! I can’t do this!” Spike yelled, running out of my room.


I got up, winced a little due to the pain in my neck, and followed him out.

“Spike, wait! Just tell me! It can’t be that bad,” I pleaded.

Spike turned around...and around...and around...until he finally said, “Fine! But can we go back in your room please?”

“Sure, whatever makes this easier for you,” I said, leading Spike back to my room.

Once we were there, I pulled up a chair for Spike to sit on, myself sitting on a different one to face him.

“So? What’s goin’ on, bro?” I asked, hoping to make Spike feel a bit more comfortable.

It he was, he didn’t show it. His face turned a deep shade of red as he bit his lip. After a few second, he quickly yelled, “I have a crush on Rarity!”

My expression didn’t change.

“W-What? Why are you looking at me like that? I just told you that I have a crush on Rarity,” Spike repeated.

“Spike.........I know,” I told him.

“You know?” he reiterated.

“E-Everyone knows. It’s kinda obvious, no offense. In fact, I’m pretty sure the only one who doesn’t know is Rarity.”

Spike sighed. “Sorry for waisting your time,” he said as he started to get up.

“Spike, sit down,” I told him before he got too far. “I know you didn’t just come in here to tell me that you like Rarity. What else is going on? You said something about Hearts and Hooves Day coming up, didn’t you?”

Spike’s face grew hotter and hotter as he struggled to look at me. “Y-Yeah, I-I wanted...I w-wanted...I wanted to ask her out f-for Hearts and Hooves Day...l-like a-as a date.”

“Okay. So why did you come to me?” I asked.

“B-Because you have three marefriends. Well, technically you have two marefriends and a girlfriend, but you know what I mean. I just thought...you’d have some sort of advice you could give me,” Spike admitted.

I couldn’t help but blush a little at Spike’s praise, but there is one thing I should probably tell him.

“Spike, just because I have three marefriends, that doesn’t mean I know what I’m doing.”

Spike’s shoulders drooped a little. “Th-That makes sense. Sorry for bothering-“

“Ep ep ep, that doesn’t mean I’m not gonna help you,” I said.

“R-Really?” Spike asked.

I shrugged. “Yeah. Like I said, you’re like a brother to me. Now, let’s see what we can do to help you. What is stopping you from asking Rarity on a date.”

“Well...I’m not sure how to ask her. A-And I’m afraid she might say no,” Spike stammered.

“Alright, those are fair reasons to worry. For your second problem, you can’t be afraid of being rejected,” I told him.

“B-But what if she says no and thinks it’ll be too weird for us to be friends after?” Spike asked, clearly having thought about this for a while.

I stood up and walked around to the back of Spike. “Well, imagine this. You never ask Rarity out on a date or even tell her how you feel, but you’re always crippled with wondering what would’ve happened if you did. You’d be second guessing everything.”

“I-I guess that makes sense,” Spike admitted.

“Good. Now think about this. You tell Rarity how you feel, but she rejects you. In fact, she doesn’t want to have anything to do with you ever again. You’re devastated...but you now know at least how to admit your feelings to someone you like, and aren’t as afraid of doing it again.”

Spike looked like he wanted to say something doubtful, but I spoke again before he could.

“Now, imagine this,” I said, putting my hands on his shoulders. “You tell Rarity how you feel. She’s a little shocked at first, but she hears you out. She thinks about all the time she’s known you and all the time you’ve spent together, and slowly realizes...she loves you too.”

Even though I couldn’t see his face, I knew Spike was smiling. He clearly liked what he was hearing. I knew he was just thinking about being with Rarity with all the joy in the world.

“How does that sound, buddy?” I asked, rousing him from his daydream.

“G-Good,” he stuttered.

I started applying a little pressure to his shoulders with my hands to start massaging him. “Now, close your eyes and think. Think about why you like-no, why you love Rarity, and tell me.”

I could feel Spike’s head dip a little to the side as I kept massaging him.

“W-Well, what’s not to like? She has an amazing personality, her voice is as sweet as harmony itself...she has the biggest heart in Equestria, she...she’s beautiful...I could go on forever.”

“Alright, now what I want you to do is open your eyes. When you do, you’re going to go over to Carousel Boutique, and tell Rarity everything you just told me. I can’t tell you how she’ll respond, but I promise it’ll be better than keeping it to yourself.”

Spike took a deep breath as I slowly moved my hands away from his shoulders. “You know what? You’re right, Jake. I’m gonna go tell her right now.”

“Now that’s more like it. You go, bro. I’ll be behind you all the way,” I said, patting him on the back.

“Actually, if it’s not too much to ask, I was hoping I could maybe do this...alone,” Spike said, moving away from my hand.

“Alright, that’s fine,” I replied as he left the room. A few seconds after he did, I said to myself, “Yeah, like that’s happening.”

I followed Spike to Carousel Boutique, somehow without him noticing me, and was currently trying to listen in on what he was saying to Rarity. A had my ear propped up to the door, and my hand over the other ear. I knew this was wrong, but I wanted to see if my advice would actually work.

After a few minutes, I heard rapid footsteps coming toward the door. I quickly got out of the way as the door opened, and Spike ran out, a claw over his eyes. I couldn’t really hear anything that was said and thought about going after Spike to help him, but instead went inside to hopefully avoid an outburst.

“Anyhow, Spike, what was it you wanted to ask me?” Rarity asked as she folded up some fabric.

“Umm, Spike just left,” I said.

Rarity snapped her head over to me in surprise. “Jake?! But I was just talking to Spike a moment ago. Where is he?”

“He ummm...he just ran outside,” I replied. “W-What exactly did he say to you?”

Rarity walked up beside me and looked in the direction Spike had just gone. “He just came in and said he had something he wanted to talk about if I were free. I told him I was, and even said I would always have a moment for him, having been one of the best friends I could ask for.”

“Friendzoned, poor little guy,” I said to myself.

“W-What?” Rarity asked.

I mentally slapped myself for having said that out loud. “N-Nothing.”

“No, I heard exactly what you said. I meant, what do you mean by that?” Rarity explained.

“Umm...I feel a little bad saying...” I stopped, coming up with a bit of a plan. “I feel like there’s something you should know.”

Rarity burst into the library, startling Twilight and Starlight.

“Have either of you seen Spike? It’s very important that I speak to him,” Rarity asked.

“No, he’s in his room if anything,” Twilight answered, catching her breath.

“Good, sorry for interrupting,” Rarity said, running toward Spike’s room. On the way, she couldn’t help but wonder how she’d missed everything.

Once she reached the dragon’s room, she composed herself and opened the door. Inside, Spike was on his bed, his face buried in his pillows.


The aforementioned dragon quickly wiped his eyes and face the alabaster unicorn as best he could.

“We need to talk,” Rarity said.

“S-Sure, make yourself comfortable,” Spike replied, making room on his bed for her.

Slowly, Rarity went over to Spike’s bed a sat down. “Why exactly did you come to my boutique?”

Spike’s face immediately turned a deep red as he turned away. “I-I-I...”

Rarity put her hoof on his cheek and moved his face to look at her. “Spike...Jake told me.”

Spike blinked, not showing any clear emotion. “H-He did?”

All Rarity could do was nod and say, “Y-Yes. He told me...everything.”

Spike dejectedly lay back down on his bed. “So you know.”

“I-I do,” was all Rarity could say. Before long though, she used a hoof to roll him over. “Spike, I am so sorry. I don’t know how I missed all the signs, everything you’ve done for me, all the times you looked as if you were distracted when we were together.”

Spike rolled back over and didn’t say anything.

“Please, Spike, listen to me. For so long, I’ve been worried that I would never find love, not knowing it was right in front of me,” Rarity pleaded, moving closer to Spike.

“W-What are you saying?”

“What I’m saying is...I’ve been chasing after all of these stallions who aren’t right for me...and neglecting to look at the one who is really for me,” Rarity said, her muzzle just a few inches from Spike.

Spike looked up just in time for Rarity to plant her soft, white lips onto Spike’s, releasing years and years of desire and heartache within the dragon. Once the kiss broke, Spike found himself wanting more.

“W-Wow,” he said.

“Spike, listen to me. I am so sorry that I haven’t taken the time to consider what you’ve meant to me, and I’m sorry I never bothered to slow down and look in front of me, but I want to make up for that,” Rarity told him.

“W-What do you mean?” Spike asked.

Rarity lay completely down in front of Spike. “I want you to say everything you’ve ever wanted to say to me, all while showing me how much you treasure me, so I can know and fully understand what I’ve been so blind to.”

Just like that, Spike quickly wrapped his arms around Rarity, slowly laying down with her. “I’ve loved you since the day we met, and I’ll love you until the day I die. Your generous heart, your wonderful, gleaming eyes, your wonderful voice, everything about you is beautiful. Any stallion would be beyond lucky to have you, even if they take you for granted. Nopony will ever make me feel the way you make me feel.”

Rarity felt tears forming in her eyes as Spike continued to speak his heart, knowing she felt the same way about him. After Spike had finished, Rarity held him closer and closer in her hooves.

“Oh, Spikey, I...I don’t know what to say,” Rarity said through her tears.

“I do,” Spike responded. When Rarity looked at him, he told her, “I love you.”

“Spike!” Rarity cried, tears flowing without limit. “I love you too! Please, I don’t want to leave you, now or ever. Treasure me like you’ve always treasured me.”

All Spike had to do was wrap his arms further around the mare of his dreams.

The next morning, the crick in my neck had only gotten worse. I tried forcing my head to the right, and while that helped a little, it didn’t quite do the trick.

But all of the sudden, I felt a pairs of hands, or more accurately, claws on the sides of my head and twist it until the crick went away.

“Ow! Thanks, Spike,” I said in pain.

“No problem, bro. And thank you...for your help with Rarity,” Spike replied.

“Don’t mention it. So I take it things went well between you two?” I asked.

Spike’s head turned the same shade of red it did yesterday. “Well? More like great!”

I nodded in approval. “I’m happy for you, bro.”

Author's Note:

As much as I like Sparlight, she’s taken, so I had to go with the next best thing. After all, I can always settle for a good bit of Sparity every now and then. Though I gotta admit, Rarity’s name is a huge pain in the neck to type over and over.

Anyhow, it’s strange to see no one wanting to write a chapter for this story. It doesn’t matter what it is, as long as it’s 1,000+ words and has something to do with Jake Taylor.