• Published 14th Aug 2012
  • 800 Views, 1 Comments

Radiant Night - Not

Some ponies dance, some sing, and some... make beer, wine, and whiskey for the bar at a brothel.

  • ...

Growing Apart, Growing Together.

She got up earlier than everypony else. She always got up early. Breakfast was just starting to be served. It was easy enough to get out of the car without waking anypony. Radiant made her way toward the dining car.

The sun would be rising in a few minutes, so she found a nice seat to watch. It didn't take long for a waiter to take her order. Hash browns, 3 plate sized pancakes, and a citrus salad, with cranberry juice to drink. Celestia's disc was just peaking over the horizon as her food arrived. At almost that same moment Clover sat down opposite her.

"What got you up so early, Radiant?"

She shrugged. "It's just my regular schedule. How about you?"

He struggled to hide a blush. "You were missing."

'Well he's cute. I'll admit that.' Radiant mused. "Care to watch the sunrise with me?"

They gazed out the window as the light rose. Radiant taking a bite of her food every now and again. He really seemed to like her, and only one thought went through her head. 'How can I let him down easy?' He was getting off and visiting family, then going back south toward home. She was going farther north, and not coming back for a few years. She couldn't lead him on for that long. Besides, would he even want to be with someone who lived in some place like she did? Did he really want to date a bartender who lived in a brothel? Even if he did, as an adult all employees are on call, and there's no way he would go for that. Even with all this... she would tell him tomorrow. At least they could have one day together, right?

His order arrived at that time.

Radiant was surprised. "When did you order?"

"Just before coming to sit with you. I'm glad half of it's done."

"Half?" They had already set four plate sized pancakes, two salads, a daisy sandwich, and three cups of orange juice in front of him. How could he be getting more?!?

He was snickering at the look on her face. "I was joking. This is all of it. For a second you thought it was possible though, right?"

She laughed. "You jerk! Yeah, I might have thought it was possible." Radiant had a little plan to get back at him though. "I have a question for you."


She smiled, but didn't look directly at him as she asked. "Why did you sleep on the floor last night?"

He shrugged. "Because you had one bench, and my sisters had the other."

She raised an eyebrow and looked at him. "When did I say that you couldn't join me?"

He stopped mid bite, and his mouth hung open. "Uh... um. I mean."

Radiant was hysterical. "There, now we're even."

Clover smiled. "I'm the jerk?" He let out a laugh and continued eating.

They talked a while longer until he was done. Then they walked back to the car together. They opened the door to Rose, and Lily waking up.

Lily smiled still half asleep. "You two get up early for a date?"

"We did eat breakfast together, but I didn't really plan on it. Did you, stud?"

Clover looked away and up to the right. "Maybe."

Radiant giggled. "You only have a few more hours before they stop serving breakfast. Better hurry!"

Rose spoke this time. "Only a few hours? How ever will we make it!"

"You never know. Clover could have eaten it all by now."

Rose rolled her eyes. "It wouldn't be the first time."

"Hey! I didn't know it was for everypony!" Clover defended himself.

Rose put a hoof on his shoulder. "It was a buffet. All you can eat wasn't a challenge."

Radiant raised an eyebrow and took a seat. "You ate an entire all you can eat buffet yourself? That's quite the feat. Now how in the world do you manage to stay thin?"

Clover puffed out his chest. "Pure skill."

"And the working for a taxi service pulling ponies all around town eight hours a day doesn't hurt either." Rose cut in. "Come on Lily. Let's leave the lovers alone, and get some food."

Radiant smirked. "You give him too much credit. We haven't gone that far yet."

Lily spoke up. "Yet?"

"Well he's kind and not hard on the eyes. Give him some time. He has a chance." She gestured to the door. "Shoo, get food. If you don't eat soon after you wake up it'll mess with your metabolism!" She ushered the two mares out the door. Then she sat down, and turned to face Clover. "What?"

He was giving her an odd look. "I really have a chance?"

"Yeah. Why wouldn't you?"

He sat down on the other side of the bench she was on. He blushed and couldn't quite make eye contact with her. "Well, you're just so fun, and pretty, and I was sure that you'd already have a coltfriend."

She scooted closer to him. "I don't really meet many colts worth talking to in my line of work."

He looked at her surprised. "Why's that?"

It was her turn to blush and look away. "I work at a bar in my uncle's inn, and the patrons aren't the kind that you'd... really want to get in a relationship with."

He nodded. "Businessponies, and families, right?"

"Not so much families..." Just tell him. It's not that big of a deal. If anything's gonna happen he'll have to know eventually. Right? "It's... um." She let out a breath. "Promise you won't judge me too harshly?"

Clover was confused. "Sure. I promise."

She was staring at the floor. "My uncle owns a brothel."

He shifted and almost hurt himself in confusion. "What?"

"A cathouse, a whorehouse, a building full of prostitutes!" She snapped at him. Then when she saw his face she calmed down. "Sorry. I just... I get judged whenever I go into town. I hate it. I just work at the bar. I don't have any place else to stay."

He used a hoof to turn her face so that he could look into her eyes. "It's okay."

She shook her head. "Huh?"

He smiled at her. "I said it's fine. I don't care what your job is. You're kind, fun, pretty, and are probably fun to drink with. I know mares that do charity work, and get money from working at a daycare. They're sisters. One is boring, and the other one just makes snide comments all the time." He kissed her hoof. "Your job doesn't tell me anything. I like you."

Her eyes started tearing up a bit as she pulled him into a better kiss. "Didn't take as long as I thought." They talked and sat together until his sisters came back. One thought was going through her head. This made tomorrow so much harder.