• Published 5th Aug 2019
  • 806 Views, 35 Comments

LEGO Equestria Girls 7 - Chronicler06

In the Lego World, the opening of a new theme park leads to tension between Applejack and Rarity, while a magically enhanced object drives someone to selfishly threaten the rest of their friends.

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Corruption Deleted

Chapter 7
Corruption Deleted

It seemed the Equestria Girls were once again faced with a large crisis unleashed by an individual corrupted by Equestrian magic. Although they had successfully escaped and knew exactly where they had to go next, their path ahead was blocked by over a dozen digital copies of a certain security guard, all set to strike at any moment.

The real version of that security guard, Cranky Doodle — who had been trapped alongside them — stood up from where he had fallen, took away the caramel apple Micro Chips had been holding in his hand, and spoke up, “You girls go ahead and do what you always do in these situations. I’ll just take shelter in here until it’s all over.” He then rushed back into the small building containing the empty white room and shut the door.

All eight minifigs in the group glanced back at the building, then Fluttershy asked, “Um, he does realize that door can’t be opened from the inside, right?”

“We’ll worry about him later,” replied Sunset with determination as she turned forward to the hologram guards. “We need to get to Vignette as soon as possible, and it looks like we’ll first have to get past her goons.”

“No problem!” remarked Rainbow Dash confidently before she charged at one of the guards in a royal sentry uniform. The guard rushed at her and tried to take her down, but she dodged the attack and swiftly spun around, delivering a roundhouse kick to that guard’s chest hard enough to shatter him to pieces that clattered all over the pavement. “Ha! Too easy!”

But almost immediately after those minifig pieces had settled on the ground, they rapidly flickered in and out of existence before they completely vanished, then the suddenly rebuilt guard rapidly flickered in and out of existence until he was fully restored back to normal right on the spot where he had fallen.

“What the—?!” exclaimed Rainbow in shock.

“That thing just respawned like some sort of video game character!” noted Twilight in astonishment.

The respawned guard quickly made another attempt to strike Rainbow Dash, but she was able to easily dodge it. She was unable to follow that up with a counterattack as she was forced to dodge an attack from another hologram guard, this one wearing medieval armor. At the same time, all the other digital guards began to charge at the rest of the Equestria Girls.

“An’ now we start the big fight,” grumbled Applejack before charging ahead to confront the oncoming guards. She swiftly punched one to the left, one to the right, and one directly in front of her, shattering all three of them with just one punch each. But just like with the first guard, the scattered parts flickered away, then the restored guards flickered back into existence.

For the most part, many of the girls tried to avoid getting hit by those digital guards, but they tried to help each other out whenever they could. Sunset used her advanced combat skills to fend off every guard that came at her, but their rapid respawn rate left her fighting the same two particular guards — one a royal sentry, the other a sailor — over and over again. Twilight used her telekinetic magic to lift one guard in medieval armor that came at her, then slammed him into the ground to easily shatter him to pieces, only for him to respawn seconds later. Pinkie Pie danced around one guard in a ninja outfit, taunting him with every missed strike at her. Rarity used her diamond shields to simply shove away any guards that got too close to her, sometimes shoving away two or even three at a time. Fluttershy did little more than dodge every attack directed at her, sometimes causing two guards to smack each other to pieces.

As the fight between real girls and hologram guards played out, Micro Chips held back and made no attempt to join the battle. He was well aware of how terrible he was at physical combat, but as a fellow LEGO Team member, he knew he had to do something to help them out. He looked back at the small building they had escaped from, then glanced around and smiled as he came up with an idea. With a plan in mind, he began to quickly harvest Lego parts from various objects nearby such as benches, vending machines, and lampposts.

Sunset noticed Micro Chips running around and gathering parts, so as she punched yet another digital guard, she spoke up, “What are you up to, Micro Chips?”

“I’m building a computer terminal,” responded Micro Chips as he continued his efforts. “If that white room is somehow linked to Vignette’s phone, then building a terminal connected directly to the building could provide me with access to that system, allowing me to remotely hack that phone and delete whatever program is being used to sustain those holographic guards. It might also allow me to eliminate whatever magic power is possessing that phone, which means we may not have to directly confront Vignette to stop her.” By the time he finished his explanation, he had gathered enough parts and began quickly assembling them.

Click! Clack! Click! Clack! Click! Clack!

“Good thinking, Micro Chips!” praised Twilight as she used her magic to send a guard in a sailor uniform flipping through the air. “We’ll hold off these cyber projections so you can accomplish that.”

Like most members of the LEGO Team, Micro Chips had creative talents as a Master Builder, so it took him only a matter of seconds to fully complete his computer terminal. The console consisted of a large keyboard, four monitors, and a lever that could be shifted into four different positions. He booted up the computer system, then started rapidly tapping away on the keyboard. Although the four monitors each displayed different programs, his hacking efforts would show up on only one of them at a time, so every few seconds, he would shift the lever into a different position, allowing him operate on a different monitor.

Rainbow Dash noticed the usage of that lever on the computer terminal. “I’m no computer expert, but that lever seems a bit too much work,” she spoke up with uncertainty as she grabbed a charging holographic guard and hurled him into another guard, shattering them both.

“Trust me, this is much more efficient than hitting control-alt-delete every thirty seconds,” assured Micro Chips as he flipped the lever again and continued hacking.

The girls continued to fight well against the holographic guards, usually taking just a few quick moves to shatter them to pieces. However, those holographic projections kept restoring themselves just as quickly as they were taken out, so the fight had essentially reached a massive stalemate.

Applejack slammed one of the guards in medieval armor against the ground, then glanced back at Micro Chips and hollered, “Hurry it up over there! We can’t keep doin’ this for much longer!”

“I’m trying my best!” insisted Micro Chips as he flipped the lever again and continue rapidly typing. “I think I might’ve located the program, but it’s proving to be unbelievable resilient to everything I can throw at it! It’s like I’m dealing with some sort of advanced A.I. that keeps anticipating my every attempt.”

“If only these projections weren’t the advanced upgraded versions,” lamented Rarity as she used a diamond shield to slice through three guards in a row, separating their torsos from their legs. “When I first laid eyes on the holographic copies Vignette made for her vision of our band, my hand was able to pass right through them like they weren’t even there. That reminded her to apply some upgrades she claimed to have recently downloaded, one of which undoubtedly made these things solid to the touch.” As she spoke, she continued using her diamond shields to strike and shove away any other digital guards that came her way.

Micro Chips suddenly stopped typing and smiled. “That gives me an idea,” he spoke up. “Hang on while I try something different!” He flipped the lever again and resumed rapidly typing.

Meanwhile, the girls still continued to fight off the holographic guards, but fatigue was starting to become a serious concern as the fight dragged on, especially since those digital projections were incapable of exhaustion like real people. They started making more desperate moves, such as Applejack occasionally head-butting an oncoming guard, Twilight using her telekinesis to simply tear apart any guards coming at her, and Rarity slamming two diamond shields together against a couple guards and sending their shattered pieces flying in all directions.

“Let’s dance!” taunted Pinkie Pie as she grabbed one guard in a sailor uniform and spun him around herself a few times before letting go, sending him flying away and smashing to pieces upon slamming into the wall of a nearby building.

“Hurry it up, geek!” hollered Rainbow Dash as she punched yet another holographic guard in the face. “We’re running out of time!”

“Almost…” muttered Micro Chips as he flipped the lever yet again and continued rapidly typing. After only a few more seconds, he finally hit the enter key and declared, “Done!”

The effect was felt immediately by both the holograms and the girls. The evil projections suddenly lost their solid state and passed right through their opponents, while the girls were briefly thrown off balance when their attacks suddenly didn’t connect. Both sides paused in confusion for a moment before turning towards Micro Chips.

“Success!” declared Micro Chips triumphantly as his raised both of his fists up. He then relaxed his stance and explained, “I was able to reset some of the definitions on that special app, effectively negating the upgraded content and thus rendering the system back to its original standard state.”

“Nicely done, Micro Chips,” acknowledged Rarity. “It seems my earlier observations provided the key to our triumph over these cyber duplicates.”

The smile on Micro Chips’ face quickly fell when he noticed something suddenly show up on one of the monitors on the computer terminal. “Uh-oh, it’s trying to automatically reinstall those upgrades!” he alerted everyone. He immediately flipped the lever again and resumed rapidly typing as he explained, “I can slow down the process with a DDoS attack, but you girls have to hurry! If I can’t delete the software, then the only other option is to destroy the hardware.”

“Vignette’s phone,” acknowledged Sunset with determination. “Let’s go!”

“Could we at least acquire ourselves some motorized transport?” asked Rarity. “As much as I desire putting an immediate stop to Vignette, I am afraid that I’m nearing the point of exhaustion.”

“No problem!” declared Pinkie Pie cheerfully before she swiftly started gathering Lego parts from some nearby benches, streetlights, and hotdog carts. In her usual style, she appeared to be in many places at once as she rapidly assembled all the Lego parts she had gathered.

Whoosh! Click! Clack! Whoosh! Clack! Click! Whoosh! Click! Clack! Click! Clack!

In only a matter of seconds, Pinkie had built a simple motorized cart. “One cart, ready to roll!” she declared cheerfully.

“But there’s only six seats on it,” Twilight pointed out.

“That’s okay,” assured Rainbow Dash. “I’ll just run ahead on my own. I’ve actually got an idea on how to stop Vignette. Meet ya there!” She then rushed off towards the middle of the park, her magical super speed making her appear as a rainbow motion blur.

With that minor issue dealt with, the rest of the girls climbed into the cart — Twilight and Fluttershy in the back seat, Rarity and Applejack in the middle seat, and Sunset and Pinkie in the front seat with Sunset at the steering wheel. Sunset started up the motor and quickly drove the cart towards the parade route near the middle of the theme park.

Meanwhile, Micro Chips continued typing away on the computer terminal, desperately buying as much time as he could to help the girls. The holographic Cranky Doodle copies had now swarmed around Micro Chips in a futile attempt to subdue him. No matter how much they tried to grab at him, their phantom state prevented them from having any physical affect, but that was not to say they had no effect at all.

“Would you cyber ghosts cut it out already?!” snapped Micro Chips irritably. “I’m trying to concentrate here!”

Startled by that outburst, the holograms collectively decided to take a step back and stay clear of the hacker at work.

At the middle of Equestria Land, the gathered crowd was cheering as the floats began to roll out of the hangar building and slowly moved forward along the parade route. The first float was candy themed, consisting of a giant gumball dispenser surrounded by large candy canes and dancing performers who were dressed in various oversized candy wrappers. The second float was wild west themed, consisting of a saloon behind performers in cowboy costumes, some of whom hurled lassos at some prop cattle at the front of the float. The third float was the performance stage, upon which Vignette Valencia and her Throwbacks were playing a song.

Prior to the start of the parade, Vignette had programed the five holograms on the stage to play their respective instruments to provide the music for her song. She had no musical talent at all, so she just selected whatever available samples of audio she liked best and had them play it on repeat. However, just moments before the actual start of the parade, those holograms had suddenly glitched back to their non-solid forms. She was confused when she discovered the recent upgrade was suddenly gone, and even more so when attempting to reinstall that upgrade ended up going way too slow to be ready for the parade. Since the musical acts were still correctly programed, she decided to just go ahead with the show, figuring that the holograms not being solid would have no effect on the performance.

As the performance stage float rolled along the parade route, the five Throwbacks stood in place and moved almost robotically as they played standard fragments of rock music on their provided instruments, but with each of them programed to play separate tracks, there was little to no harmony between their vastly different tunes. While the holograms seemed lifeless and uncoordinated, Vignette tried to more than make up for it by loudly singing into the microphone in her hand, despite having very little experience as a singer. “Be yourself, but better!” she sang, seemingly unaware of how horribly off-key she was. “Or don’t be yourself at all! Follow Vignette on Snapgab! That’s V-I-G-N-E-T-T-EEEEEE!”


That audio feedback broke Vignette out of the grove she was in, which allowed her to notice that the initially cheerful crowd had now considerably soured.

“What the brick is this?” asked one guy in the crowd.

“This is so lame,” grumbled one girl in the crowd.

“Those girls would never dress like that!” accused another girl in the crowd.

“We were promised the Rainbooms! Not some cheap knockoff!” exclaimed another guy in the crowd furiously.

“Your music stinks!” shouted yet another guy in the crowd before chucking a rotten tomato towards Vignette.

Vignette narrowly dodged the disgusting projectile. As further jeers from the crowd continued to be directed at her, she growled furiously and threw the microphone down onto the stage floor. “This crowd isn’t cheering enough for my taste,” she grumbled. She then grinned wickedly as she pulled out her magically enhanced phone. “Luckily, that can be tweaked with the flick of a hand.” She quickly brought up what was now easily her favorite app and aimed her phone a random portion of the crowd — which happened to include Spike and the three girls collectively known as the Creative Mark Crusaders. “Say ‘cheese’, everyone!” she spoke up tauntingly as she prepared to take the picture.


Vignette suddenly found herself thrown forward and down onto the stage floor. She was momentarily stunned by the impact, but then she rolled over and saw a large harpoon was now hooked onto the top of the stage backdrop. That harpoon had yanked the top of the stage back, causing the float to pivot on its rear wheels and flip the front end upwards, which was what had thrown Vignette off her feet.

The harpoon was tied to a rope, and the other end of that rope was attached to a turret that Rainbow Dash had swiftly built atop the hangar building. “Yeah!” cheered Rainbow Dash from her seat on that turret as she pumped her fist up in the air. “Nailed it on the first shot!”

Vignette glared at the rainbow girl — not bothering to question how she had managed to escape from wherever she had ended up — then stood up again and aimed her phone at that meddler. But due to the float no longer having any forward momentum and the harpoon rope holding tight, the weight of the front end caused the float to roll backwards a little and pivot forward on its rear wheels, sending the front end slamming back onto the ground. That impact again threw Vignette towards the front of the float, this time sending her down onto her back.

The crowd had since fallen silent as they witnessed the rather strange interruption. But then one section of the crowd was startled and forced to move aside from a cart that was heading directly towards the hooked float.

Beep-beep! Beep-beep-beep! Beep-beep!

“Make way! Coming through!” called out Sunset impatiently as she drove swiftly but carefully through the crowd, giving the people just enough time to move aside while still moving ahead. After a few seconds, the cart and its six passengers had made it through the crowd and onto the parade route. Sunset stopped the cart in the middle of the parade route — in an effort to block any attempts by Vignette to continue the parade— and shut off the motor.

Vignette grunted in pain as she sat up. She then got back up on her feet and turned around just in time to see most of the Equestria Girls climb out of that cart, who were then swiftly joined by Rainbow Dash through her speedy rainbow motion blur.

“Sorry to rain on your parade,” Rarity spoke up defiantly.

Applejack couldn’t help but smirk and remark, “Good one, Rarity,”

Rarity winked at Applejack, then turned back to Vignette and continued, “But I’m afraid this event is canceled. Now turn off your phone and hand it over!”

The people in the surrounding crowd glanced back and forth between the Equestria Girls and Vignette while muttering various words of confusion.

Vignette held her phone defensively close as she arrogantly asked, “Are you honestly asking a social media star to hand over her phone?”

“If ya mean the one that’s been infected by Equestrian magic an’ corrupted you into a reckless villain, then yes, she is,” Applejack firmly replied.

Many people in the crowd gasped at the revelation that what was happing before their very eyes was actually another one of those big magical incidents that had on previous occasions caused all kinds of madness and destruction.

“Rarity, this is the version of your friends that will be popular,” argued Vignette as she gestured back at the holograms of the Throwbacks — who were currently standing perfectly still and did absolutely nothing like a bunch of statues. “I have the metrics to back that up!”

Rarity and Applejack both crossed their arms as they shared a look of disapproval, then turned their gazes back to Vignette without saying a word.

“Doesn’t matter if they’re real!” insisted Vignette desperately. “It’s what you show people online! This is your chance to be everything you’ve always wanted!”

“No!” Rarity shot back defiantly. “It’s a chance to merely look like everything I’ve always wanted!” She started to relax as she turned back to the others girls. “What I really want has been right in front of me the whole time…” She smiled at Applejack and held out her hand, to which Applejack also smiled and grasped with her own hand. “My friends!”

Around Rarity and Applejack, the rest of their friends also joined together. Sunset and Twilight joined hands with each other, with Twilight’s other hand grasping Applejack’s free hand. Pinkie Pie joined hands with Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, with Fluttershy grasping Rarity’s free hand. With all seven girls now hand in hand, their magical geodes started to glow. The intensely bright glow quickly covered their bodies as they began to rise up into the air. After a few seconds, the glow faded, revealing the seven Equestria Girls were now hovering in the air in their ponied up forms — they all had pony ears and longer hair like a tail, while some had either feathered wings on their back or a unicorn horn on their head — and their outfits had changed to be just like what they were given during the previous magical incident involving the Memory Stone.

Vignette stared up at the magical girls hovering before her. “Okay, that’s pretty impressive,” she admitted, “but I’ve already seen it in a video, so—”

“Silence!” shouted Rarity firmly down at Vignette. “No amount of online success is worth it without my real life friends to share in it!” She glanced left and right at her friends and smiled at them all, and they all smiled back at her.

Now joined together for a single cause, the seven girls channeled the magical energy within their geodes, bringing it all together upon Rarity in the middle of the group. Sparks of magical energy danced along Rarity’s arms as she let go of her friends, then channeled that energy into a long glowing whip. She swung that magical whip around once and then swiftly flicked it straight down directly at the phone in Vignette’s hand.


Vignette yelped as the magical whip pierced right through her phone. That 1x2 tile was split lengthwise in half as it flew out of her hand, and the two halves clattered to the floor of the stage. With that phone now completely destroyed, the magical energy trapped within was dispersed into nothing, and the custom design on the back of those halves reverted from a furiously scowling face back to the content smiling face it originally was. Without the magically enhanced apps from that phone, all of the holograms created by it — both the Throwbacks and the security guard clones all over the park — quickly flickered out of existence.

“What have you done?!” exclaimed Vignette furiously as she fell to her knees. “Now how can things ever be perfect?!”

The Equestria Girls slowly descended to land in front of Vignette upon the performance stage float. “I love nothing more than someone telling me I made a perfect outfit,” acknowledged Rarity, “but I’d say you got a bit carried away.”

“I-I… guess so…” confessed Vignette hesitantly.

“You guess so?!” asked Applejack in disbelief. “You replaced our friends with virtual holograms an’ were about to cram an entire crowd of people into a room no bigger than a Manehattan apartment!”

That revelation caused the crowd to gasp and start muttering words of displeasure.

“I-I… I had no idea…” muttered Vignette uneasily.

Sunset turned to Rarity and Applejack, both of whom turned to her and nodded. With that silent approval from her friends, she walked over to Vignette. “You sure about that?” she asked as she knelt down and grasped Vignette’s arm, which immediately caused her body to stiffen and her eyes glow white as she peered into Vignette’s memory.

It had been only a few hours after Vignette discovered the new magical ability that her phone now suddenly possessed. As much as she wished to try it out on many other things, she figured it wouldn’t be really necessary just yet with the opening of Equestria Land still two weeks away. Besides, she had plenty of other obligations to take care of, such as hiring a new lead parade costume designer on such short notice. Thankfully, she was pleasantly surprised to see one of the recent applicants for some other job in the park had a very promising résumé, which she was currently reading on her phone as she walked around the far end of the park near the big roller coaster and the ferris wheel.

“I think this Rarity girl might be just the right kind of person I need to pull off this parade,” she noted to herself in satisfaction. Now that she was convinced she had found the perfect individual to fill the sudden vacancy, she began composing an email to inform her soon-to-be new and highly trusted employee.

“Huh? How did that stress salad get in here?”

When Vignette had discovered her phone’s new ability, it was her stress salad that she had made disappear, so upon hearing about that particular kind of item, she immediately stopped what she was doing and turned to the source of that voice. She saw a security guard looking through an open doorway into a small building. Not hesitating to find answers, she quickly walked over to the building and lightly shoved the security guard out of the way. She looked inside the building and saw that it consisted of a single room with white walls, floor, and ceiling with bright overhead lights, and within that room was nothing more than a bowl of salad. She glanced at the photo she had recently taken and, sure enough, it was a perfect match to the one sitting in this weird room.

“Is that salad yours, Miss Valencia?” asked the security guard.

Vignette glanced back at the security guard she had quickly forgotten about, looked over at the bowl of salad sitting alone in the empty white room, then back to the guard and responded, “Uh, yes! I was… planning to do a photo shoot in here! But all the other props have yet to arrive, so, uh, could you please lock this door so no one tries to come in and steal it?” It was all a total lie, and she hoped the guard would buy it.

The security guard stared at Vignette with a raised eyebrow for a moment, then just shrugged and remarked, “Eh, you’re the boss.” He then pulled the door closed and used his keys to lock it shut.

“And while you’re at it,” added Vignette, “could you unlock the door to your workstation? I’d like to make a quick note on the floor plans so everyone knows that room will be occupied.”

“Sure thing,” acknowledged the security guard as he began walking back to said workstation.

As Vignette followed him, she decided to take this time to resume her email response to the one who would soon be the new lead parade costume designer. She had just barely finished and sent that email by the time they arrived at the security office.

As the guard left to do his rounds elsewhere, Vignette pulled out the floor plans and unrolled the one showing that building at the far end of the park. She set that sheet of paper down on the desk and grabbed a nearby pen. Now what kind of note should I write that’ll make sure everyone will stay away from that room? she thought to herself. She didn’t think the photoshoot room excuse she gave to that security guard would be good enough for most people, and she had no idea what that rather peculiar room was actually intended for anyway, so she thought about it and eventually settled on some tech terminology, since it was somehow linked to her phone. Unable to come up with anything better, she decided to simply call it a server room, with the additional note to “Keep Out”.

With that taken care of, Vignette put the floor plans back and left the security office. Now that she was confident no one would stumble across what appeared to be a storage room of things she would photograph on her newly enhanced phone, she decided to try some subtle experimentation over the next few days to figure out for sure what her phone was really capable of now. Unfortunately, with so many last-minute preparations and unforeseen setbacks over the next two weeks, she was unable to make any attempts to learn more about her new phone until just a couple days before opening day, when a sleeping Cranky Doodle became only the second thing to ever be captured by that magically enhanced device.

Sunset’s body relaxed and her eyes returned to normal as her glimpse into Vignette’s mind ended. She stepped back and suddenly exclaimed furiously, “You were aware of that room all along, weren’t you?!”

The rest of the girls gasped at that revelation, as did much of the crowd followed by more words of displeasure.

Vignette chuckled nervously and awkwardly explained, “I, uh, guess I forgot all about it. Too many other things to keep track of in a place like this, you understand, right?”

“You should’ve been much more responsible with that kind of magic right from the start,” argued Sunset. “Let’s hope for your sake you can afford a good lawyer, because once the lawsuits start heading your way, you won’t be able to use ignorance as a defense.”

“You sure got that right!”

All the girls on the performance stage float turned to the crowd and saw standing in front of everyone with his arms crossed and an angry look on his face was a certain businessman they were all familiar with.

“Filthy Rich?” asked Vignette, unable to hide her shock. “What are you doing here?”

“As owner of Equestria Land,” explained Filthy Rich with a tone of disapproval, “it was practically an obligation for me to attend what you’ve insisted to be the most significant event on opening day. I must say I am very disappointed in you, Miss Valencia, not because of the parade, but because you failed to obey one of the most important rules I insisted upon all of my employees: If you notice anything weird that one might consider caused by magic, report it immediately. Need I remind you why I instated that rule to all of my businesses?”

“It was done in response to that incident at Lego City involving Gloriosa Daisy,” answered Vignette, struggling to hide the nervous tone in her voice.

“Precisely!” Filthy Rich sharply continued. “That incident was a PR nightmare that forced me to significantly restructure every business affiliate under my name, all because I made the mistake of not respecting a powerful force that continues to affect our world in unpredictable ways. I’ve already had my reputation tarnished by one magical incident, and I refuse to let it happen again! Therefore, effective immediately… you’re fired.”

“What?!” exclaimed Vignette in shock. “Surely you don’t have to go that far, right?!”

“If you had done the right thing and turned in that phone the moment you realized it was suddenly more powerful than usual, then perhaps you could’ve kept your job,” explained Filthy Rich. “Instead, you kept that thing to yourself and abused its power, all without my knowledge. This incident was entirely your doing, so cutting all ties with you right here and now is the only way to ensure that I won’t face any liability for your actions.” He then pulled out his phone and started dialing. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to make a few calls to try finding a new PR manager for this park.” He gave a fierce glare toward Vignette as he sharply added, “Preferably someone who actually cares about public relations.” He then held his phone up to the side of his head as he began walking away.

Vignette slumped and let out a sad sigh. “I should’ve been better than this,” she muttered shamefully. “How could B.Y.B.B. have failed me so horribly?”

“It’s not a bad thing to want to be better,” assured Rarity, “but not at the expense of other people.” She smiled as she glanced around at the other girls. “And especially not your friends.”

“Friends?” muttered Vignette. She sighed as she stood up and turned away from the girls, then sadly confessed, “I have three million followers, but no real friends. How pathetic is that?” She sulked in silence for a moment, but when she felt a hand on her shoulder, she turned back and was surprised to see the smiling face of Rarity.

“You’ve got one… if you want,” offered Rarity.

“Make that two,” agreed Applejack as she stepped forward.

“Are you sure?” asked Vignette hesitantly. “Even after everything I did to you?”

“Let’s just say we’re known to be a rather forgiving group,” Rarity slyly remarked.

“An’ if you really are sorry for what you did,” assured Applejack, “Ah can promise the worst you’ll get will probably be a few months of community service.”

Vignette smiled slightly and softly said, “I think I can be okay with that.” She then shared a friendly embrace with Rarity.

It was at this moment when the surrounding crowd began to cheer excitedly.

As the Equestria Girls glanced over the crowd of minifigs, Pinkie Pie asked, “Why are they clapping? Do they even know what’s going on?”

Fluttershy responded with only a shrug.

Rainbow Dash had pulled out her phone and checked something on it. “Whoa!” She spoke up excitedly. “The Rainbooms are trending on SnapGab!”

Pinkie glanced over at Rainbow’s phone and upon reading one of the displayed comments, she excitedly exclaimed, “People are saying that rainbow laser thing was the coolest light parade show they’ve ever seen!”

Everyone on the float glanced across the crowd and saw the thousands of gathered people were taking pictures of them and chatting cheerfully with each other.

“Hey, maybe the parade ain’t ruined after all!” remarked Applejack with a friendly smile towards Rarity.

“We do still have our real instruments up there,” Sunset pointed out as she gestured at the main part of the performance stage.

Rainbow Dash turned to Fluttershy and asked, “You’re not too nervous?”

“I should ask you the same thing,” Fluttershy playfully retorted.

Rainbow nudged her elbow against Fluttershy and they both shared a giggle.

Rarity turned to Applejack and asked, “Do you mind if I start us off? I know just the song we should play for this occasion.”

Applejack smiled and nodded an approval.

“Don’t worry about me, girls,” assured Vignette as she gathered the fragments of her destroyed phone and made her way off the float. “This show’s all about you, as it should be.”

The seven Equestria Girls — or rather, for this occasion, the Sonic Rainbooms — gathered their instruments together, took their places on the stage, and did a brief sound check. Once they were sure everything was all set for the show, Rarity started off the first song of the evening, with best friend Applejack sharing the lead with her throughout much of that first song. The latest threat from Equestrian magic had been dealt with, and now it was time to celebrate.

Author's Note:

As part of making the final confrontation more epic (like I do in every major story in this series), I decided to give Micro Chips a significant role (unlike how the official version seemed to use him only for a one-off gag and then completely ignore his presence), despite my limited knowledge of technical terminology. And for those of you who argued that Vignette got off too easy in the official version, I figured losing her job at the park would be the least she deserved for her actions. There's still the epilogue left to go to tie up a few loose ends, and just like with all previous major stories, expect to see it up in one week.