• Published 28th Jul 2019
  • 3,465 Views, 311 Comments

Romantic Mischief - TheHardie-Boy

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Time for a Wedding Part 2: Parties

Author's Note:

Warning: this chapter contains use of alcohol and very little plot drive

“I really do want my parents to be there, but I don’t want Jake to get hurt,” Twilight lamented to Starlight.

The two of them were in Twilight’s room, talking through the argument between Twilight and Jake. Jake had insisted on giving Twilight’s parents an invitation to their upcoming wedding, but Twilight didn’t want a repeat of what happened when Jake had met her parents.

At least, Twilight was talking about it. Starlight was doing all of the listening...sort of. Her feelings for Twilight were in full effect, causing her to simply smile and stare at the distraught and, quite frankly, beautiful alicorn.

“What if I overreacted? Maybe Jake’s right, I should just go see my parents and invite them to the wedding,” Twilight wondered aloud.

Starlight, having heard a small bit of what Twilight was saying, nodded.

“You’re right. I’m gonna go talk to Jake about this whole thing,” Twilight said, getting off of her bed, alerting Starlight to her sudden lack of presence. “Thanks for letting me vent.”

Starlight simply blinked as Twilight left. “Yeah, no problem.”

Twilight wandered through the halls, looking for Jake, but coming up short. After a while, she came into the foyer just as Jake came through the castle doors.

“I-I think we should talk,” Twilight said.

“No need. I just got back from Canterlot,” Jake replied.

“Canterlot? That’s at least a three hour trip,” Twilight said. She then looked out the window and saw that the sun had long gone down. “Oh, never mind. But what were you doing in Canterlot?”

Jake didn’t respond, just looked down at something in his hand. Twilight followed his eyes and saw a letter in his hand.

“This is for you,” he said.

Twilight slowly took the letter in her magic. The second she saw who it was from, she was both shocked and furious.

“You went to Canterlot to see my parents? Behind my back?!” Twilight asked.

“Before you blow your lid-“ Jake started, but Twilight wasn’t having any of it.

“I told you that I didn’t want my parents to come to our wedding!” she yelled. “I was trying to protect you! I know how Canterlot ponies make you feel unwelcome here, and I didn’t want you to feel that on the happiest day of our LIVES! But now, now they’ll probably try to get it shut down, and-“

“They’ll be there,” Jake cut off before walking in the direction of his room.

“W-What?” asked Twilight, confused beyond anything. She then realized that she hadn’t actually read the letter her parents had sent her. Gingerly, Twilight undid the scroll and read it.

Dear Twilight,

Your ‘boyfriend’, Jake Taylor came by today, telling us you two are getting married. We still don’t approve of him, but seeing as you’d agree to marry...him, we can see that you really do love him. That being said, we wouldn’t miss your wedding for Equestria.

Please understand, we only wanted what we thought was best for you, but perhaps we were wrong. If Jake truly makes you happy, then we’re happy for you,

Signed, Twilight Velvet and Night Light

By the end of the letter, Twilight was in tears. Jake Taylor, while he did go behind her back, had convinced her parents, who completely despised Jake for his appearance, to attend their wedding, and she’d just yelled at him for it.

Without thinking, Twilight ran in the direction Jake had gone, determined to find him and make up for everything she’d done and said. Before long, she found him in his room, just sitting on his bed in thought.

“Jake,” Twilight said.

Jake turned his head toward her. “Twilight, I-“

She cut him off with a kiss, one which he quickly returned.

By the time Twilight had broken the kiss, she’d immediately wanted to kiss him again and again, telling him how much she loved him and how sorry she felt. Instead, she forced herself to open her eyes and gaze into his.

“I’m sorry I went behind your back,” he said.

Twilight was unable to hold back a giggle. Always thinking about others

She wrapped her hooves and wings around him and kissed him again, this time with more passion, using a few of the techniques she’d learned from Cadance, moving her lips, pressing her tongue against his own.

After she broke away, Twilight said, “I’m sorry I yelled at you. No more fighting, not this close to our wedding. Please?”

Jake wrapped his arms around her body. “Deal,” he said, gently laying her down on the bed.

It was time.

No, not for the wedding.

I was just going to Sunset’s world for my bachelor party while Twilight stayed here for her bridal shower. I still didn’t like using the portal, but since intergalactic travel from Equestria to Earth wasn’t possible, I had no choice.

I forced myself to walk through the mirror and into the realm of dizzying and sickening light. The journey sucked, but at least in was short.

I landed on the other side, surprisingly on my feet, but directly into the hands of an unseen person. Before I could look to see who, something was placed over my eyes, blinding me.

“You’re not allowed to see where we’re going quite yet,” said a deep, feminine voice.

I rolled my eyes under the blindfold. “Gee, nice deep voice, Sunset.”

“Just shut up, and get in the car,” Sunset grunted.

Starlight and Spike led Twilight through Ponyville to Applejack’s farm where her bachelorette party was taking place.

“Is there going to be alcohol?” Twilight asked nervously.

“I don’t know, probably,” Starlight replied. “You’ve spent so much time planning for the wedding that you haven’t told us what you really want for a bachelorette party, so we kinda had to wing it.”

Twilight stopped walking. “Wait, I had to plan my bridal shower along with the wedding?”

Spike sighed and rolled his eyes. “Well, from what I’ve seen in the magazines you’ve given me, most ponies get a planner for one or the other.”

“Well, at least Pinkie Pie probably had a large hoof in it,” Twilight said, continuing the walk.

Once they arrived at the barn, it was deserted. Starlight was confused, but Twilight knew what was going on. She started counting down from three, and sure enough, when she got to one, all of their friends jumped out.

Surprisingly, Rainbow Dash was the first to approach them. “Well, Twilight, welcome to your bachelorette party. Now,” she said, holding up a small glass of Aj’s cider. “I’m gonna need you to chug this.”

Starlight slipped over to Applejack. “You have non-alcoholic stuff, right? Booze and I don’t. Really go well together.”

“Yeah, Ah got some right here,” Applejack replied.

Twilight sighed. “So much for a simple bridal shower.”

With that, she dipped her head back and chugged the glass Rainbow gave her, eliciting a few cheers and claps from her friends, and some coughs from her throat.

I’d assumed we were simply going to Sunset’s house, but the car ride had taken longer than I remembered. Whether Sunset was stalling for something or my bachelor party was taking place somewhere else, I didn’t know.

“Sunset, how much longer are we gonna have to drive?” I asked.

“Don’t worry, we’re almost there. Speaking of which, when you get out of the car, just sit on the chair that’ll be behind you and put your hands behind your back,” Sunset replied.

I rolled my eyes under the blindfold.

After about another five minutes of driving, we came to a stop. Sunset helped me out of the car and into a chair. I put my hands behind my back, and of course, they were tied together. I heard a few whispers behind me, probably to confirm something that was to take place, and I was being moved. The trip inside was bumpy, due to the sidewalk and the doorstep, but I got inside regardless.

Just as quickly as it had come on, the blindfold was suddenly removed. I found myself surrounded by all the friends I’d made here, including Flash Sentry, Trixie, and Soarin, though neither Sunset nor Twilight were present.

Suddenly, they all started skipping around me, singing.

~For he’s a jolly good fellow
For he’s a jolly good fellow
For he’s a jolly good fellooooooooow
Which nobody can deny~

“Alright, now before the main event,” Sunset shouted, pushing a large, obviously fake cake. “I’m gonna need you to drink this.”

She held in front of me a small bottle of cinnamon whiskey. I was surprised she even had it, knowing she was well under age, but decided not to question it.

“I’m gonna need my hands for that,” I argued.

“You’ve got your mouth,” Rainbow Dash replied.

“Trust me when I say you’re gonna be hearing that a lot tonight. I was let in on this plan,” Flash said.

“Oh God, what did I get myself into?” I sarcastically asked as I took the bottle in my mouth and dipped my head back, swallowing every drop of the whiskey.

“Should I give him one more?” Sunset yelled aloud, receiving shouts of approval in response. With that, she held up another one. “Alright, Jake, one more.”

“Something tells me I’m not gonna remember much, nor will I want to,” I said, taking the second bottle.

“Alright, let’s bring her out!” Rarity yelled, seemingly at the cake.

Confirming my suspicions about the cake being fake, a purple hand burst out of it. The cake split open, and out came Twilight, the human one, in a black bikini and covered in frosting. It was hard for me not to blush at the sight, and I was even a little surprised Twilight’d agreed to do this.

“Now, Jake,” Sunset said, putting her hands on Twilight’s shoulders. “We’re gonna need you to pretend that this Twilight right here is the same Twilight back in Equestria and lick every inch of her body until it’s clean of any frosting while I catch up with everyone else.”

“Catch up?” I asked. Looking around though, it was pretty clear everyone else present was already drunk. “Well, since no one else is gonna remember this.”

With that, I leaned forward and started licking the frosting off Twilight’s body, starting with her neck.

Twilight’s bachelorette party had gone off without a hitch. Sure, everypony left drunk and Spike had passed out, but wasn’t that the point?

Starlight, the only one to stay sober, was laughing as she walked Twilight and Spike back to the castle, carrying Spike on her back. Twilight kept wandering out of her grip, her steps far from straight.

Starlight didn’t want to laugh at her drunk friend, but it was impossible not to. Luckily, they’d arrived at the castle before things got too out of hoof.

Once inside, Starlight waisted no time in running Spike to bed, leaving him a bucket for when he woke up. Coming back to Twilight, the princess and soon-to-be bride was drunkenly levitating a couple of books around the library.

Starlight rushed over and easily overpowered Twilight’s magic, putting the books back in there spots.

“Woah! You’re strong,” Twilight praised, her words very slurred and nearly unintelligible.

“Thank you,” Starlight replied, knowing better than to argue with a drunk pony.

“And pretty too,” Twilight added.

Starlight blushed, not wanting to say anything in case Twilight wasn’t finished speaking.

“I may be marrying Jake.” Twilight nearly fell, causing Starlight to catch her. “But you are the prettiest mare here in...the place where we are right now.”

Starlight smiled and rolled her eyes. “Alright, Twilight, let’s get you to bed.”

“Is true. You’re...powerful, full of power, too, fought me to a sta... a tie!” Twilight added.

Twilight’s room was coming into view. Part of Starlight wanted to let Twilight finish her praise, but she knew it was probably just drunk talk.

Right before Starlight could get the door open, Twilight made a huge shift in weight and planted her lips right on Starlight’s, her eyes barely open. Starlight probably would’ve kissed her back, if Twilight’s mouth didn’t taste like rotten apples.

Eventually, the kiss broke, and Starlight got Twilight into bed, fast asleep and with a bucket for when she awoke. Starlight sighed and walked back out the to the library, where Jake had just come bursting through the portal.

“Y-You! Star pony!” he slurred, pointing his finger at her.

Starlight couldn’t hold back a groan; Jake was obviously drunk too, and she didn’t look forward to having to force him into bed as well.

“Now, now, before you say anything,” he said, hobbling over to the couch. “Let me save you some trouble by just...going to sleep right here.”

With that, Jake fell down and to sleep right there on the couch. Starlight walked off to her own room, glad she was done for the night.