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8 - The Hunt Part 2 -E

The elite lunged forward, sprinting towards me with his sword ready to cut right through me, but reflexes kicked in at the right moment, and I ducked to the side and launched a fireball at him.

The elite noticed this and jumped into the air dodging the attack with only some minor burns on his clothes. Now safe, he resumed his charge at me, faster than before, but this time I was ready. I quickly raised my sword to block the attack and our blades clashed together.

I could feel the vibrations of the impact throughout my body as he slowly started to push me back, almost overpowering me. However, I soon recovered and pushed back with all my might, using Light Impact to finally break the hold.

To my surprise, even with Light Impact, the elite seemed unfazed, easily keeping up with my new speed and strength. Seeing this, I jumped back trying to gain some distance and rethink my situation, deactivating Light Impact to avoid mana waste.

The elite cracked his neck and proceeded to advance in my direction as I started to sprint backwards. In an instant, he disappeared before reappearing right in front of me, throwing me off balance for a second and resumed his attack, but this time his blows got stronger and heavier with each strike to the point blocking was no longer an option.

Adjusting my position I cast a bubble shield around me and placed an enchantment on my sword, only to find myself getting a powerful punch in the stomach that broke the shield with ease and caused me to drop my sword. On instinct, I slammed my fist right into his face pushing him back a little, then proceeded to cast a Great Fireball spell, that for some reason drained my mana completely.

The massive orb of flames collided with my opponent, resulting in a burst of smoke and heat. For a second, I tried to catch my breath, thinking the fight was over. Yet, as the smoke cleared, I could see the silhouette of the elite, standing tall, casually brushing some leftover ash from his shoulder with a smug look on his face.

"You unicorns and your magic, when will you learn that you need more than fancy tricks to win a fight," sighed the Elite, wiping a bit of dirt from his face, "That's why I sealed your magic, now adapt and evolve, boy."

At that moment I knew the match was settled, without mana I couldn't escape the dungeon. However, I couldn’t exactly just sit around and wait for someone to save me, I was tired of it, so as my old friends would say, street rules apply in this situation.

With a quick swipe to the ground, I grabbed a handful of dirt from the ground before throwing it at his face. In the brief moment where he reflexively closed his eyes and pulled back, I grabbed his head and forced him close to me, intending to make him lose his balance, but from beneath a kick connected with my forehead, sending me flying to a nearby tree before falling face-first on the ground.

The elite’s fist smashed against the back of my head enough force to break the ground underneath us, numbing my entire body in the process. My skull rattling, I could barely raise my head off the ground before I was slowly grabbed by the chin and pulled to the elite’s level, him casually holding me up with one arm as if I were an infant or a bug.

“You really got me there, using your environment is a good tactic, but useless when you’re completely outmatched,” The elite said with a chuckle, “What else can you do, boy?"

"Fuck you..." I said, panting.

With a sneer, the elite kicked me in the stomach, too fast for me to even see. I staggered back but by the time I managed to regain some of my bearings, he was gone.

My eyes, immediately scanned every direction trying to find him. Yet, as I took a step back, I felt a presence behind me and turned, finding my opponent looking at me with an unsettling grin. Almost on reflex, I threw a punch into his face only for him to easily catch my fist before twisting my arm behind my back and then pushing me to the ground, his foot placed firmly on my spine.

With a mere shift, I felt him dig his heel further into my back, I could only groan in a pitiful attempt at protest. Yet, despite the pain, I felt a sense of excitement slowly building faintly inside me. Perhaps it was simply ]me enjoying the challenge of getting out of such a seemingly unwinnable position, I didn’t know for sure, instead, I simply focused on my next move.

Without thinking twice and with a bit of muscle strain, I spun and bent my single free arm behind my back and drove my fist in the back of the elite’s foot, just above the heel. The sudden shift threw him off balance, enough for me to push myself up, before spinning back around to face him in quick succession. I immediately followed up with a punch to the stomach, finally freeing my arm. Yet as I prepared my next attack, the elite slammed his forehead into my face, hard.

I felt my nose fracture, with blood quickly flooding out, some even dripping into my mouth as I fell back to the ground. Completely disoriented, I vainly tried to stand, only to find his foot now pressed firmly against my windpipe.

Even through my barely conscious state, I knew I was finished as he only needed to place a little more weight on his foot to completely crush my throat.

With regret I tapped my hand on the ground, signally I was surrendering and mercifully, he removed his boot from my neck, allowing me to breathe properly and finally make out his expression as my vision started to clear back up.

“That was a great fight, kiddo!” The elite said, beaming with elation, his tone carrying an obvious hint of pride to it.

“So this is it?” I asked panting.

"Yes, and you pass with flying colors," The elite answered, helping me stand up, "I'll help you deal with that pesky lich,"

"Huh?!" I said, flabbergasted, still trying to breathe somewhat out of my damaged nose, 'The fuck is going on?'.

"So what's the deal with you?" I asked the elite.

"Right the point I see. Well, originally I was a pony, and more importantly among the living, but as you can already see I had a bit of ...let's call it misfortune and leave it at that. Sadly, while that should’ve been where things ended, it didn’t.”

The elite grumbled to himself almost glaring at his arms, as if he was hoping for something to happen even though nothing came. “Point is that I used to be a living, breathing individual, with all the pain and suffering that comes with it. That might sound unpleasant but trust me there's beauty in the bleeding...at least you feel something. Not me, I can’t feel anything anymore,” the elite said with a dry laugh clenching his fists.

"Now, I might as well be a walking talking wooden puppet. I never sleep, I never eat and I feel nothing. Not heat, not wind, or the ground beneath my feet. Sure not feeling pain or having to sleep doesn’t sound bad at first, maybe even kind of fun, but trust me, living creatures aren't supposed to be this way kiddo. Getting hurt, suffering, that’s just one of the things that remind us we’re alive. After all, if you can’t experience anything, what’s the point of living."

I could notice the pain the elite in front of me was feeling, but something didn't fit, the zombies I killed showed pain when my fireball was burning them. So, why couldn’t he?

"But wait, what about all the zombies I killed before?" I asked the elite getting his attention, "All that flinching and moaning they were doing, made it pretty clear they felt something."

The elite sighed, “That's not pain; it's a reaction to the weakness we have against fire. If you attacked them with ice or some other element, they would just keep moving, no matter how much damage you’d inflict."

'So they don't feel pain at all, they just react to fire. Well isn’t that just wonderful...' I thought

The elite carried me to the top of a hill, once we were at the top, he gently proceeded to put me on the floor, and with a more serious expression, he said, "Look down the hill."

"Is that..." I couldn't finish my question. I was beyond surprised; the situation was worse than I could’ve ever expected.

Observe has level up

Of all the beasts you may encounter in your journey, beware of the lich. To them, it's not enough to take your life; they wish to defile your body in their vile experiments and subject your eternal soul to their will.

A lich furthers his power at any cost, having no interest in the affairs of the living except when those that interfere with their own, Scheming and insane, they hunger for long-forgotten knowledge and power. Because the lingering shadow of death does not hang over them, they can conceive plans that take decades, centuries or even millennia to come to fruition. They seek to see the world as what they wish, a graveyard and will never stop until they succeed.

Weaknesses: A very common weakness shared among Undead is fire, but when it comes to the lich this is nowhere near as effective. While can fire hurt them unless the spell is extremely powerful, it won’t stop them. Holy magic is vastly superior at dealing with these pesky creatures, as even the weakest holy spell will do more lasting damage than almost any fire attack.

They can apply the following statuses: , ,

“Yes, that is The Lich and his horde of mindless beasts, and I'm afraid that even with my help, it will be impossible to kill him," The elite said, "The Lich made sure to only revive me with about ten percent of my original power, just to make sure I could never stand against him.."

' Just how strong was this guy' I thought as a plan formed in my head. "Alright, so I have an idea, but first let me regenerate."

The elite looked at me with curiosity and said, “Sure, gotta brainstorm our way out of this.”

During my fight with the elite, I had failed to check my on my hp, but after our battle ended I found it was just barely above 10 percent, one more hit and I’d have died. Thus I was sure of two things, one I needed to level up before fighting The Lich, and two, we needed someone else to help us with this mission.

After a short time of waiting for me to regain some of my strength, I explained to my companion the fundamentals of my regeneration, namely how it increases when I kill creatures along with my strength. Naturally, he was ecstatic at this revelation and practically dragged me to an area full of undead creature, almost throwing me into the undead horde to begin the brutal cycle.

Thankfully the undead weren’t especially powerful so I was able to quickly recover my mana and health, before leveling up in rapid succession. Of course, the elite waited nearby in case I needed help, which thankfully never happened, and after a few hours of the same process, we finally took a break.

Now able to take a breath, my at this point unnamed ally saw fit to finally grace me with his name, Swift Strike. Even more interesting, apparently he was an ex-captain of the royal guard about seven hundred years ago. And suddenly my little reveal didn’t seem nearly as impressive.

'Level 42 not too bad,” I thought to myself as I mulled over my stats and equipment, “but now I can't seem to get any experience from them' I thought, 'I have one hundred common essence and some potions these guys dropped, should I use the essences now or...'

"You certainly look stronger now, but I doubt we can beat The Lich like this, we need more help, any ideas?" Swift Strike asked.

"I have one," I said with a grin on my face as I put my bag away, "what would you say about meeting the current captain of the royal guard?"

"Haha, I’d say, marvelous," Swift Strike said, laughing.

"But that means I have to leave this dungeon..." I said, "Let me try this,"

'Invite Swift Strike to party' I commanded inside my head.

Inviting Undead Creature - Swift Strike- to party

"The heck is this!" Swift Strike asked in surprise at the screen appearing before his face.

"Just click yes, I’ll explain later," I said laughing.

"Ok..." Swift Strike said, hesitantly clicking as instructed.

The Undead Creature - Swift Strike - has joined your party

"Neat right," I said with a grin, "Now time to find the helper we need,"

"Weird... but helpful I guess." Swift Strike said, still trying to understand just what exactly happened.

"I'll be back," I said, waving at the elite, "ID: Escape!"

Once I left the dungeon I found myself in the cemetery with all the beautiful atmosphere once again surrounding the area. A quick glance at my screen showed that Swift Strike in my group despite the jump, which was reassuring. Thus that left my mission, convince Shining Armor to help me without telling anyone of my power. Easy, right?

I ran to the castle if I remember correctly today was Shining's day off, so I was pretty sure he was with Cadence today.

Once inside the castle, I ran to knock on my cousin’s door, who was quick to answer, though clearly confused by my appearance. “Blue, what are you doing here?”, sh

"I just need Shining for a second," I said.

"And why would he be here?" Cadence asked, trying, emphasis on the word try, to lie her way out of this.

"Let's get to the point, I know you're banging him, and he knows I know, and honestly, that's none of my business, I just need his help real quick," I replied.

"Shining, Blueblood is here for you..." Cadence sighed, clearly not happy at being found out.

I hear someone running in the room, and in a manner of seconds, I’m now staring a shirtless Shining, who looked anything but happy to see me.

"This better be good,"

"It is, and if it's not, I'll do anything you want for a day Cadance, deal?" I said, looking at Cadence.

"Why her?" asked Shining.

"Really, you're asking me that?" I asked completely deadpanned at Shining’s question.

"Oh...yeah..." Shining laughs.

"Fine, but you better have him back by night. I have...some things planned for tonight," Cadence said, sending a sultry look Shining’s way that made him go completely dumbstruck.

"Fantastic, Shining enjoy your disturbing relationship with my cousin later. Come on," I said, running out of the castle as Shining followed, managing to grab a shirt on the way out and hastily put it on as he ran.n.

"You know I kinda miss the asshole version of you," Shining said laughing as he got properly dressed, "That version of you didn't mess with my time with Cadence."

"Just to be clear, the cockblocking wasn’t intentional, not saying I didn’t enjoy that part, but I really do need your help," I said as we kept running. "By the way, bring your armor and weapons,"

After a couple of minutes, we arrived back at the cemetery with Shining quickly giving me the thousand-yard stare at my choice of location., “Did you get me out of Cadence for this?”

“I’m just going to ignore the extremely graphic phrasing of that sentence and get this over with.”

'Invite Shining Armor to the party,' I commanded inside my head.

"What the buck!?" Shining jumps at the sight of the screen.

"Just accept the invitation," I said, laughing.

Shining nodded and accepts joining my group, he remained silent for a minute, and like turning a switch, his attitude changed.

"This is AWESOME!!!" Shining said beaming with happiness.

"I guess, but promise to keep it between us, pal," I said.

"Sure! What else can you do!?" Shining asked, going full fanboy and getting right up in my personal space.

'Enter Zombie Dungeon!' I commanded inside my head, and soon everything around us changed, I was once again in the dark place this time with Shining.

"A... DUNGEON!? FOR THE LOVE OF FAUST THIS IS AWESOME! IT’S JUST LIKE O&O," Shining said, shouting with excitement.

"I'm glad you like it, cause I need your help killing the Lich of this area," I said, chuckling at the sight of the normally majestic and knightly Shining Armor ...running around the dungeon squealing like an eight-year-old at their first comic convention.


"Oh, just a former Captain of the Guard who died 700 years ago that the Lich resurrected, and now really wants to kill said Lich in probably the most painful way he can imagine," I answered, "and please stop shouting."

"Right, sorry..." Shining looked down apologetically, "So there’s a lich, and you needed more ponies for the job, how dire is the situation?”

"To be honest I don't know to what point this dungeon affects the real world, but it's better to be safe than sorry right?" I said, impressed at how quickly he shifted from silly to serious.

"Well, let's find Swift Strike and formulate a plan," Shining said, now completely in his usual Captain persona, which only served to remind me why I wanted to recruit him so badly.

We walked to where Swift was, occasionally taking a moment to kill any monsters we found along the way. Eventually, we found Swift, who was just casually sitting on a stone waiting, a wide smile growing on his face when he spotted us.

"Glad to see you finally came back. I’m guessing this is the lad you spoke of?," Swift asked as he gave Shining a quick once over, which didn’t exactly endear him to the current captain, still on guard as he eyed the undead wearily.

"Yeah, Shining meet the ex-captain of the royal guard, Swift Strike," I said, causing Shining to blinks for a second before staring at the undead with his mouth wide open.


“Oh wonderful, the screaming’s back.” I sighed to myself, wishing I’d brought earplugs.

"At ease soldier, must say, it’s great to hear that even after all this time still remember little ol' me," Swift Strike said with a smile on his face at the younger captain’s enthusiasm

"Wonderful, now that everyone’s introduced, let's show Shining what we are dealing with," I said, getting a nod of approval from Swift and a questioning look from Shining.

Of all the beasts you may encounter in your journey, beware of the Lich. For them, it is not enough to take your life; they wish to defile your body into their vile experiments and subject your eternal soul to their will.

A lich furthers his power at any cost, having no interest in the affairs of the living except when those affairs interfere with their own, Scheming and insane, they hunger for long-forgotten knowledge and power. Because the lingering shadow of death does not hang over them, they can conceive plans that take years, decades, centuries or even a millennia to come to fruition they bide their time, a lich wants to see the world for what he thinks it is a graveyard, they had long forgotten what it is to feel pain and emotions.

Weaknesses: A very common weakness shared among the Undead is fire, but when it comes to the lich this is not as effective, while fire hurts them it's not the best way to deal with them, holy magic is vastly superior at dealing with these pesky creatures, even the weakest kind of holy magic is super effective against them.

They can apply the following statuses: , ,

"So you essentially cockblocked me so I can die here? You know what, now I really wish you were the same asshole I met way back, 'cause you’re turning out to be an even worse friend right now," Shining said, looking at the Lich and the horde down the hill while taking every chance he could to glare at me

"Hehehe, hey take it from me kid, dying ain’t the worst thing in the world." Swift Strike laughed.

"So what's the plan?" Shining asked, "We're clearly outnumbered, but the: ich is the only real threat, being the only one above level 30 down there,"

"Well, I have an idea," I said, getting their attention, "But this plan needs our total cooperation for it to work, are you guys in?."

"Let's hear your plan boy," Swift said.

Author's Note:

Edited chapters start here

Older chapters are being edited as new chapters are being posted.