• Published 7th Jun 2020
  • 454 Views, 17 Comments

Spiders and Loyalty: Maximum Shadows - Alvaxerox

A young girl name Isabelle Parker transferred to Canterlot High to get some for a special purpose. She is also a superhero name Spider-Tsundere. And She will face an enemy like that will decide the fate of Earth and Equestria.

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Chapter 11: The Shadow Invasion: Part 1

Multiverse saving, city saving. Nothing much compares to the biggest challenge Isabelle will face... And yet, still no sign from Tira. She must've disappeared leaving Isabelle to solve this mystery of the waves herself. Isabelle thought to herself. But that's not important, what is important is right now, the Pony of Shadows is coming to Earth and he's bringing forth an invasion force to consume the Earth into a forever shadow. She and her mom Penelope called their allies back at Neo-Tech City to come help out. They said they'll be arriving soon. So in the mean, Isabelle, her mother Penelope, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Wallflower Blush and Starlight Glimmer are the only line of defense before the cavalry arrive. "Any word on Tira?" Penelope asked her daughter.

"No. I bet she ditched us so we can do the hard work." Isabelle said. "I don't know she wanted to come here in the first place."

"Don't say that Isabelle." Penelope said.

"You know it's true. For all I know, she probably join the shadow just so she can learn how it feels to be the bad guy." Isabelle said. "And besides, this isn't fair, Rainbow Dash and I blow up the Pony of Shadows. How is there another one?"

"I don't know. but now we have one mission. Stop this invasion before it's too late." Penelope said.

"Your mama's right sugercube." Applejack said as she walks up to her. "Just because you think your friend is a coward, doesn't mean you should give up now."

"Well, your right about one thing, we can't give up." Isabelle said as she transforms into Spider-Tsundere. "Let's get ready."


Everyone gathered at CHS. Getting ready to fight. "Are you sure Sunset Shimmer said you me and Applejack are the ones strong enough?" Wallflower Blush asked.

"Yes." Rainbow Dash said. "And we know that the Pony of Shadows will come through that portal where the statue is."

"Look!" Spider-Tsundere said. "Something is coming out. And luckily I have something of Tira's that can shield the shadows from spreading."

"How does it work?" Applejack asked.

"It needs to be broken. It's like some kind of shield bomb." Spider-Tsundere said.

"Uh... Izzy, look." Spider-Guardain said to her daughter.

Spider-Tsundere saw someone familiar coming out of the portal. It was Tira Stars in her Iron Tsundere armor.

"So that's the Tira Stars girl you mentioned?" Applejack asked.

"Yep. Come on. Let's get down." Spider-Tsundere said as everyone got down. "Tira! Where have you been? Vacationing in Equestria?"

"You could say that." Iron Tsundere said. "But more like replicating the shadows to become an army of shadows moving with individuals of one mind. Behold... The shadows!"

Iron Tsundere transformed into a corrupted shadow, and others follow such as shadow Sunset Shimmer,

Princess Twilight Sparkle,

Spike, appeared as well. As well as the real Pony of shadows himself. He laughed maniacally as he walked out to the portal.

"Now my children... Attack!"

All the shadows attacked the remaining heroes. Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Starlight didn't want to hurt Princess Twilight. "Come on Twilight. We've been a lot of things to each other, but you've never been somebody's posse. The shadow Twilight screamed as she attacked Rainbow Dash.

"Sunset please, fight it. Your not evil anymore. Ya hear me, your not in your right mind!" Applejack yelled. But the shadow Sunset attacked Applejack like there was no tomorrow.

The shadow Iron Tsundere attacked both Spider-Guardain and Spider-Tsundere. "I know you didn't wanted us here to help. You just wanted to relax in a pony dimension. Admit it. You wanted this did you." Spider-Tsundere said as she uses her electric venom on the shadow Iron Tsundere.

"This isn't about me being lazy Isabelle!" Tira said as the shadow was screaming in pain. "It's about you! I never told you this but the pony of Shadows wants-" the shadow cut off Iron Tsundere's sentence. "Uh uh uh, no telling!"

"It wasn't about ditching us?" Spider-Tsundere said.

While fighting Shadow Princess Twilight, Starlight hesitated and shadow Twilight latched her shadow to her, making Starlight a fellow shadow. "Sorry guys." Starlight said her last words as her shadow form took over and roared in laughter.

"Isabelle, you and Rainbow Dash get out of here. Your mama, Wallflower and I will take care of these monsters." Applejack said as she punches Shadow Sunset Shimmer.

"But... I can't leave you." Spider-Tsundere said.

"You have too. Don't worry about us. We'll hold them off as long as we can. Applejack is right. And besides you two defeated the first Pony of Shadows before. You can do it again." Spider-Guardain said. "Now go! Now!"

"Come on Isabelle, it's not safe. Sometimes to most loyal thing to do, is to retreat and think up another plan." Rainbow Dash said.

"No! I won't leave my mom. I don't want to lose her again!" Spider-Tsundere said.

"I know you're scared cause you thought your mom died but if we don't go now, we'll become shadows just like them. Now come on!" Rainbow Dash said as she holds Spider-Tsundere's hand. They ran to a rooftop somewhere in Canterlot City. "Alright, we should be safe here." Rainbow Dash thinks as she said.

"We have to go back." Spider-Tsundere said. "My mom needs me."

"We have to stop the Pony of Shadows first. Once he's destoryed your mom will be safe too. Trust me." Rainbow Dash said.

"Right, sorry. So what are we going to do?" Spider-Tsundere asked.

"I don't know. I just left so we can rest and think up something new before we have to think up a new plan." Rainbow Dash said.

"Hmmm... I think I have an idea. But the item we'll need is back in CHS." Spider-Tsundere said.

"Well with any luck, the Pony of Shadows will be sending his troops after us. We can use that shield bomb once we get in the school." Rainbow Dash said. "And I know the perfect guys to help."

A guy in a green and yellow spandex suit was running from the shadow Sunset Shimmer and Wallflower Blush,

but then a an energy beam shot the shadow Sunset back. "Some anniversary this is huh Midnight?" A girl with dark green hair said.

"You can say that again Juniper." The guy said.

Suddenly they were webbed to the rooftop. "Wolf Spider, Mirror Spider I presume?" Spider-Tsundere said as she climbed down from her web.

"That depends, who are you?" Juniper said.

"I'm Isabelle Parker, also known as Spider-Tsundere. Rainbow Dash sent me to find you." Spider-Tsundere said.

"Oh good. If you know Rainbow Dash, that okay." Wolf Spider said. "What's happened around Canterlot City? One minute we were having a fine date, the second we were attacked by some black looking monster."

"Long story short. This city is about to overrun with shadows. And Rainbow Dash told me to get you. We may have a plan." Spider-Tsundere said.

Rainbow Dash flew in just in time. "Hey Midnight, long time no see." She said. "Hey Juniper."

"Rainbow Dash, were you followed?"

"I think so..." Rainbow Dash said. "I was occupied when my friend Spider-Tsundere went to get you."

"So your a fellow spider?" Wolf Spider asked.

"Yeah." Spider-Tsundere said.

"Well its nice to meey you." Wolf Spider said as he shakes her hand.

Just then Spider-Tsundere's spider sense went off. "Uh guys. LOOK OUT!"

Someone crushed down the rooftop and everyone fell int he debris. Everyone managed to survive, and they see Wallflower Blush as a shadow walking towards.

"The stone has taken route. Our mission is nearly complete. Others will soon... Follow." Shadow Wallflower said as she shoots some rocks at Spider-Tsundere. Then Wolf Spider attacked Wallflower, and other shadows came. Shadow Starlight Glimmer,

and later Shadow Spider-Guardian.

"Mom? Oh no..." Spider-Tsundere said. At the shadows were about to pile on the spider hero. Rainbow Dash managed to throw them away.

"Grab on!" Rainbow Dash said as she held out her hand. Spider-Tsundere jumped to her hand and grabbed it, and she saw Wolf Spider holding onto Rainbow's hand as Juniper Montage held on to Wolf Spider's hand. "Hang on. We're getting the hell out of here." Rainbow Dash used her speed.

"Sorry guys. Gotta run!" Spider-Tsundere said to the shadow infected.


"Boy this is bad. This is really really bad!" Wolf Spider said.

"No kidding. How long will it take for those shadows to come?" Rainbow Dash said.

"I'm guessing an hour." Spider-Tsundere said. "And whatever that stone the Shadow Labyrinth was talking about. It must be that Space stone."

"Your a genius Spider-Tsundere." Juniper said. "But what does an infinity stone have to do with this Horse of Shadows?"

"We originally thought that Pony of Shadows was using the space stone to terraform the Earth." Rainbow Dash said.

"But... What if he wasn't." Spider-Tsundere said.

"What do you mean?" Juniper asked.

"Maybe the Pony of Shadows of sending a signal to his primary source? That could explain his nightmarish form." Spider-Tsundere said. "He was letting the rest of him know that this planet is ready to be taken over."

"So that means the Space Stone is like some kind of communication device?" Wolf Spider asked. "If so... where is it now?"

"Its in CHS. And I know just the person to get over there." Spider-Tsundere said.

To be continued...