• Published 13th Aug 2019
  • 552 Views, 3 Comments

The Monkey's Paw - Black Hailstorm

Forced into taking a break from her lessons Twilight Sparkle picks up a curious book with a interesting cover at Walden's Hall of Books, and gives it a read. After all, who doesn't like a good folktale from a distant land?

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During my explorations of the Monkey Provinces I began my research in the rulers of its past. Its locals, its culture, and the devoted respect they have to their rulers goes back all the way into a time during Discord's rule. Tracing back in particular to The Kind King of the East, King Fang, known by his real name King Xi Fang.

Xi Fang was the second Prince of the Long Fang Family, the most influential Prince of any Monkey Dynasty during Discourse and the successor to his brother, Xi Chow.

When Chow was executed by the western kingdoms at the defeat over land owned by the Apean Turfs (now Kong Territory), by his rival the Ape King Tau. Upon the message of his brother's death it is said Xi Fang became the successor to the kingdom and was thrown into a tense rule where war was near at the slightest nudge.

Contrary to our belief unlike the critters in our forests, particularly those of Everfree, Monkeys are an exceptionally intelligent sapient race and the Apes seemed to be their equal and their rival. I have heard my contemporaries have said that these two are not at all Sapient and walk along a unclear line close to it. I however would like to ask such travelers to suggest such an opinion to one of their rulers.

Unlike Equestrian government, the Monkey's held a noble system that was ruled by multiple royals, instead of a system like our diarchy or former aristocracy that yielded majority power to a single House. These royalties held control over various parts of their land, fended against invaders and did not rely on familial relations to maintain the unity of their bonds across territories. They argued over authority and ownership with their northwestern enemies on the other side of their nation, the Apes, over a central region of land that granted each access to the River of Gold1.

As a ruler during Discord's time where the concept of time and the laws of everything no longer mattered, it is exceptionally difficult to pinpoint the exact when of Xi Fang's birth and how long he lived after Discourse. Whether he was born before it and ruled during it, or was born in it and ruled through it or not, is a blurred line I cannot find.
N1:Find sections titled River Gold & War Against Lyca.

SN 1: War Against Lyca covers battles fought against the Lupian Empire of the Wolves and the Royal Fox Brigade that served them at the time, versus the United Monkey Provinces

Due to the lack of consistency found in most nations during Discourse, even here there are many scholarly debates on the topic of his birth, as Xi Fang was said to have been the one that led the unity between the Monkey Provinces while others claim he inspired the unity but did not actually live to see it. These various viewpoints ultimately draw me to the conclusion that King Xi Fang was indeed born at some point in Discourse. By hypothesis I reason Xi Fang was born during the Second Period of Discourse of the three periods marking Discord's rule and fall.

This is chosen not out of pure fact from what I have learned, but from pure theory. The Second Period marks the era where Discord has (as we believe) obtained full dominion over the world. At this period he no longer plays with the government bodies that oppose him or makes random appearances off and on but maintains his presence for longer periods of time in a region before disappearing again then later returning. It is now my belief, these moments of disappearance and temporary drop of chaos magic in Equestria were due to Discord going to other nations to maximize the effect of his reign across the world.

As a result it is through this I assume that Xi Fang's appearance begins here. Discord's presence in these regions occurs during the western kingdoms owned by the Apes and eastern kingdoms owned by the Moneky's falling into increasingly high conflict. It is through this conflict that the legends so closely tied to King Xi Fang begin to emerge and where the legend of the Monkey's Paw begins.

Legend has it the Monkey's Paw has multiple abilities relating to luck, fortune, and the manipulation of fate and reality. Simply holding it or having it grants for a lucky day but was believed to weaken the holder when held for too long. This did not seem to apply to King Xi Fang, who was historically known as being extraordinarily lucky. Whether he possessed it during his reign as some theories say, or his magical luck was just that high remains to be discussed. However it is believed his luck was unrivalled, even after having to cut off his dominant right arm after being severely wounded in battle2 where death or immediate infection would have been the norm from such a risky procedure.

According to the most common legend, this mystical hand or paw belonged to Xi Fang. As he was the luckiest ruler to ever grace the Monkey Provinces, this reasoning makes sense. Though there is no way to fully prove this outside the feats he performed and the coincidence of his missing limb.

Historically King Xi Fang is known as the Kind King of the East because in any conflict he fought in (he fought many conflicts) the number of casualties recorded are significantly smaller than the casualties under any King before and after him. Before Xi Fang, conflicts were often ended in a bloody display3 of dominance. During the prime of his rule and others following, this tradition was ended. From records its believed this was a tradition done to assert one's position as Alpha over others, to assert one's position of dominance or recognition of respect by peers.

With this we come to a change in topic regarding the Monkey's Paw.

There are many stories that suggest different versions of how Xi Fang and how this Paw relate to one another. Some dictate that Xi Fang's arm was taken from him after his death. Cut away by a servant or his own son, Touji, to impart his luck upon the Kingdom after his passing. Enchantments or magical herbs placed and replenished for centuries to maintain the health of the hand to prevent Xi Fang's luck from fading.

Others say that Xi Fang lost one battle against an opposing king from the Monkey Provinces of his own land. In order to spare his troops the traditional act of being killed to display the victor's power, Xi Fang demanded his opponent chop off his right arm and take his dominant hand instead, in exchange of the lives of his troops.

There are some versions that state Discord himself (in the guise of the Wandering Jester he was known in these lands), blessed Xi Fang with luck. Only just to see what kind of misfortune would befall those that crossed the Kind King or if it would warp his heart like power had his predecessors.

N2: In reference to the injury and loss of King Xi Fang's arm it is debatable whether he lost it in battle.

N3: The bloody traditions of the royal heads were only conducted internally in the Monkey Provinces. Royalty were spared of death due to political ties and needs, as well as to avoid the wrath of the subjects under that ruler but against outsiders the leading head would be humiliated in front of their army before all were executed.

This brings us to the other legends relating to Xi Fang that I have heard during my time in these regions.

King Xi Fang was said to be of exceptional good fortune. He enjoyed the happiness of his subjects that he desired to share his own good fortune. He created a court that allowed his subjects, to meet him and ask of a blessing (of a sensible kind) that he could grant them one thing, all he asked in exchange was a small fee of dun.

The only useful evidence I have found of this, is the historic Battle of Haojin, where a general asked the king's blessing for victory in battle as he went off to support their troops in the defense Haojin city. An army of 500 Monkeys from three different Provinces including his own kingdom, against an army of 15,000 of Ape King Lee Ten's soldiers. The battle that took place there from the records I have been shown had the lowest body count, as well as a turn around that went in King Xi Fang's favor.

This was said to be one of the examples that King Xi Fang had the power to share his luck with others. A gift that gave him the ability to grant wishes. Something believed to extend to the Monkey's Paw.

According to legends I've followed to this point there are many that believe this to be true. As after the Fang Dynasty fell the legends of the Monkey's Paw began to spread all across the nation and even went as far to reach the ears of Equestrians like myself centuries later.

It is believed the Princesses see it as merely a rumor and generally tend to deflect from this topic relating to the legend. Trivialities, as many would seem to see it.

The Monkey's Paw is said to grant luck by any that hold it, gift its holder a deteriorating number of wishes going as far as five, and is known to require some sort of penalty or fee in exchange for its wishes.

From what I've learned, if it really can grant wishes, its better off left alone. The penalties just don't seem to be worth it.

There are stories of those who wished to marry into royalty to better their lives, and were granted the request only to be thrown into war and then have their subjects turn and blame them for everything. Death by hanging or stoning, sometimes particularly bad endings relating to some of the royalties get pretty gruesome and are often tied to the Paw.

Rumors of those wanting magical artifacts and wishing for it only to have the Monkey's Paw bring it to them by coincidence and end it with them holding it as the life leaves their eyes.

The Monkey's Paw is said to have been King Xi Fang's strictly because of his own magical connection to luck and his ability to grant fortune, but if you ask me, I believe it grants more harm than it does good.

At least if the tales told about all those chasing after it are true.

The only good thing I've learned about it, is that it never stays in one place. Once used, it vanishes. Travelling around the cycle till it finds its way around4.

N4: It is believed only 3 wishes remain of the Monkey's Paw.

Twilight closed the book. She said nothing as she stared at the cover and thought about what she'd just learned.

Stained Ink was well known for documenting all sorts of magical concepts pertaining to cultures outside Equestria. This one, wasn't one she found she liked.

She agreed with Stained. She hoped this thing didn't exist.

She doubted King Xi Fang would be happy knowing his gift (she couldn't stiffle the shiver at the thought of somepony cutting it off him) was being treated like a tool of personal gain.

Lips curving into a frown Twilight got up from her desk, and began the slow trot to look for where this book belonged. Tossing the occasional glance at the vague shapes of a legendary dead king's possible missing hand.

Comments ( 3 )

Good work

That was a good story.

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