• Published 5th Aug 2019
  • 807 Views, 35 Comments

LEGO Equestria Girls 7 - Chronicler06

In the Lego World, the opening of a new theme park leads to tension between Applejack and Rarity, while a magically enhanced object drives someone to selfishly threaten the rest of their friends.

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LEGO Equestria Girls 7


Not far outside the city limits of Canterlot City, a new theme park to entertain and thrill the masses was being established. On this mostly clear afternoon, opening day was now only two weeks away. With all the major construction work complete, final preparations involved testing all the attractions, hiring and training employees, and rehearsing the parade that would go around the park during the night hours of opening day.

Overseeing the majority of these preparations was Vignette Valencia, one of the biggest social media celebrities in all of the City Regions. She often proudly claimed that her immense number of followers online proved that she knew exactly what people these days wanted to see, which convinced the park’s owner, Filthy Rich, to place her in charge of public relations. For her appearance, she had pale yellow skin, a short and wavy hair piece on her head that was purple and faded to white at the edges with a headband and a pair of leaves on the sides, dark brown on her feet, medium blue on her upper legs, white on her torso and shoulders, a brown leaf belt buckle on the front of her waist, a light brown cape attached around her neck, and her face had pink lips and light blue eyes with slightly dark eyeshadow.

Vignette was currently standing in front of the massive door that permitted access into the hangar building where all the floats for the parade were being assembled and would remain in storage until the big night. “Places, everyone!” she called out. “Let’s get this rehearsal started ASAP! The sooner we get this done, the more time we’ll have to iron out any wrinkles and bump out any kinks.”

The few nearby workers in orange vests rushed to set up simple barriers to provide a clear path for the parade route, while muffled noises on the other side of the hangar door indicated all the performers were getting into place on their floats. The first issues began almost immediately, as the workers in their haste simply tossed the light barriers haphazardly into place, in some cases moving on too quickly to even notice some of them tip over, and one worker even tripped over one of the barriers.

As she observed the chaos outside, Vignette sighed and grumbled, “All that sloppiness is unacceptable. Looks like we’ll just have to extend the scheduled prep time.” She pulled out her phone and quickly texted in her notes about the necessary adjustment for the next rehearsal.

Inside the hangar, someone pounded on the door twice and called out, “Okay, all set!”

Vignette quickly pocketed her phone and turned to face away from the hangar and towards the imaginary crowd. She took a deep breath and smiled as she proudly spoke up, “Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls of all ages! It is a real privilege to have you all join us tonight for the grand opening of the newest and coolest amusement park in all of the Lego World! I’m sure you’ve all had a wonderful time like never before, but now it’s time for the greatest spectacle of the year!” She paused dramatically for a moment, but when nothing happened after a few seconds, her smile fell as she glanced back at the hangar door. She loudly cleared her throat and scolded, “That’s the cue!”

“O-oh! Right!” exclaimed the worker standing next to the door as he suddenly flipped the nearby lever.

As the door began to rise open, Vignette turned back to her imaginary audience and put up a smile again as she resumed her speech. “Experience the world like you’ve never seen it before, at the one, the only, Equestria Land!” With excellent timing, she finished her speech just as the first of the parade floats began to roll outside. She turned her attention back towards the oncoming start of the parade, but what she saw caused her to immediately lose all of her excitement.

The float consisted of little more than a basic light brown platform, and the four smiling performers standing on it were dressed in costumes that resembled nothing more than white 2x4 Lego bricks.

“Stop! Cut! Cut!” Vignette immediately shouted.

The float came to an abrupt halt and the performers on it wobbled from the sudden change of momentum, with one of them falling off the float and landing on the pavement.

“Why is everyone dressed like they’re not dressed?!” exclaimed Vignette in frustration.

As Vignette voiced her complaint, an older woman with purple skin and hair walked out of the hanger and marched over to Vignette. “Because you keep changing your mind about the costumes on almost a daily basis,” she grumbled in her Russian accent before she stopped and crossed her arms. “I did not sign up to be micromanaged like this.”

Vignette rolled her eyes and pulled out her phone. She glanced frequently between her phone and the woman standing before her as she explained, “Do you know what it means to be in charge of public relations for this park? It’s my job to make sure the world knows how amazing Equestria Land is gonna be. And in two weeks, when there’s fifty thousand people here for opening day, the last thing they’ll see before they leave at night will be this light parade.” Finally taking her undivided attention off her phone, she glared at the designer. “And, by extension, your costumes, which apparently do not exist as of this moment.” She held up her phone and smiled as she quickly took a few selfies. “Need I remind you of my philosophy in life? B.Y.B.B. Be yourself, but better. Do you even have a philosophy?”

The designer continued to glare at Vignette for a moment before she flatly responded, “G.W.I.Q. Guess vhat? I qvit.” She then turned around and began marching towards the park’s exit.

As she watched her lead parade costume designer walk off the job, Vignette sighed and rubbed her forehead. She took a deep breath, then snapped her hand and furiously shouted, “I need a stress salad!”

The performer who had fallen to the pavement quickly jumped to his feet and ran off as he responded, “On it!”

Vignette walked over to the nearest table and sat down on the adjoined bench. Within seconds of sitting down, the performer returned with a bowl filled with a salad consisting of lettuce and tomato. As the performer added some final seasoning, Vignette stared down at her phone in her hand as she grumbled, “Where am I gonna find a new costume designer for the light parade with only two weeks left?”

Having overheard Vignette’s complaint, the performer smiled and opened his mouth to speak, only to have her hand swiftly shoved in his face and send him tumbling back to the pavement.

“I’m not promoting you,” stated Vignette with no hesitation.

The performer groaned sadly, then stood back up and walked away.

Vignette set her phone down on the table, then picked up the fork and stirred the salad as she muttered to herself, “If only I could put a filter on real life to make everything the way I want it…”

With Vignette’s attention focused on her salad as she considered her first bite, she failed to notice a glowing trail of magical energy fly down from over the hanger, pass behind her back, and circle the umbrella over the table once before finally plunging into her phone resting on the table. When the magic infused itself into the phone, the custom design on the back of it transformed from a content smiling face to a furiously scowling face.

The magical transformation was already complete by the time Vignette glanced back at her phone. She set down the bowl of salad and shrugged as she assured herself, “Only way to feel better is getting ten thousand likes with the perfect salad pic.” She picked up her phone, aimed its camera towards the salad, and took a picture of it.

As soon as the picture was taken, the real salad suddenly transformed into a holographic image, and then quickly vanished.

Vignette immediately gasped in shock. She glanced around, but saw no signs of anyone nearby. She then turned her attention back to her phone and brought up the picture she had just taken. No matter how she aimed her phone, the displayed image always showed the salad exactly the way it had been on that table the moment she had taken that picture. Confused by what she had just seen, she tried swiping the display to the side, only for the image on the phone to switch to a bowl of potato salad. She swiped the image aside again and the displayed image switched to a bowl of fruit salad.

“Did somebody install a new app on my phone?” muttered Vignette in confusion. She randomly tapped another button on her phone and it suddenly projected an image of the currently displayed fruit salad onto the table where the regular salad used to be. Even when she moved her phone away, the projected image remained perfectly in place. She reached a hand out to the projection and while the holographic image did slightly distort as it passed through, it quickly returned to normal as she took her hand away from it.

As she began to understand the kind of strange power her phone suddenly now had, Vignette soon realized that her wish for a means of enhancing things in the real world at the push of a button had miraculously been fulfilled. “Well, whoever gave me this app… I like it!” she remarked as a wicked grin formed on her face.

Author's Note:

I know this initially doesn't seem much different from the official Rollercoaster of Friendship, but I really have found it difficult to figure out how to write an alternate take on that special, aside from throwing in some various bits and pieces of quirky Lego humor here and there. If you payed attention to the description of Vignette's appearance, yes, I'm aware she doesn't actually wear a cape, but I've seen some characters of other themes wearing things like robes or long coats be given capes when adapted into Lego form, so I figured it would be okay to do the same here (and besides, someone with as much ego as her would probably be proud to wear such an accessory). As usual, please be sure to point out any issues or errors I might have missed so I can correct them immediately. Also, please be sure to check my most recent blog post, where among other things I have now for the first time ever been able to specify a definitive plan for the remainder of this fanfiction series.