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13 - Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it

Braum had taken me in on his house, giving me food and shelter; I couldn't legitimately complain after all the shit that had clouded my life recently he was really friendly with me, even training me here and there, but regardless of how welcoming he was, the first days since I woke up were hard for me. I felt something detached with myself and my surroundings as if I were in a vivid dream. Everything was like a haze of uncertainty and disbelief.

But even with his kind and friendly behavior, I knew that the old demon was trying to deceive to me for what reason I don’t really know, his HP and Titles were constantly changing, one day I couldn't see his HP at all and the next day I had more HP than him, so I had to be careful around him.

Today I was training with him, but this was different than the average training; he was particularly interested in training today with me.

"Kid, I have a way to make you reach new heights," Braum hesitated for a bit, was he showing concern or uncertainty about my ability to reach said heights, I wasn't entirely sure, "You might die, chances are you will die, but if you survive this special training you will escape this hellhole with ease,"

Was he insinuating I would be able to beat the demon lords if I succeeded with this mysterious training? I wasn't entirely sure regardless of what he truly meant I was eager to try, I was tired of being the personal punch bag of every evildoer I have met so far, "I'm in, that's a gamble I'm willing to take,"

Braum smiled, reminding me of Celestia for a brief moment, "Very well, then let's eat first. This might be your last meal,"

Knowing this might be the last chance I would have to ask him who he really was, I decided to take this opportunity to satisfy my curiosity, "Braum, who are you? I mean for real?"

The old demon started to laugh hard, "I was wondering when would you grow the balls to ask,"

"I wasn't sure, and to be honest, I'm still not sure you are an ally," I was in Hell, so the least I could do was to be honest, after all, what could he do, send me to super Hell?

"Wise choice kid, don't trust anyone." Braum approved of my distrust of him and was proud of my train of thought, "I was messing with that weird power of yours that allows you to see more than you should,"

"So is Braum your real name?" I asked him, trying to get back to the topic of who he was.

"No, and yer not gonna get your answer," Braum said smiling at me, "If you survive this training I will tell you all about me, and you will understand why I decided to help you, in the meantime suffer through your training,"

After that, our conversation died down, what type of training would this be? And was I ready to face it?

After eating and drinking the best damn ale in the entire world, the training that would decide if I was ready to face the demon lords or not was about to start.

"Well, this is gonna hurt a bit, kid," Braum said as he was making arcane circles around me.

'Inspect' I focused on the arcane runes and circles he was drawing on the floor, trying to get more information as to what I was going to do.

  • Time Regression Spell: A spell that allows one to send the soul of another being towards the past. This spell sends the soul of the target to his own body at one point in the past where the body existed if the subject didn't exist in the time the caster is trying to send the target, said target would perish, turning both soul and body to dust.

'Is he going to send me a few weeks back? what could that accomplish.' I was confused as to what time travel could accomplish right now with me.

"Alright, kiddo, be ready to see this world five thousand years ago!" Braum said, powering the magic circle.

"I wasn't alive five thousand years ago, you imbecile! You're are going to kill me," I shouted, trying to stop Braum from casting the spell, but he only smiled at me as the darkness once again embraced me.

'Where am I...?'

"The battle is lost." A calm voice spoke aloud, full of sorrow and loss getting my attention, "The mortal realm… has fallen." The person that had spoken early lifted up a chipped and damaged golden sword, raising it above his head for a brief moment before he plunged it downward. The blade left a trail of golden light as it slashed down, ripping apart the very ground around.

'Is like a video game sequence, I can't move, all I can do is watch,'

My attention was drawn to the sounds of swords clashing, Ponies were fighting against something I couldn't really see, it was blurred as if I wasn't supposed to know what, but It was a slaughter. Tens of thousands of figures could be seen battling for their lives, swords clashing against spears, explosions of light and magic searing the air and sky, pegasi falling to the ground as their bodies were ripped apart by the blurred monsters.

'Is this my training?... what can I possibly do without a body?'

"Vlad!! Vlad!! Wake up, alas t! we art going to beest late!" Someone shouted in an angry manner before choosing to abruptly kick me out of my deep slumber.

"God damn it, Shakespeare let me sleep!" I didn't have time to rejoice in the fact I was alive and that the spell didn't erase me, some had decided to wake me up with violence.

"Is thou feeling ok brother?" The same voice asked this time with a hint of concern.

Sombra prince of Umbris LV 215
HP = 1.100.000/1.100.000
MP = 4.000.000/4.000.000

"Sombra?" This was clearly something I wasn't expecting, and it startled me, he looked different from what I expected him to look.

"Thee very much alloweth yourself wend with those drinks yesterday," Sombra sighed like he was expecting as much, "I'll beest back with something f'r thy hangov'r brother. God knoweth yond if 't be true luna dumps thee wonneth't findeth another girlfriend, recall we has't a double date anon tonight fool!"

'In what body did I end up!? and what is that world did he said! I didn't understand shit'

'Status,' First I had to figure out what body was I currently in, and then I would have to find a way to translate Old English, maybe with a spell.

Vladimir prince of Umbris LV 201
HP = 700.000/700.000
MP = 5.576.567/5.576.567

'Wait!? Blueblood was alive five thousand years ago?!... I'll figure that out later, right now I need to focus of learning what I can here.'

Don’t give up yet Vlad! We’ve made it so far the mortal realm can not fall yet! Someone yelled out loud, it took me a few seconds to realize the voice was in my head, it just felt so real.

'What is going on...?' Pain, emotional pain started to overwhelm my mind that voice why did it sound so familiar, was this part of the time regression spell?

I’m not giving up, S——-. But there is nothing we can do stop the gods now,” That voice was mine, no there is no way. This person I heard speaking was probably the reason Blueblood was a prince in the first place.

"Wow, thy hangover is worst than we initially bethought little brother, shall we wend to the royal physician," Sombra at some point had entered the room again, finding me on the floor clutching with pain.

'Go with the flow,' I simply nodded to his offering making a mental note to get a spell to translate this broken old language, and find out why are these flashbacks hurting me so much.


"Now it's up to you Vlad," Vlad was laying on the floor, this was a risky bet, but the results would be massive, he would recover what once belong to him.

‘He will probably laugh at me for taking the form of an old demon, that is if he survives,’

This is a tale of ancient times an era before the world we know as Equis, and the ten realms were forever divided.

Gods ruled this ancient world with power and fear, so eight individuals decided to end this tyranny.

The Alicorns were the sons and daughters of gods with mortals, demigods among men and women they defended the realm wielding their magical powers they were both feared and highly respected among the people. They came to be known as the aspects of justice and the pillars of the new world.

Celestia the Day pillar.

Luna the Night pillar.

Sombra the Death pillar.

V the War pillar.

Aura the Harmony pillar.

Vlad the Life pillar.

Amore the Love pillar.

Merlin S the Magic pillar.

Together they fought the gods for the freedom of everyone, and this is where their story begins.

Author's Note:

It needs editing but I’ll get to it later today.