• Published 7th Jun 2020
  • 452 Views, 17 Comments

Spiders and Loyalty: Maximum Shadows - Alvaxerox

A young girl name Isabelle Parker transferred to Canterlot High to get some for a special purpose. She is also a superhero name Spider-Tsundere. And She will face an enemy like that will decide the fate of Earth and Equestria.

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Chapter 14: The Shadow Invasion: Part 4

Thr Nightmare Pony of Shadows shot a blast of his dark magic at Spider-Tsundere while she was web swinging away with Celestia. They both fell. And Shadow Midnight Fire, Shadow Ken and Shadow Zo charged at them. Celestia got her baseball bat and attacked the shadow Princess Twilight, Shadow Spider Guardian and Shadow Iron Tsundere. Rainbow Dash was attacking Shadow Applejack and Shadow Dualshock. But they were no match. It was just the five of them. But then Spider-Girl kicked Shadow Midnight Fire. "Twilight. You came."

"Other Twilight?" Shadow Twilight Sparkle said.

"Long time no see other me." Spider-Girl said. "I I haven't come alone."

Wolf Spider charged in as hard as he can. "I may be in bandages but I'm still kicking damn it." He said as he was fighting Shadow Juniper Montage.

"But he's not the only one I brought to fight." Spider-Girl said as a man wearing what looks like old formal clothes ran in with a held item.

"Who is he? He looks like he came from the old days."

"Pardon me miss. My name is Stygian. I was the one who became the Pony of Shadow 1000 years ago. But thanks to Princess Twilight and my her friends and mine, they freed me." He said. "Twilight told me about the Nightmare Pony of Shadows and so i came to your world to help. And this world's Twilight believes this could help with stopping the invasion."

Celestia recognized the item. "Twilight's magic capture device of course. We can modify it with Isabelle's blood and the shadow substance and create the anti shadow."

"I figured my device could be use for good." Twilgiht said. "Stygian, I'll need your help with your magic."

Celestia, Twilight and Stygian ran to the next room to work on the anti shadow while Spider-Tsundere, Rainbow Dash and Wolf Spider were fighting off the shadow infected. Kasai managed to join the fight and told Spider-Tsundere that Shadow Midnight Fire was burning up. "Apparently he still hasn't let go of the death of his friend Cora." She said.

"Then there's a chance he can break free." Spider-Tsundere said. "I can take him on." But then a web line got shot on her back and she was yanked in the room Celestia and the others were. "Hey what the hell? I was about to free my boyfriend."

"Isabelle, we made the anti shadow." Celestia said. "But we were planning on making Stygian the one to use it, but..."

"But what?" Spider-Tsundere asked.

"The anti shadow doesn't accept me because it linked with your blood. So the only one capable of using the anti shadow is..." Stygian stopped his sentence.

"Is you." Twilight said. "Since the anti shadow was made with your blood and the shadow substance we got from Luna and Starlight. You are the capable of using it to cure the city."

"Me? But I don't know if its a good idea." Spider-Tsundere said. "I mean I know I once controlled the synthetic shadow before. But the Anti shadow, that's a little different."

"Isabelle you can control the synthetic shadow before, heck you even destroyed the space stone." Celestia said. "Rainbow Dash told me about that.

"About that. Half of the space stone power has become a part of electrical venom." Spider-Tsundere said.

"Even better." Twilight said. "You can use the space stone's powers open multiple portals around the city to spread the cure all over."

Spider-Tsundere thought long and hard. "This is our only shot Isabelle." Stygian said. "You are this world's and my world's only hope."

"Do it. Hurry." Spider-Tsundere said.

Celestia got the modified capture device ready. "Here goes." She said as she shot released the Anti shadow onto Spider-Tsundere.

The Anti shadow latched onto Spider-Tsundere. Changing her completely... Into a new being... She ran to the shadow infected. "Shadows of darkness. Your time is over."she said.

"What the heck!" The Nightmare Pony of Shadows said. "What are you?"

"I am the life light of hope. I am the darkness of light, I am your destruction and your cleansing..." Spider-Tsundere said as she calls herself by a new name.

"I am... The Pony of Light." She opened multiple portals and spread her tendrils all over Canterlot City. Including the observatory as she sings.

"Colors weave into a spire of flame
Distant sparks call to a past still unnamed
Bear this torch against the cold of the night
Search your soul and reawaken the undying light!"

"Look, she's doing it!" Twilight said. "The portals are spreading out the cure. The shadows are burning away."

"On that day when the sky fell away
Our world came to an end
In our eyes, did a fading sun rise
In the dark glimmering shadows. Silence grows in the spaces between
Stretching out beyond time
Rising up as a chorus of souls
Find a voice. Flickering through the void.
These little sparks cling on to life
Everyone caught in the struggle
And then the storms of change
They fan the flames
Scattering ashes to the wind! Every soul contains a whisper of light
Gleaming faintly as it dwindles from sight
No escape, no greater fate to be made
In the end the chains of time will not break. Colors weave into a spire of flame
Distant sparks call to a past still unnamed
Bear this torch against the cold of the night. Search your soul and reawaken the undying light!"

The Pony of light's anti shadow spread all over the city. Everyone's shadow are burning. "NO! STOP HER!!!" The NIghtmare Pony of Shadows said.

"As fate spins
A thread without end
New life draws it's first breath
Blossoming in a soil reclaimed from the past
Where destiny holds fast
Here where we stand
Hand clenched in hand
Everyone caught in the struggle
This is the day we finally find our way
Stepping into our tomorrow!

Every soul contains a whisper of light
Growing louder as it calls to unite
From the distance sings a chorus of souls
Rising slowly, stirring heat from the coals
Colors weave into a spire of flame
Distant sparks call to a past still unnamed
Bear this torch against the cold of the night
Light will guide you on your way to the ultimate fight!"

All of Spider-Tsundere's friends and family were finally free from the shadows. Rainbow Dash and Twilight sing with the pony of light.

"Every soul contains a whisper of light
Growing louder as it calls to unite
From the distance sings a chorus of souls
Rising slowly, stirring heat from the coals
Colors weave into a spire of flame
Distant sparks call to a past still unnamed
Bear this torch against the cold of the night
Light will guide you on your way to the ultimate fight!"

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO...." The Nightmare Pony of Shadows scramaed in pain as he was being cleansed by the pony of Light and got evaporated out of existence along with the last of his shadow. He was finally gone. The Pony of Shadows and his clone were no more. The nightmare is finally over. Spider-Tsundere, Rainbow Dash and Celestia did it. They won.

The dark clouds faded away now that the Pony of Shadows was gone forever and the sun shines on a brand new day. Everyone that was infected by the Shadows was cured. Every last one. Isabelle took off her mask and hugged her boyfriend Chadwick Franco aka Midnight Fire and gave him a kiss. "I thought I lost you." She said.

"And you saved me again. I'll never forget that Isabelle." Chad said.

"You did Isabelle. You saved us. And the world." Xira said as she and Sasha have Isabelle a hug.

"We are so proud of you Izzy." Penelope said.

"That's my girl." Ken said.

"Mama, Daddy." Isabelle embraced the hug a little longer. "I'm so happy I got you back."

"It's okay Isabelle. We're all okay now thanks to you." Penelope said.

Rainbow Dash and Celestia walked up to Isabelle and gave her a hug. "Never thought we could pull this off." Celestia said.

"Yeah. But we are the awesomest team ever!" Rainbow Dash said as she gave Isabelle a high five.

"If it weren't for you 3. Both our worlds would be lost in the darkness." Princess Twilight said. "Isabelle. Equestria owes you a debt of gratitude."

"You mean..." Isabelle said. "Equestria is restore to normal too?"

"See for yourself. You still have the power of the infinity gem inside you." Stygian said.

So Isabelle used the remaining power of the space stone to open a window to Equestria. The anti shadow light has burned out the shadow from existence in Equestria. "Wow. I guess I saved 2 worlds today." Isabelle said.

"Indeed. Thank you Isabelle Parker. You and your friends and family are welcomed to visit Equestria anytime you want." Princess Twilight said.

"We didn't do it alone. We had help." Celestia said.

Princess Twilight looked at her human counterpart and a familiar face. "Midnight Wolf, Other me. It's great to see you again." She said.

"It's nice to see you again too Twilight." Midnight said. "You look beautiful."

"You as well. I missed you." Princess Twilight said.

"Me too. But it was nice to see you again." Midnight said as he gives Princess Twilight a hug.

"Hey other me. Looks like you didn't get the full credit for saving out worlds this time." Princess Twilight said to her human counterpart.

"Yeah. Isabelle is special. She saved Canterlot City this time." Twilight said.

Princess Twilight saw her student Starlight Glimmer coming out from the ruined observatory. "Starlight! Are you okay."

"Twilight. Your okay. And Sunset?"

"I'm good." Sunset said. "It will take more then a shadow parasite to destroy me." They all embraced eachother in a hug.


Something was glowing in Rainbow Dash's pocket. "Oh yeah I forgot. I took the space stone away from the office so that no one takes it away." She said as she took the space stone out from her pocket. "It's glowing for some reason."

"It must be sensing the rest of its power." Celestia said as she and Rainbow Dash look at Isabelle.

"I still have the space stone's power when I destroyed it. Give it to me Rainbow." Isabelle said. Rainbow Dash handed it over to Isabelle. As the stone was in Isabelle's hand. It sucked all of the space stone's power back into itself. "The space stone has regain its full power back. And I can send you back home."

Isabelle opened a portal to Equestria. "Thank you everything Isabelle." Stygian said.

"We won't forget you." Starlight said.

"So long... Darkness of Light." Princess Twilight said as the 3 of them walked into the portal back to Equestria.

Rainbow Dash sees Applejack and gets her back up. "You alright AJ?" She asked.

"Ah will be. Sorry for hurt ya." Applejack said.

"It's okay. I just got to learn not to be a bad loser." Rainbow Dash said.

"Ah like to say something to your new friend." Applejack said a she walked up to Isabelle. "Hey kid. Ya did good."

"A quarter of the credit should go to Rainbow Dash and Celestia." Isabelle said. "I started to lose all hope. But Celestia's wisdom and Rainbow Dash's loyalty. I never lost faith."

"Yeah. Rainbow is loyal to her friends even when they give up." Applejack said. "I'm a little too weak to get back home."

"Well I used up of my pony superpowers fighting off you and the shadows." Rainbow Dash said. "I'll walk you home." She turns at Isabelle. "See you later Isabelle."

"You too Rainbow Dash. Bye." Isabelle said as she waves goodbye to her new friends Rainbow Dash and Applejack. The she sees Celestia walking away with Luna. "Celestia? Where are you going?" She asked.

"I'm taking my sister home. I'm still suspended but she needs her rest after being taken over by the shadow." Celestia said.

"Thank you for saving us all Isabelle." Luna said. "I won't forget what you and my sister have done for me and this city."

"It was nice meeting you Isabelle. If you ever find yourself in New York City. Let me know. I bet you and my boyfriend Peter Parker would be good friends." Twilight said.

"I like that." Isabelle said as she shake hands with Twilight. "I can use the space stone to send you back to New York." Twilight nodded and Isabelle opened a portal to New York City.

"Catch you on the flipside... Spider-Tsundere." Twilight said.

"See you next time... Spider-Girl." Isabelle said as she waves goodbye and Twilight enters the portal back to New York.

"I'll see you around Isabelle. And thanks for saving me. Your a good kid." Sunset said. "So what are you gonna do with the space stone?"

"It's easy." Isabelle opened a portal to void and then she activated her electric venom and destoryed the space stone again. "The space stone is too dangerous to keep safe here. I managed to portal to a black void where it can never be found and repair again." Isabelle blew the pieces of the space stone through the portal. And the portal closed. "It was nice to see you Sunset."

"Nice to see you too Isabelle." Sunset said. "Take care." She said as Isabelle waves goodbye at her.

"Um... Isabelle?" Tira said from a distance.

Isabelle heard Tira's voice and walked to her. "Hey listen, Tira. About what I said. About ditching my mom and me. I'm sorry."

"I'm the one who should be sorry. I had no idea I could be under the Pony of Shadows's spell. But you saved me. And I'm in indebted to you." Tira said. "and after everything I don't even want to know how Canterlot City became part of our Earth."

"I wanted to tell you about it before the shadow invasion came. I know how." Isabelle said as Penelope, Tira, Ken, Xira, Chad, Sasha and Kasai listened. "2 years ago. Twilight aka Spider-Girl and her friends were fighting a genocidal monster name Crimson Black aka Kavitor who wanted to kill every single Twilight Sparkle in the multiverse. And when they defeated Crimson Black, his death unleashed a multiverseal cosmic explosion resetting the Earth and it reached our Earth merging with this their earth. That's why Canterlot City is part of our world. The explosion from stopping Crimson Black cause a cataclysmic explosion that merged our world with theirs."

Everyone's mind was blown at what Isabelle said. "Cass closed." Tira said.

"And since we're all here in Canterlot City. Let's head back to the apartment and set up some multiple rooms." Penelope said.

"Good idea Mom." Isabelle said as she detranaforms completely back to normal. Everyone walked on the sidewalk as part of the brand new day.

Next: Epilogue...